]> jfr.im git - irc/quakenet/newserv.git/blob - helpmod2/help_en.txt
Fix all current printf style warnings, including a bug in Q's op/voice commands.
[irc/quakenet/newserv.git] / helpmod2 / help_en.txt
1 English support
2 *Hello and welcome to the automated help and information service of QuakeNet. To use the service, simply select the option that interests you.
3 *If you require support to solve a problem, e.g. "I can't auth with Q", select "Online support". If you are after Information or have a question
4 *about QuakeNet itself, e.g. "What channel modes are available on QuakeNet?", select "Information and FAQs".
5 Online support
6 *What do you need help with?
7 IRC (including channel issues other than abuse)
8 *General IRC and channel related problems.
9 I'm new to IRC. What is it/How do I use it?
10 *IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. For a full description and getting started guide, please see the QuakeNet website - http://www.quakenet.org .
11 My friend is the only user with ops in a channel, he's on holiday/away, can you op me?
12 $opme
13 *No. If there are ops in the channel, the IRCops will not give you ops. If noone has ops, you can use
14 */msg O requestop #channel and try to get ops (it will only op you if it knows you as an op in that channel).
15 How do I get ops in a channel with no other operators?
16 *If there are no channel operators in a channel (L and Q count as channel ops) you may request ops by typing: /msg O REQUESTOP #channel [<nickname>].
17 *If there is currently a netsplit you will be unable to request ops.
18 I can't speak in a channel (\93Cannot send to channel\94)!
19 *There may be several reasons for this:
20 ** The channel may be moderated (channel mode +m) and you may not be voiced/opped.
21 ** You may be attempting to send coloured text to a channel with channel mode +c set.
22 ** You may be attempting to CTCP a channel which has channel mode +C set.
23 ** You may be attempting to notice a channel which has channel mode +N set.
24 ** You may be banned on the channel and not have voice/op status.
25 I can't see people joining my channel!
26 *Check to see if you have channel mode +D set. This is a delayed join mode where joining users are not shown until they are
27 *voiced/opped, speak or change the topic.
28 Why can\92t I remove channel mode +D/+d?
29 *If you find that channel mode +d is set automatically when you remove channel mode +D, this means that there are still invisible
30 *users in the channel. Channel mode +d will be removed by the server when all users in the channel are visible. To view invisible
31 *users, use /NAMES \96d #channel.
32 I get "Access is denied on this server" when trying to join a channel. What's wrong?
33 *This error means that the channel has been banned. See the G/K-Lines section for more information.
34 How can I hide my hostname on QuakeNet?
35 *In order to hide your hostname on QuakeNet you must auth with Q and set user mode +x (/MODE your_nickname +x). This will change
36 *your hostname to qauth.users.quakenet.org. If you do not have a Q account type: /msg Q HELLO email@address email@address.
37 I have set user mode +x (hidden my host), how do I get my old hostname back?
38 *The only way to get back your original hostname is to reconnect to QuakeNet.
39 Q
40 *Q is QuakeNet's channel service bot, and controls access to the rest of QuakeNet's services.
41 *What is your problem with Q?
42 How do I create an account with Q?
43 *To create an account on Q, type: /msg Q HELLO email@address email@address. Your email is sent twice for verification purposes. Q
44 *will send you back a notice/message, either saying that an account has been created or that an account under that name already
45 *exists. If the account has been created, check the email you specified for an email from Q regarding your account and how to continue
46 *further (during busy times it can take 20 minutes for the email to arrive).
47 *If you get an account already exists message, you need to change your nickname on IRC as the process uses your current nickname as
48 *the username.
49 *Once you've created the account, you can then change it back to your normal nickname. It is strongly advised that you change your
50 *password the first time you auth. Do not change it to something similar to your name, something that can be easily guessed such as
51 *where you live or something you can find in a dictionary. A mixture of characters and numbers is advisable.
52 *Each time you connect to QuakeNet you need to auth to Q using the command /msg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH authname password.
53 *If you are already authed, you cannot auth again. You also cannot de-auth, you need to reconnect to QuakeNet to de-auth.
54 *
55 *Has this solved your problem?
56 No
57 *If you are still having problems creating a Q account, seek advice from the QuakeNet support staff in #help.
58 I can't auth!
59 *The first thing to do when you can't auth is make sure that you are typing your password correctly. The passwords are case sensitive.
60 *You should also check you are trying to auth in the correct way. You do this by typing: /msg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH username password.
61 *Next you should check to see if you are auth'ed already. If so, you cannot auth again without reconnecting to QuakeNet. If you are using
62 *a bouncer you should get your bouncer to reconnect.
63 *If your client supports scripting of any form, you should check that there are no scripts interfering with the auth process.
64 *Should you be using mIRC, try typing: /raw PRIVMSG Q@CServe.quakenet.org :AUTH username password. If this fails, reconnect and try again.
65 *Finally, you should try requesting your password from Q. Do this by typing: /msg Q REQUESTPASSWORD email@address.
66 *
67 *Has this solved your problem?
68 No
69 *If you are still having problems auth'ing with Q, seek advice from the QuakeNet support staff in #help.
70 I can't remember my password!
71 *If you have forgotten your Q auth password, simply request it again by typing: /msg Q REQUESTPASSWORD email@address.
72 *If you no longer have access to the email address from which you created your Q account, or your Q account has expired due to inactivity,
73 *then you will need to create a new account.
74 Q doesn't op me any more.
75 *Q will only op people if they are auth'ed and known by Q on that channel. If you are not auth'ed, type: /msg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH username password.
76 *If you are auth'ed with Q, you should check if you are still known on the channel by typing: /msg Q WHOAMI. If the channel is not listed then
77 *you will need to speak to the owner of that channel.
78 *Has this solved your problem?
79 No
80 *If you are still having problems auth'ing with Q, seek advice from the QuakeNet support staff in #help.
81 Q has left my channel, why?
82 *If Q has left your channel and users are no longer being automatically voiced or op'ed then there are
83 *several reasons why it may have left:
84 ** The channel has expired due to inactivity or low amount of users.
85 ** An owner removed Q from the channel.
86 ** Q has been suspended from your channel.
87 *Contact #help to find out if your channel has had Q suspended.
88 I want a channel but it already has Q in it.
89 *If nobody with a CHANLEV on that channel enters for at least 40 days, Q will be removed automatically and you may use the channel. Otherwise you
90 *will have to choose another channel.
91 Q is not op'ed in my channel!
92 *If Q is not op'ed in your channel, first leave and rejoin the channel to make sure that your client has not got itself confused. If Q is
93 *still de-op'ed you may re-op it by typing: /msg O requestop #channel.
94 There is no owner on my channel!
95 *If nobody has the owner flag on your channel you may use: /msg Q requestowner #channel
96 *This command works for anyone added as master (+m), or op (+o) if no masters are added
97 More help
98 *If you are still having problems with Q, which are not answered here, seek advice from the QuakeNet support staff in #help.
99 L
100 *L is QuakeNet's lightweight channel service, availible to new/smaller channels.
101 *What problems are you having with L?
102 L doesn't op me any more.
103 *L will only op people if they are auth'ed to Q and known by L on that channel. If you are not auth'ed, type: /msg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH username password.
104 *If you are auth'ed with Q, you should check if you are still known on the channel by typing: /msg L WHOAMI. If the channel is not listed then
105 *you will need to speak to the owner of that channel.
106 L has left my channel, why?
107 *If L has left your channel and users are no longer being automatically voiced or op'ed then there are
108 *several reasons why it may have left:
109 ** The channel has expired due to inactivity or low amount of users.
110 ** An owner removed L from the channel.
111 ** L has been suspended from your channel.
