]> jfr.im git - yt-dlp.git/blob - yt_dlp/downloader/http.py
[cleanup] Mark some compat variables for removal (#2173)
[yt-dlp.git] / yt_dlp / downloader / http.py
1 from __future__ import unicode_literals
3 import os
4 import ssl
5 import time
6 import random
8 from .common import FileDownloader
9 from ..compat import (
10 compat_urllib_error,
11 compat_http_client
12 )
13 from ..utils import (
14 ContentTooShortError,
15 encodeFilename,
16 int_or_none,
17 parse_http_range,
18 sanitized_Request,
19 ThrottledDownload,
20 try_call,
21 write_xattr,
22 XAttrMetadataError,
23 XAttrUnavailableError,
24 )
26 RESPONSE_READ_EXCEPTIONS = (TimeoutError, ConnectionError, ssl.SSLError, compat_http_client.HTTPException)
29 class HttpFD(FileDownloader):
30 def real_download(self, filename, info_dict):
31 url = info_dict['url']
32 request_data = info_dict.get('request_data', None)
34 class DownloadContext(dict):
35 __getattr__ = dict.get
36 __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
37 __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
39 ctx = DownloadContext()
40 ctx.filename = filename
41 ctx.tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename)
42 ctx.stream = None
44 # Do not include the Accept-Encoding header
45 headers = {'Youtubedl-no-compression': 'True'}
46 add_headers = info_dict.get('http_headers')
47 if add_headers:
48 headers.update(add_headers)
50 is_test = self.params.get('test', False)
51 chunk_size = self._TEST_FILE_SIZE if is_test else (
52 self.params.get('http_chunk_size')
53 or info_dict.get('downloader_options', {}).get('http_chunk_size')
54 or 0)
56 ctx.open_mode = 'wb'
57 ctx.resume_len = 0
58 ctx.block_size = self.params.get('buffersize', 1024)
59 ctx.start_time = time.time()
61 # parse given Range
62 req_start, req_end, _ = parse_http_range(headers.get('Range'))
64 if self.params.get('continuedl', True):
65 # Establish possible resume length
66 if os.path.isfile(encodeFilename(ctx.tmpfilename)):
67 ctx.resume_len = os.path.getsize(
68 encodeFilename(ctx.tmpfilename))
70 ctx.is_resume = ctx.resume_len > 0
72 count = 0
73 retries = self.params.get('retries', 0)
75 class SucceedDownload(Exception):
76 pass
78 class RetryDownload(Exception):
79 def __init__(self, source_error):
80 self.source_error = source_error
82 class NextFragment(Exception):
83 pass
85 def establish_connection():
86 ctx.chunk_size = (random.randint(int(chunk_size * 0.95), chunk_size)
87 if not is_test and chunk_size else chunk_size)
88 if ctx.resume_len > 0:
89 range_start = ctx.resume_len
90 if req_start is not None:
91 # offset the beginning of Range to be within request
92 range_start += req_start
93 if ctx.is_resume:
94 self.report_resuming_byte(ctx.resume_len)
95 ctx.open_mode = 'ab'
96 elif req_start is not None:
97 range_start = req_start
98 elif ctx.chunk_size > 0:
99 range_start = 0
100 else:
101 range_start = None
102 ctx.is_resume = False
104 if ctx.chunk_size:
105 chunk_aware_end = range_start + ctx.chunk_size - 1
106 # we're not allowed to download outside Range
107 range_end = chunk_aware_end if req_end is None else min(chunk_aware_end, req_end)
108 elif req_end is not None:
109 # there's no need for chunked downloads, so download until the end of Range
110 range_end = req_end
111 else:
112 range_end = None
114 if try_call(lambda: range_start > range_end):
115 ctx.resume_len = 0
116 ctx.open_mode = 'wb'
117 raise RetryDownload(Exception(f'Conflicting range. (start={range_start} > end={range_end})'))
119 if try_call(lambda: range_end >= ctx.content_len):
120 range_end = ctx.content_len - 1
122 request = sanitized_Request(url, request_data, headers)
123 has_range = range_start is not None
124 if has_range:
125 request.add_header('Range', f'bytes={int(range_start)}-{int_or_none(range_end) or ""}')
126 # Establish connection
127 try:
128 ctx.data = self.ydl.urlopen(request)
