]> jfr.im git - yt-dlp.git/blob - yt_dlp/extractor/adn.py
[ie/JoqrAg] Add extractor (#8384)
[yt-dlp.git] / yt_dlp / extractor / adn.py
1 import base64
2 import binascii
3 import json
4 import os
5 import random
7 from .common import InfoExtractor
8 from ..aes import aes_cbc_decrypt_bytes, unpad_pkcs7
9 from ..compat import compat_b64decode
10 from ..networking.exceptions import HTTPError
11 from ..utils import (
12 ass_subtitles_timecode,
13 bytes_to_intlist,
14 bytes_to_long,
15 ExtractorError,
16 float_or_none,
17 int_or_none,
18 intlist_to_bytes,
19 long_to_bytes,
20 pkcs1pad,
21 strip_or_none,
22 try_get,
23 unified_strdate,
24 urlencode_postdata,
25 )
28 class ADNIE(InfoExtractor):
29 IE_DESC = 'Animation Digital Network'
30 _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(?:animation|anime)digitalnetwork\.fr/video/[^/]+/(?P<id>\d+)'
31 _TESTS = [{
32 'url': 'https://animationdigitalnetwork.fr/video/fruits-basket/9841-episode-1-a-ce-soir',
33 'md5': '1c9ef066ceb302c86f80c2b371615261',
34 'info_dict': {
35 'id': '9841',
36 'ext': 'mp4',
37 'title': 'Fruits Basket - Episode 1',
38 'description': 'md5:14be2f72c3c96809b0ca424b0097d336',
39 'series': 'Fruits Basket',
40 'duration': 1437,
41 'release_date': '20190405',
42 'comment_count': int,
43 'average_rating': float,
44 'season_number': 1,
45 'episode': 'À ce soir !',
46 'episode_number': 1,
47 },
48 'skip': 'Only available in region (FR, ...)',
49 }, {
50 'url': 'http://animedigitalnetwork.fr/video/blue-exorcist-kyoto-saga/7778-episode-1-debut-des-hostilites',
51 'only_matching': True,
52 }]
54 _NETRC_MACHINE = 'animationdigitalnetwork'
55 _BASE = 'animationdigitalnetwork.fr'
56 _API_BASE_URL = 'https://gw.api.' + _BASE + '/'
57 _PLAYER_BASE_URL = _API_BASE_URL + 'player/'
58 _HEADERS = {}
59 _LOGIN_ERR_MESSAGE = 'Unable to log in'
60 _RSA_KEY = (0x9B42B08905199A5CCE2026274399CA560ECB209EE9878A708B1C0812E1BB8CB5D1FB7441861147C1A1F2F3A0476DD63A9CAC20D3E983613346850AA6CB38F16DC7D720FD7D86FC6E5B3D5BBC72E14CD0BF9E869F2CEA2CCAD648F1DCE38F1FF916CEFB2D339B64AA0264372344BC775E265E8A852F88144AB0BD9AA06C1A4ABB, 65537)
62 'start': 1,
63 'end': 3,
64 }
66 'middle': 8,
67 'end': 4,
68 }
70 def _get_subtitles(self, sub_url, video_id):
71 if not sub_url:
72 return None
74 enc_subtitles = self._download_webpage(
75 sub_url, video_id, 'Downloading subtitles location', fatal=False) or '{}'
76 subtitle_location = (self._parse_json(enc_subtitles, video_id, fatal=False) or {}).get('location')
77 if subtitle_location:
78 enc_subtitles = self._download_webpage(
79 subtitle_location, video_id, 'Downloading subtitles data',
80 fatal=False, headers={'Origin': 'https://' + self._BASE})
81 if not enc_subtitles:
82 return None
84 # http://animationdigitalnetwork.fr/components/com_vodvideo/videojs/adn-vjs.min.js
85 dec_subtitles = unpad_pkcs7(aes_cbc_decrypt_bytes(
86 compat_b64decode(enc_subtitles[24:]),
87 binascii.unhexlify(self._K + '7fac1178830cfe0c'),
88 compat_b64decode(enc_subtitles[:24])))
89 subtitles_json = self._parse_json(dec_subtitles.decode(), None, fatal=False)
90 if not subtitles_json:
91 return None
93 subtitles = {}
94 for sub_lang, sub in subtitles_json.items():
95 ssa = '''[Script Info]
96 ScriptType:V4.00
97 [V4 Styles]
98 Format: Name,Fontname,Fontsize,PrimaryColour,SecondaryColour,TertiaryColour,BackColour,Bold,Italic,BorderStyle,Outline,Shadow,Alignment,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,AlphaLevel,Encoding
99 Style: Default,Arial,18,16777215,16777215,16777215,0,-1,0,1,1,0,2,20,20,20,0,0
100 [Events]
101 Format: Marked,Start,End,Style,Name,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,Effect,Text'''
102 for current in sub:
103 start, end, text, line_align, position_align = (
104 float_or_none(current.get('startTime')),
105 float_or_none(current.get('endTime')),
106 current.get('text'), current.get('lineAlign'),
107 current.get('positionAlign'))
108 if start is None or end is None or text is None:
109 continue
110 alignment = self._POS_ALIGN_MAP.get(position_align, 2) + self._LINE_ALIGN_MAP.get(line_align, 0)
111 ssa += os.linesep + 'Dialogue: Marked=0,%s,%s,Default,,0,0,0,,%s%s' % (
112 ass_subtitles_timecode(start),
113 ass_subtitles_timecode(end),
114 '{\\a%d}' % alignment if alignment != 2 else '',
115 text.replace('\n', '\\N').replace('<i>', '{\\i1}').replace('</i>', '{\\i0}'))
117 if sub_lang == 'vostf':
118 sub_lang = 'fr'
119 subtitles.setdefault(sub_lang, []).extend([{
120 'ext': 'json',
121 'data': json.dumps(sub),
122 }, {
123 'ext': 'ssa',
124 'data': ssa,
125 }])
126 return subtitles
128 def _perform_login(self, username, password):
129 try:
130 access_token = (self._download_json(
