]> jfr.im git - irc/freenode/web-7.0.git/blob - content/pages/groupreg.md
well shit me not, incompatible versions of opessl it seems,...
[irc/freenode/web-7.0.git] / content / pages / groupreg.md
1 ---
2 Title: Group registration
3 ---
5 This page describes group registration and the use of the freenode group
6 contact. Group registration allows your project or organisation to maintain
7 unambiguous contact with the freenode project volunteers and group registration
8 represents an official relationship with freenode.
10 ### On-topic groups
12 Groups considered to be on-topic for freenode are primarily free and open-source
13 software projects, and other peer-directed projects, for instance Linux User
14 Groups (LUGs), student societies, and other collaborative efforts, or projects/companies
15 of general interest to our user base.
17 ### Group registration:
19 **Represents an official relationship between freenode and your project or
20 organisation.**
22 > By registering your group, you are indicating that you are maintaining an
23 > official presence on the network. If your group is a legal entity, we want to
24 > make sure that management has approved your registration.
26 **Requires no special type or level of participation.**
28 > You may maintain as little or as much control over your channels as desired.
29 > You may cloak your members, employees or participants, or not, as you decide.
30 > You may apply to sponsor a server if that is something you wish to do.
32 **Is accomplished by discussing your registration with the community team.**
34 > If you think a group registration would benefit your project, let any member
35 > of staff know over IRC; they'll assess whether your group appears to be
36 > on-topic and advise you on what kind of information and authorisation you'll
37 > need.
40 ### Two types of group contacts exist for freenode:
42 #### The primary contact.
44 This contact registers to establish that your group intends to create a
45 relationship with freenode. The primary contact should have the authority to
46 make the determination that your group intends to register, with the specifics
47 depending on the type of group:
49 1. Legal entities. A primary contact should belong to upper management or the
50 organisation's board. This authority can be delegated further in the case of
51 larger organisations, but it is not recommended; in cases where such delegation
52 occurs, contact with the organisation is often lost and the group registration
53 must subsequently be removed.
55 2. Informal, project-oriented groups. Informal groups vary considerably in
56 their internal organisation. If the group is run by a single project leader or
57 developer, that person should submit a group registration. If it is run by a
58 larger core group or by voting across the project, the voting group should make
59 a collective decision to register and should appoint one of their number as
60 primary contact.
62 #### The secondary contact.
64 Secondary (or approved) contacts are appointed by the primary contact. A
65 secondary contact may be assigned limited access and/or privileges. They need
66 no special level of authority; delegate whatever level of authority seems
67 appropriate. We will not expect them to make policy decisions, just to find out
68 the answers to any questions that are raised.
71 ### Group registration provides:
73 1. Additional channel management capabilities. Projects and organisations are
74 entitled to own channels bearing their names. Your group contact can request
75 changes in channel ownership in accordance with this policy and can directly
76 request changes to access lists and configuration for any channels you own.
78 2. Group hostname cloaks. Cloaks allow your project or organisation to grant
79 official recognition to project participants. Your group contact maintains this
80 cloak list.
82 3. Problem solving. When there is a problem with one of your channels or if
83 there is a complaint by a user or a question about policy, we will pass it on
84 to your group contact.
86 We aim for a reasonable degree of flexibility where we deal with groups. If you
87 mention any particular needs your project might have, we'll try to accommodate
88 you.
91 #### Your group contacts:
93 **Are designated by your project or organisation.** For example, a group
94 contact might be your IT manager or someone involved with your project
95 infrastructure.
97 **Can be one person or several.** You decide who acts as group contact. Each
98 contact can be designated to handle issues pertaining to your entire group, or
99 to a limited set of projects or users. You can designate primary and backup
100 contacts if you wish.
102 **Acts as your "goto".** When you need someone to talk to us about a network
103 issue, your group contact is the person. They are your formal point of contact
104 with our network staff.
106 **Acts as our "goto".** We will ask your group contact whenever we have any
107 question about your project or organisational policies as they pertain to
108 participation in the network.