112 *Contact #help to find out if your channel has had L suspended.
113 I want a channel but it already has L in it.
114 *If nobody with a CHANLEV on that channel enters for at least 20 days, L will be removed automatically and you may use the channel. Otherwise you
115 *will have to choose another channel.
116 L is not op'ed in my channel!
117 *If L is not op'ed in your channel, first leave and rejoin the channel to make sure that your client has not got itself confused. If L is
118 *still de-op'ed you may re-op it by typing: /msg O requestop #channel.
119 There is no owner on my channel!
120 *If nobody has the owner flag on your channel you may use: /msg L requestowner #channel
121 *This command works for anyone added as master (+m), or op (+o) if no masters are added
122 More help
123 *If you are still having problems with L, which are not answered here, seek advice from the QuakeNet support staff in #help.
124 S
125 *S is QuakeNet's anti-spam service, which has the ability to disconnect users who spam in channels.
126 *What problems are you having with S?
127 S keeps killing me!
128 *Well, the way that S detects spam is not publicly known, but try not to use the /amsg command too much,
129 *try to write lines in one continuous sentence rather than a line for each word and
130 *don't advertise channels (see the QuakeNet rules for clarification on this). That should help in most cases.
131 How do I get S?
132 *S is available for request from the QuakeNet website: http://www.quakenet.org/request/.
133 *If it tells you that you do not fulfill the requirements, then you simply cannot get S.
134 *Whining in the support channels will not help you.
135 How can I remove S from my channel?
136 *To remove S from your channel you need to speak to the IRC operators in #feds.
137 More help
138 *If you are still having problems with S, which are not solved here, seek advice from the QuakeNet support staff in #feds (the QuakeNet
139 *IRC operator channel).
140 Trusts
141 *Trusts allow users to open more than 5 connections per IP address.
142 *What trust issues do you need help with?
143 How do I get a trust?
144 *To get a trust, you must visit http://trustrequest.quakenet.org and fill the form in with the following information:
145 *
146 *1. The IP addresses to be trusted. These must be tatic (ie unchanging) addresses. We do not give trusts to non-static addresses.
147 *If you do not have a guaranteed static IP (and most ADSL providers do NOT give out static IP addresses) you will not get a trust.
148 *It doesn't matter if you've had the same IP for months - if there is any possibility it will change, you will not get a trust.
149 *The only exception to this rule is for short-term use, such as a LAN party, in which case we will give a one-time temporary trust
150 *to a non-static IP. This will never be more than 4 days.
151 *
152 *2. An abuse email address. We require the email address of the IP or service administrator so that we can contact them about abuses
153 *of the trust. This is a requirement and will not be waived.
154 *
155 *3. A reason for the trust. You must explain to us the reason you want to have more than 5 connections to QuakeNet.
156 *
157 *4. The number of connections required (can be changed by the oper if it is too many).
158 *
159 *5. And the home channel on QuakeNet (if you have one).
160 *
161 *Please note: We will require a working identd from a bouncer.
162 *
163 *We are presently going though a process of development on our trust systems. You should refer to the latest news on http://www.quakenet.org
164 *for information on how to obtain a trust, and what trusts are currently being offered.
165 I got a trust and now I get G-Lined.
166 *If you recently got a trust and you find that you get G-Lined, you probably aren't running an IDENT server. This is required by certain trust
167 *types. You should either set up an IDENT server, or contact #feds to have the trust removed.
168 I am still getting G-Lined!
169 *If you are still having problems with trust G-Lines, and you are running an IDENT server, contact #feds for advice.
170 My trust request was rejected. Why?
171 *There may be various reasons for your trust request having been denied. Most of the reasons can be avoided if you thoroughly read
172 *through this documentation before requesting a trust. Common reasons for your trust request being denied are:
173 You need identd installed on the server to get a long term trust. We will not accept clients without ident on trusted hosts.
174 *If you apply for a trust on QuakeNet, the source machine that houses the trust (ie your server) must be running an Ident server.
175 *If you are not running an identserver you will get K-Lined (banned) automatically when you try to connect.
176 *
177 *Trusts require a unique userident for each user, as we allow the maximum of 5 connections per userident.
178 *
179 *Please note: We do not provide installation or configuration support for IDENT services, and all such queries will be ignored.
180 No trusts for generic hostnames.
181 *A lot of ISPs use what is known as a 'generic' hostname for their users. These are normally constructed from a series of letters
182 *and numbers, followed by the ISP's name. Some good examples are those used by T-Dialin (example: pD9551B44.dip.t-dialin.net) or
183 *nextgentel (example: 55.80-202-24.nextgentel.com).
184 *
185 *You cannot apply for a trust if you have one of these generic hostnames, unless it is for an ISP-based NAT (in which case the ISP
186 *needs to contact us, not you) or for a LAN party (in which case you will get a temporary trust, typically no more than 4 days, for
187 *a low number of users, and it will not be able to be renewed).
188 You need to request as a NAT gateway. LAN trusts are only temporary (4 days).
189 *If you are on a LAN and you all share the same external IP, and you want a temporary trust, you must apply for a NAT gateway trust.
190 *LAN trusts are for LAN parties only and as such are only temporary.
191 That host is already trusted.
192 *You have requested a trust for an IP address that is already trusted by QuakeNet. An IP address cannot be trusted more than once.
193 Too many connections requested.
194 *QuakeNet will not normally add a new trust that has requested a large number of connections to the network. In this case, anything
195 *more than 100-150 connections will be rejected.
196 Incorrect trust type.
197 *Depending on the trust type you request, the trust setup will be slightly different. It is therefore very important that you request
198 *as the correct type, or your request will be rejected. The current types are:
199 **Bouncer - Use this type for a small clan or home bouncer.
200 **Non-commercial bouncer - For non-commercial organisations that provide bouncers free of charge or for their staff.
201 **Commercial bouncer - To be used by people wishing to sell bouncers, or sponsor other clans/organisations with them.
202 **Non-commercial shell - This type is for non-commercial organisations that offer shell accounts free of charge, e.g. public access systems.
203 **Commercial shell - To be used by commercial shell providers, who charge or sponsor people with shells.
204 **LAN - This is for use by people who are holding a short LAN (4 days). This trust type is temporary.
205 **NAT gateway - A NAT gateway forces everybody behind it to use the same IP. Use this if you are behind a NAT gateway.
206 **Other/special - Anything not fitting into the above categories should be requested as Other/special.
207 NAT gateway rejections.
208 *The most common reason for a NAT gateway trust request rejection is because the Network Admin (the person who owns or administrates the
209 *NAT gateway) has not requested a trust. It is essential that that person is the requestor, otherwise the application will be denied.
210 More help
211 *If your trust was rejected with a reason you don't understand, contact #help.
212 More help
213 *If you are still having problems with trusts, which are not answered here, seek advice from the QuakeNet support staff in #feds (the QuakeNet
214 *IRC operator channel).
215 G/K-Lines (including banned channels)
216 *A G-Line is a network wide ban from the QuakeNet IRC network, of either a user or a channel (also known as a badchannel). A K-Line is a
217 *ban from a particular QuakeNet IRC server. All of these bans are set for user's who violate QuakeNet's rules.
218 *Which of these are you experiencing problems with?
219 G-Lines
220 *Glines will NOT be removed unless they were placed in error. Glines are normally for short periods of time. You will need to wait for
221 *the gline to expire.
222 *What is your G-Line reason?
223 Too many clones from your host.
224 *Glines for clones indicate that you had more then 5 connections to quakenet from your host. A trust is required for more then 5
225 *connections
226 Flood clones / trojans.
227 *Glines for floodclones or trojans, indicate that your pc may be infected with a virus or trojan. You should check your firewall/virus
228 *scanner are up to date and secure.
