]> jfr.im git - yt-dlp.git/blob - yt_dlp/options.py
[yt-dlp.git] / yt_dlp / options.py
1 import collections
2 import contextlib
3 import optparse
4 import os.path
5 import re
6 import shlex
7 import string
8 import sys
10 from .compat import compat_expanduser, compat_get_terminal_size, compat_getenv
12 from .downloader.external import list_external_downloaders
13 from .postprocessor import (
14 FFmpegExtractAudioPP,
15 FFmpegSubtitlesConvertorPP,
16 FFmpegThumbnailsConvertorPP,
17 FFmpegVideoRemuxerPP,
18 SponsorBlockPP,
19 )
20 from .postprocessor.modify_chapters import DEFAULT_SPONSORBLOCK_CHAPTER_TITLE
21 from .update import detect_variant
22 from .utils import (
25 Config,
26 expand_path,
27 get_executable_path,
28 join_nonempty,
29 remove_end,
30 write_string,
31 )
32 from .version import __version__
35 def parseOpts(overrideArguments=None, ignore_config_files='if_override'):
36 root = Config(create_parser())
37 if ignore_config_files == 'if_override':
38 ignore_config_files = overrideArguments is not None
40 def _readUserConf(package_name, default=[]):
41 # .config
42 xdg_config_home = compat_getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') or compat_expanduser('~/.config')
43 userConfFile = os.path.join(xdg_config_home, package_name, 'config')
44 if not os.path.isfile(userConfFile):
45 userConfFile = os.path.join(xdg_config_home, '%s.conf' % package_name)
46 userConf = Config.read_file(userConfFile, default=None)
47 if userConf is not None:
48 return userConf, userConfFile
50 # appdata
51 appdata_dir = compat_getenv('appdata')
52 if appdata_dir:
53 userConfFile = os.path.join(appdata_dir, package_name, 'config')
54 userConf = Config.read_file(userConfFile, default=None)
55 if userConf is None:
56 userConfFile += '.txt'
57 userConf = Config.read_file(userConfFile, default=None)
58 if userConf is not None:
59 return userConf, userConfFile
61 # home
62 userConfFile = os.path.join(compat_expanduser('~'), '%s.conf' % package_name)
63 userConf = Config.read_file(userConfFile, default=None)
64 if userConf is None:
65 userConfFile += '.txt'
66 userConf = Config.read_file(userConfFile, default=None)
67 if userConf is not None:
68 return userConf, userConfFile
70 return default, None
72 def add_config(label, path, user=False):
73 """ Adds config and returns whether to continue """
74 if root.parse_known_args()[0].ignoreconfig:
75 return False
76 # Multiple package names can be given here
77 # Eg: ('yt-dlp', 'youtube-dlc', 'youtube-dl') will look for
78 # the configuration file of any of these three packages
79 for package in ('yt-dlp',):
80 if user:
81 args, current_path = _readUserConf(package, default=None)
82 else:
83 current_path = os.path.join(path, '%s.conf' % package)
84 args = Config.read_file(current_path, default=None)
85 if args is not None:
86 root.append_config(args, current_path, label=label)
87 return True
88 return True
90 def load_configs():
91 yield not ignore_config_files
92 yield add_config('Portable', get_executable_path())
93 yield add_config('Home', expand_path(root.parse_known_args()[0].paths.get('home', '')).strip())
94 yield add_config('User', None, user=True)
95 yield add_config('System', '/etc')
97 opts = optparse.Values({'verbose': True, 'print_help': False})
98 try:
99 if overrideArguments:
100 root.append_config(overrideArguments, label='Override')
101 else:
102 root.append_config(sys.argv[1:], label='Command-line')
104 if all(load_configs()):
105 # If ignoreconfig is found inside the system configuration file,
106 # the user configuration is removed
107 if root.parse_known_args()[0].ignoreconfig:
108 user_conf = next((i for i, conf in enumerate(root.configs) if conf.label == 'User'), None)
109 if user_conf is not None:
110 root.configs.pop(user_conf)
112 opts, args = root.parse_args()
113 except optparse.OptParseError:
114 with contextlib.suppress(optparse.OptParseError):
115 opts, _ = root.parse_known_args(strict=False)
116 raise
117 except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
118 opts.verbose = False
119 raise
120 finally:
121 verbose = opts.verbose and f'\n{root}'.replace('\n| ', '\n[debug] ')[1:]
122 if verbose:
123 write_string(f'{verbose}\n')
124 if opts.print_help:
125 if verbose:
126 write_string('\n')
127 root.parser.print_help()
128 if opts.print_help:
129 sys.exit()
130 return root.parser, opts, args
133 class _YoutubeDLHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter):
134 def __init__(self):
135 # No need to wrap help messages if we're on a wide console
136 max_width = compat_get_terminal_size().columns or 80
137 # 47% is chosen because that is how README.md is currently formatted
138 # and moving help text even further to the right is undesirable.
139 # This can be reduced in the future to get a prettier output
140 super().__init__(width=max_width, max_help_position=int(0.47 * max_width))
142 @staticmethod
143 def format_option_strings(option):
144 """ ('-o', '--option') -> -o, --format METAVAR """
145 opts = join_nonempty(
146 option._short_opts and option._short_opts[0],
147 option._long_opts and option._long_opts[0],
148 delim=', ')
149 if option.takes_value():
150 opts += f' {option.metavar}'
151 return opts
154 class _YoutubeDLOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
155 # optparse is deprecated since python 3.2. So assume a stable interface even for private methods
158 def __init__(self):
159 super().__init__(
160 prog='yt-dlp' if detect_variant() == 'source' else None,
161 version=__version__,
162 usage='%prog [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]',
163 epilog='See full documentation at https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#readme',
164 formatter=_YoutubeDLHelpFormatter(),
165 conflict_handler='resolve',
166 )
168 _UNKNOWN_OPTION = (optparse.BadOptionError, optparse.AmbiguousOptionError)
169 _BAD_OPTION = optparse.OptionValueError
171 def parse_known_args(self, args=None, values=None, strict=True):
172 """Same as parse_args, but ignore unknown switches. Similar to argparse.parse_known_args"""
173 self.rargs, self.largs = self._get_args(args), []
174 self.values = values or self.get_default_values()
175 while self.rargs:
176 try:
177 self._process_args(self.largs, self.rargs, self.values)
178 except optparse.OptParseError as err:
179 if isinstance(err, self._UNKNOWN_OPTION):
180 self.largs.append(err.opt_str)
181 elif strict:
182 if isinstance(err, self._BAD_OPTION):
183 self.error(str(err))
184 raise
185 return self.check_values(self.values, self.largs)
187 def error(self, msg):
188 msg = f'{self.get_prog_name()}: error: {msg.strip()}\n'
189 raise optparse.OptParseError(f'{self.get_usage()}\n{msg}' if self.usage else msg)
191 def _get_args(self, args):
192 return sys.argv[1:] if args is None else list(args)
194 def _match_long_opt(self, opt):
195 """Improve ambigious argument resolution by comparing option objects instead of argument strings"""
196 try:
197 return super()._match_long_opt(opt)
198 except optparse.AmbiguousOptionError as e:
199 if len({self._long_opt[p] for p in e.possibilities}) == 1:
200 return e.possibilities[0]
201 raise
204 def create_parser():
205 def _list_from_options_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, append=True, delim=',', process=str.strip):
206 # append can be True, False or -1 (prepend)
207 current = list(getattr(parser.values, option.dest)) if append else []
208 value = list(filter(None, [process(value)] if delim is None else map(process, value.split(delim))))
209 setattr(
210 parser.values, option.dest,
211 current + value if append is True else value + current)
213 def _set_from_options_callback(
214 option, opt_str, value, parser, delim=',', allowed_values=None, aliases={},
215 process=lambda x: x.lower().strip()):
216 current = set(getattr(parser.values, option.dest))
217 values = [process(value)] if delim is None else list(map(process, value.split(delim)[::-1]))
218 while values:
219 actual_val = val = values.pop()
220 if not val:
221 raise optparse.OptionValueError(f'Invalid {option.metavar} for {opt_str}: {value}')
222 if val == 'all':
223 current.update(allowed_values)
224 elif val == '-all':
225 current = set()
226 elif val in aliases:
227 values.extend(aliases[val])
228 else:
229 if val[0] == '-':
230 val = val[1:]
231 current.discard(val)
232 else:
233 current.update([val])
234 if allowed_values is not None and val not in allowed_values:
235 raise optparse.OptionValueError(f'wrong {option.metavar} for {opt_str}: {actual_val}')
237 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, current)
239 def _dict_from_options_callback(
240 option, opt_str, value, parser,
241 allowed_keys=r'[\w-]+', delimiter=':', default_key=None, process=None, multiple_keys=True,
242 process_key=str.lower, append=False):
244 out_dict = dict(getattr(parser.values, option.dest))
245 multiple_args = not isinstance(value, str)
246 if multiple_keys:
247 allowed_keys = fr'({allowed_keys})(,({allowed_keys}))*'
248 mobj = re.match(
249 fr'(?i)(?P<keys>{allowed_keys}){delimiter}(?P<val>.*)$',
250 value[0] if multiple_args else value)
251 if mobj is not None:
252 keys, val = mobj.group('keys').split(','), mobj.group('val')
253 if multiple_args:
254 val = [val, *value[1:]]
255 elif default_key is not None:
256 keys, val = [default_key], value
257 else:
258 raise optparse.OptionValueError(
259 f'wrong {opt_str} formatting; it should be {option.metavar}, not "{value}"')
260 try:
261 keys = map(process_key, keys) if process_key else keys
262 val = process(val) if process else val
263 except Exception as err:
264 raise optparse.OptionValueError(f'wrong {opt_str} formatting; {err}')
265 for key in keys:
266 out_dict[key] = out_dict.get(key, []) + [val] if append else val
267 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, out_dict)
269 parser = _YoutubeDLOptionParser()
270 alias_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Aliases')
271 Formatter = string.Formatter()
273 def _create_alias(option, opt_str, value, parser):
274 aliases, opts = value
275 try:
276 nargs = len({i if f == '' else f
277 for i, (_, f, _, _) in enumerate(Formatter.parse(opts)) if f is not None})
278 opts.format(*map(str, range(nargs))) # validate
279 except Exception as err:
280 raise optparse.OptionValueError(f'wrong {opt_str} OPTIONS formatting; {err}')
281 if alias_group not in parser.option_groups:
282 parser.add_option_group(alias_group)
284 aliases = (x if x.startswith('-') else f'--{x}' for x in map(str.strip, aliases.split(',')))
285 try:
286 alias_group.add_option(
287 *aliases, help=opts, nargs=nargs, type='str' if nargs else None,
288 dest='_triggered_aliases', default=collections.defaultdict(int),
289 metavar=' '.join(f'ARG{i}' for i in range(nargs)), action='callback',
290 callback=_alias_callback, callback_kwargs={'opts': opts, 'nargs': nargs})
291 except Exception as err:
292 raise optparse.OptionValueError(f'wrong {opt_str} formatting; {err}')
