]> jfr.im git - solanum.git/blob - tools/smoketest.sh
invite: remove hardcoded callerid logic
[solanum.git] / tools / smoketest.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Simple test that compiles and runs ircd, verifying that certain aspects of
3 # PRIVMSG work.
5 case $# in
6 1) ;;
7 *) printf 'Usage: %s tarball\n' "$0" >&2; exit 64 ;;
8 esac
9 cr=$(printf '\r')
10 rc=0 ircdpid= tarball=${1:?}
11 case $tarball in
12 /*) ;;
13 *) tarball=$PWD/$tarball ;;
14 esac
15 dir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/ircdtest.XXXXXXXXXX") || exit 2
16 trap '[ -z "$ircdpid" ] || kill $ircdpid; rm -rf "$dir"' 0
17 cd "$dir" || exit 2
18 tar xjf "$tarball" || exit 2
19 srcdir=${tarball##*/}
20 srcdir=${srcdir%.tbz2}
21 srcdir=${srcdir%.tgz}
22 srcdir=${srcdir%.tar.*}
23 srcdir=${srcdir%.tar}
24 cd "$srcdir" || exit 2
25 prefix=$dir/prefix
26 ./configure --prefix="$prefix" >"$dir/out" 2>&1 || { cat "$dir/out"; exit 2; }
27 make -j2 >"$dir/out" 2>&1 || { cat "$dir/out"; exit 2; }
28 make install >"$dir/out" 2>&1 || { cat "$dir/out"; exit 2; }
29 cd "$prefix" || exit 2
30 servername=smoke$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).test
31 port=$(date +50%S)
32 sed -e '/^serverinfo/,/^}/s/name = ".*";/name = "'"$servername"'";/' \
33 -e '/^listen/,/^}/s/port = .*;/port = '"$port"';/' \
34 -e '/^blacklist/,/^}/s/^/#/' \
35 etc/ircd.conf.example >etc/ircd.conf || exit 2
36 bin/ircd || exit 2
37 ircdpid=$(cat etc/ircd.pid) || exit 2
38 cd "$dir" || exit 2
39 echo "Will use servername $servername port $port, pid is $ircdpid"
40 {
41 echo 'USER testu . . :Test user'
42 echo 'NICK test1'
43 sleep 1
44 echo 'JOIN #test'
45 sleep 2
46 echo "PRIVMSG #test :channel message via $servername"
47 echo "PRIVMSG @#test :chanops 1 via $servername"
48 echo "MODE #test +o test2"
49 echo "PRIVMSG @#test :chanops 2 via $servername"
50 sleep 1
51 echo "QUIT"
52 } | nc "$port" >out1 &
53 {
54 echo 'NICK test2'
55 echo 'USER testu2 . . :Test user'
56 sleep 2
57 echo 'JOIN #test'
58 echo "PRIVMSG test1 :private message via $servername"
59 sleep 2
60 echo "QUIT :Bye"
61 } | nc "$port" >out2 &
62 wait
63 if ! grep -q "^:$servername 001 test1 :" out1; then
64 echo "FAIL: Missing 001 in out1 or wrong server"
65 rc=1
66 fi
67 if ! grep -q "^:$servername 001 test2 :" out2; then
68 echo "FAIL: Missing 001 in out2 or wrong server"
69 rc=1
70 fi
71 if ! grep -q "^:test2!.*@.* PRIVMSG test1 :private message via $servername$cr\$" out1; then
72 echo "FAIL: Missing private message in out1"
73 rc=1
74 fi
75 if ! grep -q "^:test1!.*@.* PRIVMSG #test :channel message via $servername$cr\$" out2; then
76 echo "FAIL: Missing channel message in out2"
77 rc=1
78 fi
79 if grep -q "chanops 1 via" out2; then
80 echo "FAIL: Wrong chanops message in out2"
81 rc=1
82 fi
83 if ! grep -q "^:test1!.* MODE #test +o test2[[:space:]]*$cr\$" out1; then
84 echo "FAIL: Missing mode in out1"
85 rc=1
86 fi
87 if ! grep -q "^:test1!.* MODE #test +o test2[[:space:]]*$cr\$" out2; then
88 echo "FAIL: Missing mode in out2"
89 rc=1
90 fi
91 if ! grep -q "^:test1!.* PRIVMSG @#test :chanops 2 via $servername$cr\$" out2; then
92 echo "FAIL: Missing chanops message in out2"
93 rc=1
94 fi
95 if [ "$rc" -ne 0 ] && [ -t 0 ] && [ -t 1 ] && [ -t 2 ]; then
96 echo 'Starting shell for investigation...'
97 PS1='ircd-smoketest$ ' sh -i
98 fi
99 if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ]; then
100 echo 'PASS'
101 fi
102 exit $rc