229 Don't IRC as root.
230 *If you are logged into a Unix/Linux/*BSD box as root, and are connecting to QuakeNet you will be G-Lined. This is because using IRC as
231 *the root user is insecure. Simply run your IRC client as a different user and you will be able to connect.
232 All other reasons.
233 *For assistance with all other G-Lines, please contact the IRC operators in #feds.
234 K-Lines
235 *K-Lines are very rarely used on QuakeNet now, with G-Lines being used instead. What is your K-Line reason?
236 Please use a european server.
237 *You are K-Lined because you are connecting to whole.ny.us.quakenet.org (us.quakenet.org) and you are a European IRC user. The US QuakeNet
238 *experiences quite heavy load, and as such all European users have been K-Lined. Please connect to a European server. A list of QuakeNet
239 *servers may be viewed at http://staff.quakenet.org/servers.phtml .
240 No <your country here> hosts on this server.
241 *Some servers only allow connections from clients located in the same country as the server.
242 *If no servers work for you, you will have to use a bouncer (a computer relaying your connection, making it seem like you're from another 'country'/host)
243 All other reasons.
244 *For assistance with all other K-Lines, please contact the IRC operators in #feds.
245 Badchannels (channel G-Lines)
246 *If you or other operators from your channel have been breaking QuakeNet's rules, you may find that your channel is banned. People trying
247 *to join it will receive "Access is denied on this server". For all channel bans you should contact the IRC operators in #feds for advice.
248 Connection issues (other than G/K-Lines)
249 *This section deals with connection issues you may be experiencing with QuakeNet. This section does not deal with bans from QuakeNet (i.e.
250 *G/K-Lines). What issues are you having problems with?
251 10053 connection errors.
252 *The technical meaning of a 10053 error is "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.". This basically
253 *means that your computer closed the connection due to a ping timeout. Often this is caused by a poor connection between you and the IRC
254 *server. Try connecting to a different QuakeNet server and see if it solves the problem. A full server list can be found at
255 *http://staff.quakenet.org/servers.phtml .
256 Slow connection / No Ident Response.
257 *A long connect time is often due to the fact that the IRC server is unable to connect to an IDENT server on your computer. Running one of
258 *these usually solves the problem. If you use mIRC, try typing: /IDENTD ON. You may still experience the problem if you are behind a router,
259 *firewall or NAT gateway.
260 *
261 *For technical users behind a NAT gateway: Rejecting connections to TCP port 113 with a TCP reset packet will also speed up the connect time.
262 Couldn't look up your hostname.
263 *This is not really a problem at all, it simply means that there was no reverse DNS entry for your IP address.
264 All other connection issues.
265 *For all other connection issues please contact the QuakeNet support staff in #help.
266 Abuse issues
267 This user is spamming me in private or in a channel.
268 *The simplest way is to ban them from all the channels that you are opped in and add them to your ignore list by doing
269 *the command /ignore nickname!ident@host where nickname is their nickname, ident is their ident field (the bit before
270 *the @ when you /whois them) and the host is their host. A "*" can be used as a wildcard, for example
271 */ignore fred!*@* will ignore any user called fred, however, if they change names to fred2, they will no longer be
272 *ignored. You could use /ignore *fred*!*@* and that will ignore any user with fred in their name, for example fred,
273 *fred2, imfredaswell. You can also ignore anyone from a certain host by using /ignore *!*@1234567890.isp.com. That
274 *would ignore all users using the host '1234567890.isp.com'. You can also use their ident with the host or on its own.
275 *There are many combinations you can use.
276 *If you are still having problems with this user, the operators in #feds may be interested if the user is being disruptive.
277 *Involving the IRCops is the last resort, the /ignore method should take care of most annoying users.
278 This user is threatening me, telling me to change my nickname.
279 *Nicknames aren't owned by anyone, if a nickname is free, anyone can use it. If they continue to contact you about
280 *your nickname to change it, you can ignore them by using the /ignore command.
281 *The only exception being network staff and services nicknames, and in those cases you may be disconnected without a warning.
282 This user is spamming me with an onjoin message each time I join or leave a channel.
283 *Depending what the message is, there are a number of actions. If it contains a URL, don't click it. Most worms
284 *and trojans replicate by getting a user to click a URL. The same advice also goes with a script being pasted to you when
285 *you join (these normally have a $decode() text in), do not run the script. If you find user pasting either a
286 *URL or script on join, contact #feds or #help. If they are in a channel you have ops in, you can
287 *also ban them to avoid any other users getting possibly infected.
288 *If they are just advertising a channel, just ignore them by adding them to your ignore list or just closing the
289 *message window.
290 Other issues
291 *If there is an abuse issue which you believe requires attention from a QuakeNet staff member, please contact #feds to ask for advice and
292 *to report the issue.
293 Information and FAQs
294 *Information about QuakeNet, its staff and services.
295 IRC in general
296 $irc
297 Channel modes available on QuakeNet.
298 $chanmode
299 $chanmodes
300 *There are three different types of channel modes available on QuakeNet, as shown below. Protection and miscellaneous modes may be
301 *set with "/MODE #channel +mode", and removed with "/MODE #channel -mode". Modes that are set on users may be set with:
302 *"/MODE #channel +mode nickname|mask", and remove with "/MODE #channel -mode nickname|mask". The flags are case sensitive.
303 Modes set on users
304 *Modes you can set on users in your channel.
305 Channel mode +b
306 *Bans an address from a channel. Any user with a host mask matching this address will be denied entry to the channel.
307 *If the user is already in the channel and does not have op/voice status, the user will not be able to speak.
308 *Usage: /MODE #channel +b nick!ident@host. Note: When a new QuakeNet fake host is banned (i.e. *!*@authname.users.quakenet.org)
309 *that authname is banned regardless of the user's host.
310 Channel mode +o
311 *Gives operator status to a user on a channel, allowing them to set or remove channel modes, kick/ban users, set the topic when
312 *channel mode +t is set and invite users into the channel. Usage: /MODE #channel +o <nickname>.
313 Channel mode +v
314 *Gives voice status to a user on a channel, thus allowing them to speak when the channel is moderated.
315 *Usage: /MODE #channel +v <nickname>.
316 Protection modes
317 *Modes set on the channel itself, for protection, prohibition and control.
318 Channel mode +c
319 *Prohibits mIRC & ANSI colour codes from being sent to a channel.
320 Channel mode +C
321 *Prohibits channel wide CTCPs.
322 Channel mode +i
323 *Invite only. This prevents users from joining a channel until they are invited by a channel op. You may invite users by typing
324 */INVITE <nickname> #channel.
325 Channel mode +k
326 *Sets a key/password on a channel, without which people will be unable to join the channel. Usage: /MODE #channel +k <key>. To
327 *join use /JOIN #channel <key>.
328 Channel mode +l
329 *Only allows a certain number of people to join the channel. Usage: /mode #channel +l <limit>.
330 Channel mode +m
331 *This mode moderates the channel, i.e. prevents users without voice or op status from sending messages to a channel.
332 Channel mode +n
333 *This prevents users from externally messaging a channel. The users must be on the channel to message it.
334 Channel mode +N
335 *Prohibits the sending of channel notices.
336 Channel mode +p
337 *This mode is outdated and it is recommended you use channel mode +s.
338 Channel mode +r
339 *This mode only allows users authed with Q to join the channel. They will receive the message "You must have a registered nick"
340 *when they attempt to join your channel when not authed. Once they have authed they will be able to join the channel normally.
341 *+r is a useful mode to set during flood attacks rather than +i (invite only).
342 Channel mode +s
343 *Secret. This prevents the users in the channel or the topic being viewed externally. The channel also does not appear in a
344 */LIST or /WHOIS.
