]> jfr.im git - z_archive/KronOS.git/blob - system/helpers/inflector_helper.php
Fixed account.php (this ain't python bro); fixed permissions because I'm picky.
[z_archive/KronOS.git] / system / helpers / inflector_helper.php
1 <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
2 /**
3 * CodeIgniter
4 *
5 * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
6 *
7 * @package CodeIgniter
8 * @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
9 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc.
10 * @license http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/license.html
11 * @link http://codeigniter.com
12 * @since Version 1.0
13 * @filesource
14 */
16 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 /**
19 * CodeIgniter Inflector Helpers
20 *
21 * @package CodeIgniter
22 * @subpackage Helpers
23 * @category Helpers
24 * @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
25 * @link http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/helpers/directory_helper.html
26 */
29 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
31 /**
32 * Singular
33 *
34 * Takes a plural word and makes it singular
35 *
36 * @access public
37 * @param string
38 * @return str
39 */
40 if ( ! function_exists('singular'))
41 {
42 function singular($str)
43 {
44 $result = strval($str);
46 $singular_rules = array(
47 '/(matr)ices$/' => '\1ix',
48 '/(vert|ind)ices$/' => '\1ex',
49 '/^(ox)en/' => '\1',
50 '/(alias)es$/' => '\1',
51 '/([octop|vir])i$/' => '\1us',
52 '/(cris|ax|test)es$/' => '\1is',
53 '/(shoe)s$/' => '\1',
54 '/(o)es$/' => '\1',
55 '/(bus|campus)es$/' => '\1',
56 '/([m|l])ice$/' => '\1ouse',
57 '/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/' => '\1',
58 '/(m)ovies$/' => '\1\2ovie',
59 '/(s)eries$/' => '\1\2eries',
60 '/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/' => '\1y',
61 '/([lr])ves$/' => '\1f',
62 '/(tive)s$/' => '\1',
63 '/(hive)s$/' => '\1',
64 '/([^f])ves$/' => '\1fe',
65 '/(^analy)ses$/' => '\1sis',
66 '/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/' => '\1\2sis',
67 '/([ti])a$/' => '\1um',
68 '/(p)eople$/' => '\1\2erson',
69 '/(m)en$/' => '\1an',
70 '/(s)tatuses$/' => '\1\2tatus',
71 '/(c)hildren$/' => '\1\2hild',
72 '/(n)ews$/' => '\1\2ews',
73 '/([^u])s$/' => '\1',
74 );
76 foreach ($singular_rules as $rule => $replacement)
77 {
78 if (preg_match($rule, $result))
79 {
80 $result = preg_replace($rule, $replacement, $result);
81 break;
82 }
83 }
85 return $result;
86 }
87 }
89 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
91 /**
92 * Plural
93 *
94 * Takes a singular word and makes it plural
95 *
96 * @access public
97 * @param string
98 * @param bool
99 * @return str
100 */
101 if ( ! function_exists('plural'))
102 {
103 function plural($str, $force = FALSE)
104 {
105 $result = strval($str);
107 $plural_rules = array(
108 '/^(ox)$/' => '\1\2en', // ox
109 '/([m|l])ouse$/' => '\1ice', // mouse, louse
110 '/(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$/' => '\1ices', // matrix, vertex, index
111 '/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/' => '\1es', // search, switch, fix, box, process, address
112 '/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/' => '\1ies', // query, ability, agency
113 '/(hive)$/' => '\1s', // archive, hive
114 '/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/' => '\1\2ves', // half, safe, wife
115 '/sis$/' => 'ses', // basis, diagnosis
116 '/([ti])um$/' => '\1a', // datum, medium
117 '/(p)erson$/' => '\1eople', // person, salesperson
118 '/(m)an$/' => '\1en', // man, woman, spokesman
119 '/(c)hild$/' => '\1hildren', // child
120 '/(buffal|tomat)o$/' => '\1\2oes', // buffalo, tomato
121 '/(bu|campu)s$/' => '\1\2ses', // bus, campus
122 '/(alias|status|virus)/' => '\1es', // alias
123 '/(octop)us$/' => '\1i', // octopus
124 '/(ax|cris|test)is$/' => '\1es', // axis, crisis
125 '/s$/' => 's', // no change (compatibility)
126 '/$/' => 's',
127 );
129 foreach ($plural_rules as $rule => $replacement)
130 {
131 if (preg_match($rule, $result))
132 {
133 $result = preg_replace($rule, $replacement, $result);
134 break;
135 }
136 }
138 return $result;
139 }
140 }
142 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
144 /**
145 * Camelize
146 *
147 * Takes multiple words separated by spaces or underscores and camelizes them
148 *
149 * @access public
150 * @param string
151 * @return str
152 */
153 if ( ! function_exists('camelize'))
154 {
155 function camelize($str)
156 {
157 $str = 'x'.strtolower(trim($str));
158 $str = ucwords(preg_replace('/[\s_]+/', ' ', $str));
159 return substr(str_replace(' ', '', $str), 1);
160 }
161 }
163 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
165 /**
166 * Underscore
167 *
168 * Takes multiple words separated by spaces and underscores them
169 *
170 * @access public
171 * @param string
172 * @return str
173 */
174 if ( ! function_exists('underscore'))
175 {
176 function underscore($str)
177 {
178 return preg_replace('/[\s]+/', '_', strtolower(trim($str)));
179 }
180 }
182 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
184 /**
185 * Humanize
186 *
187 * Takes multiple words separated by underscores and changes them to spaces
188 *
189 * @access public
190 * @param string
191 * @return str
192 */
193 if ( ! function_exists('humanize'))
194 {
195 function humanize($str)
196 {
197 return ucwords(preg_replace('/[_]+/', ' ', strtolower(trim($str))));
198 }
199 }
202 /* End of file inflector_helper.php */
203 /* Location: ./system/helpers/inflector_helper.php */