]> jfr.im git - irc/freenode/web-7.0.git/blob - content/news/2008-06-10-who-are-freenode-staff-part-1-of.md
[irc/freenode/web-7.0.git] / content / news / 2008-06-10-who-are-freenode-staff-part-1-of.md
1 ---
2 author: SportChick
3 date: 2008-06-10 17:45:54+00:00
4 slug: who-are-freenode-staff-part-1-of
5 title: Who Are freenode Staff? (Part 1 of ?)
6 category: community
7 category: freenode
8 category: infrastructure
9 category: social
10 imported: yes
11 ---
12 As you have undoubtedly noticed by now, freenode recently changed services. Along with this new look, we thought it would be a good time to formally (and perhaps not-so-formally) announce the addition of new staff. You’ll find below a list of all our current staff, and in this post and some that follow, we’ll give you a tiny snapshot of the new (and some of the old) members of our circus^Wteam.
14 Current freenode staff:
16 ** AndrewB
17 chb
18 christel
19 cybersystem
20 Dave2
21 denny
22 DLange
23 dmwaters
24 Exstatica
25 Ganneff
26 Gary
27 jenda
28 JonathanD
29 Karlprof
30 kloeri
31 Lorez
32 Martinp23
33 Matt
34 Md
35 nalioth
36 njan
37 numist
38 PhilKC
39 pinpoint
40 PriceChild
41 RichiH
42 seanw
43 Sejo
44 skenmy
45 SportChick
46 Stx
47 stylus
48 tomaw
49 Udontknow
50 vorian
51 weasel
52 werdan7
53 wimt
54 Yaakov**
56 And now, for a little insight on a couple of individuals:_
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62 * _**christel:** If by now, you don’t know christel...well, where have you been?! For the last couple of years, she has been the head of staff of freenode and has seen it through many changes. No, freenode is not yet pink (though if she had her way, it would be entirely pink - you can thank some of the male staffers for preventing that so far). She did once say that if she were to leave a job in a flamboyant manner, she’d simply go to work in pink body paint. Her secret desire has always been to become a Russian spy...however, being from Norway, she’s had to settle for being self-employed and an irc mogul in her spare time. She got her start on irc nearly half her lifetime ago, creating havoc on EfNet and running up her dial-up internet bills. _
67 * _**vorian:** One of the more recent additions to staff, vorian’s first experience on irc was starting up a Local (Ubuntu) Community team in 2006. Though married (for 10 years!) and with four children, he clearly wasn’t busy enough. A long-time wolf-bot addict, vorian has announced his goal for the future of freenode - creating a unified wolf-bot game where everyone plays by the rules, pays strict attention, and always has a minimum of 8 players per round (this replaces his former goal of becoming a jet pilot AND nurse for the navy). _
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