129 # When trying to resume, Content-Range HTTP header of response has to be checked
130 # to match the value of requested Range HTTP header. This is due to a webservers
131 # that don't support resuming and serve a whole file with no Content-Range
132 # set in response despite of requested Range (see
133 # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/6057#issuecomment-126129799)
134 if has_range:
135 content_range = ctx.data.headers.get('Content-Range')
136 content_range_start, content_range_end, content_len = parse_http_range(content_range)
137 if content_range_start is not None and range_start == content_range_start:
138 # Content-Range is present and matches requested Range, resume is possible
139 accept_content_len = (
140 # Non-chunked download
141 not ctx.chunk_size
142 # Chunked download and requested piece or
143 # its part is promised to be served
144 or content_range_end == range_end
145 or content_len < range_end)
146 if accept_content_len:
147 ctx.content_len = content_len
148 if content_len or req_end:
149 ctx.data_len = min(content_len or req_end, req_end or content_len) - (req_start or 0)
150 return
151 # Content-Range is either not present or invalid. Assuming remote webserver is
152 # trying to send the whole file, resume is not possible, so wiping the local file
153 # and performing entire redownload
154 self.report_unable_to_resume()
155 ctx.resume_len = 0
156 ctx.open_mode = 'wb'
157 ctx.data_len = ctx.content_len = int_or_none(ctx.data.info().get('Content-length', None))
158 except (compat_urllib_error.HTTPError, ) as err:
159 if err.code == 416:
160 # Unable to resume (requested range not satisfiable)
161 try:
162 # Open the connection again without the range header
163 ctx.data = self.ydl.urlopen(
164 sanitized_Request(url, request_data, headers))
165 content_length = ctx.data.info()['Content-Length']
166 except (compat_urllib_error.HTTPError, ) as err:
167 if err.code < 500 or err.code >= 600:
168 raise
169 else:
170 # Examine the reported length
171 if (content_length is not None
172 and (ctx.resume_len - 100 < int(content_length) < ctx.resume_len + 100)):
173 # The file had already been fully downloaded.
174 # Explanation to the above condition: in issue #175 it was revealed that
175 # YouTube sometimes adds or removes a few bytes from the end of the file,
176 # changing the file size slightly and causing problems for some users. So
177 # I decided to implement a suggested change and consider the file
178 # completely downloaded if the file size differs less than 100 bytes from
179 # the one in the hard drive.
180 self.report_file_already_downloaded(ctx.filename)
181 self.try_rename(ctx.tmpfilename, ctx.filename)
182 self._hook_progress({
183 'filename': ctx.filename,
184 'status': 'finished',
185 'downloaded_bytes': ctx.resume_len,
186 'total_bytes': ctx.resume_len,
187 }, info_dict)
188 raise SucceedDownload()
189 else:
190 # The length does not match, we start the download over
191 self.report_unable_to_resume()
192 ctx.resume_len = 0
193 ctx.open_mode = 'wb'
194 return
195 elif err.code < 500 or err.code >= 600:
196 # Unexpected HTTP error
197 raise
198 raise RetryDownload(err)
199 except compat_urllib_error.URLError as err:
200 if isinstance(err.reason, ssl.CertificateError):
201 raise
202 raise RetryDownload(err)
203 # In urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler, the response is partially read on request.
204 # Any errors that occur during this will not be wrapped by URLError
206 raise RetryDownload(err)
208 def download():
209 data_len = ctx.data.info().get('Content-length', None)
211 # Range HTTP header may be ignored/unsupported by a webserver
212 # (e.g. extractor/scivee.py, extractor/bambuser.py).
213 # However, for a test we still would like to download just a piece of a file.
214 # To achieve this we limit data_len to _TEST_FILE_SIZE and manually control
215 # block size when downloading a file.