345 Channel mode +t
346 *Only channel operators may set the topic.
347 Miscellaneous modes
348 *Other channel modes.
349 Channel mode +d
350 *This mode is set automatically by a server when channel mode +D is cleared and there are still users hidden in the channel.
351 *It can only be set or cleared by the server and is removed automatically when all users become visible. Hidden users can be
352 *seen with /NAMES -d #channel.
353 Channel mode +D
354 *Delayed join mode. Joining users will not be shown until they are opped/voiced, change the topic or speak. Note that hidden
355 *users will not be revealed when the mode is cleared. Hidden users can be seen with /NAMES -d #channel.
356 Channel mode +u
357 *If a user is in any channel with channel mode +u set their quit and part messages are stripped, e.g. Quit (User definable quit
358 *message) would appear as Quit (Signed off).
359 User modes available on QuakeNet.
360 $usermode
361 $usermodes
362 $umode
363 *The following modes get set on a user by the user rather than on a channel by someone else, for example,
364 */mode user +i and the mode can be removed by /mode user -i
365 User mode +d
366 *Deaf. You will not receive channel notices or messages. Queries and private messages will still be received.
367 User mode +i
368 *Invisible. No normal user can find you using /WHO, /NAMES or similar search facilities.
369 User mode +R
370 *Only allows users authed with Q to privmsg/notice/CTCP you.
371 User mode +w
372 *Wallops/walluser. As a normal user you will receive walluser messages sent by IRC operators. If you are an IRC operator you
373 *will also receive wallops.
374 User mode +x
375 *Fake host. Changes your host to "authname.users.quakenet.org", where authname is your Q account name. Users will see you quit
376 *and rejoin IRC with this new host. You are advised to set this mode before entering any channels for maximum security.
377 *Note: You must reconnect to revert to your old hostname.
378 How to set/unset channel/user modes.
379 *To set a channel mode, use the following command: /MODE #channel +modes <params> - where <params> are optional parameters, depending
380 *on the modes being set. User modes are essentially the same: /MODE nickname +modes. You must use your current nickname, NOT your Q
381 *authname. For the mIRC users out there, you may also use //MODE $me +modes.
382 *
383 *To unset a mode, simply use \96 instead of +.
384 Description of the symbols before channels, in a WHOIS.
385 *There are several symbols you may see prefixed to channel names in a user\92s WHOIS. These are:
386 ** @#channel \96 the user has operator status in the channel.
387 ** +#channel \96 the user has voice status in the channel.
388 ** <#channel \96 the user is invisible in a channel with channel mode +D or +d set.
389 ** -#channel \96 the user has user mode +d set, and won\92t receive channel messages.
390 Reasons for receiving \93Cannot send to channel\94.
391 *There may be several reasons for this:
392 ** The channel may be moderated (channel mode +m) and you may not be voiced/opped.
393 ** You may be attempting to send coloured text to a channel with channel mode +c set.
394 ** You may be attempting to CTCP a channel which has channel mode +C set.
395 ** You may be attempting to notice a channel which has channel mode +N set.
396 ** You may be banned on the channel and not have voice/op status.
397 How to hide your hostname on QuakeNet.
398 *In order to hide your hostname on QuakeNet you must auth with Q and set user mode +x (/MODE your_nickname +x). This will change
399 *your hostname to qauth.users.quakenet.org.
400 Quit messages on QuakeNet.
401 *The quit messages that you may see on QuakeNet are:
402 Excess flood
403 *This quit message shows that you attempted to send too much data to the IRC server, in too short a time period, and the server
404 *thought you were attempting to flood it. A good way to prevent this is to enable flood protection in your IRC client. mIRC users
405 *may click File -> Options -> IRC -> Flood, and then check Enable flood protection. The default values should be sufficient for
406 *most users.
407 Max sendQ exceeded
408 *This quit message occurs when you failed to receive the data from the server quick enough, in other words the IRC server tried
409 *to send you too much data and closed the connection. This is often caused if you perform a LIST of all IRC channels on QuakeNet,
410 *or if you execute a WHO query on a large channel; if you have a poor internet connection you may find yourself getting disconnected.
411 Ping timeout
412 *All IRC servers periodically send what is known as a PING request, to check that the client connection is still alive. The IRC
413 *client has to respond to this request within a certain time period, or the connection is deemed to no longer be alive and is closed
414 *(with this quit message). If you find yourself getting a lot of Ping timeout errors you may need to try a different (preferably
415 *closer) QuakeNet server; see http://www.staff.quakenet.org/servers.phtml for a complete listing of public servers.
416 Connection reset by peer
417 *This quit message is caused when the IRC client closes the connection to the server uncleanly, and the server doesn't realise the
418 *connection has been terminated. This leaves behind what is known as a ghost user, which gives the appearance that the client is
419 *still connected, even though it isn't. When the server attempts to send data to the client, it realises the connection no longer
420 *exists and it is reset. This causes the termination of the ghost user, with the aforementioned quit messsage.
421 Read error: EOF from client
422 *This quit message is displayed when the client terminated the connection to the IRC server prematurely, and the server expected
423 *more data. This is often caused if the IRC client software crashes or exits suddenly, when it doesn\92t have the chance to close
424 *the connection \91gracefully\92.
425 Write error, closing link
426 *This quit message means that the IRC server, for some reason or another, failed to send data to the client. Due to this the client
427 *was disconnected.
428 Broken pipe
429 *This quit message is caused when there is a sudden break in the connection between the IRC server and client. This can occur for
430 *many different reasons, but is generally due to the volatile nature of the internet.
431 .net .split
432 *This quit message shows that the user was on a server that split from the rest of the IRC network, known as a net split. When the
433 *servers reconnect, the user will rejoin all channels he/she was in and the server will also give that user voice or operator status
434 *as necessary.
435 Nick collision
436 *This quit message is caused when two or more users change to the same nickname at the same time. Obviously only one person can have
437 *a nickname at any time, so the server disconnects the users.
438 Older nick overruled
439 *This quit message is only seen after a netsplit, when servers reconnect to each other. If you changed nick during a netsplit, and
440 *a user on a server that split already had the nickname, then you will be disconnected to allow the older user to continue with that
441 *nickname.
442 G-lined
443 *This quit message is displayed when a user is banned from the entire IRC network, for various reasons. QuakeNet *always* sends the
444 *G-Line reason, if you can't see it you should check your IRC client may be hiding it. The Rules FAQ provides a section explaining
445 *the reasons for disconnection or banning from the network. For G-line enquiries you may email info@quakenet.org.
446 K-lined
447 *This quit message is displayed when a user is banned from a particular IRC server, for various reasons. As for G-lines, QuakeNet
448 **always* sends the K-line reason. On QuakeNet, K-lines and G-lines are effectively the same thing. For K-line enquiries you may
449 *email info@quakenet.org.
450 Killed (*.quakenet.org (reason)))
451 *This quit message is displayed when a user is forceably disconnected from the IRC network by an IRC operator (KILLed). The reason
452 *is displayed in the quit message. A common kill reason is "You are violating QuakeNet rules. Please read http://www.quakenet.org/rules/.
453 *ID: xxxxxxx", which means that you were disconnected by QuakeNet's anti-spam service, S.
454 How to voice all users entering your channel.
455 $autovoice
456 $avoice
457 *Q9 has this function, so we'll explain about that when we know more about it.
458 *mIRC users can use /avoice *!*@* #channel
459 What is a netsplit?
460 $netsplit
461 *A netsplit is when 1 or more servers become split from the rest of the network. This may be due to server problems
462 *or just the fact that the network connections between the server and the hub it was connected to have failed.
