]> jfr.im git - irc/anope/website.git/blob - _posts/2009-03-08-anope-ldap-backend.md
Add the news post for 2.1.4.
[irc/anope/website.git] / _posts / 2009-03-08-anope-ldap-backend.md
1 ---
2 layout: post
3 title: Anope LDAP Backend
4 author: chaz
5 category: 2009
6 # date: 2009-03-08T17:15:04+00:00
7 ---
9 All Users,
11 We have recently introduced an LDAP backend for Anope. The purpose of this was to allow a single account to be used across the Forums, Bugzilla, & Wiki along with any new services we may offer in the future.
13 We have taken the databases from the Forum and Bugtracker and merged them together as best we could in order to import the most amount of unique entries into the LDAP system.
15 All users must reset their passwords via the following link in order to allow logins to function again across all services.
17 <a href="https://forum.anope.org/index.php?topic=2641.0">Password Reset Link</a><br/>
19 Once this has been done, you will be able to log into any of our services using your uid.
21 Any problems, let us know on IRC.