294 def _alias_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, opts, nargs):
295 counter = getattr(parser.values, option.dest)
296 counter[opt_str] += 1
297 if counter[opt_str] > parser.ALIAS_TRIGGER_LIMIT:
298 raise optparse.OptionValueError(f'Alias {opt_str} exceeded invocation limit')
299 if nargs == 1:
300 value = [value]
301 assert (nargs == 0 and value is None) or len(value) == nargs
302 parser.rargs[:0] = shlex.split(
303 opts if value is None else opts.format(*map(shlex.quote, value)))
305 general = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'General Options')
306 general.add_option(
307 '-h', '--help', dest='print_help', action='store_true',
308 help='Print this help text and exit')
309 general.add_option(
310 '--version',
311 action='version',
312 help='Print program version and exit')
313 general.add_option(
314 '-U', '--update',
315 action='store_true', dest='update_self',
316 help='Update this program to latest version')
317 general.add_option(
318 '-i', '--ignore-errors',
319 action='store_true', dest='ignoreerrors',
320 help='Ignore download and postprocessing errors. The download will be considered successful even if the postprocessing fails')
321 general.add_option(
322 '--no-abort-on-error',
323 action='store_const', dest='ignoreerrors', const='only_download',
324 help='Continue with next video on download errors; e.g. to skip unavailable videos in a playlist (default)')
325 general.add_option(
326 '--abort-on-error', '--no-ignore-errors',
327 action='store_false', dest='ignoreerrors',
328 help='Abort downloading of further videos if an error occurs (Alias: --no-ignore-errors)')
329 general.add_option(
330 '--dump-user-agent',
331 action='store_true', dest='dump_user_agent', default=False,
332 help='Display the current user-agent and exit')
333 general.add_option(
334 '--list-extractors',
335 action='store_true', dest='list_extractors', default=False,
336 help='List all supported extractors and exit')
337 general.add_option(
338 '--extractor-descriptions',
339 action='store_true', dest='list_extractor_descriptions', default=False,
340 help='Output descriptions of all supported extractors and exit')
341 general.add_option(
342 '--force-generic-extractor',
343 action='store_true', dest='force_generic_extractor', default=False,
344 help='Force extraction to use the generic extractor')
345 general.add_option(
346 '--default-search',
347 dest='default_search', metavar='PREFIX',
348 help='Use this prefix for unqualified URLs. For example "gvsearch2:" downloads two videos from google videos for the search term "large apple". Use the value "auto" to let yt-dlp guess ("auto_warning" to emit a warning when guessing). "error" just throws an error. The default value "fixup_error" repairs broken URLs, but emits an error if this is not possible instead of searching')
349 general.add_option(
350 '--ignore-config', '--no-config',
351 action='store_true', dest='ignoreconfig',
352 help=(
353 'Don\'t load any more configuration files except those given by --config-locations. '
354 'For backward compatibility, if this option is found inside the system configuration file, the user configuration is not loaded. '
355 '(Alias: --no-config)'))
356 general.add_option(
357 '--no-config-locations',
358 action='store_const', dest='config_locations', const=[],
359 help=(
360 'Do not load any custom configuration files (default). When given inside a '
361 'configuration file, ignore all previous --config-locations defined in the current file'))
362 general.add_option(
363 '--config-locations',
364 dest='config_locations', metavar='PATH', action='append',
365 help=(
366 'Location of the main configuration file; either the path to the config or its containing directory. '
367 'Can be used multiple times and inside other configuration files'))
368 general.add_option(
369 '--flat-playlist',
370 action='store_const', dest='extract_flat', const='in_playlist', default=False,
371 help='Do not extract the videos of a playlist, only list them')
372 general.add_option(
373 '--no-flat-playlist',
374 action='store_false', dest='extract_flat',
375 help='Extract the videos of a playlist')
376 general.add_option(
377 '--live-from-start',
378 action='store_true', dest='live_from_start',
379 help='Download livestreams from the start. Currently only supported for YouTube (Experimental)')
380 general.add_option(
381 '--no-live-from-start',
382 action='store_false', dest='live_from_start',
383 help='Download livestreams from the current time (default)')
384 general.add_option(
385 '--wait-for-video',
386 dest='wait_for_video', metavar='MIN[-MAX]', default=None,
387 help=(
388 'Wait for scheduled streams to become available. '
389 'Pass the minimum number of seconds (or range) to wait between retries'))
390 general.add_option(
391 '--no-wait-for-video',
392 dest='wait_for_video', action='store_const', const=None,
393 help='Do not wait for scheduled streams (default)')
394 general.add_option(
395 '--mark-watched',
396 action='store_true', dest='mark_watched', default=False,
397 help='Mark videos watched (even with --simulate)')
398 general.add_option(
399 '--no-mark-watched',
400 action='store_false', dest='mark_watched',
401 help='Do not mark videos watched (default)')
402 general.add_option(
403 '--no-colors',
404 action='store_true', dest='no_color', default=False,
405 help='Do not emit color codes in output')
406 general.add_option(
407 '--compat-options',
408 metavar='OPTS', dest='compat_opts', default=set(), type='str',
409 action='callback', callback=_set_from_options_callback,
410 callback_kwargs={
411 'allowed_values': {
412 'filename', 'filename-sanitization', 'format-sort', 'abort-on-error', 'format-spec', 'no-playlist-metafiles',
413 'multistreams', 'no-live-chat', 'playlist-index', 'list-formats', 'no-direct-merge',
414 'no-youtube-channel-redirect', 'no-youtube-unavailable-videos', 'no-attach-info-json', 'embed-metadata',
415 'embed-thumbnail-atomicparsley', 'seperate-video-versions', 'no-clean-infojson', 'no-keep-subs', 'no-certifi',
416 }, 'aliases': {
417 'youtube-dl': ['-multistreams', 'all'],
418 'youtube-dlc': ['-no-youtube-channel-redirect', '-no-live-chat', 'all'],
419 }
420 }, help=(
421 'Options that can help keep compatibility with youtube-dl or youtube-dlc '
422 'configurations by reverting some of the changes made in yt-dlp. '
423 'See "Differences in default behavior" for details'))
424 general.add_option(
425 '--alias', metavar='ALIASES OPTIONS', dest='_', type='str', nargs=2,
426 action='callback', callback=_create_alias,
427 help=(
428 'Create aliases for an option string. Unless an alias starts with a dash "-", it is prefixed with "--". '
429 'Arguments are parsed according to the Python string formatting mini-language. '
430 'Eg: --alias get-audio,-X "-S=aext:{0},abr -x --audio-format {0}" creates options '
431 '"--get-audio" and "-X" that takes an argument (ARG0) and expands to '
432 '"-S=aext:ARG0,abr -x --audio-format ARG0". All defined aliases are listed in the --help output. '
433 'Alias options can trigger more aliases; so be carefull to avoid defining recursive options. '
434 f'As a safety measure, each alias may be triggered a maximum of {_YoutubeDLOptionParser.ALIAS_TRIGGER_LIMIT} times. '
435 'This option can be used multiple times'))
437 network = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Network Options')
438 network.add_option(
439 '--proxy', dest='proxy',
440 default=None, metavar='URL',
441 help=(
442 'Use the specified HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy. To enable '
443 'SOCKS proxy, specify a proper scheme. For example '
444 'socks5://user:pass@ Pass in an empty string (--proxy "") '
445 'for direct connection'))
446 network.add_option(
447 '--socket-timeout',
448 dest='socket_timeout', type=float, default=None, metavar='SECONDS',
449 help='Time to wait before giving up, in seconds')
450 network.add_option(
451 '--source-address',
452 metavar='IP', dest='source_address', default=None,
453 help='Client-side IP address to bind to',
454 )
455 network.add_option(
456 '-4', '--force-ipv4',
457 action='store_const', const='', dest='source_address',
458 help='Make all connections via IPv4',
459 )
460 network.add_option(
461 '-6', '--force-ipv6',
462 action='store_const', const='::', dest='source_address',
463 help='Make all connections via IPv6',
464 )
466 geo = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Geo-restriction')
467 geo.add_option(
468 '--geo-verification-proxy',
469 dest='geo_verification_proxy', default=None, metavar='URL',
470 help=(
471 'Use this proxy to verify the IP address for some geo-restricted sites. '
472 'The default proxy specified by --proxy (or none, if the option is not present) is used for the actual downloading'))
473 geo.add_option(
474 '--cn-verification-proxy',
475 dest='cn_verification_proxy', default=None, metavar='URL',
476 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
477 geo.add_option(
478 '--geo-bypass',
479 action='store_true', dest='geo_bypass', default=True,
480 help='Bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header (default)')
481 geo.add_option(
482 '--no-geo-bypass',
483 action='store_false', dest='geo_bypass',
484 help='Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header')
485 geo.add_option(
486 '--geo-bypass-country', metavar='CODE',
487 dest='geo_bypass_country', default=None,
488 help='Force bypass geographic restriction with explicitly provided two-letter ISO 3166-2 country code')
489 geo.add_option(
490 '--geo-bypass-ip-block', metavar='IP_BLOCK',
491 dest='geo_bypass_ip_block', default=None,
492 help='Force bypass geographic restriction with explicitly provided IP block in CIDR notation')
494 selection = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Video Selection')
495 selection.add_option(
496 '--playlist-start',
497 dest='playliststart', metavar='NUMBER', default=1, type=int,
498 help='Playlist video to start at (default is %default)')
499 selection.add_option(
500 '--playlist-end',
501 dest='playlistend', metavar='NUMBER', default=None, type=int,
502 help='Playlist video to end at (default is last)')
503 selection.add_option(
504 '--playlist-items',
505 dest='playlist_items', metavar='ITEM_SPEC', default=None,
506 help='Playlist video items to download. Specify indices of the videos in the playlist separated by commas like: "--playlist-items 1,2,5,8" if you want to download videos indexed 1, 2, 5, 8 in the playlist. You can specify range: "--playlist-items 1-3,7,10-13", it will download the videos at index 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13')
507 selection.add_option(
508 '--match-title',
509 dest='matchtitle', metavar='REGEX',
510 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
511 selection.add_option(
512 '--reject-title',
513 dest='rejecttitle', metavar='REGEX',
