]> jfr.im git - solanum.git/blob - doc/reference.conf
ircd: channel: implement an option to strip color codes from channel topics
[solanum.git] / doc / reference.conf
1 /* doc/reference.conf - charybdis Example configuration file
2 *
3 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Hybrid Development Team
4 * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 ircd-ratbox development team
5 * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 charybdis development team
6 *
7 * Written by ejb, wcampbel, db, leeh and others
8 *
9 * $Id: reference.conf 3582 2007-11-17 21:55:48Z jilles $
10 */
13 *
14 * class {} blocks MUST be specified before anything that uses them. That
15 * means they must be defined before auth {} and before connect {}.
16 *
17 * auth {} blocks MUST be specified in order of precedence. The first one
18 * that matches a user will be used. So place spoofs first, then specials,
19 * then general access, then restricted.
20 *
21 * privset {} blocks MUST be specified before anything that uses them. That
22 * means they must be defined before operator {}.
23 *
24 * Both shell style (#) and C style comments are supported.
25 *
26 * Files may be included by either:
27 * .include "filename"
28 * .include <filename>
29 *
30 * Times/durations are written as:
31 * 12 hours 30 minutes 1 second
32 *
33 * Valid units of time:
34 * month, week, day, hour, minute, second
35 *
36 * Valid units of size:
37 * megabyte/mbyte/mb, kilobyte/kbyte/kb, byte
38 *
39 * Sizes and times may be singular or plural.
40 */
42 /* Extensions:
43 *
44 * Charybdis contains several extensions that are not enabled by default.
45 * To use them, uncomment the lines below.
46 *
47 * Channel mode +-A (admin only) -- chm_adminonly.la
48 * Channel mode +-O (oper only) -- chm_operonly.la
49 * Channel mode +-S (ssl only) -- chm_sslonly.la
50 * Emulates channel mode +-O (oper only) (+-iI $o) -- chm_operonly_compat.la
51 * Emulates channel mode +-R (quiet unreg) (+-q $~a) -- chm_quietunreg_compat.la
52 * Emulates channel mode +-S (ssl only) (+-b $~z) -- chm_sslonly_compat.la
53 * Channel mode +-M (disallow KICK on IRC ops) -- chm_operpeace.la
54 * Restrict channel creation to logged in users -- createauthonly.la
55 * Account bans (+b $a[:mask]) -- extb_account.la
56 * Banned from another channel (+b $j:mask) -- extb_canjoin.la
57 * Other-channel bans (+b $c:mask) -- extb_channel.la
58 * Combination extbans -- extb_combi.la
59 * Extended ban (+b $x:mask) -- extb_extgecos.la
60 * Hostmask bans (for combination extbans) -- extb_hostmask.la
61 * Oper bans (+b $o) -- extb_oper.la
62 * Realname (gecos) bans (+b $r:mask) -- extb_realname.la
63 * Server bans (+b $s:mask) -- extb_server.la
64 * SSL bans (+b $z) -- extb_ssl.la
65 * HURT system -- hurt.la
66 * New host mangling (umode +x) -- ip_cloaking_4.0.la
67 * Old host mangling (umode +h) -- ip_cloaking.la
68 * Dynamically extend channel limits -- m_extendchans.la
69 * Find channel forwards -- m_findforwards.la
70 * /identify support -- m_identify.la
71 * Opers cannot be invisible (umode +i) -- no_oper_invis.la
72 * Far connection notices (snomask +F) -- sno_farconnect.la
73 * Remote k/d/x line active notices -- sno_globalkline.la
74 * Remote oper up notices -- sno_globaloper.la
75 * Global nick-change notices -- sno_globalnickchange.la
76 * /whois notifications (snomask +W) -- sno_whois.la
77 * Oper-override (modehacking only) -- override.la
78 * Stop services kills -- no_kill_services.la
79 */
80 #loadmodule "extensions/chm_adminonly.la";
81 #loadmodule "extensions/chm_operonly.la";
82 #loadmodule "extensions/chm_sslonly.la";
83 #loadmodule "extensions/chm_operonly_compat.la";
84 #loadmodule "extensions/chm_quietunreg_compat.la";
85 #loadmodule "extensions/chm_sslonly_compat.la";
86 #loadmodule "extensions/chm_operpeace.la";
87 #loadmodule "extensions/createauthonly.la";
88 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_account.la";
89 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_canjoin.la";
90 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_channel.la";
91 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_combi.la";
92 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_extgecos.la";
93 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_hostmask.la";
94 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_oper.la";
95 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_realname.la";
96 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_server.la";
97 #loadmodule "extensions/extb_ssl.la";
98 #loadmodule "extensions/hurt.la";
99 #loadmodule "extensions/ip_cloaking_4.0.la";
100 #loadmodule "extensions/ip_cloaking.la";
101 #loadmodule "extensions/m_extendchans.la";
102 #loadmodule "extensions/m_findforwards.la";
103 #loadmodule "extensions/m_identify.la";
104 #loadmodule "extensions/no_oper_invis.la";
105 #loadmodule "extensions/sno_farconnect.la";
106 #loadmodule "extensions/sno_globalkline.la";
107 #loadmodule "extensions/sno_globalnickchange.la";
108 #loadmodule "extensions/sno_globaloper.la";
109 #loadmodule "extensions/sno_whois.la";
110 #loadmodule "extensions/override.la";
111 #loadmodule "extensions/no_kill_services.la";
113 /* serverinfo {}: Contains information about the server. (OLD M:) */
114 serverinfo {
115 /* name: the name of our server */
116 name = "hades.arpa";
118 /* sid: the unique server id of our server. This must be three
119 * characters long. The first character must be a digit [0-9], the
120 * remaining two chars may be letters [A-Z] or digits [0-9].
