]> jfr.im git - irc/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel.git/blob - Classes/class-upgrade.php
Hopefully the finish of the upgrade function
[irc/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel.git] / Classes / class-upgrade.php
1 <?php
3 class Upgrade
4 {
5 public $web_dir;
6 private $temp_dir;
7 private static $temp_extracted_dir;
8 public static $upgrade_available;
9 public static $last_check;
10 public $error;
11 public static $latest_version;
12 function __construct()
13 {
14 global $config;
15 read_config_db();
16 if (!get_config('upgrade'))
17 {
18 $config['upgrade'] =[];
19 write_config('upgrade');
20 }
22 $tok = split(__DIR__, '/');
23 unset($tok[count($tok) - 1]);
24 $this->web_dir = implode('/',$tok).'/';
26 /** prepare the temp directory */
27 $temp_dir = $this->web_dir."panel_upgrade";
28 $temp_dir .= ($temp_dir[strlen($temp_dir) - 1] != '/') ? "/" : "";
29 if (file_exists($temp_dir)) {
30 deleteDirectoryContents($temp_dir);
31 rmdir($temp_dir);
32 }
33 $mkdir = mkdir($temp_dir, 0755, true);
35 $this->temp_dir = $mkdir ? $temp_dir : NULL;
36 $this->error = $mkdir ? NULL : "Could not create directory: $temp_dir";
37 Upgrade::$upgrade_available = false;
38 if ($this->error)
39 error_log($this->error);
40 }
42 /** Checks for a new upgrade */
43 function checkForNew()
44 {
45 global $config;
46 read_config_db();
47 $last_check = &$config['upgrade']['last_check'];
48 if (isset($last_check) && time() - $last_check < 300) // only check every 15 mins
49 {
50 error_log("Skipping upgrade check, checked ".time() - $last_check." seconds ago");
51 return false;
52 }
53 error_log(time()." - ".$last_check." = ".time()-$last_check);
54 $apiUrl = "https://api.github.com/repos/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel/releases";
55 $response = file_get_contents($apiUrl, false, stream_context_create(
56 ["http" => ["method" => "GET", "header" => "User-agent: UnrealIRCd Webpanel"]]
57 ));
59 if ($response === false)
60 {
61 $this->error = "Couldn't check github.";
62 return false;
63 }
64 $data = json_decode($response, true);
65 $latest = $data[count($data) - 1];
66 $config['upgrade']['latest_version'] = $latest['tag_name'];
67 $last_check = time();
68 $config['upgrade']['download_link'] = $latest['zipball_url'];
69 write_config('upgrade');
70 Upgrade::$upgrade_available = (float)$latest['tag_name'] > WEBPANEL_VERSION ? true : false;
71 }
73 function downloadUpgradeZip()
74 {
75 $ch = curl_init(get_config('upgrade::download_link'));
76 $fp = fopen($this->temp_dir."unrealircd-webpanel-upgrade.zip", 'w+');
78 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
79 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
80 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
81 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
82 'User-Agent: UnrealIRCd Webpanel',
83 ]);
84 $success = curl_exec($ch);
85 $code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
87 if ($code == "403" || $code == "404")
88 {
89 $this->error ="Unable to download";
90 }
91 curl_close($ch);
92 fclose($fp);
94 return $success;
95 }
96 function extractZip() {
97 $zip = new ZipArchive;
98 if ($zip->open($this->temp_dir."unrealircd-webpanel-upgrade.zip") === true)
99 {
100 $zip->extractTo("$this->temp_dir");
101 $zip->close();
102 unlink($this->temp_dir."unrealircd-webpanel-upgrade.zip");
103 self::$temp_extracted_dir = findOnlyDirectory($this->temp_dir);
104 error_log(self::$temp_extracted_dir);
105 return true;
106 } else {
107 return false;
108 }
109 }
110 function cleanupOldFiles()
111 {
112 foreach ($this->compareAndGetFilesToDelete() as $file)
113 unlink($file);
114 }
115 function compareAndGetFilesToDelete() : array
116 {
117 $currentFiles = $this->listFiles($this->web_dir);
