]> jfr.im git - z_archive/twitter.git/blob - twitter/stream.py
Use socket.recv to get data in the stream to prevent waiting for complete 1024b chunk...
[z_archive/twitter.git] / twitter / stream.py
1 try:
2 import urllib.request as urllib_request
3 import urllib.error as urllib_error
4 import io
5 except ImportError:
6 import urllib2 as urllib_request
7 import urllib2 as urllib_error
8 import json
10 from .api import TwitterCall, wrap_response
12 class TwitterJSONIter(object):
14 def __init__(self, handle, uri, arg_data):
15 self.decoder = json.JSONDecoder()
16 self.handle = handle
17 self.buf = b""
19 def __iter__(self):
20 while True:
21 # this is a non-blocking read (ie, it will return if any data is available)
22 self.buf += self.handle.fp._sock.fp._sock.recv(1024)
23 try:
24 utf8_buf = self.buf.decode('utf8').lstrip()
25 res, ptr = self.decoder.raw_decode(utf8_buf)
26 self.buf = utf8_buf[ptr:].encode('utf8')
27 yield wrap_response(res, self.handle.headers)
28 except ValueError as e:
29 continue
30 except urllib_error.HTTPError as e:
31 raise TwitterHTTPError(e, uri, self.format, arg_data)
33 class TwitterStreamCall(TwitterCall):
34 def _handle_response(self, req, uri, arg_data):
35 handle = urllib_request.urlopen(req,)
36 return iter(TwitterJSONIter(handle, uri, arg_data))
38 class TwitterStream(TwitterStreamCall):
39 """
40 Interface to the Twitter Stream API (stream.twitter.com). This can
41 be used pretty much the same as the Twitter class except the
42 result of calling a method will be an iterator that yields objects
43 decoded from the stream. For example::
45 twitter_stream = TwitterStream(auth=UserPassAuth('joe', 'joespassword'))
46 iterator = twitter_stream.statuses.sample()
48 for tweet in iterator:
49 ...do something with this tweet...
51 The iterator will yield tweets forever and ever (until the stream
52 breaks at which point it raises a TwitterHTTPError.)
53 """
54 def __init__(
55 self, domain="stream.twitter.com", secure=True, auth=None,
56 api_version='1'):
57 uriparts = ()
58 uriparts += (str(api_version),)
60 TwitterStreamCall.__init__(
61 self, auth=auth, format="json", domain=domain,
62 callable_cls=TwitterStreamCall,
63 secure=secure, uriparts=uriparts)