121 *
122 * This parameter must be specified for the server to start.
123 */
124 sid = "42X";
126 /* description: the description of our server. '[' and ']' may not
127 * be used here for compatibility with older servers.
128 */
129 description = "charybdis test server";
131 /* network info: the name and description of the network this server
132 * is on. Shown in the 005 reply and used with serverhiding.
133 */
134 network_name = "MyNet";
136 /* hub: allow this server to act as a hub and have multiple servers
137 * connected to it.
138 */
139 hub = no;
141 /* vhost: the IP to bind to when we connect outward to ipv4 servers.
142 * This should be an ipv4 IP only.
143 */
144 #vhost = "";
146 /* vhost6: the IP to bind to when we connect outward to ipv6 servers.
147 * This should be an ipv6 IP only.
148 */
149 #vhost6 = "2001:db7:2::6";
151 /* ssl_private_key: our ssl private key */
152 ssl_private_key = "etc/ssl.key";
154 /* ssl_cert: certificate for our ssl server */
155 ssl_cert = "etc/ssl.pem";
157 /* ssl_dh_params: DH parameters, generate with openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 1024 */
158 ssl_dh_params = "etc/dh.pem";
160 /* ssl_cipher_list: A list of ciphers, dependent on your TLS backend */
161 #ssl_cipher_list = "EECDH+HIGH:EDH+HIGH:HIGH:!aNULL";
163 /* ssld_count: number of ssld processes you want to start, if you
164 * have a really busy server, using N-1 where N is the number of
165 * cpu/cpu cores you have might be useful. A number greater than one
166 * can also be useful in case of bugs in ssld and because ssld needs
167 * two file descriptors per SSL connection.
168 */
169 ssld_count = 1;
171 /* default max clients: the default maximum number of clients
172 * allowed to connect. This can be changed once ircd has started by
173 * issuing:
174 * /quote set maxclients <limit>
175 */
176 default_max_clients = 1024;
178 /* nicklen: enforced nickname length (for this server only; must not
179 * be longer than the maximum length set while building).
180 */
181 nicklen = 30;
182 };
184 /* admin {}: contains admin information about the server. (OLD A:) */
185 admin {
186 name = "Smurf target";
187 description = "Main Server Administrator";
188 email = "<syn@packets.r.us>";
189 };
191 /* log {}: contains information about logfiles. */
192 log {
193 /* logfiles: the logfiles to use for specific activity. if these
194 * paths are defined, then ircd will log to them, otherwise it wont.
195 *
196 * The confs are, in order:
197 * - userlog: user exits
198 * - fuserlog: failed user connections
199 * - operlog: /oper usage
200 * - foperlog: failed /oper usage
201 * - serverlog: server connects/disconnects
202 * - klinelog: klines, etc
203 * - killlog: kills
204 * - operspylog: operspy usage
205 * - ioerrorlog: IO errors
206 */
207 fname_userlog = "logs/userlog";
208 #fname_fuserlog = "logs/fuserlog";
209 fname_operlog = "logs/operlog";
210 #fname_foperlog = "logs/foperlog";
211 fname_serverlog = "logs/serverlog";
212 #fname_klinelog = "logs/klinelog";
213 fname_killlog = "logs/killlog";
214 fname_operspylog = "logs/operspylog";
215 #fname_ioerrorlog = "logs/ioerror";
216 };
218 /* class {}: contain information about classes for users (OLD Y:) */
219 class "users" {
220 /* class name must go above */
222 /* ping time: how often a client must reply to a PING from the
223 * server before they are dropped.
224 */
225 ping_time = 2 minutes;
227 /* number per ident: the number of users per user@host networkwide
228 * allowed to connect. Unidented connections are classified as
229 * the same ident.
230 */
231 number_per_ident = 2;
233 /* number per ip: the number of local users per host allowed */
234 number_per_ip = 3;
236 /* number per ip global: the number of network wide connections
237 * per host allowed for a user, including connections to the
238 * local server.