514 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
515 selection.add_option(
516 '--min-filesize',
517 metavar='SIZE', dest='min_filesize', default=None,
518 help='Do not download any videos smaller than SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m)')
519 selection.add_option(
520 '--max-filesize',
521 metavar='SIZE', dest='max_filesize', default=None,
522 help='Do not download any videos larger than SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m)')
523 selection.add_option(
524 '--date',
525 metavar='DATE', dest='date', default=None,
526 help=(
527 'Download only videos uploaded on this date. The date can be "YYYYMMDD" or in the format '
528 '[now|today|yesterday][-N[day|week|month|year]]. Eg: --date today-2weeks'))
529 selection.add_option(
530 '--datebefore',
531 metavar='DATE', dest='datebefore', default=None,
532 help=(
533 'Download only videos uploaded on or before this date. '
534 'The date formats accepted is the same as --date'))
535 selection.add_option(
536 '--dateafter',
537 metavar='DATE', dest='dateafter', default=None,
538 help=(
539 'Download only videos uploaded on or after this date. '
540 'The date formats accepted is the same as --date'))
541 selection.add_option(
542 '--min-views',
543 metavar='COUNT', dest='min_views', default=None, type=int,
544 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
545 selection.add_option(
546 '--max-views',
547 metavar='COUNT', dest='max_views', default=None, type=int,
548 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
549 selection.add_option(
550 '--match-filters',
551 metavar='FILTER', dest='match_filter', action='append',
552 help=(
553 'Generic video filter. Any field (see "OUTPUT TEMPLATE") can be compared with a '
554 'number or a string using the operators defined in "Filtering formats". '
555 'You can also simply specify a field to match if the field is present, '
556 'use "!field" to check if the field is not present, and "&" to check multiple conditions. '
557 'Use a "\\" to escape "&" or quotes if needed. If used multiple times, '
558 'the filter matches if atleast one of the conditions are met. Eg: --match-filter '
559 '!is_live --match-filter "like_count>?100 & description~=\'(?i)\\bcats \\& dogs\\b\'" '
560 'matches only videos that are not live OR those that have a like count more than 100 '
561 '(or the like field is not available) and also has a description '
562 'that contains the phrase "cats & dogs" (ignoring case). '
563 'Use "--match-filter -" to interactively ask whether to download each video'))
564 selection.add_option(
565 '--no-match-filter',
566 metavar='FILTER', dest='match_filter', action='store_const', const=None,
567 help='Do not use generic video filter (default)')
568 selection.add_option(
569 '--no-playlist',
570 action='store_true', dest='noplaylist', default=False,
571 help='Download only the video, if the URL refers to a video and a playlist')
572 selection.add_option(
573 '--yes-playlist',
574 action='store_false', dest='noplaylist',
575 help='Download the playlist, if the URL refers to a video and a playlist')
576 selection.add_option(
577 '--age-limit',
578 metavar='YEARS', dest='age_limit', default=None, type=int,
579 help='Download only videos suitable for the given age')
580 selection.add_option(
581 '--download-archive', metavar='FILE',
582 dest='download_archive',
583 help='Download only videos not listed in the archive file. Record the IDs of all downloaded videos in it')
584 selection.add_option(
585 '--no-download-archive',
586 dest='download_archive', action="store_const", const=None,
587 help='Do not use archive file (default)')
588 selection.add_option(
589 '--max-downloads',
590 dest='max_downloads', metavar='NUMBER', type=int, default=None,
591 help='Abort after downloading NUMBER files')
592 selection.add_option(
593 '--break-on-existing',
594 action='store_true', dest='break_on_existing', default=False,
595 help='Stop the download process when encountering a file that is in the archive')
596 selection.add_option(
597 '--break-on-reject',
598 action='store_true', dest='break_on_reject', default=False,
599 help='Stop the download process when encountering a file that has been filtered out')
600 selection.add_option(
601 '--break-per-input',
602 action='store_true', dest='break_per_url', default=False,
603 help='Make --break-on-existing, --break-on-reject and --max-downloads act only on the current input URL')
604 selection.add_option(
605 '--no-break-per-input',
606 action='store_false', dest='break_per_url',
607 help='--break-on-existing and similar options terminates the entire download queue')
608 selection.add_option(
609 '--skip-playlist-after-errors', metavar='N',
610 dest='skip_playlist_after_errors', default=None, type=int,
611 help='Number of allowed failures until the rest of the playlist is skipped')
612 selection.add_option(
613 '--include-ads',
614 dest='include_ads', action='store_true',
615 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
616 selection.add_option(
617 '--no-include-ads',
618 dest='include_ads', action='store_false',
619 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
621 authentication = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Authentication Options')
622 authentication.add_option(
623 '-u', '--username',
624 dest='username', metavar='USERNAME',
625 help='Login with this account ID')
626 authentication.add_option(
627 '-p', '--password',
628 dest='password', metavar='PASSWORD',
629 help='Account password. If this option is left out, yt-dlp will ask interactively')
630 authentication.add_option(
631 '-2', '--twofactor',
632 dest='twofactor', metavar='TWOFACTOR',
633 help='Two-factor authentication code')
634 authentication.add_option(
635 '-n', '--netrc',
636 action='store_true', dest='usenetrc', default=False,
637 help='Use .netrc authentication data')
638 authentication.add_option(
639 '--netrc-location',
640 dest='netrc_location', metavar='PATH',
641 help='Location of .netrc authentication data; either the path or its containing directory. Defaults to ~/.netrc')
642 authentication.add_option(
643 '--video-password',
644 dest='videopassword', metavar='PASSWORD',
645 help='Video password (vimeo, youku)')
646 authentication.add_option(
647 '--ap-mso',
648 dest='ap_mso', metavar='MSO',
649 help='Adobe Pass multiple-system operator (TV provider) identifier, use --ap-list-mso for a list of available MSOs')
650 authentication.add_option(
651 '--ap-username',
652 dest='ap_username', metavar='USERNAME',
653 help='Multiple-system operator account login')
654 authentication.add_option(
655 '--ap-password',
656 dest='ap_password', metavar='PASSWORD',
657 help='Multiple-system operator account password. If this option is left out, yt-dlp will ask interactively')
658 authentication.add_option(
659 '--ap-list-mso',
660 action='store_true', dest='ap_list_mso', default=False,
661 help='List all supported multiple-system operators')
662 authentication.add_option(
663 '--client-certificate',
664 dest='client_certificate', metavar='CERTFILE',
665 help='Path to client certificate file in PEM format. May include the private key')
666 authentication.add_option(
667 '--client-certificate-key',
668 dest='client_certificate_key', metavar='KEYFILE',
669 help='Path to private key file for client certificate')
670 authentication.add_option(
671 '--client-certificate-password',
672 dest='client_certificate_password', metavar='PASSWORD',
673 help='Password for client certificate private key, if encrypted. '
674 'If not provided and the key is encrypted, yt-dlp will ask interactively')
676 video_format = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Video Format Options')
677 video_format.add_option(
678 '-f', '--format',
679 action='store', dest='format', metavar='FORMAT', default=None,
680 help='Video format code, see "FORMAT SELECTION" for more details')
681 video_format.add_option(
682 '-S', '--format-sort', metavar='SORTORDER',
683 dest='format_sort', default=[], type='str', action='callback',
684 callback=_list_from_options_callback, callback_kwargs={'append': -1},
685 help='Sort the formats by the fields given, see "Sorting Formats" for more details')
686 video_format.add_option(
687 '--format-sort-force', '--S-force',
688 action='store_true', dest='format_sort_force', metavar='FORMAT', default=False,
689 help=(
690 'Force user specified sort order to have precedence over all fields, '
691 'see "Sorting Formats" for more details'))
692 video_format.add_option(
693 '--no-format-sort-force',
694 action='store_false', dest='format_sort_force', metavar='FORMAT', default=False,
695 help=(
696 'Some fields have precedence over the user specified sort order (default), '
697 'see "Sorting Formats" for more details'))
698 video_format.add_option(
699 '--video-multistreams',
700 action='store_true', dest='allow_multiple_video_streams', default=None,
701 help='Allow multiple video streams to be merged into a single file')
702 video_format.add_option(
703 '--no-video-multistreams',
704 action='store_false', dest='allow_multiple_video_streams',
705 help='Only one video stream is downloaded for each output file (default)')
706 video_format.add_option(
707 '--audio-multistreams',
708 action='store_true', dest='allow_multiple_audio_streams', default=None,
709 help='Allow multiple audio streams to be merged into a single file')
710 video_format.add_option(
711 '--no-audio-multistreams',
712 action='store_false', dest='allow_multiple_audio_streams',
713 help='Only one audio stream is downloaded for each output file (default)')
714 video_format.add_option(
715 '--all-formats',
716 action='store_const', dest='format', const='all',
717 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
718 video_format.add_option(
719 '--prefer-free-formats',
720 action='store_true', dest='prefer_free_formats', default=False,
721 help=(
722 'Prefer video formats with free containers over non-free ones of same quality. '
723 'Use with "-S ext" to strictly prefer free containers irrespective of quality'))
724 video_format.add_option(
725 '--no-prefer-free-formats',
726 action='store_false', dest='prefer_free_formats', default=False,
727 help="Don't give any special preference to free containers (default)")
728 video_format.add_option(
729 '--check-formats',
730 action='store_const', const='selected', dest='check_formats', default=None,
731 help='Make sure formats are selected only from those that are actually downloadable')
732 video_format.add_option(
733 '--check-all-formats',
734 action='store_true', dest='check_formats',
735 help='Check all formats for whether they are actually downloadable')
736 video_format.add_option(
737 '--no-check-formats',
738 action='store_false', dest='check_formats',
739 help='Do not check that the formats are actually downloadable')
740 video_format.add_option(
741 '-F', '--list-formats',
