]> jfr.im git - irc/freenode/web-7.0.git/blob - content/news/2017-12-05-joe-job-spam.md
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[irc/freenode/web-7.0.git] / content / news / 2017-12-05-joe-job-spam.md
1 ---
2 author: bigpresh
3 date: 2017-12-05 09:00:00+00:00
4 slug: joe-job-spam
5 title: "Joe-Job" spam on other networks referring to freenode
6 category: community
7 category: general
8 category: freenode
9 ---
11 It has come to our attention that someone is going around other IRC networks,
12 spamming channels with racist messages which suggest that they are promoting a
13 channel here on freenode, and that we are aware and supportive of such.
15 We are monitoring the situation, but there's little we can do when they're
16 targetting other networks, but we'd like to clarify that we of course do not
17 support any racist or hate-inciting behaviour, which is strictly against our
18 [terms of use](http://freenode.net/policies), and that the channel(s) referenced
19 in the spam messages are in no way connected to the spam - rather they are
20 innocent victims of a "[Joe Job](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_job)"
21 designed to disrupt them as well as freenode.
23 Since there's little we can do to stop it on other networks, reporting each
24 individual sighting, particularly in #freenode, is of limited value and likely
25 to cause more noise than signal, but feel free to message a staffer (use the
26 `/stats p` command to see who's available) if you have concerns, or particularly
27 if you are part of the oper/staff team on another affected network and want to
28 talk to us.