]> jfr.im git - uguu.git/blob - includes/config.template.php
added mime type blocks
[uguu.git] / includes / config.template.php
1 <?php
2 //This is the configuration file for Uguu Temp File Sharing system
3 define("CONFIG_ROOT_URL", "http://path.to.uguu");
4 //Enable this if you use a subdomain for serving uploaded files
5 define("CONFIG_SUBUPLOAD_URL_ENABLED", "false");
6 //Only define this if the above is set to true
7 define("CONFIG_SUBUPLOAD_URL", "http://a.uguu.se");
8 //Path to uploaded files
9 define("CONFIG_FILES_PATH", "/path/to/uguu/public/files/");
10 //Path to Uguu's files
11 define("CONFIG_ROOT_PATH", "/path/to/uguu/");
12 //Max retention time in minutes
13 define("CONFIG_MAX_RETENTION_TIME", "60");
14 //Max retention time as a text to be displayed
15 define("CONFIG_MAX_RETENTION_TEXT", "1 hour");
16 //Length of the random chain appended to the filename
17 define("CONFIG_RANDOM_LENGTH", "12");
18 //Operate on a BLACKLIST or a WHITELIST when blocking file extensions
20 //This is the list of blocked extensions in BLACKLIST mode (default mode), you can remove extensions or add to this list as you like
21 define("CONFIG_BLOCKED_EXTENSIONS", serialize(array("exe", "scr", "rar", "zip", "com", "vbs", "bat", "cmd", "html", "htm", "msi", "php", "php5")));
22 //This is the list of allowed extensions in WHITELIST mode, you can remove extensions or add to this list as you like
23 define("CONFIG_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS", serialize(array("txt", "pdf")));
24 //List of blocked MIME types, for when simple ext checks doesnt cut it
25 define ("CONFIG_BLOCKED_MIME", serialize(array("application/octet-stream", "application/msword", "text/html", "application/x-dosexec", "application/zip", "application/java", "application/java-archive")));
26 //https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook to set this string correctly, or just ignore it