742 action='store_true', dest='listformats',
743 help='List available formats of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used')
744 video_format.add_option(
745 '--list-formats-as-table',
746 action='store_true', dest='listformats_table', default=True,
747 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
748 video_format.add_option(
749 '--list-formats-old', '--no-list-formats-as-table',
750 action='store_false', dest='listformats_table',
751 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
752 video_format.add_option(
753 '--merge-output-format',
754 action='store', dest='merge_output_format', metavar='FORMAT', default=None,
755 help=(
756 'If a merge is required (e.g. bestvideo+bestaudio), '
757 'output to given container format. One of mkv, mp4, ogg, webm, flv. '
758 'Ignored if no merge is required'))
759 video_format.add_option(
760 '--allow-unplayable-formats',
761 action='store_true', dest='allow_unplayable_formats', default=False,
762 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
763 video_format.add_option(
764 '--no-allow-unplayable-formats',
765 action='store_false', dest='allow_unplayable_formats',
766 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
768 subtitles = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Subtitle Options')
769 subtitles.add_option(
770 '--write-subs', '--write-srt',
771 action='store_true', dest='writesubtitles', default=False,
772 help='Write subtitle file')
773 subtitles.add_option(
774 '--no-write-subs', '--no-write-srt',
775 action='store_false', dest='writesubtitles',
776 help='Do not write subtitle file (default)')
777 subtitles.add_option(
778 '--write-auto-subs', '--write-automatic-subs',
779 action='store_true', dest='writeautomaticsub', default=False,
780 help='Write automatically generated subtitle file (Alias: --write-automatic-subs)')
781 subtitles.add_option(
782 '--no-write-auto-subs', '--no-write-automatic-subs',
783 action='store_false', dest='writeautomaticsub', default=False,
784 help='Do not write auto-generated subtitles (default) (Alias: --no-write-automatic-subs)')
785 subtitles.add_option(
786 '--all-subs',
787 action='store_true', dest='allsubtitles', default=False,
788 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
789 subtitles.add_option(
790 '--list-subs',
791 action='store_true', dest='listsubtitles', default=False,
792 help='List available subtitles of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used')
793 subtitles.add_option(
794 '--sub-format',
795 action='store', dest='subtitlesformat', metavar='FORMAT', default='best',
796 help='Subtitle format, accepts formats preference, for example: "srt" or "ass/srt/best"')
797 subtitles.add_option(
798 '--sub-langs', '--srt-langs',
799 action='callback', dest='subtitleslangs', metavar='LANGS', type='str',
800 default=[], callback=_list_from_options_callback,
801 help=(
802 'Languages of the subtitles to download (can be regex) or "all" separated by commas. (Eg: --sub-langs "en.*,ja") '
803 'You can prefix the language code with a "-" to exempt it from the requested languages. (Eg: --sub-langs all,-live_chat) '
804 'Use --list-subs for a list of available language tags'))
806 downloader = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Download Options')
807 downloader.add_option(
808 '-N', '--concurrent-fragments',
809 dest='concurrent_fragment_downloads', metavar='N', default=1, type=int,
810 help='Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative video that should be downloaded concurrently (default is %default)')
811 downloader.add_option(
812 '-r', '--limit-rate', '--rate-limit',
813 dest='ratelimit', metavar='RATE',
814 help='Maximum download rate in bytes per second (e.g. 50K or 4.2M)')
815 downloader.add_option(
816 '--throttled-rate',
817 dest='throttledratelimit', metavar='RATE',
818 help='Minimum download rate in bytes per second below which throttling is assumed and the video data is re-extracted (e.g. 100K)')
819 downloader.add_option(
820 '-R', '--retries',
821 dest='retries', metavar='RETRIES', default=10,
822 help='Number of retries (default is %default), or "infinite"')
823 downloader.add_option(
824 '--file-access-retries',
825 dest='file_access_retries', metavar='RETRIES', default=3,
826 help='Number of times to retry on file access error (default is %default), or "infinite"')
827 downloader.add_option(
828 '--fragment-retries',
829 dest='fragment_retries', metavar='RETRIES', default=10,
830 help='Number of retries for a fragment (default is %default), or "infinite" (DASH, hlsnative and ISM)')
831 downloader.add_option(
832 '--retry-sleep',
833 dest='retry_sleep', metavar='[TYPE:]EXPR', default={}, type='str',
834 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
835 callback_kwargs={
836 'allowed_keys': 'http|fragment|file_access',
837 'default_key': 'http',
838 }, help=(
839 'An expression for the time to sleep between retries in seconds (optionally) prefixed '
840 'by the type of retry (http (default), fragment, file_access) to apply the sleep to. '
841 'EXPR can be a number, or of the forms linear=START[:END[:STEP=1]] or exp=START[:END[:BASE=2]]. '
842 'Eg: --retry-sleep linear=1::2 --retry-sleep fragment:exp=1:20'))
843 downloader.add_option(
844 '--skip-unavailable-fragments', '--no-abort-on-unavailable-fragment',
845 action='store_true', dest='skip_unavailable_fragments', default=True,
846 help='Skip unavailable fragments for DASH, hlsnative and ISM (default) (Alias: --no-abort-on-unavailable-fragment)')
847 downloader.add_option(
848 '--abort-on-unavailable-fragment', '--no-skip-unavailable-fragments',
849 action='store_false', dest='skip_unavailable_fragments',
850 help='Abort downloading if a fragment is unavailable (Alias: --no-skip-unavailable-fragments)')
851 downloader.add_option(
852 '--keep-fragments',
853 action='store_true', dest='keep_fragments', default=False,
854 help='Keep downloaded fragments on disk after downloading is finished')
855 downloader.add_option(
856 '--no-keep-fragments',
857 action='store_false', dest='keep_fragments',
858 help='Delete downloaded fragments after downloading is finished (default)')
859 downloader.add_option(
860 '--buffer-size',
861 dest='buffersize', metavar='SIZE', default='1024',
862 help='Size of download buffer (e.g. 1024 or 16K) (default is %default)')
863 downloader.add_option(
864 '--resize-buffer',
865 action='store_false', dest='noresizebuffer',
866 help='The buffer size is automatically resized from an initial value of --buffer-size (default)')
867 downloader.add_option(
868 '--no-resize-buffer',
869 action='store_true', dest='noresizebuffer', default=False,
870 help='Do not automatically adjust the buffer size')
871 downloader.add_option(
872 '--http-chunk-size',
873 dest='http_chunk_size', metavar='SIZE', default=None,
874 help=(
875 'Size of a chunk for chunk-based HTTP downloading (e.g. 10485760 or 10M) (default is disabled). '
876 'May be useful for bypassing bandwidth throttling imposed by a webserver (experimental)'))
877 downloader.add_option(
878 '--test',
879 action='store_true', dest='test', default=False,
880 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
881 downloader.add_option(
882 '--playlist-reverse',
883 action='store_true',
884 help='Download playlist videos in reverse order')
885 downloader.add_option(
886 '--no-playlist-reverse',
887 action='store_false', dest='playlist_reverse',
888 help='Download playlist videos in default order (default)')
889 downloader.add_option(
890 '--playlist-random',
891 action='store_true',
892 help='Download playlist videos in random order')
893 downloader.add_option(
894 '--xattr-set-filesize',
895 dest='xattr_set_filesize', action='store_true',
896 help='Set file xattribute ytdl.filesize with expected file size')
897 downloader.add_option(
898 '--hls-prefer-native',
899 dest='hls_prefer_native', action='store_true', default=None,
900 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
901 downloader.add_option(
902 '--hls-prefer-ffmpeg',
903 dest='hls_prefer_native', action='store_false', default=None,
904 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
905 downloader.add_option(
906 '--hls-use-mpegts',
907 dest='hls_use_mpegts', action='store_true', default=None,
908 help=(
909 'Use the mpegts container for HLS videos; '
910 'allowing some players to play the video while downloading, '
911 'and reducing the chance of file corruption if download is interrupted. '
912 'This is enabled by default for live streams'))
913 downloader.add_option(
914 '--no-hls-use-mpegts',
915 dest='hls_use_mpegts', action='store_false',
916 help=(
917 'Do not use the mpegts container for HLS videos. '
918 'This is default when not downloading live streams'))
919 downloader.add_option(
920 '--downloader', '--external-downloader',
921 dest='external_downloader', metavar='[PROTO:]NAME', default={}, type='str',
922 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
923 callback_kwargs={
924 'allowed_keys': 'http|ftp|m3u8|dash|rtsp|rtmp|mms',
925 'default_key': 'default',
926 'process': str.strip
927 }, help=(
928 'Name or path of the external downloader to use (optionally) prefixed by '
929 'the protocols (http, ftp, m3u8, dash, rstp, rtmp, mms) to use it for. '
930 f'Currently supports native, {", ".join(list_external_downloaders())}. '
931 'You can use this option multiple times to set different downloaders for different protocols. '
932 'For example, --downloader aria2c --downloader "dash,m3u8:native" will use '
933 'aria2c for http/ftp downloads, and the native downloader for dash/m3u8 downloads '
934 '(Alias: --external-downloader)'))
935 downloader.add_option(
936 '--downloader-args', '--external-downloader-args',
937 metavar='NAME:ARGS', dest='external_downloader_args', default={}, type='str',
938 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
939 callback_kwargs={
940 'allowed_keys': r'ffmpeg_[io]\d*|%s' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, list_external_downloaders())),
941 'default_key': 'default',
942 'process': shlex.split
943 }, help=(
944 'Give these arguments to the external downloader. '
945 'Specify the downloader name and the arguments separated by a colon ":". '
946 'For ffmpeg, arguments can be passed to different positions using the same syntax as --postprocessor-args. '
947 'You can use this option multiple times to give different arguments to different downloaders '
948 '(Alias: --external-downloader-args)'))
950 workarounds = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Workarounds')
951 workarounds.add_option(
952 '--encoding',
953 dest='encoding', metavar='ENCODING',
954 help='Force the specified encoding (experimental)')
955 workarounds.add_option(
956 '--legacy-server-connect',
957 action='store_true', dest='legacy_server_connect', default=False,
958 help='Explicitly allow HTTPS connection to servers that do not support RFC 5746 secure renegotiation')