463 *Netsplits happen, it's a fact of IRC life. During the time you may notice users connecting and reconnecting, servers
464 *giving users ops or voice and some services, such as Q and L behaving slowly or even parting the channel for a short
465 *time. If you notice these problems, please be patience, the staff will be doing all they can to restore the full,
466 *working service to you as quickly as possible.
467 IRC command summary
468 *The commands available to users on QuakeNet are as follows:
470 *ADMIN displays information about the administrator of the IRC server to which you are connected.
471 *Usage: /ADMIN
472 *
473 *AWAY marks you as being away to the IRC network, or marks you as being back if no away reason is given.
474 *Usage: /AWAY [reason]
476 *CNOTICE is a new command which allows you to bypass any "target change too fast" warnings and send notices to people on a common
477 *channel, provided you are op'd on that channel.
478 *Usage: /CNOTICE nickname #channel :Message
479 *
480 *CPRIVMSG is a new command which allows you to bypass any "target change too fast" warnings and send privmsgs to people on a common
481 *channel, provided you are op'd on that channel.
482 *Usage: /CPRIVMSG nickname #channel :Message
484 *GLINE displays information about a G-Line applied to the IRC network.
485 *Usage: /GLINE mask - where mask is in the form nick!ident@host
486 HELP
487 *HELP displays a list of all commands available on the IRC server.
488 *Usage: /HELP
490 *INFO displays information about the IRC server software.
491 *Usage: /INFO
492 *
493 *INVITE is used to invite another user to an IRC channel. You must be a channel operator to invite a user to the channel.
494 *Usage: /INVITE nickname #channel
495 *
496 *ISON is used to ask the IRC server if the specified user is online.
497 *Usage: /ISON nickname
498 JOIN
499 *JOIN is used to join an IRC channel.
500 *Usage: /JOIN #channel
501 KICK
502 *KICK is used to forcibly remove a user from an IRC channel. You must be a channel operator to kick a user from a channel.
503 *Usage: /KICK #channel nickname [reason]
505 *LIST is used to list the channels available on the network. If an exact channel name is specified the topic and user count
506 *of that channel are returned.
507 *Usage: /LIST parameters - where parameters is a channel name or other flags. See the guides on the QuakeNet website for more information.
508 *
509 *LUSERS displays information about the number of users connected to the IRC network and local server, as well as channel information.
510 *Usage: /LUSERS
512 *MODE is used to set channel or user modes on a user. See the list of channel and user modes available on QuakeNet for examples of this
513 *command.
514 *Usage: /MODE nickname|#channel +|-modes [parameters]
515 *
516 *MOTD displays the local IRC server's message of the day.
517 *Usage: /MOTD
519 *NAMES is used to list the users on an IRC channel.
520 *Usage: /NAMES #channel
521 *
522 *NICK changes your nickname on the network.
523 *Usage: /NICK nickname
524 *
525 *NOTICE is used to send a notice to a channel or user.
526 *Usage: /NOTICE nickname|#channel Message
528 *PART is used to leave an IRC channel.
529 *Usage: /PART #channel Leaving message
530 *
531 *PRIVMSG is used to send a message to a channel or user.
532 *Usage: /MSG nickname|#channel Message.
533 QUIT
534 *QUIT is used to disconnect from the IRC server.
535 *Usage: /QUIT Quit message.
537 *SILENCE adds, removes or lists your server side ignores.
538 *Usage: /SILENCE [+|-][mask] - where mask is of the form nick!user@host
540 *TIME displays the current time on the IRC server to which you are connected.
541 *Usage: /TIME
542 *
543 *TOPIC is used to set or display the topic on and IRC channel.
544 *Usage: /TOPIC #channel [topic]
546 *VERSION displays information about the version of the IRC server you are using, as well as the supported commands and modes.
547 *Usage: /VERSION
549 *WALLCHOPS sends a message to the operators of a channel only.
550 *Usage: /WALLCHOPS #channel :message
551 *
552 *WALLVOICES sends a message to the voiced users of a channel only.
553 *Usage: /WALLVOICES #channel :message
554 *
555 *WHO is used to query the IRC server for information about users.
556 *Usage: /WHO parameters - See the guides on the QuakeNet website for more information about this command.
557 *
558 *WHOIS displays information about a particular IRC user.
559 *Usage: /WHOIS nickname [nickname] - if the nickname is specified twice, an extended WHOIS is performed.
560 *
561 *WHOWAS displays information about a previously connected IRC user.
562 *Usage: /WHOWAS nickname
563 QuakeNet services
564 $services
565 *QuakeNet run a number of services for use by the users. Some will interact with you, whilst
566 *others will work in the background to improve and protect the network without you even knowing.
567 *The services that QuakeNet currently provides for request are: Q, S and trusts.
568 Q
569 $q
570 *Q is QuakeNet's channel service bot, analagous to the ChanServ used on other networks.
571 *If provides the following facilities:
572 ** Authentication with all QuakeNet services.
573 ** Channel protection: Against take overs and so forth.
574 ** Auto op/voice facilities for users.
575 ** Ban and topic handling facilities.
576 *and many more channel management features. See the Q guide for more information.
577 How does Q recognise me? / How do I auth to Q?
578 $auth
579 $hello
580 *QuakeNet doesn't use a Nickserv, so in order for Q to recognise you, you need to auth. To create an account on Q, type
581 */msg Q HELLO email@address email@address (your email is sent twice for verification purposes). Q will send you back a
582 *notice/message, either saying that an account has been created or that an account under that name already exists. If the
583 *account has been created, check the email you specified for an email from Q regarding your account and how to continue
584 *further (during busy times it can take 20 minutes for the email to arrive). If you get an account already exists message,
585 *you need to change your nickname on IRC as the process uses your current nickname as the username. Once you've created the
586 *account, you can then change it back to your normal nickname. It is strongly advised that you change your password the
587 *first time you auth. Do not change it to something similar to your name, something that can be easily guessed such as where
588 *you live or something you can find in a dictionary. A mixture of characters and numbers is advisable. Each time you connect
589 *to QuakeNet you need to auth to Q using the command /msg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH authname password.
590 *If you are already authed, you cannot auth again. You also cannot de-auth, you need to reconnect to QuakeNet to de-auth.
591 How do I request Q?
592 *Q is available for request on IRC: /msg R REQUESTQ #channel
593 *The requirements for requesting Q are as follows:
594 ** L must be in the channel and you must have owner rights (+n) on it.
595 ** Average of 50 users during the past 2 weeks
596 How do I remove Q from my channel?
597 *To remove Q from your channel you must remove every user that you have added to it. Removing yourself last.
598 *As soon as the last user has been removed from Q it will leave the channel.
599 Using Q
600 Adding and removing users with Q
601 *You can add users to your channel with the commands ADDUSER and CHANLEV.
602 *Remove them with REMOVEUSER or CHANLEV.
603 *
604 */msg Q ADDUSER #channel nickname/#account
605 *This command will give a user flags +aot (auto op and access to SETTOPIC command).
606 *
607 */msg Q REMOVEUSER #channel nickname/#account
608 *This command will remove a user from your channel, no matter what his/her flags are
609 *(assuming your level is higher than the user you are trying to remove).
610 *
611 */msg Q CHANLEV #channel nickname/#account +-flags
612 *This command can be used both to add and remove users
613 *Availible flags are:
614 ** a - auto (should be combined with +o or +v)
615 ** v - voice
616 ** o - op
617 ** t - access to SETTOPIC command
618 ** m - master
619 ** n - owner
620 ** b - banned
621 *
622 *Note:
623 *You need master access to add/remove flags +avotb
624 *You need owner access to add/remove flags +mn
625 Channel flags
626 *You can customize Q's behaviour on a channel using its channel flags.