239 */
240 number_per_ip_global = 5;
242 /* cidr_ipv4_bitlen: Limits numbers of connections from a subnet size
243 */
244 cidr_ipv4_bitlen = 24;
246 /* cidr_ipv6_bitlen: Limits numbers of connections from a subnet size
247 * the following example makes the subnet /64 this is useful
248 * for IPv6 connections in particular
249 */
250 cidr_ipv6_bitlen = 64;
252 /* number_per_cidr: Number of connections to allow from a subnet of the
253 * size given in cidr_ipv4_bitlen/cidr_ipv6_bitlen.
254 * 4 seems to be a good default to me.
255 */
256 number_per_cidr = 4;
258 /* max number: the maximum number of users allowed in this class */
259 max_number = 100;
261 /* sendq: the amount of data allowed in a clients queue before
262 * they are dropped.
263 */
264 sendq = 100 kbytes;
265 };
267 class "restricted" {
268 ping_time = 1 minute 30 seconds;
269 number_per_ip = 1;
270 max_number = 100;
271 sendq = 60kb;
272 };
274 class "opers" {
275 ping_time = 5 minutes;
276 number_per_ip = 10;
277 max_number = 100;
278 sendq = 100kbytes;
279 };
281 class "server" {
282 ping_time = 5 minutes;
284 /* connectfreq: only used in server classes. specifies the delay
285 * between autoconnecting to servers.
286 */
287 connectfreq = 5 minutes;
289 /* max number: the amount of servers to autoconnect to. if the number
290 * of servers in the class is or exceeds this, no more servers in the
291 * class are autoconnected. oper initiated connects are unaffected.
292 * this should usually be set to either 0 or 1. (autoconnecting from
293 * hubs to leaves may cause leaves to function as hubs by having
294 * multiple servers connected to them.)
295 */
296 max_number = 1;
298 /* sendq: servers need a higher sendq as they are sent more data */
299 sendq=2 megabytes;
300 };
302 /* listen {}: contain information about the ports ircd listens on (OLD P:) */
303 listen {
304 /* defer_accept: wait for clients to send IRC handshake data before
305 * accepting them. if you intend to use software which depends on the
306 * server replying first, such as BOPM, you should disable this feature.
307 * otherwise, you probably want to leave it on.
308 */
309 defer_accept = yes;
311 /* port: the specific port to listen on. if no host is specified
312 * before, it will listen on all available IPs.
313 *
314 * sslport: the specific port to listen ssl connections on. if no
315 * host is specified before, it will listen on all available IPs.
316 *
317 * ports are seperated via a comma, a range may be specified using ".."
318 */
320 /* port: listen on all available IPs, ports 5000 and 6665 to 6669 */
321 port = 5000, 6665 .. 6669;
323 /* sslport: listen for ssl connections on all available IPs, port 9999 */
324 sslport = 9999;
326 /* host: set a specific IP/host the ports after the line will listen
327 * on. This may be ipv4 or ipv6.
328 */
329 host = "";
330 port = 7000, 7001;
331 sslport = 9000, 9001;
333 host = "2001:db8:2::6";
334 port = 7002;
335 sslport = 9002;
336 };
338 /* auth {}: allow users to connect to the ircd (OLD I:) */
339 auth {
340 /* user: the user@host allowed to connect. Multiple IPv4/IPv6 user
341 * lines are permitted per auth block. This is matched against the
342 * hostname and IP address (using :: shortening for IPv6 and
343 * prepending a 0 if it starts with a colon) and can also use CIDR
344 * masks.
345 */
346 user = "*@";
347 user = "*test@2001:db8:1:*";
349 /* auth_user: This allows specifying a username:password instead of
350 * just a password in PASS, so that a fixed user@host is not
351 * necessary for a specific auth{} block.
352 */
353 #auth_user = "SomeUser";
355 /* password: an optional password that is required to use this block.
356 * By default this is not encrypted, specify the flag "encrypted" in
357 * flags = ...; below if it is.
358 */
359 password = "letmein";
361 /* spoof: fake the users user@host to be be this. You may either
362 * specify a host or a user@host to spoof to. This is free-form,
363 * just do everyone a favour and dont abuse it. (OLD I: = flag)
364 */
365 spoof = "I.still.hate.packets";
367 /* Possible flags in auth:
368 *
369 * encrypted | password is encrypted with mkpasswd
370 * spoof_notice | give a notice when spoofing hosts
371 * exceed_limit (old > flag) | allow user to exceed class user limits
372 * kline_exempt (old ^ flag) | exempt this user from k/g/xlines&dnsbls
373 * dnsbl_exempt | exempt this user from dnsbls
374 * spambot_exempt | exempt this user from spambot checks
375 * shide_exempt | exempt this user from serverhiding
376 * jupe_exempt | exempt this user from generating
377 * warnings joining juped channels
378 * resv_exempt | exempt this user from resvs
379 * flood_exempt | exempt this user from flood limits
381 * no_tilde (old - flag) | don't prefix ~ to username if no ident
382 * need_ident (old + flag) | require ident for user in this class
383 * need_ssl | require SSL/TLS for user in this class
384 * need_sasl | require SASL id for user in this class
385 * extend_chans | allow this user to join more channels than normal
386 */
387 flags = kline_exempt, exceed_limit;
389 /* class: the class the user is placed in */
390 class = "opers";
391 };
393 auth {
394 /* redirect: the server and port to redirect a user to. A user does
395 * not have to obey the redirection, the ircd just suggests to them
396 * an alternative server.