959 workarounds.add_option(
960 '--no-check-certificates',
961 action='store_true', dest='no_check_certificate', default=False,
962 help='Suppress HTTPS certificate validation')
963 workarounds.add_option(
964 '--prefer-insecure', '--prefer-unsecure',
965 action='store_true', dest='prefer_insecure',
966 help='Use an unencrypted connection to retrieve information about the video (Currently supported only for YouTube)')
967 workarounds.add_option(
968 '--user-agent',
969 metavar='UA', dest='user_agent',
970 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
971 workarounds.add_option(
972 '--referer',
973 metavar='URL', dest='referer', default=None,
974 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
975 workarounds.add_option(
976 '--add-header',
977 metavar='FIELD:VALUE', dest='headers', default={}, type='str',
978 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
979 callback_kwargs={'multiple_keys': False},
980 help='Specify a custom HTTP header and its value, separated by a colon ":". You can use this option multiple times',
981 )
982 workarounds.add_option(
983 '--bidi-workaround',
984 dest='bidi_workaround', action='store_true',
985 help='Work around terminals that lack bidirectional text support. Requires bidiv or fribidi executable in PATH')
986 workarounds.add_option(
987 '--sleep-requests', metavar='SECONDS',
988 dest='sleep_interval_requests', type=float,
989 help='Number of seconds to sleep between requests during data extraction')
990 workarounds.add_option(
991 '--sleep-interval', '--min-sleep-interval', metavar='SECONDS',
992 dest='sleep_interval', type=float,
993 help=(
994 'Number of seconds to sleep before each download. '
995 'This is the minimum time to sleep when used along with --max-sleep-interval '
996 '(Alias: --min-sleep-interval)'))
997 workarounds.add_option(
998 '--max-sleep-interval', metavar='SECONDS',
999 dest='max_sleep_interval', type=float,
1000 help='Maximum number of seconds to sleep. Can only be used along with --min-sleep-interval')
1001 workarounds.add_option(
1002 '--sleep-subtitles', metavar='SECONDS',
1003 dest='sleep_interval_subtitles', default=0, type=int,
1004 help='Number of seconds to sleep before each subtitle download')
1006 verbosity = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Verbosity and Simulation Options')
1007 verbosity.add_option(
1008 '-q', '--quiet',
1009 action='store_true', dest='quiet', default=False,
1010 help='Activate quiet mode. If used with --verbose, print the log to stderr')
1011 verbosity.add_option(
1012 '--no-warnings',
1013 dest='no_warnings', action='store_true', default=False,
1014 help='Ignore warnings')
1015 verbosity.add_option(
1016 '-s', '--simulate',
1017 action='store_true', dest='simulate', default=None,
1018 help='Do not download the video and do not write anything to disk')
1019 verbosity.add_option(
1020 '--no-simulate',
1021 action='store_false', dest='simulate',
1022 help='Download the video even if printing/listing options are used')
1023 verbosity.add_option(
1024 '--ignore-no-formats-error',
1025 action='store_true', dest='ignore_no_formats_error', default=False,
1026 help=(
1027 'Ignore "No video formats" error. Useful for extracting metadata '
1028 'even if the videos are not actually available for download (experimental)'))
1029 verbosity.add_option(
1030 '--no-ignore-no-formats-error',
1031 action='store_false', dest='ignore_no_formats_error',
1032 help='Throw error when no downloadable video formats are found (default)')
1033 verbosity.add_option(
1034 '--skip-download', '--no-download',
1035 action='store_true', dest='skip_download', default=False,
1036 help='Do not download the video but write all related files (Alias: --no-download)')
1037 verbosity.add_option(
1038 '-O', '--print',
1039 metavar='[WHEN:]TEMPLATE', dest='forceprint', default={}, type='str',
1040 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
1041 callback_kwargs={
1042 'allowed_keys': 'video|' + '|'.join(map(re.escape, POSTPROCESS_WHEN)),
1043 'default_key': 'video',
1044 'multiple_keys': False,
1045 'append': True,
1046 }, help=(
1047 'Field name or output template to print to screen, optionally prefixed with when to print it, separated by a ":". '
1048 'Supported values of "WHEN" are the same as that of --use-postprocessor, and "video" (default). '
1049 'Implies --quiet. Implies --simulate unless --no-simulate or later stages of WHEN are used. '
1050 'This option can be used multiple times'))
1051 verbosity.add_option(
1052 '--print-to-file',
1053 metavar='[WHEN:]TEMPLATE FILE', dest='print_to_file', default={}, type='str', nargs=2,
1054 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
1055 callback_kwargs={
1056 'allowed_keys': 'video|' + '|'.join(map(re.escape, POSTPROCESS_WHEN)),
1057 'default_key': 'video',
1058 'multiple_keys': False,
1059 'append': True,
1060 }, help=(
1061 'Append given template to the file. The values of WHEN and TEMPLATE are same as that of --print. '
1062 'FILE uses the same syntax as the output template. This option can be used multiple times'))
1063 verbosity.add_option(
1064 '-g', '--get-url',
1065 action='store_true', dest='geturl', default=False,
1066 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1067 verbosity.add_option(
1068 '-e', '--get-title',
1069 action='store_true', dest='gettitle', default=False,
1070 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1071 verbosity.add_option(
1072 '--get-id',
1073 action='store_true', dest='getid', default=False,
1074 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1075 verbosity.add_option(
1076 '--get-thumbnail',
1077 action='store_true', dest='getthumbnail', default=False,
1078 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1079 verbosity.add_option(
1080 '--get-description',
1081 action='store_true', dest='getdescription', default=False,
1082 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1083 verbosity.add_option(
1084 '--get-duration',
1085 action='store_true', dest='getduration', default=False,
1086 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1087 verbosity.add_option(
1088 '--get-filename',
1089 action='store_true', dest='getfilename', default=False,
1090 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1091 verbosity.add_option(
1092 '--get-format',
1093 action='store_true', dest='getformat', default=False,
1094 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1095 verbosity.add_option(
1096 '-j', '--dump-json',
1097 action='store_true', dest='dumpjson', default=False,
1098 help='Quiet, but print JSON information for each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used. See "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for a description of available keys')
1099 verbosity.add_option(
1100 '-J', '--dump-single-json',
1101 action='store_true', dest='dump_single_json', default=False,
1102 help=(
1103 'Quiet, but print JSON information for each url or infojson passed. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used. '
1104 'If the URL refers to a playlist, the whole playlist information is dumped in a single line'))
1105 verbosity.add_option(
1106 '--print-json',
1107 action='store_true', dest='print_json', default=False,
1108 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1109 verbosity.add_option(
1110 '--force-write-archive', '--force-write-download-archive', '--force-download-archive',
1111 action='store_true', dest='force_write_download_archive', default=False,
1112 help=(
1113 'Force download archive entries to be written as far as no errors occur, '
1114 'even if -s or another simulation option is used (Alias: --force-download-archive)'))
1115 verbosity.add_option(
1116 '--newline',
1117 action='store_true', dest='progress_with_newline', default=False,
1118 help='Output progress bar as new lines')
1119 verbosity.add_option(
1120 '--no-progress',
1121 action='store_true', dest='noprogress', default=None,
1122 help='Do not print progress bar')
1123 verbosity.add_option(
1124 '--progress',
1125 action='store_false', dest='noprogress',
1126 help='Show progress bar, even if in quiet mode')
1127 verbosity.add_option(
1128 '--console-title',
1129 action='store_true', dest='consoletitle', default=False,
1130 help='Display progress in console titlebar')
1131 verbosity.add_option(
1132 '--progress-template',
1133 metavar='[TYPES:]TEMPLATE', dest='progress_template', default={}, type='str',
1134 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
1135 callback_kwargs={
1136 'allowed_keys': '(download|postprocess)(-title)?',
1137 'default_key': 'download'
1138 }, help=(
1139 'Template for progress outputs, optionally prefixed with one of "download:" (default), '
1140 '"download-title:" (the console title), "postprocess:", or "postprocess-title:". '
1141 'The video\'s fields are accessible under the "info" key and '
1142 'the progress attributes are accessible under "progress" key. E.g.: '
1143 # TODO: Document the fields inside "progress"
1144 '--console-title --progress-template "download-title:%(info.id)s-%(progress.eta)s"'))
1145 verbosity.add_option(
1146 '-v', '--verbose',
1147 action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False,
1148 help='Print various debugging information')
1149 verbosity.add_option(
1150 '--dump-pages', '--dump-intermediate-pages',
1151 action='store_true', dest='dump_intermediate_pages', default=False,
1152 help='Print downloaded pages encoded using base64 to debug problems (very verbose)')
1153 verbosity.add_option(
1154 '--write-pages',
1155 action='store_true', dest='write_pages', default=False,
1156 help='Write downloaded intermediary pages to files in the current directory to debug problems')
1157 verbosity.add_option(
1158 '--youtube-print-sig-code',
1159 action='store_true', dest='youtube_print_sig_code', default=False,
1160 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1161 verbosity.add_option(
1162 '--print-traffic', '--dump-headers',
1163 dest='debug_printtraffic', action='store_true', default=False,
1164 help='Display sent and read HTTP traffic')
1165 verbosity.add_option(
1166 '-C', '--call-home',
1167 dest='call_home', action='store_true', default=False,
1168 # help='Contact the yt-dlp server for debugging')
1169 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1170 verbosity.add_option(
1171 '--no-call-home',
1172 dest='call_home', action='store_false',
1173 # help='Do not contact the yt-dlp server for debugging (default)')
1174 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1176 filesystem = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Filesystem Options')
1177 filesystem.add_option(
1178 '-a', '--batch-file',
1179 dest='batchfile', metavar='FILE',
1180 help=(
1181 'File containing URLs to download ("-" for stdin), one URL per line. '
1182 'Lines starting with "#", ";" or "]" are considered as comments and ignored'))