216 if is_test and (data_len is None or int(data_len) > self._TEST_FILE_SIZE):
217 data_len = self._TEST_FILE_SIZE
219 if data_len is not None:
220 data_len = int(data_len) + ctx.resume_len
221 min_data_len = self.params.get('min_filesize')
222 max_data_len = self.params.get('max_filesize')
223 if min_data_len is not None and data_len < min_data_len:
224 self.to_screen('\r[download] File is smaller than min-filesize (%s bytes < %s bytes). Aborting.' % (data_len, min_data_len))
225 return False
226 if max_data_len is not None and data_len > max_data_len:
227 self.to_screen('\r[download] File is larger than max-filesize (%s bytes > %s bytes). Aborting.' % (data_len, max_data_len))
228 return False
230 byte_counter = 0 + ctx.resume_len
231 block_size = ctx.block_size
232 start = time.time()
234 # measure time over whole while-loop, so slow_down() and best_block_size() work together properly
235 now = None # needed for slow_down() in the first loop run
236 before = start # start measuring
238 def retry(e):
239 to_stdout = ctx.tmpfilename == '-'
240 if ctx.stream is not None:
241 if not to_stdout:
242 ctx.stream.close()
243 ctx.stream = None
244 ctx.resume_len = byte_counter if to_stdout else os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(ctx.tmpfilename))
245 raise RetryDownload(e)
247 while True:
248 try:
249 # Download and write
250 data_block = ctx.data.read(block_size if not is_test else min(block_size, data_len - byte_counter))
252 retry(err)
254 byte_counter += len(data_block)
256 # exit loop when download is finished
257 if len(data_block) == 0:
258 break
260 # Open destination file just in time
261 if ctx.stream is None:
262 try:
263 ctx.stream, ctx.tmpfilename = self.sanitize_open(
264 ctx.tmpfilename, ctx.open_mode)
265 assert ctx.stream is not None
266 ctx.filename = self.undo_temp_name(ctx.tmpfilename)
267 self.report_destination(ctx.filename)
268 except (OSError, IOError) as err:
269 self.report_error('unable to open for writing: %s' % str(err))
270 return False
272 if self.params.get('xattr_set_filesize', False) and data_len is not None:
273 try:
274 write_xattr(ctx.tmpfilename, 'user.ytdl.filesize', str(data_len).encode('utf-8'))
275 except (XAttrUnavailableError, XAttrMetadataError) as err:
276 self.report_error('unable to set filesize xattr: %s' % str(err))
278 try:
279 ctx.stream.write(data_block)
280 except (IOError, OSError) as err:
281 self.to_stderr('\n')
282 self.report_error('unable to write data: %s' % str(err))
283 return False
285 # Apply rate limit
286 self.slow_down(start, now, byte_counter - ctx.resume_len)
288 # end measuring of one loop run
289 now = time.time()
290 after = now
292 # Adjust block size
293 if not self.params.get('noresizebuffer', False):
294 block_size = self.best_block_size(after - before, len(data_block))
296 before = after
298 # Progress message
299 speed = self.calc_speed(start, now, byte_counter - ctx.resume_len)
300 if ctx.data_len is None:
301 eta = None
302 else:
303 eta = self.calc_eta(start, time.time(), ctx.data_len - ctx.resume_len, byte_counter - ctx.resume_len)
305 self._hook_progress({
306 'status': 'downloading',
307 'downloaded_bytes': byte_counter,
308 'total_bytes': ctx.data_len,
309 'tmpfilename': ctx.tmpfilename,
310 'filename': ctx.filename,
311 'eta': eta,
312 'speed': speed,
313 'elapsed': now - ctx.start_time,
314 'ctx_id': info_dict.get('ctx_id'),
315 }, info_dict)
317 if data_len is not None and byte_counter == data_len:
318 break
320 if speed and speed < (self.params.get('throttledratelimit') or 0):
321 # The speed must stay below the limit for 3 seconds
322 # This prevents raising error when the speed temporarily goes down
323 if ctx.throttle_start is None:
324 ctx.throttle_start = now
325 elif now - ctx.throttle_start > 3:
326 if ctx.stream is not None and ctx.tmpfilename != '-':
327 ctx.stream.close()
328 raise ThrottledDownload()
329 elif speed:
330 ctx.throttle_start = None
332 if not is_test and ctx.chunk_size and ctx.content_len is not None and byte_counter < ctx.content_len:
333 ctx.resume_len = byte_counter
334 # ctx.block_size = block_size
335 raise NextFragment()
337 if ctx.stream is None:
338 self.to_stderr('\n')
339 self.report_error('Did not get any data blocks')
340 return False
341 if ctx.tmpfilename != '-':
342 ctx.stream.close()
344 if data_len is not None and byte_counter != data_len:
345 err = ContentTooShortError(byte_counter, int(data_len))
346 if count <= retries:
347 retry(err)
348 raise err
350 self.try_rename(ctx.tmpfilename, ctx.filename)
352 # Update file modification time
353 if self.params.get('updatetime', True):
354 info_dict['filetime'] = self.try_utime(ctx.filename, ctx.data.info().get('last-modified', None))
356 self._hook_progress({
357 'downloaded_bytes': byte_counter,
358 'total_bytes': byte_counter,
359 'filename': ctx.filename,
360 'status': 'finished',
361 'elapsed': time.time() - ctx.start_time,
362 'ctx_id': info_dict.get('ctx_id'),
363 }, info_dict)
365 return True
367 while count <= retries:
368 try:
369 establish_connection()
370 return download()
371 except RetryDownload as e:
372 count += 1
373 if count <= retries:
374 self.report_retry(e.source_error, count, retries)
375 else:
376 self.to_screen(f'[download] Got server HTTP error: {e.source_error}')
377 continue
378 except NextFragment:
379 continue
380 except SucceedDownload:
381 return True
383 self.report_error('giving up after %s retries' % retries)
384 return False