397 */
398 redirserv = "irc.example.net";
399 redirport = 6667;
401 user = "*.example.com";
403 /* class: a class is required even though it is not used */
404 class = "users";
405 };
407 auth {
408 user = "*@*";
409 class = "users";
410 };
412 /* privset{}: defines operator privilege sets. */
413 privset "local_op" {
414 /* privs: controls the activities and commands an oper is
415 * allowed to do on the server
416 *
417 * Available options:
418 *
419 * oper:local_kill: allows local users to be /KILL'd
420 * oper:global_kill: allows local and remote users to be /KILL'd
421 * oper:routing: allows remote SQUIT and CONNECT
422 * oper:kline: allows KLINE and DLINE
423 * oper:unkline: allows UNKLINE and UNDLINE
424 * snomask:nick_changes: allows oper to see nickchanges via snomask +n
425 * oper:rehash: allows oper to REHASH config
426 * oper:die: allows DIE and RESTART
427 * oper:admin: gives admin privileges. admins
428 * may (un)load modules and see various
429 * additional information.
430 * oper:hidden_admin: gives admin privileges except
431 * will not have the admin lines in
432 * whois.
433 * oper:xline: allows use of /quote xline/unxline
434 * oper:resv: allows /quote resv/unresv and cmode +LP
435 * oper:operwall: allows the oper to send/receive operwalls
436 * oper:spy: allows 'operspy' features to see through +s
437 * channels etc. see /quote help operspy
438 * oper:hidden: hides the oper from /stats p
439 * oper:remoteban: allows remote kline etc
440 * oper:mass_notice: allows sending wallops and mass notices
441 * oper:grant: allows using the GRANT command
442 */
443 privs = oper:local_kill, oper:operwall;
444 };
446 privset "server_bot" {
447 /* extends: a privset to inherit in this privset */
448 extends = "local_op";
449 privs = oper:kline, oper:remoteban, snomask:nick_changes;
450 };
452 privset "global_op" {
453 extends = "local_op";
454 privs = oper:global_kill, oper:routing, oper:kline, oper:unkline, oper:xline,
455 oper:resv, oper:mass_notice, oper:remoteban;
456 };
458 privset "admin" {
459 extends = "global_op";
460 privs = oper:admin, oper:die, oper:rehash, oper:spy, oper:grant;
461 };
463 /* operator {}: defines ircd operators. (OLD O:) */
464 operator "god" {
465 /* name: the name of the oper must go above */
467 /* user: the user@host required for this operator. CIDR *is*
468 * supported now. auth{} spoofs work here, other spoofs do not.
469 * multiple user="" lines are supported.
470 */
471 user = "*god@*";
472 user = "*@";
474 /* password: the password required to oper. Unless ~encrypted is
475 * contained in flags = ...; this will need to be encrypted using
476 * mkpasswd, MD5 is supported
477 */
478 password = "etcnjl8juSU1E";
480 /* rsa key: the public key for this oper when using Challenge.
481 * A password should not be defined when this is used, see
482 * doc/challenge.txt for more information.
483 */
484 #rsa_public_key_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/oper.pub";
486 /* fingerprint: if specified, the oper's client certificate
487 * fingerprint will be checked against the specified fingerprint
488 * below.
489 */
490 #fingerprint = "c77106576abf7f9f90cca0f63874a60f2e40a64b";
492 /* umodes: the specific umodes this oper gets when they oper.
493 * If this is specified an oper will not be given oper_umodes
494 * These are described above oper_only_umodes in general {};
495 */
496 #umodes = locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;
498 /* snomask: specific server notice mask on oper up.
499 * If this is specified an oper will not be given oper_snomask.
500 */
501 snomask = "+Zbfkrsuy";
503 /* flags: misc options for the operator. You may prefix an option
504 * with ~ to disable it, e.g. ~encrypted.
505 *
506 * Default flags are encrypted.
507 *
508 * Available options:
509 *
510 * encrypted: the password above is encrypted [DEFAULT]
511 * need_ssl: must be using SSL/TLS to oper up
512 */
513 flags = encrypted;
515 /* privset: privileges set to grant */
516 privset = "admin";
517 };
519 /* connect {}: controls servers we connect to (OLD C:, N:, H:, L:) */
520 connect "irc.uplink.com" {
521 /* the name must go above */
523 /* host: the host or IP to connect to. If a hostname is used it
524 * must match the reverse dns of the server.
