]> jfr.im git - yt-dlp.git/blame - test/test_jsinterp.py
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[yt-dlp.git] / test / test_jsinterp.py
cc52de43 1#!/usr/bin/env python3
54007a45 2
3# Allow direct execution
4import os
5import sys
6import unittest
f8271158 7
8sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
be13a6e5 10import math
11import re
54007a45 12
be13a6e5 13from yt_dlp.jsinterp import JS_Undefined, JSInterpreter
16class TestJSInterpreter(unittest.TestCase):
6f2287cb 17 def _test(self, code, ret, func='f', args=()):
18 self.assertEqual(JSInterpreter(code).call_function(func, *args), ret)
9e3f1991 19
6f2287cb 20 def test_basic(self):
21 jsi = JSInterpreter('function f(){;}')
22 self.assertEqual(repr(jsi.extract_function('f')), 'F<f>')
23 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f'), None)
8f53dc44 24
6f2287cb 25 self._test('function f(){return 42;}', 42)
26 self._test('function f(){42}', None)
27 self._test('var f = function(){return 42;}', 42)
ff29bf81 28
9e3f1991 29 def test_calc(self):
6f2287cb 30 self._test('function f(a){return 2*a+1;}', 7, args=[3])
32 def test_empty_return(self):
6f2287cb 33 self._test('function f(){return; y()}', None)
35 def test_morespace(self):
6f2287cb 36 self._test('function f (a) { return 2 * a + 1 ; }', 7, args=[3])
37 self._test('function f () { x = 2 ; return x; }', 2)
39 def test_strange_chars(self):
6f2287cb 40 self._test('function $_xY1 ($_axY1) { var $_axY2 = $_axY1 + 1; return $_axY2; }',
41 21, args=[20], func='$_xY1')
43 def test_operators(self):
6f2287cb 44 self._test('function f(){return 1 << 5;}', 32)
45 self._test('function f(){return 2 ** 5}', 32)
46 self._test('function f(){return 19 & 21;}', 17)
47 self._test('function f(){return 11 >> 2;}', 2)
48 self._test('function f(){return []? 2+3: 4;}', 5)
49 self._test('function f(){return 1 == 2}', False)
50 self._test('function f(){return 0 && 1 || 2;}', 2)
51 self._test('function f(){return 0 ?? 42;}', 0)
52 self._test('function f(){return "life, the universe and everything" < 42;}', False)
1ac7f461 53
9e3f1991 54 def test_array_access(self):
6f2287cb 55 self._test('function f(){var x = [1,2,3]; x[0] = 4; x[0] = 5; x[2.0] = 7; return x;}', [5, 2, 7])
57 def test_parens(self):
6f2287cb 58 self._test('function f(){return (1) + (2) * ((( (( (((((3)))))) )) ));}', 7)
59 self._test('function f(){return (1 + 2) * 3;}', 9)
9e3f1991 60
8f53dc44 61 def test_quotes(self):
6f2287cb 62 self._test(R'function f(){return "a\"\\("}', R'a"\(')
8f53dc44 63
9e3f1991 64 def test_assignments(self):
6f2287cb 65 self._test('function f(){var x = 20; x = 30 + 1; return x;}', 31)
66 self._test('function f(){var x = 20; x += 30 + 1; return x;}', 51)
67 self._test('function f(){var x = 20; x -= 30 + 1; return x;}', -11)
69 def test_comments(self):
70 'Skipping: Not yet fully implemented'
71 return
6f2287cb 72 self._test('''
73 function f() {
74 var x = /* 1 + */ 2;
75 var y = /* 30
76 * 40 */ 50;
77 return x + y;
78 }
79 ''', 52)
81 self._test('''
82 function f() {
83 var x = "/*";
84 var y = 1 /* comment */ + 2;
85 return y;
86 }
87 ''', 3)
3eff81fb 88
9e3f1991 89 def test_precedence(self):
6f2287cb 90 self._test('''
91 function f() {
92 var a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
93 var b = 6;
94 a[0]=a[b%a.length];
95 return a;
96 }
97 ''', [20, 20, 30, 40, 50])
9e3f1991 98
49b4ceae 99 def test_builtins(self):
6f2287cb 100 jsi = JSInterpreter('function f() { return NaN }')
101 self.assertTrue(math.isnan(jsi.call_function('f')))
d81ba7d4 102
6f2287cb 103 self._test('function f() { return new Date("Wednesday 31 December 1969 18:01:26 MDT") - 0; }',
104 86000)
105 self._test('function f(dt) { return new Date(dt) - 0; }',
106 86000, args=['Wednesday 31 December 1969 18:01:26 MDT'])
49b4ceae 107
108 def test_call(self):
109 jsi = JSInterpreter('''
6f2287cb 110 function x() { return 2; }
