]> jfr.im git - irc/anope/website.git/blob - _posts/2011-05-16-anope-193-p1-anope-194-releases.md
Add the news post for 2.1.4.
[irc/anope/website.git] / _posts / 2011-05-16-anope-193-p1-anope-194-releases.md
1 ---
2 layout: post
3 title: Anope 1.9.3-p1 & Anope 1.9.4 Releases
4 author: chaz
5 category: 2011
6 # date: 2011-05-16T09:44:42+00:00
7 ---
9 The Anope Team are pleased to announce the release of two development builds.
11 Firstly, 1.9.3-p1 which is a patch release of 1.9.3 with fixes/etc for that particular branch and then a release of 1.9.4 which has the fixes from 1.9.3-p1 where appropriate together with heaps more development on top.
13 Admins running 1.9.3 at the moment have two choices, update to 1.9.3-p1 as a small upgrade to improve the stability of 1.9.3 (but it's still dev!), or upgrade to 1.9.4 which carries larger risks as this branch has received much more development but has lots more new shiny features for you to play with.
15 We make these releases available to you to help find issues and improve the stability whilst we continue to drive the direction of development forward.
17 We welcome admins to try these releases and find bugs and suggest improvements but please be aware that these are not to be considered stable so do not complain if they crash and burn or eat your dinner.
19 We continue to make great progress on the development of Anope and once again I take my hat off to the team and especially to Adam for the time and effort he puts into this product. He is clearly a master of the <a href="https://xkcd.com/320/">28 hour day</a>.
22 <b>Changes in 1.9.3-p1</b>
23 F Fixed bad logic in /os exception preventing valid hosts from being added
24 <br/>
25 F Fixed /os sqline clear
26 <br/>
27 F Fixed not applying SQLines to our own clients
28 <br/>
29 F Fixed crash from deleting nonexistant users on the XOP access lists
30 <br/>
31 F Fixed crash when /cs set mlock is given an empty string
32 <br/>
33 F Fixed a potential crash from expiring nicks
34 <br/>
35 F Fixed build on Debian Lenny
36 <br/>
37 F Fixed /bs badword del to show what word was deleted
38 <br/>
39 F Fixed using /ns release with a password
40 <br/>
41 F Fixed allowing setting a valid TTB with /bs kick repeat
42 <br/>
43 F Fixed caps kicker
44 <br/>
45 F Fixed many SQL issues
46 <br/>
47 F Fixed reading resolv.conf if it has multiple spaces or tabs
48 <br/>
49 F Fixed creating permanent channels on burst and setting their topics
50 <br/>
51 F Fixed /cs register to show in HELP
52 <br/>
53 F Fixed restricting people from registering guest nick names
54 <br/>
55 F Fixed a potential crash from dropping nicks
57 <b>Changes in 1.9.4</b>
59 A Automatically set channel founder to the user with the highest access if there is no successor
60 <br/>
61 A /chanserv clone command to copy settings from one channel to another.
62 <br/>
63 A /chanserv mode command
64 <br/>
65 A Ability for users to delete their own access in channels
66 <br/>
67 A Added support for Plexus 3
68 <br/>
69 A Readded in support for /cs op/deop/etc to op/deop you in all channels
70 <br/>
71 A Added LDAP support
72 <br/>
73 A Added live SQL support
74 <br/>
75 A Added support for learning tracking/storing/locking all modes at runtime
76 <br/>
77 A Added m_alias
78 <br/>
79 A Added support for XMLRPC queries
80 <br/>
81 A Added /botserv set msg
82 <br/>
83 A Added /operserv config
84 <br/>
85 A Added /ns cert
86 <br/>
87 A Added /operserv login
88 <br/>
89 F Changed the GHOST command to not allow ghosting unidentified users if the RECOVER command exists
90 <br/>
91 F Some failed logic in /operserv exception that prevents proper exceptions from being added
92 <br/>
93 F Fixed the anope_os_sxlines MySQL table and code to work after restarting
96 <b>Files:</b>
98 1.9.3-p1
100 MD5 Sum: 168de16417f3489b2e492920c4bd9b42 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/anope/files/anope-devel/Anope%201.9.3-p1/anope-1.9.3-p1-source.tar.gz/download">anope-1.9.3-p1-source.tar.gz</a><br/>
101 MD5 Sum: 23a91a1b8d27970fd0b8e1e9a2be9c75 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/anope/files/anope-devel/Anope%201.9.3-p1/anope-1.9.3-p1.exe/download">anope-1.9.3-p1.exe</a><br/>
103 1.9.4
105 MD5 Sum: 41178aa1aa52038316bb1e6e02d93f07 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/anope/files/anope-devel/Anope%201.9.4/anope-1.9.4-source.tar.gz/download">anope-1.9.4-source.tar.gz</a><br/>
106 MD5 Sum: e631f1c2becd56cd0f9a8f52afa934dd <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/anope/files/anope-devel/Anope%201.9.4/anope-1.9.4.exe/download">anope-1.9.4.exe</a><br/>