]> jfr.im git - irc/anope/website.git/blob - index.html
Add the news post for the 2.1.8 release.
[irc/anope/website.git] / index.html
1 ---
2 layout: default
3 redirect_from:
4 - /ilm.php/
5 - /index.php/
6 - /modspec.php/
7 - /qa-todo.php/
8 ---
9 <div class="block">
10 <h3>Anope IRC Services</h3>
11 <p>Anope is a set of IRC Services designed for flexibility and ease of use.</p>
12 <p>Anope is available in two flavors: Stable and Development. The stable version has been tested for months and is as stable as a rock, while the development version gets new features added constantly and allows you to enjoy the future of services today. </p>
13 <br>
14 <ul>
15 {% assign type = "Stable" %}
16 {% assign release = site.releases.stable %}
17 {% include release.html %}
19 {% assign type = "Development" %}
20 {% assign release = site.releases.devel %}
21 {% include release.html %}
22 <br>
23 <li>
24 <span>Old releases available <a href="https://github.com/anope/anope/releases">here</a>.</span>
25 </li>
26 </ul>
27 <br>
28 </div>
29 <div class="block">
30 {% assign latest = site.posts[0] %}
31 <h3>Latest News - <a href="{{ latest.url }}">{{ latest.title }}</a></h3>
32 {{ latest.excerpt }}
33 <h4>Posted on {{ latest.date | date_to_string }} by {{ latest.author }}</h4>
34 </div>
35 <div class="block">
36 <h3>Other News</h3>
37 <ul id="lastnews">
38 {% for post in site.posts offset:1 limit:5 %}
39 <li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a> ({{ post.date | date_to_string }})
40 {% endfor %}
41 </ul>
42 </div>