]> jfr.im git - irc/anope/website.git/blob - _posts/2010-12-13-anope-193-released.md
Add the news post for 2.1.4.
[irc/anope/website.git] / _posts / 2010-12-13-anope-193-released.md
1 ---
2 layout: post
3 title: Anope 1.9.3 Released
4 author: chaz
5 category: 2010
6 # date: 2010-12-13T17:56:21+00:00
7 ---
9 We're pleased to announce the release of Anope 1.9.3 (Development). This release continues the development of our development branch in creating the next generation Anope 2.0 stable.
11 Specific changes in this release include:
13 Added SSL Support for connections(*)
14 <br/>
15 Added threading support for mail sending
16 <br/>
17 Added a DNS blacklist system & asynchronous DNS system
18 <br/>
19 Added a new language system that uses gettext
20 <br/>
21 Added m_mysql which uses threads to execute queries
22 <br/>
23 Increased flexibility in a new logging system
24 <br/>
25 + stability & bug fixes
27 As always we welcome early adopters to the development branch to enable us to focus development and functionality moving forward but of course please do take back ups if you intend on trying this version out and be aware that you can not take databases from 1.9 back to 1.8 stable.
29 Admins moving from 1.9.2 will need to ensure they run their databases through db-upgrade to ensure they move to the new database format.
31 Advice is available in #anope on irc.anope.org
33 * The precompiled Windows releases lack SSL support due to licensing limitations but please read docs/WIN32.txt for information on compiling your own Anope from source if you need this functionality. We are working on ways to make this process smoother moving forward.
35 MD5 Checksums
37 anope-1.9.3-source.tar.gz - 89e7c887f4644a61b514d903f3e86b84
39 anope-1.9.3.exe - a23cb196b624bd942870414b1ba065d4
41 <a href="stat192-193.diff">diffstat between 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 </a><br/>