131 self._API_BASE_URL + 'authentication/login', None,
132 'Logging in', self._LOGIN_ERR_MESSAGE, fatal=False,
133 data=urlencode_postdata({
134 'password': password,
135 'rememberMe': False,
136 'source': 'Web',
137 'username': username,
138 })) or {}).get('accessToken')
139 if access_token:
140 self._HEADERS = {'authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token}
141 except ExtractorError as e:
142 message = None
143 if isinstance(e.cause, HTTPError) and e.cause.status == 401:
144 resp = self._parse_json(
145 e.cause.response.read().decode(), None, fatal=False) or {}
146 message = resp.get('message') or resp.get('code')
147 self.report_warning(message or self._LOGIN_ERR_MESSAGE)
149 def _real_extract(self, url):
150 video_id = self._match_id(url)
151 video_base_url = self._PLAYER_BASE_URL + 'video/%s/' % video_id
152 player = self._download_json(
153 video_base_url + 'configuration', video_id,
154 'Downloading player config JSON metadata',
155 headers=self._HEADERS)['player']
156 options = player['options']
158 user = options['user']
159 if not user.get('hasAccess'):
160 self.raise_login_required()
162 token = self._download_json(
163 user.get('refreshTokenUrl') or (self._PLAYER_BASE_URL + 'refresh/token'),
164 video_id, 'Downloading access token', headers={
165 'x-player-refresh-token': user['refreshToken']
166 }, data=b'')['token']
168 links_url = try_get(options, lambda x: x['video']['url']) or (video_base_url + 'link')
169 self._K = ''.join(random.choices('0123456789abcdef', k=16))
170 message = bytes_to_intlist(json.dumps({
171 'k': self._K,
172 't': token,
173 }))
175 # Sometimes authentication fails for no good reason, retry with
176 # a different random padding
177 links_data = None
178 for _ in range(3):
179 padded_message = intlist_to_bytes(pkcs1pad(message, 128))
180 n, e = self._RSA_KEY
181 encrypted_message = long_to_bytes(pow(bytes_to_long(padded_message), e, n))
182 authorization = base64.b64encode(encrypted_message).decode()
184 try:
185 links_data = self._download_json(
186 links_url, video_id, 'Downloading links JSON metadata', headers={
187 'X-Player-Token': authorization
188 }, query={
189 'freeWithAds': 'true',
190 'adaptive': 'false',
191 'withMetadata': 'true',
192 'source': 'Web'
193 })
194 break
195 except ExtractorError as e:
196 if not isinstance(e.cause, HTTPError):
197 raise e
199 if e.cause.status == 401:
200 # This usually goes away with a different random pkcs1pad, so retry
201 continue
203 error = self._parse_json(e.cause.response.read(), video_id)
204 message = error.get('message')
205 if e.cause.code == 403 and error.get('code') == 'player-bad-geolocation-country':
206 self.raise_geo_restricted(msg=message)
207 raise ExtractorError(message)
208 else:
209 raise ExtractorError('Giving up retrying')
211 links = links_data.get('links') or {}
212 metas = links_data.get('metadata') or {}
213 sub_url = (links.get('subtitles') or {}).get('all')
214 video_info = links_data.get('video') or {}
215 title = metas['title']
217 formats = []
218 for format_id, qualities in (links.get('streaming') or {}).items():
219 if not isinstance(qualities, dict):
220 continue
221 for quality, load_balancer_url in qualities.items():
222 load_balancer_data = self._download_json(
223 load_balancer_url, video_id,
224 'Downloading %s %s JSON metadata' % (format_id, quality),
225 fatal=False) or {}
226 m3u8_url = load_balancer_data.get('location')
227 if not m3u8_url:
228 continue
229 m3u8_formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
230 m3u8_url, video_id, 'mp4', 'm3u8_native',
231 m3u8_id=format_id, fatal=False)
232 if format_id == 'vf':
233 for f in m3u8_formats:
234 f['language'] = 'fr'
235 formats.extend(m3u8_formats)
237 video = (self._download_json(
238 self._API_BASE_URL + 'video/%s' % video_id, video_id,
239 'Downloading additional video metadata', fatal=False) or {}).get('video') or {}
240 show = video.get('show') or {}
242 return {
243 'id': video_id,
244 'title': title,
245 'description': strip_or_none(metas.get('summary') or video.get('summary')),
246 'thumbnail': video_info.get('image') or player.get('image'),
247 'formats': formats,
248 'subtitles': self.extract_subtitles(sub_url, video_id),
249 'episode': metas.get('subtitle') or video.get('name'),
250 'episode_number': int_or_none(video.get('shortNumber')),
251 'series': show.get('title'),
252 'season_number': int_or_none(video.get('season')),
253 'duration': int_or_none(video_info.get('duration') or video.get('duration')),
254 'release_date': unified_strdate(video.get('releaseDate')),
255 'average_rating': float_or_none(video.get('rating') or metas.get('rating')),
256 'comment_count': int_or_none(video.get('commentsCount')),
257 }