1183 filesystem.add_option(
1184 '--no-batch-file',
1185 dest='batchfile', action='store_const', const=None,
1186 help='Do not read URLs from batch file (default)')
1187 filesystem.add_option(
1188 '--id', default=False,
1189 action='store_true', dest='useid', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1190 filesystem.add_option(
1191 '-P', '--paths',
1192 metavar='[TYPES:]PATH', dest='paths', default={}, type='str',
1193 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
1194 callback_kwargs={
1195 'allowed_keys': 'home|temp|%s' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, OUTTMPL_TYPES.keys())),
1196 'default_key': 'home'
1197 }, help=(
1198 'The paths where the files should be downloaded. '
1199 'Specify the type of file and the path separated by a colon ":". '
1200 'All the same TYPES as --output are supported. '
1201 'Additionally, you can also provide "home" (default) and "temp" paths. '
1202 'All intermediary files are first downloaded to the temp path and '
1203 'then the final files are moved over to the home path after download is finished. '
1204 'This option is ignored if --output is an absolute path'))
1205 filesystem.add_option(
1206 '-o', '--output',
1207 metavar='[TYPES:]TEMPLATE', dest='outtmpl', default={}, type='str',
1208 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
1209 callback_kwargs={
1210 'allowed_keys': '|'.join(map(re.escape, OUTTMPL_TYPES.keys())),
1211 'default_key': 'default'
1212 }, help='Output filename template; see "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for details')
1213 filesystem.add_option(
1214 '--output-na-placeholder',
1215 dest='outtmpl_na_placeholder', metavar='TEXT', default='NA',
1216 help=('Placeholder value for unavailable meta fields in output filename template (default: "%default")'))
1217 filesystem.add_option(
1218 '--autonumber-size',
1219 dest='autonumber_size', metavar='NUMBER', type=int,
1220 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1221 filesystem.add_option(
1222 '--autonumber-start',
1223 dest='autonumber_start', metavar='NUMBER', default=1, type=int,
1224 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1225 filesystem.add_option(
1226 '--restrict-filenames',
1227 action='store_true', dest='restrictfilenames', default=False,
1228 help='Restrict filenames to only ASCII characters, and avoid "&" and spaces in filenames')
1229 filesystem.add_option(
1230 '--no-restrict-filenames',
1231 action='store_false', dest='restrictfilenames',
1232 help='Allow Unicode characters, "&" and spaces in filenames (default)')
1233 filesystem.add_option(
1234 '--windows-filenames',
1235 action='store_true', dest='windowsfilenames', default=False,
1236 help='Force filenames to be Windows-compatible')
1237 filesystem.add_option(
1238 '--no-windows-filenames',
1239 action='store_false', dest='windowsfilenames',
1240 help='Make filenames Windows-compatible only if using Windows (default)')
1241 filesystem.add_option(
1242 '--trim-filenames', '--trim-file-names', metavar='LENGTH',
1243 dest='trim_file_name', default=0, type=int,
1244 help='Limit the filename length (excluding extension) to the specified number of characters')
1245 filesystem.add_option(
1246 '-w', '--no-overwrites',
1247 action='store_false', dest='overwrites', default=None,
1248 help='Do not overwrite any files')
1249 filesystem.add_option(
1250 '--force-overwrites', '--yes-overwrites',
1251 action='store_true', dest='overwrites',
1252 help='Overwrite all video and metadata files. This option includes --no-continue')
1253 filesystem.add_option(
1254 '--no-force-overwrites',
1255 action='store_const', dest='overwrites', const=None,
1256 help='Do not overwrite the video, but overwrite related files (default)')
1257 filesystem.add_option(
1258 '-c', '--continue',
1259 action='store_true', dest='continue_dl', default=True,
1260 help='Resume partially downloaded files/fragments (default)')
1261 filesystem.add_option(
1262 '--no-continue',
1263 action='store_false', dest='continue_dl',
1264 help=(
1265 'Do not resume partially downloaded fragments. '
1266 'If the file is not fragmented, restart download of the entire file'))
1267 filesystem.add_option(
1268 '--part',
1269 action='store_false', dest='nopart', default=False,
1270 help='Use .part files instead of writing directly into output file (default)')
1271 filesystem.add_option(
1272 '--no-part',
1273 action='store_true', dest='nopart',
1274 help='Do not use .part files - write directly into output file')
1275 filesystem.add_option(
1276 '--mtime',
1277 action='store_true', dest='updatetime', default=True,
1278 help='Use the Last-modified header to set the file modification time (default)')
1279 filesystem.add_option(
1280 '--no-mtime',
1281 action='store_false', dest='updatetime',
1282 help='Do not use the Last-modified header to set the file modification time')
1283 filesystem.add_option(
1284 '--write-description',
1285 action='store_true', dest='writedescription', default=False,
1286 help='Write video description to a .description file')
1287 filesystem.add_option(
1288 '--no-write-description',
1289 action='store_false', dest='writedescription',
1290 help='Do not write video description (default)')
1291 filesystem.add_option(
1292 '--write-info-json',
1293 action='store_true', dest='writeinfojson', default=None,
1294 help='Write video metadata to a .info.json file (this may contain personal information)')
1295 filesystem.add_option(
1296 '--no-write-info-json',
1297 action='store_false', dest='writeinfojson',
1298 help='Do not write video metadata (default)')
1299 filesystem.add_option(
1300 '--write-annotations',
1301 action='store_true', dest='writeannotations', default=False,
1302 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1303 filesystem.add_option(
1304 '--no-write-annotations',
1305 action='store_false', dest='writeannotations',
1306 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1307 filesystem.add_option(
1308 '--write-playlist-metafiles',
1309 action='store_true', dest='allow_playlist_files', default=None,
1310 help=(
1311 'Write playlist metadata in addition to the video metadata '
1312 'when using --write-info-json, --write-description etc. (default)'))
1313 filesystem.add_option(
1314 '--no-write-playlist-metafiles',
1315 action='store_false', dest='allow_playlist_files',
1316 help='Do not write playlist metadata when using --write-info-json, --write-description etc.')
1317 filesystem.add_option(
1318 '--clean-info-json', '--clean-infojson',
1319 action='store_true', dest='clean_infojson', default=None,
1320 help=(
1321 'Remove some private fields such as filenames from the infojson. '
1322 'Note that it could still contain some personal information (default)'))
1323 filesystem.add_option(
1324 '--no-clean-info-json', '--no-clean-infojson',
1325 action='store_false', dest='clean_infojson',
1326 help='Write all fields to the infojson')
1327 filesystem.add_option(
1328 '--write-comments', '--get-comments',
1329 action='store_true', dest='getcomments', default=False,
1330 help=(
1331 'Retrieve video comments to be placed in the infojson. '
1332 'The comments are fetched even without this option if the extraction is known to be quick (Alias: --get-comments)'))
1333 filesystem.add_option(
1334 '--no-write-comments', '--no-get-comments',
1335 action='store_false', dest='getcomments',
1336 help='Do not retrieve video comments unless the extraction is known to be quick (Alias: --no-get-comments)')
1337 filesystem.add_option(
1338 '--load-info-json', '--load-info',
1339 dest='load_info_filename', metavar='FILE',
1340 help='JSON file containing the video information (created with the "--write-info-json" option)')
1341 filesystem.add_option(
1342 '--cookies',
1343 dest='cookiefile', metavar='FILE',
1344 help='Netscape formatted file to read cookies from and dump cookie jar in')
1345 filesystem.add_option(
1346 '--no-cookies',
1347 action='store_const', const=None, dest='cookiefile', metavar='FILE',
1348 help='Do not read/dump cookies from/to file (default)')
1349 filesystem.add_option(
1350 '--cookies-from-browser',
1351 dest='cookiesfrombrowser', metavar='BROWSER[+KEYRING][:PROFILE]',
1352 help=(
1353 'The name of the browser and (optionally) the name/path of '
1354 'the profile to load cookies from, separated by a ":". '
1355 f'Currently supported browsers are: {", ".join(sorted(SUPPORTED_BROWSERS))}. '
1356 'By default, the most recently accessed profile is used. '
1357 'The keyring used for decrypting Chromium cookies on Linux can be '
1358 '(optionally) specified after the browser name separated by a "+". '
1359 f'Currently supported keyrings are: {", ".join(map(str.lower, sorted(SUPPORTED_KEYRINGS)))}'))
1360 filesystem.add_option(
1361 '--no-cookies-from-browser',
1362 action='store_const', const=None, dest='cookiesfrombrowser',
1363 help='Do not load cookies from browser (default)')
1364 filesystem.add_option(
1365 '--cache-dir', dest='cachedir', default=None, metavar='DIR',
1366 help='Location in the filesystem where youtube-dl can store some downloaded information (such as client ids and signatures) permanently. By default $XDG_CACHE_HOME/yt-dlp or ~/.cache/yt-dlp')
1367 filesystem.add_option(
1368 '--no-cache-dir', action='store_false', dest='cachedir',
1369 help='Disable filesystem caching')
1370 filesystem.add_option(
1371 '--rm-cache-dir',
1372 action='store_true', dest='rm_cachedir',
1373 help='Delete all filesystem cache files')
1375 thumbnail = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Thumbnail Options')
1376 thumbnail.add_option(
1377 '--write-thumbnail',
1378 action='callback', dest='writethumbnail', default=False,
1379 # Should override --no-write-thumbnail, but not --write-all-thumbnail
1380 callback=lambda option, _, __, parser: setattr(
1381 parser.values, option.dest, getattr(parser.values, option.dest) or True),
1382 help='Write thumbnail image to disk')
1383 thumbnail.add_option(
1384 '--no-write-thumbnail',
1385 action='store_false', dest='writethumbnail',
1386 help='Do not write thumbnail image to disk (default)')
1387 thumbnail.add_option(
1388 '--write-all-thumbnails',
1389 action='store_const', dest='writethumbnail', const='all',
1390 help='Write all thumbnail image formats to disk')
1391 thumbnail.add_option(
1392 '--list-thumbnails',
1393 action='store_true', dest='list_thumbnails', default=False,
1394 help='List available thumbnails of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used')
1396 link = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Internet Shortcut Options')
1397 link.add_option(
1398 '--write-link',
1399 action='store_true', dest='writelink', default=False,
1400 help='Write an internet shortcut file, depending on the current platform (.url, .webloc or .desktop). The URL may be cached by the OS')
1401 link.add_option(
1402 '--write-url-link',
