]> jfr.im git - yt-dlp.git/blob - yt_dlp/downloader/hls.py
Option to choose different downloader for different protocols
[yt-dlp.git] / yt_dlp / downloader / hls.py
1 from __future__ import unicode_literals
3 import re
4 import binascii
5 try:
6 from Crypto.Cipher import AES
7 can_decrypt_frag = True
8 except ImportError:
9 can_decrypt_frag = False
10 try:
11 import concurrent.futures
12 can_threaded_download = True
13 except ImportError:
14 can_threaded_download = False
16 from ..downloader import _get_real_downloader
17 from .fragment import FragmentFD
18 from .external import FFmpegFD
20 from ..compat import (
21 compat_urllib_error,
22 compat_urlparse,
23 compat_struct_pack,
24 )
25 from ..utils import (
26 parse_m3u8_attributes,
27 sanitize_open,
28 update_url_query,
29 )
32 class HlsFD(FragmentFD):
33 """
34 Download segments in a m3u8 manifest. External downloaders can take over
35 the fragment downloads by supporting the 'm3u8_frag_urls' protocol and
36 re-defining 'supports_manifest' function
37 """
39 FD_NAME = 'hlsnative'
41 @staticmethod
42 def can_download(manifest, info_dict, allow_unplayable_formats=False, with_crypto=can_decrypt_frag):
44 # r'#EXT-X-BYTERANGE', # playlists composed of byte ranges of media files [2]
46 # Live streams heuristic does not always work (e.g. geo restricted to Germany
47 # http://hls-geo.daserste.de/i/videoportal/Film/c_620000/622873/format,716451,716457,716450,716458,716459,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8?null=0)
48 # r'#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:(?!0$)', # live streams [3]
50 # This heuristic also is not correct since segments may not be appended as well.
51 # Twitch vods of finished streams have EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT despite
52 # no segments will definitely be appended to the end of the playlist.
53 # r'#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT', # media segments may be appended to the end of
54 # # event media playlists [4]
55 # r'#EXT-X-MAP:', # media initialization [5]
56 # 1. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
57 # 2. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
58 # 3. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
59 # 4. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
60 # 5. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
61 ]
62 if not allow_unplayable_formats:
64 r'#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=(?!NONE|AES-128)', # encrypted streams [1]
65 ]
67 def check_results():
68 yield not info_dict.get('is_live')
69 is_aes128_enc = '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128' in manifest
70 yield with_crypto or not is_aes128_enc
71 yield not (is_aes128_enc and r'#EXT-X-BYTERANGE' in manifest)
72 for feature in UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES:
73 yield not re.search(feature, manifest)
74 return all(check_results())
76 def real_download(self, filename, info_dict):
77 man_url = info_dict['url']
78 self.to_screen('[%s] Downloading m3u8 manifest' % self.FD_NAME)
80 urlh = self.ydl.urlopen(self._prepare_url(info_dict, man_url))
81 man_url = urlh.geturl()
82 s = urlh.read().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
84 if not self.can_download(s, info_dict, self.params.get('allow_unplayable_formats')):
85 if info_dict.get('extra_param_to_segment_url') or info_dict.get('_decryption_key_url'):
86 self.report_error('pycryptodome not found. Please install')
87 return False
88 if self.can_download(s, info_dict, with_crypto=True):
89 self.report_warning('pycryptodome is needed to download this file natively')
90 fd = FFmpegFD(self.ydl, self.params)
91 self.report_warning(
92 '%s detected unsupported features; extraction will be delegated to %s' % (self.FD_NAME, fd.get_basename()))
93 # TODO: Make progress updates work without hooking twice
94 # for ph in self._progress_hooks:
95 # fd.add_progress_hook(ph)
96 return fd.real_download(filename, info_dict)
98 real_downloader = _get_real_downloader(info_dict, 'm3u8_frag_urls', self.params, None)
99 if real_downloader and not real_downloader.supports_manifest(s):
100 real_downloader = None
101 if real_downloader:
102 self.to_screen(
103 '[%s] Fragment downloads will be delegated to %s' % (self.FD_NAME, real_downloader.get_basename()))
105 def is_ad_fragment_start(s):
106 return (s.startswith('#ANVATO-SEGMENT-INFO') and 'type=ad' in s
107 or s.startswith('#UPLYNK-SEGMENT') and s.endswith(',ad'))
109 def is_ad_fragment_end(s):