110 ## Group Registration and Channel Ownership
112 Channels on freenode are owned and operated by the groups which register them.
113 No minimum level of activity or moderation is expected or required of channel owners.
114 The network exists to further on-topic use, as explained in our [policies](http://freenode.net/policies)
115 and channels or groups may be removed from freenode for activity which is considered
116 to be off-topic.
118 Groups using freenode are strongly encouraged to adopt the [channel guidelines](http://freenode.net/changuide).
120 Primary channels are reserved based on a formal or informal claim, external to IRC, to a specific project group, or
121 trademarked name. Topical or reference channels are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis by groups wishing to
122 discuss a project, group or topic.
125 ### Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).
126 Project coordination, support, discussion or contact channels associated with software projects which are licensed under terms consistent with the [Debian Free Software Guidelines](http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines), Free Software Foundation's (Free Software Definition](http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) or the Open Source Initiative's [Open Source Definition](http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php) (preferably all three) are considered to be on-topic.
129 ### Non-Software-Related Peer-Directed Project.
130 Channels which serve projects combining open, informal participation and broadly-licensed, widely-disseminated creative output are considered to be on-topic. If you believe your non-software project may meet the criteria for a non-software peer-directed project, please consult a staffer or email support at freenode dot net.
132 ### Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
133 Coordination, support, discussion or contact channels run by educational institutions, registered not-for-profit entities and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and their related consortia are considered to be on-topic. Be sure to register your group or organisation.
135 ### Governmental Entity.
136 Coordination, support, discussion or contact channels run by local, national or international governmental entities are considered to be on-topic. Don't forget to register your group.
138 ### News Media.
139 Formal news organizations with an interest in our target communities are encouraged to create contact channels on freenode.
141 ### Corporate.
142 Contact channels for registered corporate or business entities or consortia with an interest in our target communities are considered to be on-topic.
144 ### Standards.
145 Discussion channels associated with official standards committees or with informal standards groups are considered to be on-topic.
147 ### Geographically-Based Interest Group.
148 Channels associated with formal or informal geographically-based interest groups are considered to be on-topic. These include local
149 Linux and FreeBSD user groups (LUGs and FUGs) and community wireless groups. If your group doesn't fall into one of those categories, but you think it might meet the criteria, please consult a staffer or email support at freenode dot net.
151 ### Other groups.
152 Other groups not covered by the above examples may be suitable for the network. Please drop an e-mail to groups@freenode.net if you want to find out if your group/project is a good fit for freenode.
155 ## freenode Group Advisory Board
157 In order for freenode to provide the best possible service to the communities
158 we serve, it is important for us to receive feedback from the projects with
159 which we have relationships.
161 We invite all current (and future) Group Contacts to join GAB, the freenode
162 Group Advisory Board. While we hope to see many Group Contacts involved with
163 GAB in an advisory capacity, GAB membership is of course optional.
165 freenode will consult the GAB on matters relating to services given to
166 groups/projects, any addition to, or change of, group specific policy and other
167 relevant issues.
169 If you are a current Group Contact and wish to get involved with GAB, please
170 contact staff on IRC or email groups at freenode dot net for instructions on
171 how to subscribe to the freenode-groups mailing list. If you're considering
172 becoming one, just let us know your email address when registering.
174 We'd love to hear how you feel we could improve the service for your community.
175 Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
178 ## Group Management & Community Team
180 The Group Management & Community Team comprises **christel**, **e**, **Fuchs**, **kline**,
181 **nhandler**, **Swant** and **tomaw**; together they will act as your liaisons during the group
182 registration process and throughout your tenure on the freenode network. If you
183 wish to discuss the group registration process, find out if freenode could be a
184 good fit for your project or register your project as a group, please feel free
185 to drop any of the team members a line on IRC.
187 Once you have discussed your project with a staff member, you'll be asked to
188 email <projects@freenode.net> with the details of your request, including any
189 formal verification information that might be required. If you're a PGP user,
190 feel free to encrypt to:
192 445B 4A56 5E9D F351 DD80 CE98 FCF3 9BAB 6166 AFB8