1403 action='store_true', dest='writeurllink', default=False,
1404 help='Write a .url Windows internet shortcut. The OS caches the URL based on the file path')
1405 link.add_option(
1406 '--write-webloc-link',
1407 action='store_true', dest='writewebloclink', default=False,
1408 help='Write a .webloc macOS internet shortcut')
1409 link.add_option(
1410 '--write-desktop-link',
1411 action='store_true', dest='writedesktoplink', default=False,
1412 help='Write a .desktop Linux internet shortcut')
1414 postproc = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Post-Processing Options')
1415 postproc.add_option(
1416 '-x', '--extract-audio',
1417 action='store_true', dest='extractaudio', default=False,
1418 help='Convert video files to audio-only files (requires ffmpeg and ffprobe)')
1419 postproc.add_option(
1420 '--audio-format', metavar='FORMAT', dest='audioformat', default='best',
1421 help=(
1422 'Specify audio format to convert the audio to when -x is used. Currently supported formats are: '
1423 'best (default) or one of %s' % ', '.join(FFmpegExtractAudioPP.SUPPORTED_EXTS)))
1424 postproc.add_option(
1425 '--audio-quality', metavar='QUALITY',
1426 dest='audioquality', default='5',
1427 help='Specify ffmpeg audio quality to use when converting the audio with -x. Insert a value between 0 (best) and 10 (worst) for VBR or a specific bitrate like 128K (default %default)')
1428 postproc.add_option(
1429 '--remux-video',
1430 metavar='FORMAT', dest='remuxvideo', default=None,
1431 help=(
1432 'Remux the video into another container if necessary (currently supported: %s). '
1433 'If target container does not support the video/audio codec, remuxing will fail. '
1434 'You can specify multiple rules; Eg. "aac>m4a/mov>mp4/mkv" will remux aac to m4a, mov to mp4 '
1435 'and anything else to mkv.' % ', '.join(FFmpegVideoRemuxerPP.SUPPORTED_EXTS)))
1436 postproc.add_option(
1437 '--recode-video',
1438 metavar='FORMAT', dest='recodevideo', default=None,
1439 help=(
1440 'Re-encode the video into another format if re-encoding is necessary. '
1441 'The syntax and supported formats are the same as --remux-video'))
1442 postproc.add_option(
1443 '--postprocessor-args', '--ppa',
1444 metavar='NAME:ARGS', dest='postprocessor_args', default={}, type='str',
1445 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
1446 callback_kwargs={
1447 'allowed_keys': r'\w+(?:\+\w+)?',
1448 'default_key': 'default-compat',
1449 'process': shlex.split,
1450 'multiple_keys': False
1451 }, help=(
1452 'Give these arguments to the postprocessors. '
1453 'Specify the postprocessor/executable name and the arguments separated by a colon ":" '
1454 'to give the argument to the specified postprocessor/executable. Supported PP are: '
1455 'Merger, ModifyChapters, SplitChapters, ExtractAudio, VideoRemuxer, VideoConvertor, '
1456 'Metadata, EmbedSubtitle, EmbedThumbnail, SubtitlesConvertor, ThumbnailsConvertor, '
1457 'FixupStretched, FixupM4a, FixupM3u8, FixupTimestamp and FixupDuration. '
1458 'The supported executables are: AtomicParsley, FFmpeg and FFprobe. '
1459 'You can also specify "PP+EXE:ARGS" to give the arguments to the specified executable '
1460 'only when being used by the specified postprocessor. Additionally, for ffmpeg/ffprobe, '
1461 '"_i"/"_o" can be appended to the prefix optionally followed by a number to pass the argument '
1462 'before the specified input/output file. Eg: --ppa "Merger+ffmpeg_i1:-v quiet". '
1463 'You can use this option multiple times to give different arguments to different '
1464 'postprocessors. (Alias: --ppa)'))
1465 postproc.add_option(
1466 '-k', '--keep-video',
1467 action='store_true', dest='keepvideo', default=False,
1468 help='Keep the intermediate video file on disk after post-processing')
1469 postproc.add_option(
1470 '--no-keep-video',
1471 action='store_false', dest='keepvideo',
1472 help='Delete the intermediate video file after post-processing (default)')
1473 postproc.add_option(
1474 '--post-overwrites',
1475 action='store_false', dest='nopostoverwrites',
1476 help='Overwrite post-processed files (default)')
1477 postproc.add_option(
1478 '--no-post-overwrites',
1479 action='store_true', dest='nopostoverwrites', default=False,
1480 help='Do not overwrite post-processed files')
1481 postproc.add_option(
1482 '--embed-subs',
1483 action='store_true', dest='embedsubtitles', default=False,
1484 help='Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, webm and mkv videos)')
1485 postproc.add_option(
1486 '--no-embed-subs',
1487 action='store_false', dest='embedsubtitles',
1488 help='Do not embed subtitles (default)')
1489 postproc.add_option(
1490 '--embed-thumbnail',
1491 action='store_true', dest='embedthumbnail', default=False,
1492 help='Embed thumbnail in the video as cover art')
1493 postproc.add_option(
1494 '--no-embed-thumbnail',
1495 action='store_false', dest='embedthumbnail',
1496 help='Do not embed thumbnail (default)')
1497 postproc.add_option(
1498 '--embed-metadata', '--add-metadata',
1499 action='store_true', dest='addmetadata', default=False,
1500 help=(
1501 'Embed metadata to the video file. Also embeds chapters/infojson if present '
1502 'unless --no-embed-chapters/--no-embed-info-json are used (Alias: --add-metadata)'))
1503 postproc.add_option(
1504 '--no-embed-metadata', '--no-add-metadata',
1505 action='store_false', dest='addmetadata',
1506 help='Do not add metadata to file (default) (Alias: --no-add-metadata)')
1507 postproc.add_option(
1508 '--embed-chapters', '--add-chapters',
1509 action='store_true', dest='addchapters', default=None,
1510 help='Add chapter markers to the video file (Alias: --add-chapters)')
1511 postproc.add_option(
1512 '--no-embed-chapters', '--no-add-chapters',
1513 action='store_false', dest='addchapters',
1514 help='Do not add chapter markers (default) (Alias: --no-add-chapters)')
1515 postproc.add_option(
1516 '--embed-info-json',
1517 action='store_true', dest='embed_infojson', default=None,
1518 help='Embed the infojson as an attachment to mkv/mka video files')
1519 postproc.add_option(
1520 '--no-embed-info-json',
1521 action='store_false', dest='embed_infojson',
1522 help='Do not embed the infojson as an attachment to the video file')
1523 postproc.add_option(
1524 '--metadata-from-title',
1525 metavar='FORMAT', dest='metafromtitle',
1526 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1527 postproc.add_option(
1528 '--parse-metadata',
1529 metavar='FROM:TO', dest='parse_metadata', action='append',
1530 help=(
1531 'Parse additional metadata like title/artist from other fields; '
1532 'see "MODIFYING METADATA" for details'))
1533 postproc.add_option(
1534 '--replace-in-metadata',
1535 dest='parse_metadata', metavar='FIELDS REGEX REPLACE', action='append', nargs=3,
1536 help='Replace text in a metadata field using the given regex. This option can be used multiple times')
1537 postproc.add_option(
1538 '--xattrs', '--xattr',
1539 action='store_true', dest='xattrs', default=False,
1540 help='Write metadata to the video file\'s xattrs (using dublin core and xdg standards)')
1541 postproc.add_option(
1542 '--concat-playlist',
1543 metavar='POLICY', dest='concat_playlist', default='multi_video',
1544 choices=('never', 'always', 'multi_video'),
1545 help=(
1546 'Concatenate videos in a playlist. One of "never", "always", or '
1547 '"multi_video" (default; only when the videos form a single show). '
1548 'All the video files must have same codecs and number of streams to be concatable. '
1549 'The "pl_video:" prefix can be used with "--paths" and "--output" to '
1550 'set the output filename for the concatenated files. See "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for details'))
1551 postproc.add_option(
1552 '--fixup',
1553 metavar='POLICY', dest='fixup', default=None,
1554 choices=('never', 'ignore', 'warn', 'detect_or_warn', 'force'),
1555 help=(
1556 'Automatically correct known faults of the file. '
1557 'One of never (do nothing), warn (only emit a warning), '
1558 'detect_or_warn (the default; fix file if we can, warn otherwise), '
1559 'force (try fixing even if file already exists)'))
1560 postproc.add_option(
1561 '--prefer-avconv', '--no-prefer-ffmpeg',
1562 action='store_false', dest='prefer_ffmpeg',
1563 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1564 postproc.add_option(
1565 '--prefer-ffmpeg', '--no-prefer-avconv',
1566 action='store_true', dest='prefer_ffmpeg', default=True,
1567 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1568 postproc.add_option(
1569 '--ffmpeg-location', '--avconv-location', metavar='PATH',
1570 dest='ffmpeg_location',
1571 help='Location of the ffmpeg binary; either the path to the binary or its containing directory')
1572 postproc.add_option(
1573 '--exec',
1574 metavar='[WHEN:]CMD', dest='exec_cmd', default={}, type='str',
1575 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
1576 callback_kwargs={
1577 'allowed_keys': '|'.join(map(re.escape, POSTPROCESS_WHEN)),
1578 'default_key': 'after_move',
1579 'multiple_keys': False,
1580 'append': True,
1581 }, help=(
1582 'Execute a command, optionally prefixed with when to execute it (after_move if unspecified), separated by a ":". '
1583 'Supported values of "WHEN" are the same as that of --use-postprocessor. '
1584 'Same syntax as the output template can be used to pass any field as arguments to the command. '
1585 'After download, an additional field "filepath" that contains the final path of the downloaded file '
1586 'is also available, and if no fields are passed, %(filepath)q is appended to the end of the command. '
1587 'This option can be used multiple times'))
1588 postproc.add_option(
1589 '--no-exec',
1590 action='store_const', dest='exec_cmd', const={},
1591 help='Remove any previously defined --exec')
1592 postproc.add_option(
1593 '--exec-before-download', metavar='CMD',
1594 action='append', dest='exec_before_dl_cmd',
1595 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1596 postproc.add_option(
1597 '--no-exec-before-download',
1598 action='store_const', dest='exec_before_dl_cmd', const=None,
1599 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1600 postproc.add_option(
1601 '--convert-subs', '--convert-sub', '--convert-subtitles',
1602 metavar='FORMAT', dest='convertsubtitles', default=None,
1603 help=(
1604 'Convert the subtitles to another format (currently supported: %s) '
1605 '(Alias: --convert-subtitles)' % ', '.join(FFmpegSubtitlesConvertorPP.SUPPORTED_EXTS)))
1606 postproc.add_option(
1607 '--convert-thumbnails',
1608 metavar='FORMAT', dest='convertthumbnails', default=None,
1609 help=(
1610 'Convert the thumbnails to another format '
1611 '(currently supported: %s) ' % ', '.join(FFmpegThumbnailsConvertorPP.SUPPORTED_EXTS)))
1612 postproc.add_option(
1613 '--split-chapters', '--split-tracks',
1614 dest='split_chapters', action='store_true', default=False,
1615 help=(