118 $updateFiles = $this->listFiles(self::$temp_extracted_dir);
119 $filesToDelete = array_diff($currentFiles, $updateFiles);
120 $filesToActuallyDelete = [];
121 error_log("Comparing... Files to delete:");
122 foreach ($filesToDelete as $file)
123 {
124 // skip the relevant directories
125 if (str_starts_with($file, "panel_upgrade/")
126 || str_starts_with($file, "vendor/")
127 || str_starts_with($file, "config/")
128 || str_starts_with($file, "data/")
129 || str_starts_with($file, "plugins/"))
130 continue;
131 $filesToActuallyDelete[] = $file;
132 }
133 return $filesToActuallyDelete;
134 }
136 function extractToWebdir()
137 {
138 $zip = new ZipArchive;
139 if ($zip->open($this->temp_dir."unrealircd-webpanel-upgrade.zip") === true)
140 {
141 $extracted = $zip->extractTo(str_replace("//","/",get_config('base_url')));
142 $zip->close();
143 if (!$extracted)
144 {
145 error_log("Cannot extract to web directory. Permission denied.");
146 return false;
147 }
148 return true;
149 } else {
150 return false;
151 }
152 }
154 /**
155 * Cleans up the extracted update files
156 * @return void
157 */
158 function cleanupDownloadFiles()
159 {
160 $ex_dir = self::$temp_extracted_dir ?? findOnlyDirectory($this->temp_dir);
161 deleteDirectoryContents($ex_dir);
162 rmdir($ex_dir);
163 }
165 function listFiles($dir) {
166 $files = [];
167 $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
168 foreach ($iterator as $file)
169 {
170 if ($file->isFile())
171 {
172 $f = substr($file->getPathname(), strlen($dir));
173 if ($f[0] == "/") $f = substr($f,1);
174 error_log("$dir => $f");
179 $files[] = $f;
180 }
181 }
182 return $files;
183 }
184 }
187 function findOnlyDirectory($topDir) {
188 // Ensure the directory exists and is indeed a directory
189 if (!is_dir($topDir)) {
190 die("The specified path is not a directory.");
191 }
193 // Open the directory
194 $dirHandle = opendir($topDir);
195 if ($dirHandle === false) {
196 die("Unable to open directory.");
197 }
199 $directories = [];
201 // Read through the directory contents
202 while (($entry = readdir($dirHandle)) !== false) {
203 $fullPath = $topDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry;
204 // Check if the entry is a directory and not . or ..
205 if (is_dir($fullPath) && $entry !== '.' && $entry !== '..') {
206 $directories[] = $fullPath;
207 }
208 }
210 // Close the directory handle
211 closedir($dirHandle);
213 // Check if there is exactly one directory
214 if (count($directories) === 1) {
215 return $directories[0];
216 } elseif (count($directories) === 0) {
217 return "No directories found after extracting. Possibly missing php-zip extention. Aborting upgrade.";
218 } else {
219 return "Multiple directories found. Previous cleanup was unsuccessful for some reason, maybe a permissions error? Aborting upgrade.";
220 }
221 }
224 function deleteDirectoryContents($dir) {
225 error_log("Deleting directory contents at $dir");
226 if (!is_dir($dir)) {
227 echo "The provided path is not a directory.";
228 return false;
229 }
231 // Open the directory
232 $handle = opendir($dir);
233 if ($handle === false) {
234 echo "Failed to open the directory.";
235 return false;
236 }
238 // Loop through the directory contents
239 while (($item = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
240 // Skip the special entries "." and ".."
241 if ($item == "." || $item == "..") {
242 continue;
243 }
245 $itemPath = $dir."/".$item;
247 // If the item is a directory, recursively delete its contents
248 if (is_dir($itemPath)) {
249 deleteDirectoryContents($itemPath);
250 // Remove the empty directory
251 rmdir($itemPath);
252 } else {
253 // If the item is a file, delete it
254 unlink($itemPath);
255 }
256 }
258 // Close the directory handle
259 closedir($handle);
261 return true;
262 }