]> jfr.im git - yt-dlp.git/blob - yt_dlp/extractor/openload.py
[extractor/generic] Don't return JW player without formats
[yt-dlp.git] / yt_dlp / extractor / openload.py
1 import collections
2 import contextlib
3 import json
4 import os
5 import subprocess
6 import tempfile
8 from ..compat import compat_urlparse
9 from ..utils import (
10 ExtractorError,
11 Popen,
12 check_executable,
13 format_field,
14 get_exe_version,
15 is_outdated_version,
16 shell_quote,
17 )
20 def cookie_to_dict(cookie):
21 cookie_dict = {
22 'name': cookie.name,
23 'value': cookie.value,
24 }
25 if cookie.port_specified:
26 cookie_dict['port'] = cookie.port
27 if cookie.domain_specified:
28 cookie_dict['domain'] = cookie.domain
29 if cookie.path_specified:
30 cookie_dict['path'] = cookie.path
31 if cookie.expires is not None:
32 cookie_dict['expires'] = cookie.expires
33 if cookie.secure is not None:
34 cookie_dict['secure'] = cookie.secure
35 if cookie.discard is not None:
36 cookie_dict['discard'] = cookie.discard
37 with contextlib.suppress(TypeError):
38 if (cookie.has_nonstandard_attr('httpOnly')
39 or cookie.has_nonstandard_attr('httponly')
40 or cookie.has_nonstandard_attr('HttpOnly')):
41 cookie_dict['httponly'] = True
42 return cookie_dict
45 def cookie_jar_to_list(cookie_jar):
46 return [cookie_to_dict(cookie) for cookie in cookie_jar]
49 class PhantomJSwrapper:
50 """PhantomJS wrapper class
52 This class is experimental.
53 """
55 _BASE_JS = R'''
56 phantom.onError = function(msg, trace) {{
57 var msgStack = ['PHANTOM ERROR: ' + msg];
58 if(trace && trace.length) {{
59 msgStack.push('TRACE:');
60 trace.forEach(function(t) {{
61 msgStack.push(' -> ' + (t.file || t.sourceURL) + ': ' + t.line
62 + (t.function ? ' (in function ' + t.function +')' : ''));
63 }});
64 }}
65 console.error(msgStack.join('\n'));
66 phantom.exit(1);
67 }};
68 '''
70 _TEMPLATE = R'''
71 var page = require('webpage').create();
72 var fs = require('fs');
73 var read = {{ mode: 'r', charset: 'utf-8' }};
74 var write = {{ mode: 'w', charset: 'utf-8' }};
75 JSON.parse(fs.read("{cookies}", read)).forEach(function(x) {{
76 phantom.addCookie(x);
77 }});
78 page.settings.resourceTimeout = {timeout};
79 page.settings.userAgent = "{ua}";
80 page.onLoadStarted = function() {{
81 page.evaluate(function() {{
82 delete window._phantom;
83 delete window.callPhantom;
84 }});
85 }};
86 var saveAndExit = function() {{
87 fs.write("{html}", page.content, write);
88 fs.write("{cookies}", JSON.stringify(phantom.cookies), write);
89 phantom.exit();
90 }};
91 page.onLoadFinished = function(status) {{
92 if(page.url === "") {{
93 page.setContent(fs.read("{html}", read), "{url}");
94 }}
95 else {{
96 {jscode}
97 }}
98 }};
99 page.open("");
100 '''
102 _TMP_FILE_NAMES = ['script', 'html', 'cookies']
104 @staticmethod
105 def _version():
106 return get_exe_version('phantomjs', version_re=r'([0-9.]+)')
108 def __init__(self, extractor, required_version=None, timeout=10000):
109 self._TMP_FILES = {}
111 self.exe = check_executable('phantomjs', ['-v'])
112 if not self.exe:
113 raise ExtractorError(
114 'PhantomJS not found, Please download it from https://phantomjs.org/download.html', expected=True)
116 self.extractor = extractor
118 if required_version:
119 version = self._version()
120 if is_outdated_version(version, required_version):
121 self.extractor._downloader.report_warning(
122 'Your copy of PhantomJS is outdated, update it to version '
123 '%s or newer if you encounter any errors.' % required_version)
125 for name in self._TMP_FILE_NAMES:
126 tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
127 tmp.close()
128 self._TMP_FILES[name] = tmp
130 self.options = collections.ChainMap({
131 'timeout': timeout,
132 }, {
133 x: self._TMP_FILES[x].name.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
134 for x in self._TMP_FILE_NAMES