1616 'Split video into multiple files based on internal chapters. '
1617 'The "chapter:" prefix can be used with "--paths" and "--output" to '
1618 'set the output filename for the split files. See "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for details'))
1619 postproc.add_option(
1620 '--no-split-chapters', '--no-split-tracks',
1621 dest='split_chapters', action='store_false',
1622 help='Do not split video based on chapters (default)')
1623 postproc.add_option(
1624 '--remove-chapters',
1625 metavar='REGEX', dest='remove_chapters', action='append',
1626 help=(
1627 'Remove chapters whose title matches the given regular expression. '
1628 'Time ranges prefixed by a "*" can also be used in place of chapters to remove the specified range. '
1629 'Eg: --remove-chapters "*10:15-15:00" --remove-chapters "intro". '
1630 'This option can be used multiple times'))
1631 postproc.add_option(
1632 '--no-remove-chapters', dest='remove_chapters', action='store_const', const=None,
1633 help='Do not remove any chapters from the file (default)')
1634 postproc.add_option(
1635 '--force-keyframes-at-cuts',
1636 action='store_true', dest='force_keyframes_at_cuts', default=False,
1637 help=(
1638 'Force keyframes around the chapters before removing/splitting them. '
1639 'Requires a re-encode and thus is very slow, but the resulting video '
1640 'may have fewer artifacts around the cuts'))
1641 postproc.add_option(
1642 '--no-force-keyframes-at-cuts',
1643 action='store_false', dest='force_keyframes_at_cuts',
1644 help='Do not force keyframes around the chapters when cutting/splitting (default)')
1645 _postprocessor_opts_parser = lambda key, val='': (
1646 *(item.split('=', 1) for item in (val.split(';') if val else [])),
1647 ('key', remove_end(key, 'PP')))
1648 postproc.add_option(
1649 '--use-postprocessor',
1650 metavar='NAME[:ARGS]', dest='add_postprocessors', default=[], type='str',
1651 action='callback', callback=_list_from_options_callback,
1652 callback_kwargs={
1653 'delim': None,
1654 'process': lambda val: dict(_postprocessor_opts_parser(*val.split(':', 1)))
1655 }, help=(
1656 'The (case sensitive) name of plugin postprocessors to be enabled, '
1657 'and (optionally) arguments to be passed to it, separated by a colon ":". '
1658 'ARGS are a semicolon ";" delimited list of NAME=VALUE. '
1659 'The "when" argument determines when the postprocessor is invoked. '
1660 'It can be one of "pre_process" (after video extraction), "after_filter" (after video passes filter), '
1661 '"before_dl" (before each video download), "post_process" (after each video download; default), '
1662 '"after_move" (after moving video file to it\'s final locations), '
1663 '"after_video" (after downloading and processing all formats of a video), '
1664 'or "playlist" (at end of playlist). '
1665 'This option can be used multiple times to add different postprocessors'))
1667 sponsorblock = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'SponsorBlock Options', description=(
1668 'Make chapter entries for, or remove various segments (sponsor, introductions, etc.) '
1669 'from downloaded YouTube videos using the SponsorBlock API (https://sponsor.ajay.app)'))
1670 sponsorblock.add_option(
1671 '--sponsorblock-mark', metavar='CATS',
1672 dest='sponsorblock_mark', default=set(), action='callback', type='str',
1673 callback=_set_from_options_callback, callback_kwargs={
1674 'allowed_values': SponsorBlockPP.CATEGORIES.keys(),
1675 'aliases': {'default': ['all']}
1676 }, help=(
1677 'SponsorBlock categories to create chapters for, separated by commas. '
1678 f'Available categories are all, default(=all), {", ".join(SponsorBlockPP.CATEGORIES.keys())}. '
1679 'You can prefix the category with a "-" to exempt it. See [1] for description of the categories. '
1680 'Eg: --sponsorblock-mark all,-preview [1] https://wiki.sponsor.ajay.app/w/Segment_Categories'))
1681 sponsorblock.add_option(
1682 '--sponsorblock-remove', metavar='CATS',
1683 dest='sponsorblock_remove', default=set(), action='callback', type='str',
1684 callback=_set_from_options_callback, callback_kwargs={
1685 'allowed_values': set(SponsorBlockPP.CATEGORIES.keys()) - set(SponsorBlockPP.POI_CATEGORIES.keys()),
1686 # Note: From https://wiki.sponsor.ajay.app/w/Types:
1687 # The filler category is very aggressive.
1688 # It is strongly recommended to not use this in a client by default.
1689 'aliases': {'default': ['all', '-filler']}
1690 }, help=(
1691 'SponsorBlock categories to be removed from the video file, separated by commas. '
1692 'If a category is present in both mark and remove, remove takes precedence. '
1693 'The syntax and available categories are the same as for --sponsorblock-mark '
1694 'except that "default" refers to "all,-filler" '
1695 f'and {", ".join(SponsorBlockPP.POI_CATEGORIES.keys())} is not available'))
1696 sponsorblock.add_option(
1697 '--sponsorblock-chapter-title', metavar='TEMPLATE',
1698 default=DEFAULT_SPONSORBLOCK_CHAPTER_TITLE, dest='sponsorblock_chapter_title',
1699 help=(
1700 'The title template for SponsorBlock chapters created by --sponsorblock-mark. '
1701 'The same syntax as the output template is used, but the only available fields are '
1702 'start_time, end_time, category, categories, name, category_names. Defaults to "%default"'))
1703 sponsorblock.add_option(
1704 '--no-sponsorblock', default=False,
1705 action='store_true', dest='no_sponsorblock',
1706 help='Disable both --sponsorblock-mark and --sponsorblock-remove')
1707 sponsorblock.add_option(
1708 '--sponsorblock-api', metavar='URL',
1709 default='https://sponsor.ajay.app', dest='sponsorblock_api',
1710 help='SponsorBlock API location, defaults to %default')
1712 sponsorblock.add_option(
1713 '--sponskrub',
1714 action='store_true', dest='sponskrub', default=False,
1715 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1716 sponsorblock.add_option(
1717 '--no-sponskrub',
1718 action='store_false', dest='sponskrub',
1719 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1720 sponsorblock.add_option(
1721 '--sponskrub-cut', default=False,
1722 action='store_true', dest='sponskrub_cut',
1723 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1724 sponsorblock.add_option(
1725 '--no-sponskrub-cut',
1726 action='store_false', dest='sponskrub_cut',
1727 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1728 sponsorblock.add_option(
1729 '--sponskrub-force', default=False,
1730 action='store_true', dest='sponskrub_force',
1731 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1732 sponsorblock.add_option(
1733 '--no-sponskrub-force',
1734 action='store_true', dest='sponskrub_force',
1735 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1736 sponsorblock.add_option(
1737 '--sponskrub-location', metavar='PATH',
1738 dest='sponskrub_path', default='',
1739 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1740 sponsorblock.add_option(
1741 '--sponskrub-args', dest='sponskrub_args', metavar='ARGS',
1742 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1744 extractor = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Extractor Options')
1745 extractor.add_option(
1746 '--extractor-retries',
1747 dest='extractor_retries', metavar='RETRIES', default=3,
1748 help='Number of retries for known extractor errors (default is %default), or "infinite"')
1749 extractor.add_option(
1750 '--allow-dynamic-mpd', '--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd',
1751 action='store_true', dest='dynamic_mpd', default=True,
1752 help='Process dynamic DASH manifests (default) (Alias: --no-ignore-dynamic-mpd)')
1753 extractor.add_option(
1754 '--ignore-dynamic-mpd', '--no-allow-dynamic-mpd',
1755 action='store_false', dest='dynamic_mpd',
1756 help='Do not process dynamic DASH manifests (Alias: --no-allow-dynamic-mpd)')
1757 extractor.add_option(
1758 '--hls-split-discontinuity',
1759 dest='hls_split_discontinuity', action='store_true', default=False,
1760 help='Split HLS playlists to different formats at discontinuities such as ad breaks'
1761 )
1762 extractor.add_option(
1763 '--no-hls-split-discontinuity',
1764 dest='hls_split_discontinuity', action='store_false',
1765 help='Do not split HLS playlists to different formats at discontinuities such as ad breaks (default)')
1766 _extractor_arg_parser = lambda key, vals='': (key.strip().lower().replace('-', '_'), [
1767 val.replace(r'\,', ',').strip() for val in re.split(r'(?<!\\),', vals)])
1768 extractor.add_option(
1769 '--extractor-args',
1770 metavar='KEY:ARGS', dest='extractor_args', default={}, type='str',
1771 action='callback', callback=_dict_from_options_callback,
1772 callback_kwargs={
1773 'multiple_keys': False,
1774 'process': lambda val: dict(
1775 _extractor_arg_parser(*arg.split('=', 1)) for arg in val.split(';'))
1776 }, help=(
1777 'Pass these arguments to the extractor. See "EXTRACTOR ARGUMENTS" for details. '
1778 'You can use this option multiple times to give arguments for different extractors'))
1779 extractor.add_option(
1780 '--youtube-include-dash-manifest', '--no-youtube-skip-dash-manifest',
1781 action='store_true', dest='youtube_include_dash_manifest', default=True,
1782 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1783 extractor.add_option(
1784 '--youtube-skip-dash-manifest', '--no-youtube-include-dash-manifest',
1785 action='store_false', dest='youtube_include_dash_manifest',
1786 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1787 extractor.add_option(
1788 '--youtube-include-hls-manifest', '--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest',
1789 action='store_true', dest='youtube_include_hls_manifest', default=True,
1790 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1791 extractor.add_option(
1792 '--youtube-skip-hls-manifest', '--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest',
1793 action='store_false', dest='youtube_include_hls_manifest',
1794 help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
1796 parser.add_option_group(general)
1797 parser.add_option_group(network)
1798 parser.add_option_group(geo)
1799 parser.add_option_group(selection)
1800 parser.add_option_group(downloader)
1801 parser.add_option_group(filesystem)
1802 parser.add_option_group(thumbnail)
1803 parser.add_option_group(link)
1804 parser.add_option_group(verbosity)
1805 parser.add_option_group(workarounds)
1806 parser.add_option_group(video_format)
1807 parser.add_option_group(subtitles)
1808 parser.add_option_group(authentication)
1809 parser.add_option_group(postproc)
1810 parser.add_option_group(sponsorblock)
1811 parser.add_option_group(extractor)
1813 return parser
1816 def _hide_login_info(opts):
1817 write_string(
1818 'DeprecationWarning: "yt_dlp.options._hide_login_info" is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. '
1819 'Use "yt_dlp.utils.Config.hide_login_info" instead\n')
1820 return Config.hide_login_info(opts)