110 return (s.startswith('#ANVATO-SEGMENT-INFO') and 'type=master' in s
111 or s.startswith('#UPLYNK-SEGMENT') and s.endswith(',segment'))
113 fragments = []
115 media_frags = 0
116 ad_frags = 0
117 ad_frag_next = False
118 for line in s.splitlines():
119 line = line.strip()
120 if not line:
121 continue
122 if line.startswith('#'):
123 if is_ad_fragment_start(line):
124 ad_frag_next = True
125 elif is_ad_fragment_end(line):
126 ad_frag_next = False
127 continue
128 if ad_frag_next:
129 ad_frags += 1
130 continue
131 media_frags += 1
133 ctx = {
134 'filename': filename,
135 'total_frags': media_frags,
136 'ad_frags': ad_frags,
137 }
139 if real_downloader:
140 self._prepare_external_frag_download(ctx)
141 else:
142 self._prepare_and_start_frag_download(ctx)
144 fragment_retries = self.params.get('fragment_retries', 0)
145 skip_unavailable_fragments = self.params.get('skip_unavailable_fragments', True)
146 test = self.params.get('test', False)
148 format_index = info_dict.get('format_index')
149 extra_query = None
150 extra_param_to_segment_url = info_dict.get('extra_param_to_segment_url')
151 if extra_param_to_segment_url:
152 extra_query = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(extra_param_to_segment_url)
153 i = 0
154 media_sequence = 0
155 decrypt_info = {'METHOD': 'NONE'}
156 byte_range = {}
157 discontinuity_count = 0
158 frag_index = 0
159 ad_frag_next = False
160 for line in s.splitlines():
161 line = line.strip()
162 if line:
163 if not line.startswith('#'):
164 if format_index and discontinuity_count != format_index:
165 continue
166 if ad_frag_next:
167 continue
168 frag_index += 1
169 if frag_index <= ctx['fragment_index']:
170 continue
171 frag_url = (
172 line
173 if re.match(r'^https?://', line)
174 else compat_urlparse.urljoin(man_url, line))
175 if extra_query:
176 frag_url = update_url_query(frag_url, extra_query)
178 fragments.append({
179 'frag_index': frag_index,
180 'url': frag_url,
181 'decrypt_info': decrypt_info,
182 'byte_range': byte_range,
183 'media_sequence': media_sequence,
184 })
186 elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-MAP'):
187 if format_index and discontinuity_count != format_index:
188 continue
189 if frag_index > 0:
190 self.report_error(
191 'Initialization fragment found after media fragments, unable to download')
192 return False
193 frag_index += 1
194 map_info = parse_m3u8_attributes(line[11:])
195 frag_url = (
196 map_info.get('URI')
197 if re.match(r'^https?://', map_info.get('URI'))
198 else compat_urlparse.urljoin(man_url, map_info.get('URI')))
199 if extra_query:
200 frag_url = update_url_query(frag_url, extra_query)
202 fragments.append({
203 'frag_index': frag_index,
204 'url': frag_url,
205 'decrypt_info': decrypt_info,
206 'byte_range': byte_range,
207 'media_sequence': media_sequence
208 })
210 if map_info.get('BYTERANGE'):
211 splitted_byte_range = map_info.get('BYTERANGE').split('@')
212 sub_range_start = int(splitted_byte_range[1]) if len(splitted_byte_range) == 2 else byte_range['end']
213 byte_range = {
214 'start': sub_range_start,
215 'end': sub_range_start + int(splitted_byte_range[0]),
216 }
218 elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-KEY'):
219 decrypt_url = decrypt_info.get('URI')
220 decrypt_info = parse_m3u8_attributes(line[11:])
221 if decrypt_info['METHOD'] == 'AES-128':
222 if 'IV' in decrypt_info:
223 decrypt_info['IV'] = binascii.unhexlify(decrypt_info['IV'][2:].zfill(32))
224 if not re.match(r'^https?://', decrypt_info['URI']):
225 decrypt_info['URI'] = compat_urlparse.urljoin(
226 man_url, decrypt_info['URI'])
227 if extra_query:
228 decrypt_info['URI'] = update_url_query(decrypt_info['URI'], extra_query)
229 if decrypt_url != decrypt_info['URI']:
230 decrypt_info['KEY'] = None
232 elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE'):
233 media_sequence = int(line[22:])
234 elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-BYTERANGE'):
235 splitted_byte_range = line[17:].split('@')
236 sub_range_start = int(splitted_byte_range[1]) if len(splitted_byte_range) == 2 else byte_range['end']
237 byte_range = {
238 'start': sub_range_start,
239 'end': sub_range_start + int(splitted_byte_range[0]),
240 }
241 elif is_ad_fragment_start(line):
242 ad_frag_next = True
243 elif is_ad_fragment_end(line):
244 ad_frag_next = False
245 elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY'):
246 discontinuity_count += 1
247 i += 1
248 media_sequence += 1
250 # We only download the first fragment during the test
251 if test:
252 fragments = [fragments[0] if fragments else None]
254 if real_downloader:
255 info_copy = info_dict.copy()
256 info_copy['fragments'] = fragments
257 fd = real_downloader(self.ydl, self.params)
258 # TODO: Make progress updates work without hooking twice
259 # for ph in self._progress_hooks:
260 # fd.add_progress_hook(ph)
261 success = fd.real_download(filename, info_copy)
262 if not success:
263 return False
264 else:
265 def download_fragment(fragment):
266 frag_index = fragment['frag_index']
267 frag_url = fragment['url']
268 decrypt_info = fragment['decrypt_info']
269 byte_range = fragment['byte_range']
270 media_sequence = fragment['media_sequence']
272 ctx['fragment_index'] = frag_index
274 count = 0
275 headers = info_dict.get('http_headers', {})
276 if byte_range:
277 headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%d-%d' % (byte_range['start'], byte_range['end'] - 1)
278 while count <= fragment_retries:
279 try:
280 success, frag_content = self._download_fragment(
281 ctx, frag_url, info_dict, headers)
282 if not success:
283 return False, frag_index
284 break
285 except compat_urllib_error.HTTPError as err:
286 # Unavailable (possibly temporary) fragments may be served.
287 # First we try to retry then either skip or abort.
288 # See https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/10165,
289 # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/10448).
290 count += 1
291 if count <= fragment_retries:
292 self.report_retry_fragment(err, frag_index, count, fragment_retries)
293 if count > fragment_retries:
294 self.report_error('Giving up after %s fragment retries' % fragment_retries)
295 return False, frag_index
297 if decrypt_info['METHOD'] == 'AES-128':
298 iv = decrypt_info.get('IV') or compat_struct_pack('>8xq', media_sequence)
299 decrypt_info['KEY'] = decrypt_info.get('KEY') or self.ydl.urlopen(
300 self._prepare_url(info_dict, info_dict.get('_decryption_key_url') or decrypt_info['URI'])).read()
301 # Don't decrypt the content in tests since the data is explicitly truncated and it's not to a valid block
302 # size (see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/pull/27660). Tests only care that the correct data downloaded,
303 # not what it decrypts to.
304 if not test:
305 frag_content = AES.new(
306 decrypt_info['KEY'], AES.MODE_CBC, iv).decrypt(frag_content)
308 return frag_content, frag_index
310 def append_fragment(frag_content, frag_index):
311 if frag_content:
312 fragment_filename = '%s-Frag%d' % (ctx['tmpfilename'], frag_index)
313 try:
314 file, frag_sanitized = sanitize_open(fragment_filename, 'rb')
315 ctx['fragment_filename_sanitized'] = frag_sanitized
316 file.close()
317 self._append_fragment(ctx, frag_content)
318 return True
319 except FileNotFoundError:
320 if skip_unavailable_fragments:
321 self.report_skip_fragment(frag_index)
322 return True
323 else:
324 self.report_error(
325 'fragment %s not found, unable to continue' % frag_index)
326 return False
327 else:
328 if skip_unavailable_fragments:
329 self.report_skip_fragment(frag_index)
330 return True
331 else:
332 self.report_error(
333 'fragment %s not found, unable to continue' % frag_index)
334 return False
336 max_workers = self.params.get('concurrent_fragment_downloads', 1)
337 if can_threaded_download and max_workers > 1:
338 self.report_warning('The download speed shown is only of one thread. This is a known issue')
339 with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers) as pool:
340 futures = [pool.submit(download_fragment, fragment) for fragment in fragments]
341 # timeout must be 0 to return instantly
342 done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(futures, timeout=0)
343 try:
344 while not_done:
345 # Check every 1 second for KeyboardInterrupt
346 freshly_done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(not_done, timeout=1)
347 done |= freshly_done
348 except KeyboardInterrupt:
349 for future in not_done:
350 future.cancel()
351 # timeout must be none to cancel
352 concurrent.futures.wait(not_done, timeout=None)
353 raise KeyboardInterrupt
354 results = [future.result() for future in futures]
356 for frag_content, frag_index in results:
357 result = append_fragment(frag_content, frag_index)
358 if not result:
359 return False
360 else:
361 for fragment in fragments:
362 frag_content, frag_index = download_fragment(fragment)
363 result = append_fragment(frag_content, frag_index)
364 if not result:
365 return False
367 self._finish_frag_download(ctx)
368 return True