525 */
526 host = "";
528 /* vhost: the host or IP to bind to for this connection. If this
529 * is not specified, the default vhost (in serverinfo {}) is used.
530 */
531 #vhost = "";
533 /* passwords: the passwords we send (OLD C:) and accept (OLD N:).
534 * The remote server will have these passwords reversed.
535 */
536 send_password = "password";
537 accept_password = "anotherpassword";
539 /* fingerprint: if specified, the server's client certificate
540 * fingerprint will be checked against the specified fingerprint
541 * below.
542 */
543 #fingerprint = "c77106576abf7f9f90cca0f63874a60f2e40a64b";
545 /* port: the port to connect to this server on */
546 port = 6666;
548 /* hub mask: the mask of servers that this server may hub. Multiple
549 * entries are permitted
550 */
551 hub_mask = "*";
553 /* leaf mask: the mask of servers this server may not hub. Multiple
554 * entries are permitted. Useful for forbidding EU -> US -> EU routes.
555 */
556 #leaf_mask = "*.uk";
558 /* class: the class this server is in */
559 class = "server";
561 /* flags: controls special options for this server
562 * encrypted - marks the accept_password as being crypt()'d
563 * autoconn - automatically connect to this server
564 * compressed - compress traffic via ziplinks
565 * topicburst - burst topics between servers
566 * ssl - ssl/tls encrypted server connections
567 */
568 flags = compressed, topicburst;
569 };
571 connect "ipv6.lame.server" {
572 /* Hosts that are IPv6 addresses must be in :: shortened form
573 * if applicable. Addresses starting with a colon get an extra
574 * zero prepended, for example: 0::1
575 */
576 host = "2001:db8:3::8";
577 send_password = "password";
578 accept_password = "password";
579 port = 6666;
581 /* aftype: controls whether the connection uses "ipv4" or "ipv6".
582 * Default is ipv4.
583 */
584 aftype = ipv6;
585 class = "server";
586 };
588 connect "ssl.uplink.com" {
589 /* Example of ssl server-to-server connection, ssl flag doesn't need
590 * compressed flag, 'cause it uses own compression
591 */
592 host = "";
593 send_password = "password";
594 accept_password = "anotherpassword";
595 port = 9999;
596 hub_mask = "*";
597 class = "server";
598 flags = ssl, topicburst;
599 };
601 /* cluster {}; servers that we propagate things to automatically.
602 * NOTE: This does NOT grant them privileges to apply anything locally,
603 * you must add a seperate shared block for that. Clustering will
604 * only be done for actions by LOCAL opers, that arent directed
605 * remotely.
606 */
607 cluster {
608 /* name: the server to share with, this can be a wildcard and may be
609 * stacked.
610 */
611 /* flags: list of what to share, all the name lines above this (up
612 * until another flags entry) will receive these flags.
613 *
614 * kline - share perm klines
615 * tkline - share temp klines
616 * unkline - share unklines
617 * locops - share locops
618 * xline - share perm xlines
619 * txline - share temp xlines
620 * unxline - share unxlines
621 * resv - share perm resvs
622 * tresv - share temp resvs
623 * unresv - share unresvs
624 * all - share all of the above
625 */
627 /* share klines/unklines/xlines with *.lan */
628 name = "*.lan";
629 flags = kline, unkline, xline;
631 /* share locops with irc.ircd-ratbox.org and ircd.ircd-ratbox.org */
632 name = "irc.ircd-ratbox.org";
633 name = "ircd.ircd-ratbox.org";
634 flags = locops;
635 };
637 /* service{}: privileged servers (services). These servers have extra
638 * privileges such as setting login names on users and introducing clients
639 * with umode +S (unkickable, hide channels, etc). This does not allow them
640 * to set bans, you need a separate shared{} for that.
641 * Do not place normal servers here.
642 * There may be only one service{} block.
643 */
644 service {
645 /* name: the server name. These may be stacked. */
646 name = "services.int";
647 };
649 /* shared {}: users that are allowed to place remote bans on our server.
650 * NOTE: These are ordered top down. The first one the user@host and server
651 * matches will be used. Their access will then be decided on that
652 * block and will not fall back to another block that matches.
653 */
654 shared {
655 /* oper: the user@host and server the user must be on to set klines.
656 * The first field must be a user@host, the second field is an
657 * optional server. These may be stacked.
658 */
659 /* flags: list of what to allow them to place, all the oper lines
660 * above this (up until another flags entry) will receive these
661 * flags. This *must* be present.