111 function y(a) { return x() + (a?a:0); }
112 function z() { return y(3); }
113 ''')
114 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('z'), 5)
8f53dc44 115 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('y'), 2)
9e3f1991 116
8b008d62 117 def test_if(self):
6f2287cb 118 self._test('''
119 function f() {
120 let a = 9;
121 if (0==0) {a++}
122 return a
123 }
124 ''', 10)
126 self._test('''
127 function f() {
128 if (0==0) {return 10}
129 }
130 ''', 10)
132 self._test('''
133 function f() {
134 if (0!=0) {return 1}
135 else {return 10}
136 }
137 ''', 10)
8b008d62 138
139 """ # Unsupported
6f2287cb 140 self._test('''
141 function f() {
142 if (0!=0) {return 1}
143 else if (1==0) {return 2}
144 else {return 10}
145 }
146 ''', 10)
8b008d62 147 """
404f611f 149 def test_for_loop(self):
6f2287cb 150 self._test('function f() { a=0; for (i=0; i-10; i++) {a++} return a }', 10)
404f611f 151
152 def test_switch(self):
153 jsi = JSInterpreter('''
6f2287cb 154 function f(x) { switch(x){
155 case 1:x+=1;
156 case 2:x+=2;
157 case 3:x+=3;break;
158 case 4:x+=4;
159 default:x=0;
160 } return x }
404f611f 161 ''')
6f2287cb 162 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 1), 7)
163 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 3), 6)
164 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 5), 0)
404f611f 165
a1fc7ca0 166 def test_switch_default(self):
167 jsi = JSInterpreter('''
6f2287cb 168 function f(x) { switch(x){
169 case 2: x+=2;
170 default: x-=1;
171 case 5:
172 case 6: x+=6;
173 case 0: break;
174 case 1: x+=1;
175 } return x }
a1fc7ca0 176 ''')
6f2287cb 177 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 1), 2)
178 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 5), 11)
179 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 9), 14)
a1fc7ca0 180
404f611f 181 def test_try(self):
6f2287cb 182 self._test('function f() { try{return 10} catch(e){return 5} }', 10)
404f611f 183
1ac7f461 184 def test_catch(self):
6f2287cb 185 self._test('function f() { try{throw 10} catch(e){return 5} }', 5)
1ac7f461 186
187 def test_finally(self):
6f2287cb 188 self._test('function f() { try{throw 10} finally {return 42} }', 42)
189 self._test('function f() { try{throw 10} catch(e){return 5} finally {return 42} }', 42)
1ac7f461 190
191 def test_nested_try(self):
6f2287cb 192 self._test('''
193 function f() {try {
194 try{throw 10} finally {throw 42}
195 } catch(e){return 5} }
196 ''', 5)
1ac7f461 197
404f611f 198 def test_for_loop_continue(self):
6f2287cb 199 self._test('function f() { a=0; for (i=0; i-10; i++) { continue; a++ } return a }', 0)
404f611f 200
201 def test_for_loop_break(self):
6f2287cb 202 self._test('function f() { a=0; for (i=0; i-10; i++) { break; a++ } return a }', 0)
404f611f 203
1ac7f461 204 def test_for_loop_try(self):
6f2287cb 205 self._test('''
206 function f() {
207 for (i=0; i-10; i++) { try { if (i == 5) throw i} catch {return 10} finally {break} };
208 return 42 }
209 ''', 42)
1ac7f461 210
404f611f 211 def test_literal_list(self):
6f2287cb 212 self._test('function f() { return [1, 2, "asdf", [5, 6, 7]][3] }', [5, 6, 7])
404f611f 213
214 def test_comma(self):
6f2287cb 215 self._test('function f() { a=5; a -= 1, a+=3; return a }', 7)
216 self._test('function f() { a=5; return (a -= 1, a+=3, a); }', 7)
217 self._test('function f() { return (l=[0,1,2,3], function(a, b){return a+b})((l[1], l[2]), l[3]) }', 5)
6d3e7424 218
49b4ceae 219 def test_void(self):
6f2287cb 220 self._test('function f() { return void 42; }', None)
49b4ceae 221
8f53dc44 222 def test_return_function(self):
223 jsi = JSInterpreter('''
6f2287cb 224 function f() { return [1, function(){return 1}][1] }
8f53dc44 225 ''')
6f2287cb 226 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f')([]), 1)
8f53dc44 227
be13a6e5 228 def test_null(self):
6f2287cb 229 self._test('function f() { return null; }', None)
