]> jfr.im git - irc/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel.git/blob - settings/user-role-edit.php
Hopefully the finish of the upgrade function
[irc/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel.git] / settings / user-role-edit.php
1 <?php
3 require_once "../inc/common.php";
4 require_once "../inc/header.php";
5 do_log($_POST);
6 if (!current_user_can(PERMISSION_MANAGE_USERS))
7 {
8 echo "<h4>Access denied</h4>";
9 die();
10 }
11 $permissions = get_panel_user_permission_list();
12 $list = get_panel_user_roles_list();
14 /**
15 * Add a new role
16 */
17 $errors = [];
18 $success = [];
22 if (isset($_POST['add_role_name']) && $role_name = $_POST['add_role_name'])
23 {
24 foreach ($list as $name => $u) // don't add it if it already exists
25 {
26 if (!strcmp(to_slug($name),to_slug($role_name)))
27 {
28 $errors[] = "Cannot create role \"$role_name\": A role with that name already exists.";
29 break;
30 }
31 }
32 if (empty($errors)) // so far so good
33 {
34 $msg = "Added user role \"$role_name\"";
35 $permissions = [];
36 if (isset($_POST['use_dup_role']) && $dup = $_POST['dup_role']) // if they're duplicating a role
37 {
38 $permissions = $list[$dup];
39 $msg .= ", a duplicate of \"$dup\"";
40 }
41 $clean_perms = [];
42 foreach($permissions as $k => $v)
43 $clean_perms[] = $v;
45 $config['user_roles'][$role_name] = $clean_perms;
46 write_config('user_roles');
47 $success[] = $msg;
48 $list = get_panel_user_roles_list(); // refresh
50 }
51 }
54 elseif (isset($_POST['del_role_name']) && $role_name = $_POST['del_role_name'])
55 {
56 $found = 0;
57 foreach ($list as $name => $u) // don't add it if it already exists
58 {
59 if (!strcmp(to_slug($name),to_slug($role_name)))
60 {
61 $found = 1;
62 break;
63 }
64 }
65 if ($found) // so far so good
66 {
67 unset($config['user_roles'][$role_name]);
68 write_config('user_roles');
69 $success[] = "Successfully deleted role \"$role_name\"";
70 $list = get_panel_user_roles_list(); // refresh
71 }
72 else
73 $errors[] = "Could not delete role \"$role_name\": Role does not exist.";
74 }
76 elseif (isset($_POST['update_role']) && $role_name = $_POST['update_role'])
77 {
78 $found = 0;
79 foreach ($list as $name => $u) // don't add it if it already exists
80 {
81 if (!strcmp(to_slug($name),to_slug($role_name)))
82 {
83 $found = 1;
84 break;
85 }
86 }
87 if (!$found) // so far so good
88 {
89 $errors[] = "Could not update role \"$role_name\": Role does not exist.";
90 }
91 else
92 {
93 $config['user_roles'][$role_name] = $_POST['permissions'];
94 write_config('user_roles');
95 $success[] = "Successfully updated role \"$role_name\"";
96 $list = get_panel_user_roles_list(); // refresh
97 }
98 }
99 ?>
102 <div class="container-xxl row justify-content-between">
104 <div class="col">
105 <h4>User Role Editor</h4>
106 <?php if (!empty($errors)) Message::Fail($errors); if (!empty($success)) Message::Success($success); ?>
107 Roles are user categories where each has it's own set of permissions.<br>
108 Here, you can easily add and edit User Roles to ensure that your team has the appropriate access and permissions they need.<br>
109 Once you've created a role, you can assign it to a user on your panel, and they will have the permissions assigned to their role.<br><br>
110 <div class="font-italic">Some roles are built-in and cannot be deleted or modified, specifically "<code>Super Admin</code>" and "<code>Read Only</code>"</div><br><br>
111 Click a role name to view role permissions.
112 </div>
113 <div class="col" id="addnew_collapse">
114 <form method="post">
115 <div class="card card-body" style="max-width:550px">
116 <h5>Create New Role</h5>
117 <div class="font-italic mb-3">You must create a new role before you can add permissions to it.</div>
118 <div class="row input-group ml-0 mb-2">
119 <div class="input-group-prepend">
120 <span class="input-group-text" style="width:150px">New Role Name</span>
121 </div>
122 <input id="add_role_name" name="add_role_name" class="form-control" style="min-width:100px;max-width:450px" type="text">
125 </div>
126 <div class="input-group">
127 <div class="input-group-prepend">
128 <div style="width:150px" class="input-group-text">
129 <input id="use_dup_role" name="use_dup_role" type="checkbox" class="mr-2">Duplicate Role
130 </div>
131 </div>
132 <select name="dup_role" disabled class="custom-select" id="dup_role" style="min-width:100px;max-width:450px">
133 <option value="0" selected>None</option>
134 <?php
135 foreach($list as $s => $l)
136 echo "<option value=\"$s\">$s</option>";
137 ?>
138 </select>
139 </div>
140 <div class="mt-2 text-right">
141 <button type="submit" disabled id="role_submit" style="background-color:darkslateblue;color:white" class="btn btn-primary">Create Role</button>
142 </div>
144 </form>
145 </div>
146 </div>
147 </div>
148 <style>
150 #permlist #roles_accord .card .card-header .btn-header-link:after {
151 content: "\f106";
152 font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
153 font-weight: 900;
154 float: right;
155 }
157 #permlist #roles_accord .card .card-header .btn-header-link.collapsed:after {
158 content: "\f107";
159 }
161 </style>
164 <script>
165 const add_role_name = document.getElementById("add_role_name");
166 const use_dup = document.getElementById("use_dup_role");
167 const dup_role = document.getElementById("dup_role");
168 const role_submit = document.getElementById("role_submit");
170 use_dup.addEventListener('click', e => {
171 if (use_dup.checked) {
172 dup_role.disabled = false;
173 } else {
174 dup_role.value = "0";
175 dup_role.disabled = true;
176 }
177 });
179 add_role_name.addEventListener('input', e => {
180 if (!add_role_name.value.trim().length) // disallow names consisting of just spaces... it doesn't break anything, but it's stupid
181 role_submit.disabled = true;
182 else
183 role_submit.disabled = false;
184 });
185 </script>
186 <?php
188 generate_role_list($list);
191 require_once "../inc/footer.php";