662 *
663 * kline - allow setting perm/temp klines
664 * tkline - allow setting temp klines
665 * unkline - allow removing klines
666 * xline - allow setting perm/temp xlines
667 * txline - allow setting temp xlines
668 * unxline - allow removing xlines
669 * resv - allow setting perm/temp resvs
670 * tresv - allow setting temp resvs
671 * unresv - allow removing xlines
672 * all - allow oper/server to do all of above.
673 * locops - allow locops - only used for servers who cluster
674 * rehash - allow rehashing
675 * dline - allow setting perm/temp dlines
676 * tdline - allow setting temp dlines
677 * undline - allow removing dlines
678 * grant - allow granting operator status
679 * die - allow remote DIE/RESTART
680 * module - allow remote module commands
681 * none - disallow everything
682 */
684 /* allow flame@*.leeh.co.uk on server irc.ircd-ratbox.org and
685 * allow leeh@*.leeh.co.uk on server ircd.ircd-ratbox.org to kline
686 */
687 oper = "flame@*.leeh.co.uk", "irc.ircd-ratbox.org";
688 oper = "leeh@*.leeh.co.uk", "ircd.ircd-ratbox.org";
689 flags = kline;
691 /* you may forbid certain opers/servers from doing anything */
692 oper = "irc@vanity.oper", "*";
693 oper = "*@*", "irc.vanity.server";
694 oper = "irc@another.vanity.oper", "bigger.vanity.server";
695 flags = none;
697 /* or allow everyone to place temp klines */
698 oper = "*@*";
699 flags = tkline;
700 };
702 /* exempt {}: IPs that are exempt from Dlines and rejectcache. (OLD d:) */
703 exempt {
704 ip = "";
706 /* these may be stacked */
707 ip = "";
708 };
710 /* The channel block contains options pertaining to channels */
711 channel {
712 /* invex: Enable/disable channel mode +I, a n!u@h list of masks
713 * that can join a +i channel without an invite.
714 */
715 use_invex = yes;
717 /* except: Enable/disable channel mode +e, a n!u@h list of masks
718 * that can join a channel through a ban (+b).
719 */
720 use_except = yes;
722 /* forward: Enable/disable channel mode +f, a channel to forward
723 * users to if they can't join because of +i etc. Also enables ban
724 * forwarding, <mask>$<channel>.
725 */
726 use_forward = yes;
728 /* knock: Allows users to request an invite to a channel that
729 * is locked somehow (+ikl). If the channel is +p or you are banned
730 * the knock will not be sent.
731 */
732 use_knock = yes;
734 /* knock delay: The amount of time a user must wait between issuing
735 * the knock command.
736 */
737 knock_delay = 5 minutes;
739 /* knock channel delay: How often a knock to any specific channel
740 * is permitted, regardless of the user sending the knock.
741 */
742 knock_delay_channel = 1 minute;
744 /* max chans: The maximum number of channels a user can join/be on. */
745 max_chans_per_user = 15;
747 /* max chans (large): The extended maximum number of channels a user can join. */
748 max_chans_per_user_large = 60;
750 /* max bans: maximum number of +b/e/I/q modes in a channel */
751 max_bans = 100;
753 /* max bans: maximum number of +b/e/I/q modes in a +L channel */
754 max_bans_large = 500;
756 /* splitcode: split users, split servers and either no join on split
757 * or no create on split must be enabled for split checking.
758 * splitmode will be entered on either split users or split servers
759 * dropping below the limit.
760 *
761 * you may force splitmode to be permanent by /quote set splitmode on
762 */
764 /* split users: when the usercount is lower than this level, consider
765 * ourselves split. this must be set for automatic splitmode
766 */
767 default_split_user_count = 0;
769 /* split servers: when the amount of servers that have acknowledged
770 * theyve finished bursting is lower than this, consider ourselves
771 * split. this must be set for automatic splitmode
772 */
773 default_split_server_count = 0;
775 /* split: no create: disallow users creating channels on split */
776 no_create_on_split = no;
778 /* split: no join: disallow users joining channels at all on a split */
779 no_join_on_split = no;
781 /* burst topicwho: when bursting topics, also burst the topic setter */
782 burst_topicwho = yes;
784 /* kick on split riding: kick users riding splits to join +i or +k
785 * channels. more precisely, if a bursting server sends an SJOIN
786 * for a channel with a lower TS with either a +i mode or a +k
787 * mode with a different key, kick all local users.
788 *
789 * note: this does not take +r, +b, +e and +I into account.
790 */
791 kick_on_split_riding = no;
793 /* only ascii channels: disable local users joining channels
794 * containing characters outside the range 33-126 (non-printable
795 * or non-ASCII).
796 */
797 only_ascii_channels = no;
799 /* resv_forcepart: force any local users to part a channel
800 * when a RESV is issued.
801 */
802 resv_forcepart = yes;
804 /* channel target change: restrict how many channels users can
805 * message per unit of time. IRC operators, channel operators and
806 * voiced users are exempt.