627 *They are set via the CHANFLAGS command, with a syntax like channel modes,
628 * e.g.: /MSG Q chanflags #channel +bc
629 *
630 *Availible flags are:
631 ** +b (Bitchmode)
632 * Prevents users who have no respective chanlev on the channel from being opped/voiced.
633 ** +c (Autolimit)
634 * Makes Q adjust the user limit in certain intervals - the adjustion value can be set with Q's AUTOLIMIT command.
635 ** +f (Force topic)
636 * Prevents people from changing the topic manually, it has to be done via Q's SETTOPIC command.
637 ** +k (Force Key)
638 * Enforces a channel key which can be set via Q's KEY command.
639 ** +l (Force Limit)
640 * Enforces a user limit which can be set via Q's LIMIT command.
641 ** +p (Protect ops)
642 * Makes Q reop users with op/master/owner chanlev if they get deopped.
643 ** +t (Topic save)
644 * Makes Q set the topic if it is restarted.
645 ** +w (Welcome msg)
646 * Enables the welcome message, which can be set via Q's WELCOME command.
647 Banning with Q
648 *There are two ways to ban users with Q: by account name, or by hostmask.
649 *
650 *To ban a user's account, use Q's CHANLEV command to give them the +b chanlev:
651 * /msg Q CHANLEV #channel nickname/#account +b
652 *
653 *To ban a user/multiple users by hostmask, use Q's BAN command:
654 * /msg Q BAN #channel nick!user@host
655 *This command supports wildcards such as * and ?
656 *
657 *You can view the hostmask bans on a channel with Q's BANLIST command:
658 * /msg Q BANLIST #channel
659 *
660 *To remove a hostmask ban, use Q's BANDEL command:
661 * /msg Q BANDEL #channel nick!user@host
662 *or
663 * /msg Q BANDEL #channel #number(from banlist)
664 Topic handling
665 *Q can set the topic and make sure that a certain topic remains set.
666 *
667 *To set the topic with Q, use the SETTOPIC command:
668 * /msg Q SETTOPIC #channel topic
669 *For this to work you have to be either master/owner or have the +t chanlev.
670 *
671 *If you want Q to prevent users from setting the topic manually (ie, not through Q), set chanflag +f:
672 * /msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel +f
673 *This will make Q restore the topic last set via SETTOPIC when someone changes it.
674 *
675 *If you want Q to reset the topic if Q itself should get restarted, set chanflag +t:
676 * /msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel +t
677 Welcome messages
678 *Q can send a welcome message to users joining your channel.
679 *
680 *To enable this function, set chanflag +w:
681 * /msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel +w
682 *To set the welcome message text, use Q's WELCOME command:
683 * /msg Q WELCOME #channel message
684 More help
685 *For further help, join #help on IRC
686 Problems with Q
687 I've forgotten my Q password
688 *If you have lost the password for your Q account use this command to request it: /msg Q REQUESTPASSWORD email@address.
689 *If you no longer have access to the email address from which you created your Q account, or your Q account has expired due to
690 *inactivity, then you will need to create a new account.
691 How do I remove peoples' CHANLEV when they are offline?
692 *If a user is offline and you wish to remove their CHANLEV from Q, simply use #authname instead of the users nickname. Use
693 */msG Q CHANLEV #channel to obtain a list of auth names added to the channel.
694 *Example: /msg Q REMOVEUSER #channel #authname
695 There is no owner on my channel
696 *If nobody has the owner flag on your channel you may use: /msg Q requestowner #channel
697 *This command works for anyone added as master (+m), or op (+o) if no masters are added
698 Q has left my channel
699 *If Q has left your channel and users are no longer being automatically voiced or op'ed then there are
700 *several reasons why it may have left:
701 ** The channel has expired due to inactivity or low amount of users.
702 ** An owner removed Q from the channel.
703 ** Q has been suspended from your channel.
704 *Contact #help to find out if your channel has had Q suspended.
705 Q has been suspended from my channel
706 *If Q has been suspended from your channel it means that you or the users in your channel were in violation of QuakeNet rules.
707 *You should contact #feds for further information.
708 Q won't let me op or voice users
709 *Q provides a channel flag that prevents users that do not have the appropriate access level on that
710 *channel from being op'ed or voiced.
711 A channel I want already has Q in it. What can I do?
712 *Nothing. You will have to choose a different channel.
713 A channel I want already has Q in it and nobody uses the channel. Can I have it?
714 *If nobody with a CHANLEV on that channel enters for at least 40 days, Q will be removed automatically and you may use the channel.
715 L
716 $l
717 *L is QuakeNet's lightweight channel service bot.
718 *If provides the following facilities:
719 ** Channel protection: Against take overs and so forth.
720 ** Auto op/voice facilities for users.
721 ** Welcome message and function for forcing +i on a channel
722 How does L recognise me? / How do I auth to L?
723 *You cannot auth to L - L recognises users by their Q accounts/auths.
724 *See 'Q' for more information on this.
725 How do I request L?
726 *L is available for request from the QuakeNet website: http://www.quakenet.org/request/.
727 *The requirements for requesting L are as follows:
728 ** Channel must be known by "chanfix"
729 ** You must be in the top 5 operators list
730 *
731 *Your channel operator status is tracked via points in a system called chanfix.
732 *The longer that you are opped on the channel, the higher your score will be.
733 *Once your score is in the top 5, you may request L.
734 *
735 * Note that chanfix doesn't start counting until your channel has had 4 users for atleast 2 hours.
736 I get an error when trying to request L, why?
737 *You do most likely not fulfill the requirements.
738 *
739 *If you get an error reporting 'Score too low...', then you will simply either need to ask another
740 *channel operator to make the request, or try again later once your score is higher.
741 *
742 *If you get an error reporting \91An error occurred adding the channel\92, then you are already known on the maximum number of channels.
743 *When you add L, it adds another channel to your chanlev, you must make space for one more entry.
744 *
745 *If you get an error reporting \91System overloaded, try again in 5 minutes\92,
746 *then the system is currently being bombarded with requests, and cannot handle the traffic.
747 *You should try again in 5 minutes.
748 How do I remove L from my channel?
749 *To remove L from your channel you must remove every user that you have added to it. Removing yourself last.
750 *As soon as the last user has been removed from L it will leave the channel.
751 Using L
752 Adding users to L
753 *You can add users to your channel with the commands ADDUSER and CHANLEV.
754 *Remove them with REMOVEUSER or CHANLEV.
755 *
756 */msg L ADDUSER #channel nickname/#account
757 *This command will give a user flags +ao (auto op).
758 *
759 */msg L REMOVEUSER #channel nickname/#account
760 *This command will remove a user from your channel, no matter what his/her flags are
761 *(assuming your level is higher than the user you are trying to remove).
762 *
763 */msg L CHANLEV #channel nickname/#account +-flags
764 *This command can be used both to add and remove users
765 *Availible flags are:
766 ** a - auto (should be combined with +o or +v)
767 ** g - auto (works only for +v, allowing a +ogv combination)
768 ** v - voice
769 ** o - op
770 ** m - master
771 ** n - owner
772 *
773 *Note:
774 *You need master access to add/remove flags +agvo
775 *You need owner access to add/remove flags +mn
776 Setting "invite only" with L
777 *If you have L in your internal clan channel or similar, you might want it set to "invited users only"
778 *L can be used to make sure +i is always set
779 *
780 */msg L setinvite #channel
781 *And to remove it: /msg L clearinvite #channel
782 *
783 *While using this mode, users will have to invite themselves using L:
784 */msg L invite #channel
785 Welcome messages
786 *L can send a welcome message to users joining your channel.