230 self._test('function f() { return [null > 0, null < 0, null == 0, null === 0]; }',
231 [False, False, False, False])
232 self._test('function f() { return [null >= 0, null <= 0]; }', [True, True])
be13a6e5 233
234 def test_undefined(self):
6f2287cb 235 self._test('function f() { return undefined === undefined; }', True)
236 self._test('function f() { return undefined; }', JS_Undefined)
237 self._test('function f() {return undefined ?? 42; }', 42)
238 self._test('function f() { let v; return v; }', JS_Undefined)
239 self._test('function f() { let v; return v**0; }', 1)
240 self._test('function f() { let v; return [v>42, v<=42, v&&42, 42&&v]; }',
241 [False, False, JS_Undefined, JS_Undefined])
243 self._test('''
244 function f() { return [
245 undefined === undefined,
246 undefined == undefined,
247 undefined == null,
248 undefined < undefined,
249 undefined > undefined,
250 undefined === 0,
251 undefined == 0,
252 undefined < 0,
253 undefined > 0,
254 undefined >= 0,
255 undefined <= 0,
256 undefined > null,
257 undefined < null,
258 undefined === null
259 ]; }
260 ''', list(map(bool, (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))))
262 jsi = JSInterpreter('''
263 function f() { let v; return [42+v, v+42, v**42, 42**v, 0**v]; }
264 ''')
265 for y in jsi.call_function('f'):
be13a6e5 266 self.assertTrue(math.isnan(y))
be13a6e5 268 def test_object(self):
6f2287cb 269 self._test('function f() { return {}; }', {})
270 self._test('function f() { let a = {m1: 42, m2: 0 }; return [a["m1"], a.m2]; }', [42, 0])
271 self._test('function f() { let a; return a?.qq; }', JS_Undefined)
272 self._test('function f() { let a = {m1: 42, m2: 0 }; return a?.qq; }', JS_Undefined)
be13a6e5 273
274 def test_regex(self):
6f2287cb 275 self._test('function f() { let a=/,,[/,913,/](,)}/; }', None)
be13a6e5 276
6f2287cb 277 jsi = JSInterpreter('function f() { let a=/,,[/,913,/](,)}/; return a; }')
278 self.assertIsInstance(jsi.call_function('f'), re.Pattern)
be13a6e5 279
6f2287cb 280 jsi = JSInterpreter('function f() { let a=/,,[/,913,/](,)}/i; return a; }')
281 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f').flags & re.I, re.I)
be13a6e5 282
6f2287cb 283 jsi = JSInterpreter(R'function f() { let a=/,][}",],()}(\[)/; return a; }')
284 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f').pattern, r',][}",],()}(\[)')
05deb747 285
6f2287cb 286 jsi = JSInterpreter(R'function f() { let a=[/[)\\]/]; return a[0]; }')
287 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f').pattern, r'[)\\]')
0468a3b3 288
f26af78a 289 def test_char_code_at(self):
6f2287cb 290 jsi = JSInterpreter('function f(i){return "test".charCodeAt(i)}')
291 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 0), 116)
292 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 1), 101)
293 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 2), 115)
294 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 3), 116)
295 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 4), None)
296 self.assertEqual(jsi.call_function('f', 'not_a_number'), 116)
298 def test_bitwise_operators_overflow(self):
6f2287cb 299 self._test('function f(){return -524999584 << 5}', 379882496)
300 self._test('function f(){return 1236566549 << 5}', 915423904)
f26af78a 301
1d765618 302 def test_bitwise_operators_typecast(self):
6f2287cb 303 self._test('function f(){return null << 5}', 0)
304 self._test('function f(){return undefined >> 5}', 0)
305 self._test('function f(){return 42 << NaN}', 42)
1d765618 306
7cf51f21 307 def test_negative(self):
6f2287cb 308 self._test('function f(){return 2 * -2.0 ;}', -4)
309 self._test('function f(){return 2 - - -2 ;}', 0)
310 self._test('function f(){return 2 - - - -2 ;}', 4)
311 self._test('function f(){return 2 - + + - -2;}', 0)
312 self._test('function f(){return 2 + - + - -2;}', 0)
7cf51f21 313
582be358 314
315if __name__ == '__main__':
316 unittest.main()