807 */
808 channel_target_change = yes;
810 /* disable local channels: if yes, then local channels will not be
811 * supported.
812 */
813 disable_local_channels = no;
815 /* autochanmodes: the channel modes that should be automatically set
816 * when a channel is created.
817 */
818 autochanmodes = "+nt";
820 /* displayed_usercount: the minimum amount of users on a channel before it
821 * is displayed in LIST. this parameter can be overridden using ELIST parameters,
822 * such as LIST >0.
823 */
824 displayed_usercount = 3;
826 /* strip_topic_colors: whether or not color codes in TOPIC should be stripped. */
827 strip_topic_colors = no;
828 };
831 /* The serverhide block contains the options regarding serverhiding */
832 serverhide {
833 /* flatten links: this option will hide various routing information
834 * and make all servers in /links appear that they are linked to
835 * this server.
836 */
837 flatten_links = no;
839 /* links delay: how long to wait before showing splits or new
840 * servers in a flattened /links output.
841 */
842 links_delay = 5 minutes;
844 /* hidden: hide this server from a /links output on servers with
845 * flatten_links enabled. this allows hub servers to be hidden etc.
846 */
847 hidden = no;
849 /* disable hidden: prevent servers hiding themselves from a
850 * /links ouput.
851 */
852 disable_hidden = no;
853 };
855 /* These are the blacklist settings.
856 * You can have multiple combinations of host and rejection reasons.
857 * They are used in pairs of one host/rejection reason.
858 *
859 * These settings should be adequate for most networks, and are (presently)
860 * required for use on StaticBox.
861 *
862 * Word to the wise: Do not use blacklists like SPEWS for blocking IRC
863 * connections.
864 *
865 * As of charybdis 2.2, you can do some keyword substitution on the rejection
866 * reason. The available keyword substitutions are:
867 *
868 * ${ip} - the user's IP
869 * ${host} - the user's canonical hostname
870 * ${dnsbl-host} - the dnsbl hostname the lookup was done against
871 * ${nick} - the user's nickname
872 * ${network-name} - the name of the network
873 *
874 * As of charybdis 3.4, a type parameter is supported, which specifies the
875 * address families the blacklist supports. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
876 * IPv4 is currently the default as few blacklists support IPv6 operation
877 * as of this writing.
878 *
879 * As of charybdis 3.5, a matches parameter is allowed; if omitted, any result
880 * is considered a match. If included, a comma-separated list of *quoted*
881 * strings is allowed to match queries. They may be of the format "0" to "255"
882 * to match the final octet (e.g. or "127.x.y.z" to explicitly match
883 * an A record. The blacklist is only applied if it matches anything in the
884 * list. You may freely mix full IP's and final octets.
885 *
886 * Consult your blacklist provider for the meaning of these parameters; they
887 * are usually used to denote different ban types.
888 */
889 blacklist {
890 host = "rbl.efnetrbl.org";
891 type = ipv4;
892 reject_reason = "${nick}, your IP (${ip}) is listed in EFnet's RBL. For assistance, see http://efnetrbl.org/?i=${ip}";
894 /* Example of a blacklist that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 and using matches */
895 # host = "foobl.blacklist.invalid";
896 # matches = "4", "6", "";
897 # type = ipv4, ipv6;
898 # reject_reason = "${nick}, your IP (${ip}) is listed in ${dnsbl-host} for some reason. In order to protect ${network-name} from abuse, we are not allowing connections listed in ${dnsbl-host} to connect";
899 };
901 /*
902 * Alias blocks allow you to define custom commands. (Old m_sshortcut.c)
903 * They send PRIVMSG to the given target. A real command takes
904 * precedence above an alias.
905 */
906 alias "NickServ" {
907 /* the name must go above */
909 /* target: the target nick (must be a network service) or
910 * user@server (cannot be this server, only opers can use
911 * user starting with "opers" reliably, interpreted on the target
912 * server only so you may need to use nick@server instead)
913 */
914 target = "NickServ";
915 };
917 alias "ChanServ" {
918 target = "ChanServ";
919 };
921 alias "OperServ" {
922 target = "OperServ";
923 };
925 alias "MemoServ" {
926 target = "MemoServ";
927 };
929 alias "NS" {
930 target = "NickServ";
931 };
933 alias "CS" {
934 target = "ChanServ";
935 };
937 alias "OS" {
938 target = "OperServ";
939 };
941 alias "MS" {
942 target = "MemoServ";
943 };
945 /* The general block contains many of the options that were once compiled
946 * in options in config.h. The general block is read at start time.
947 */
948 general {
949 /* hide error messages: defines whether error messages from
950 * servers that are not deemed fully safe are hidden or not.
951 * These can sometimes contain IPs and can have an adverse
952 * effect on server ip hiding. Set to:
953 * yes: hide from opers and admin
954 * opers: hide from opers only
955 * no: do not hide error messages
956 * Admins on other servers count as opers.