135 })
137 def __del__(self):
138 for name in self._TMP_FILE_NAMES:
139 with contextlib.suppress(OSError, KeyError):
140 os.remove(self._TMP_FILES[name].name)
142 def _save_cookies(self, url):
143 cookies = cookie_jar_to_list(self.extractor.cookiejar)
144 for cookie in cookies:
145 if 'path' not in cookie:
146 cookie['path'] = '/'
147 if 'domain' not in cookie:
148 cookie['domain'] = compat_urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc
149 with open(self._TMP_FILES['cookies'].name, 'wb') as f:
150 f.write(json.dumps(cookies).encode('utf-8'))
152 def _load_cookies(self):
153 with open(self._TMP_FILES['cookies'].name, 'rb') as f:
154 cookies = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))
155 for cookie in cookies:
156 if cookie['httponly'] is True:
157 cookie['rest'] = {'httpOnly': None}
158 if 'expiry' in cookie:
159 cookie['expire_time'] = cookie['expiry']
160 self.extractor._set_cookie(**cookie)
162 def get(self, url, html=None, video_id=None, note=None, note2='Executing JS on webpage', headers={}, jscode='saveAndExit();'):
163 """
164 Downloads webpage (if needed) and executes JS
166 Params:
167 url: website url
168 html: optional, html code of website
169 video_id: video id
170 note: optional, displayed when downloading webpage
171 note2: optional, displayed when executing JS
172 headers: custom http headers
173 jscode: code to be executed when page is loaded
175 Returns tuple with:
176 * downloaded website (after JS execution)
177 * anything you print with `console.log` (but not inside `page.execute`!)
179 In most cases you don't need to add any `jscode`.
180 It is executed in `page.onLoadFinished`.
181 `saveAndExit();` is mandatory, use it instead of `phantom.exit()`
182 It is possible to wait for some element on the webpage, e.g.
183 var check = function() {
184 var elementFound = page.evaluate(function() {
185 return document.querySelector('#b.done') !== null;
186 });
187 if(elementFound)
188 saveAndExit();
189 else
190 window.setTimeout(check, 500);
191 }
193 page.evaluate(function(){
194 document.querySelector('#a').click();
195 });
196 check();
197 """
198 if 'saveAndExit();' not in jscode:
199 raise ExtractorError('`saveAndExit();` not found in `jscode`')
200 if not html:
201 html = self.extractor._download_webpage(url, video_id, note=note, headers=headers)
202 with open(self._TMP_FILES['html'].name, 'wb') as f:
203 f.write(html.encode('utf-8'))
205 self._save_cookies(url)
207 user_agent = headers.get('User-Agent') or self.extractor.get_param('http_headers')['User-Agent']
208 jscode = self._TEMPLATE.format_map(self.options.new_child({
209 'url': url,
210 'ua': user_agent.replace('"', '\\"'),
211 'jscode': jscode,
212 }))
214 stdout = self.execute(jscode, video_id, note2)
216 with open(self._TMP_FILES['html'].name, 'rb') as f:
217 html = f.read().decode('utf-8')
218 self._load_cookies()
220 return html, stdout
222 def execute(self, jscode, video_id=None, *, note='Executing JS'):
223 """Execute JS and return stdout"""
224 if 'phantom.exit();' not in jscode:
225 jscode += ';\nphantom.exit();'
226 jscode = self._BASE_JS + jscode
228 with open(self._TMP_FILES['script'].name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
229 f.write(jscode)
230 self.extractor.to_screen(f'{format_field(video_id, None, "%s: ")}{note}')
232 cmd = [self.exe, '--ssl-protocol=any', self._TMP_FILES['script'].name]
233 self.extractor.write_debug(f'PhantomJS command line: {shell_quote(cmd)}')
234 try:
235 stdout, stderr, returncode = Popen.run(cmd, timeout=self.options['timeout'] / 1000,
236 text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
237 except Exception as e:
238 raise ExtractorError(f'{note} failed: Unable to run PhantomJS binary', cause=e)
239 if returncode:
240 raise ExtractorError(f'{note} failed:\n{stderr.strip()}')
242 return stdout