]> jfr.im git - z_archive/KronOS.git/blob - video/system/helpers/number_helper.php
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Mustis/WebOsProject
[z_archive/KronOS.git] / video / system / helpers / number_helper.php
1 <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
2 /**
3 * CodeIgniter
4 *
5 * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
6 *
7 * @package CodeIgniter
8 * @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
9 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc.
10 * @license http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/license.html
11 * @link http://codeigniter.com
12 * @since Version 1.0
13 * @filesource
14 */
16 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 /**
19 * CodeIgniter Number Helpers
20 *
21 * @package CodeIgniter
22 * @subpackage Helpers
23 * @category Helpers
24 * @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
25 * @link http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/helpers/number_helper.html
26 */
28 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 /**
31 * Formats a numbers as bytes, based on size, and adds the appropriate suffix
32 *
33 * @access public
34 * @param mixed // will be cast as int
35 * @return string
36 */
37 if ( ! function_exists('byte_format'))
38 {
39 function byte_format($num, $precision = 1)
40 {
41 $CI =& get_instance();
42 $CI->lang->load('number');
44 if ($num >= 1000000000000)
45 {
46 $num = round($num / 1099511627776, $precision);
47 $unit = $CI->lang->line('terabyte_abbr');
48 }
49 elseif ($num >= 1000000000)
50 {
51 $num = round($num / 1073741824, $precision);
52 $unit = $CI->lang->line('gigabyte_abbr');
53 }
54 elseif ($num >= 1000000)
55 {
56 $num = round($num / 1048576, $precision);
57 $unit = $CI->lang->line('megabyte_abbr');
58 }
59 elseif ($num >= 1000)
60 {
61 $num = round($num / 1024, $precision);
62 $unit = $CI->lang->line('kilobyte_abbr');
63 }
64 else
65 {
66 $unit = $CI->lang->line('bytes');
67 return number_format($num).' '.$unit;
68 }
70 return number_format($num, $precision).' '.$unit;
71 }
72 }
75 /* End of file number_helper.php */
76 /* Location: ./system/helpers/number_helper.php */