787 *
788 *To enable this function, simply set a message with L's WELCOME command:
789 * /msg L WELCOME #channel message
790 *
791 *To disable it, use:
792 * /msg L WELCOME #channel REMOVE
793 More help
794 *For further help, join #help on IRC
795 Problems with L
796 How do I remove peoples' CHANLEV when they are offline?
797 *If a user is offline and you wish to remove their CHANLEV from L, simply use #authname instead of the users nickname. Use
798 */msg L CHANLEV #channel to obtain a list of auth names added to the channel.
799 *Example: /msg L REMOVEUSER #channel #authname
800 There is no owner on my channel
801 *If nobody has the owner flag on your channel you may use: /msg L requestowner #channel
802 *This command works for anyone added as master (+m), or op (+o) if no masters are added
803 L has left my channel
804 *If L has left your channel and users are no longer being automatically voiced or op'ed then there are
805 *several reasons why it may have left:
806 ** The channel has expired due to inactivity or low amount of users.
807 ** An owner removed L from the channel.
808 ** L has been suspended from your channel.
809 *Contact #help to find out if your channel has had L suspended.
810 L has been suspended from my channel
811 *If L has been suspended from your channel it means that you or the users in your channel were in violation of QuakeNet rules.
812 *You should contact #feds for further information.
813 A channel I want already has L in it. What can I do?
814 *Nothing. You will have to choose a different channel.
815 A channel I want already has L in it and nobody uses the channel. Can I have it?
816 *If nobody with a CHANLEV on that channel enters for at least 20 days, L will be removed automatically and you may use the channel.
817 S
818 $s
819 *S is QuakeNet's SpamScan and sits it certain channels. If it detects you as spamming, it will disconnect you
820 *from the network. Most of the time you can simply rejoin, however if you do it consistently, you may find
821 *you have been banned for a short time.
822 How can I stop being kicked (killed) by S?
823 *Well, the way that S detects spam is not publicly known, but try not to use the /amsg command too much,
824 *try to write lines in one continuous sentence rather than a line for each word and
825 *don't advertise channels (see the QuakeNet rules for clarification on this). That should help in most cases.
826 How do I request S?
827 *S is available for request from the QuakeNet website: http://www.quakenet.org/request/.
828 *If it tells you that you do not fulfill the requirements, then you simply cannot get S.
829 *Whining in the support channels will not help you.
830 How do I remove S from my channel?
831 *To remove S from your channel you need to speak to the IRC operators in #feds.
832 Where is Nickserv?
833 $nickserv
834 *QuakeNet does not use a Nickserv, nicknames are free for anyone to use with the exception of network staff
835 *and services.
836 *
837 *In order to gain access to QuakeNet services, you must instead register to Q. On IRC, type /msg Q HELP HELLO, for further details.
838 Where is ChanServ?
839 $chanserv
840 *QuakeNet doesn't have chanserv, we use Q for channel support.
841 What is O?
842 $o
843 $requestop
844 *O is the operserv and is designed for use by the IRC operators. There is, however, one command that can be used by all users.
845 *To request ops in a channel with no op at all (ops include S and Q) use /msg O requestop #channel [nickname]. Use the nickname
846 *part if you wish to request ops for another user, otherwise it will try to op you. You cannot use this command during a netsplit,
847 *and O will tell you this when you try. O will also only op you if it recognises you as a known op for that channel.
848 What is H?
849 $h
850 *H is the service providing the help you are reading right now.
851 *It also has various commands and systems for the official support channels.
852 *You cannot request H for your own channel.
853 Trusts
854 *You are not allowed to have more than 5 IRC clients running from the same computer when you connect to QuakeNet. This is to
855 *prevent floodclones and other sorts of IRC attacks. A trust is a setting on QuakeNet that allows you to have more than 5
856 *connections from the same computer without being automatically banned.
857 How do I get a trust?
858 *To get a trust, you must visit http://trustrequest.quakenet.org and fill the form in with the following information:
859 *1. The IP addresses to be trusted. These must be tatic (ie unchanging) addresses. We do not give trusts to non-static addresses.
860 *If you do not have a guaranteed static IP (and most ADSL providers do NOT give out static IP addresses) you will not get a trust.
861 *It doesn't matter if you've had the same IP for months - if there is any possibility it will change, you will not get a trust.
862 *The only exception to this rule is for short-term use, such as a LAN party, in which case we will give a one-time temporary trust
863 *to a non-static IP. This will never be more than 4 days.
864 *
865 *2. An abuse email address. We require the email address of the IP or service administrator so that we can contact them about abuses
866 *of the trust. This is a requirement and will not be waived.
867 *
868 *3. A reason for the trust. You must explain to us the reason you want to have more than 5 connections to QuakeNet.
869 *
870 *4. The number of connections required (can be changed by the oper if it is too many).
871 *
872 *5. And the home channel on QuakeNet (if you have one).
873 *
874 *Please note: We will require a working identd from a bouncer.
875 *
876 *We are presently going though a process of development on our trust systems. You should refer to the latest news on http://www.quakenet.org
877 *for information on how to obtain a trust, and what trusts are currently being offered.
878 I want to use CGI:IRC. Can I get a trust?
879 *No. We do not give trusts to web-based IRC clients such as CGI:IRC that do not pass-through the real conection information of the
880 *person using the CGI:IRC client.
881 I have a dynamic ADSL connection - can I get a trust?
882 *No. We no longer provide trusts to hostnames or IP addresses that are not static (ie unchanging). Even if you have had the same
883 *hostname or IP address for several months, if it is not guaranteed to be unchanging, then we will not provide a trust.
884 Generic Hostnames
885 *A lot of ISPs use what is known as a 'generic' hostname for their users. These are normally constructed from a series of letters
886 *and numbers, followed by the ISP's name. Some good examples are those used by T-Dialin (example: pD9551B44.dip.t-dialin.net) or
887 *nextgentel (example: 55.80-202-24.nextgentel.com).
888 *
889 *You cannot apply for a trust if you have one of these generic hostnames, unless it is for an ISP-based NAT (in which case the ISP
890 *needs to contact us, not you) or for a LAN party (in which case you will get a temporary trust, typically no more than 4 days, for
891 *a low number of users, and it will not be able to be renewed).
892 I have a trust but I keep getting glined for clones! What's wrong?
893 *If you have a trust and keep getting glined for clones, this is probably because you are breaking the clone rule. A clone is when
894 *you have more than one connection from a single address (ident@hostmask), so if you have more than 5 connections where the ident
895 *is the same these are classified as clones, regardless of the level of trust you have.
896 *
897 *A trust is given based on a set number of connections from a fixed host, with up to 5 connections per user. If you have more than
898 *5 connections from a trusted host with the same ident, that ident will be glined for clones. This is correct behaviour and does
899 *not mean your trust no longer exists - it means that you are using it incorrectly.
900 IDENT and Trusts
901 *If you apply for a trust on QuakeNet, the source machine that houses the trust (ie your server) must be running an Ident server.
902 *If you are not running an identserver you will get K-Lined (banned) automatically when you try to connect.
903 *
904 *Trusts require a unique userident for each user, as we allow the maximum of 5 connections per userident.
905 *
906 *Please note: We do not provide installation or configuration support for IDENT services, and all such queries will be ignored.
907 The nature of trusts
908 *When QuakeNet gives a trust to a shell provider or a BNC provider, we are trusting that provider with a certain number of connections
909 *from a specific hostname. This means that more than one person can use the same hostname (the bit after the @ symbol), and we allow
910 *up to 5 users per ident (the bit before the @ symbol).
911 *
912 *As we are trusting a shell provider to be responsible in their provision of services, so we expect responsibility in return. We have
913 *seen increasing abuses of existing trusts, most prominently from large service providers who do not afford QuakeNet the same level
914 *of consideration that we afford them when we grant the trust.
915 *
916 *If a trust for 100 connections is granted, we do not expect there to be more than 100 connections from the one host, and we expect
917 *the provider to automatically limit outgoing connections from their service to ours so that a granted trust is never exceeded.
918 *
919 *If as a trusted provider you find that your users exceeds the number of trusted connections you have, we expect you to contact us
920 *for an increase in the trust *before* you add extra users to your service. We expect you to afford us this courtesy for the trust
921 *we have placed in you by giving you a trusted connection.
922 *
923 *It is up to you as a trusted provider to monitor your user connections - it is not up to us to tell you when you are exceeding your
924 *trust.
925 How do I request a trust modification?
926 *If you require a modification to your trust you may request one using the form at http://trustrequest.quakenet.org
927 *Make sure you enter all the information from the mail you received when you first requested the trust.
928 *
929 *Alternatively, #feds can be used for minor changes
930 My trust request was denied, why?
931 *There may be various reasons for your trust request having been denied. Most of the reasons can be avoided if you thoroughly read
932 *through this documentation before requesting a trust. Common reasons for your trust request being denied are:
933 You need identd installed on the server to get a long term trust. We will not accept clients without ident on trusted hosts.
934 *If you apply for a trust on QuakeNet, the source machine that houses the trust (ie your server) must be running an Ident server.
935 *If you are not running an identserver you will get K-Lined (banned) automatically when you try to connect.
936 *
937 *Trusts require a unique userident for each user, as we allow the maximum of 5 connections per userident.
938 *
939 *Please note: We do not provide installation or configuration support for IDENT services, and all such queries will be ignored.
940 No trusts for generic hostnames.
941 *A lot of ISPs use what is known as a 'generic' hostname for their users. These are normally constructed from a series of letters
942 *and numbers, followed by the ISP's name. Some good examples are those used by T-Dialin (example: pD9551B44.dip.t-dialin.net) or
943 *nextgentel (example: 55.80-202-24.nextgentel.com).
944 *
945 *You cannot apply for a trust if you have one of these generic hostnames, unless it is for an ISP-based NAT (in which case the ISP
946 *needs to contact us, not you) or for a LAN party (in which case you will get a temporary trust, typically no more than 4 days, for
947 *a low number of users, and it will not be able to be renewed).
948 You need to request as a NAT gateway. LAN trusts are only temporary (4 days).
949 *If you are on a LAN and you all share the same external IP, and you want a temporary trust, you must apply for a NAT gateway trust.
950 *LAN trusts are for LAN parties only and as such are only temporary.
951 That host is already trusted.
952 *You have requested a trust for an IP address that is already trusted by QuakeNet. An IP address cannot be trusted more than once.
953 Too many connections requested.
954 *QuakeNet will not normally add a new trust that has requested a large number of connections to the network. In this case, anything
955 *more than 100-150 connections will be rejected.
956 Incorrect trust type.
957 *Depending on the trust type you request, the trust setup will be slightly different. It is therefore very important that you request
958 *as the correct type, or your request will be rejected. The current types are:
959 **Bouncer - Use this type for a small clan or home bouncer.
960 **Non-commercial bouncer - For non-commercial organisations that provide bouncers free of charge or for their staff.
961 **Commercial bouncer - To be used by people wishing to sell bouncers, or sponsor other clans/organisations with them.
962 **Non-commercial shell - This type is for non-commercial organisations that offer shell accounts free of charge, e.g. public access systems.
963 **Commercial shell - To be used by commercial shell providers, who charge or sponsor people with shells.
964 **LAN - This is for use by people who are holding a short LAN (4 days). This trust type is temporary.
965 **NAT gateway - A NAT gateway forces everybody behind it to use the same IP. Use this if you are behind a NAT gateway.
966 **Other/special - Anything not fitting into the above categories should be requested as Other/special.
967 NAT gateway rejections.
968 *The most common reason for a NAT gateway trust request rejection is because the Network Admin (the person who owns or administrates the
969 *NAT gateway) has not requested a trust. It is essential that that person is the requestor, otherwise the application will be denied.
970 QuakeNet staff
971 $staff
972 *QuakeNet staff composes of network operators and support staff.
973 *All members of QuakeNet staff are volunteers and do not get paid for the work they do for QuakeNet.
974 Who are the IRC operators?
975 $oper
976 $ircop
977 *IRCops, or more formally IRC operators, are responsible for maintaining the network and enforcing the network
978 *rules as necessary. Like all staff members, ircops are also volunteers and do not get paid for their work.
979 How can I tell if someone is an IRC operator ?
980 *It's easy to tell if someone is an IRC operator, when you use the /whois command, it will show IRC operator status
981 *on a separate line saying "<nick> is an IRC operator", if someone says to you that he's an IRC operator and his
982 */whois information does not show that line, then he's lying and you should consider him possibly hostile.
983 Can I Become an IRC operator ?
984 $becomeoper
985 *Unfortunately no, becoming an IRC operator is not possible. We choose our operators carefully from the people
986 *we know and trust. New operators are added when there's need and one is always invited to the position, so
987 *you never apply to become an IRCop.
988 What can the IRC operators do that I can't?
989 *IRC operators connect/disconnect servers, they can disconnect/ban users violating the network rules and
990 *also maintain network services such as Q or L.
991 Are IRC operators gods or something?
992 *No, IRC operators are perfectly normal human beings (most of the time anyway).
993 Where can I learn more about QuakeNet IRC operators ?
994 *All public information concerning the QuakeNet IRC operators is available from
995 *http://www.staff.quakenet.org/operators.phtml
996 Who are the support staff ?
997 *Support staff specialise in providing user support for matters both involving IRC and Quakenet,
998 *as well as for any general matter that you might have a problem with
999 *(assuming of course that the particular supporter is familiar with the topic).
1000 *
1001 *Support staff can be found in:
1002 *#feds - Operator support.
1003 *#help - General support.
1004 *#help.script - mIRC scripting support.
1005 *#tutorial - Scheduled tutorials for newbies.
1006 Can I join the support staff?
1007 *We are currently not recruiting new support staff.
1008 QuakeNet rules
1009 $rules
1010 *QuakeNet is a friendly place, and we do put up with a wide variety of users and needs, however we have some rules
1011 *that are enforced to help keep this network a nice place to be and to keep problems to a minimum. The rules may be
1012 *viewed in detail at http://www.quakenet.org/rules .
1013 *
1014 *This network may NOT be used for:
1015 *
1016 ** Flooding (including flood/clonebots).
1017 ** Distribution of copyrighted material (eg, warez, mp3, movies) or pornography.
1018 ** Channels dedicated to cheats designed to cause unfair advantage in multiplayer games.
1019 ** Clones. Please visit http://trustrequest.quakenet.org if you require more than five clients (LAN parties, bots, etc).
1020 ** Attempts to takeover existing channels or network services.
1021 ** Racism and/or Nazism.
1022 ** Spamming and/or advertising.
1023 ** Hacking (including Virus/Trojan distribution).
1024 *
1025 *Continued use of QuakeNet indicates acceptance of these conditions.
1026 How to use this service
1027 $use
1028 $usage
1029 *To use this service via IRC, you only need to make a selection from given options. Selection is made by using the number of the option
1030 *for example, if option number 3 interests you, you can either command 'help 3' or just '3' to view information related to that
1031 *option. There's also the possibility of accessing information using an alias, there's however no list of these aliases and all
1032 *the information visible with an alias, for example 'help takeover', is available by the normal means.
1033 *To use this service via the website, you need only click on the links instead of typing your selection.
1034 *More information concerning this service is available from the QuakeNet staff members in #help or #feds.