957 */
958 hide_error_messages = opers;
960 /* hide spoof ips: hide the real ips of auth{} spoofed users
961 * If disabled, local opers can see them.
962 * Dynamic spoofs (e.g. set by services) are unaffected by this;
963 * any oper (local and remote) can see the real ip.
964 */
965 hide_spoof_ips = yes;
967 /* default umodes: umodes to set upon connection
968 * If you have enabled the ip_cloaking extension, and you wish for
969 * incoming clients to be set +h or +x upon connection, add +h or +x to the umode
970 * string below.
971 */
972 default_umodes = "+i";
974 /* default operstring: defines the default oper response
975 * in /whois queries, eg "is an IRC Operator".
976 * After startup use /quote set operstring to change.
977 */
978 default_operstring = "is an IRC Operator";
980 /* default adminstring: defines the default admin response
981 * in /whois queries, eg "is a Server Administrator".
982 * After startup use /quote set adminstring to change.
983 */
984 default_adminstring = "is a Server Administrator";
986 /* servicestring: defines the response for opered services (+S)
987 * in /whois queries, eg "is a Network Service".
988 * This is updated on rehash.
989 */
990 servicestring = "is a Network Service";
992 /*
993 * Nick of the network's SASL agent. Used to check whether services are here,
994 * SASL credentials are only sent to its server. Needs to be a service.
995 *
996 * Defaults to SaslServ if unspecified.
997 */
998 sasl_service = "SaslServ";
1000 /* disable fake channels: disable local users joining fake versions
1001 * of channels, eg #foo^B^B. Disables bold, mirc colour, reverse,
1002 * underline and hard space. (ASCII 2, 3, 22, 31, 160 respectively).
1003 */
1004 disable_fake_channels = no;
1006 /* tkline_expire_notices: give a notice to opers when a tkline
1007 * expires
1008 */
1009 tkline_expire_notices = no;
1011 /* floodcount: the default value of floodcount that is configurable
1012 * via /quote set floodcount. This is the amount of lines a user
1013 * may send to any other user/channel in one second.
1014 */
1015 default_floodcount = 10;
1017 /* failed oper notice: send a notice to all opers on the server when
1018 * someone tries to OPER and uses the wrong password, host or ident.
1019 */
1020 failed_oper_notice = yes;
1022 /* dots in ident: the amount of '.' characters permitted in an ident
1023 * reply before the user is rejected.
1024 */
1025 dots_in_ident=2;
1027 /* min nonwildcard: the minimum non wildcard characters in k/d/g lines
1028 * placed via the server. klines hand placed are exempt from limits.
1029 * wildcard chars: '.' '*' '?' '@'
1030 */
1031 min_nonwildcard = 4;
1033 /* min nonwildcard simple: the minimum non wildcard characters in
1034 * xlines/resvs placed via the server.
1035 * wildcard chars: '*' '?'
1036 */
1037 min_nonwildcard_simple = 3;
1039 /* max accept: maximum allowed /accept's for +g usermode */
1040 max_accept = 20;
1042 /* max monitor: the maximum amount of nicknames a client may have in
1043 * their monitor (server-side notify) list.
1044 */
1045 max_monitor = 100;
1047 /* nick flood: enable the nickflood control code */
1048 anti_nick_flood = yes;
1050 /* nick flood: the nick changes allowed in the specified period */
1051 max_nick_time = 20 seconds;
1052 max_nick_changes = 5;
1054 /* anti spam time: the minimum time a user must be connected before
1055 * custom quit messages are allowed.
1056 */
1057 anti_spam_exit_message_time = 5 minutes;
1059 /* ts delta: the time delta allowed between server clocks before
1060 * a warning is given, or before the link is dropped. all servers
1061 * should run ntpdate/rdate to keep clocks in sync
1062 */
1063 ts_warn_delta = 30 seconds;
1064 ts_max_delta = 5 minutes;
1066 /* client exit: prepend a user's quit message with "Quit: " */
1067 client_exit = yes;
1069 /* collision fnc: change user's nick to their UID instead of
1070 * killing them, if possible. This setting only applies to nick
1071 * collisions detected on this server. Only enable this if
1072 * all servers on the network allow remote nicks to start with
1073 * a digit.
1074 */
1075 collision_fnc = yes;
1077 /* resv fnc: change a user's nick to a nick they have recently used
1078 * (or their UID, if no such nick can be found) when a resv matching
1079 * them is set by services. Only enable this if all servers on the
1080 * network allow remote nicks to start with a digit.
1081 */
1082 resv_fnc = yes;
1084 /* global snotices: send out certain snotices (most +b, +f, +y,
1085 * some +s) to other servers via ENCAP SNOTE. Received SNOTEs are
1086 * displayed unconditionally.
1087 */
1088 global_snotices = yes;
1090 /* dline reason: show the user the dline reason when they connect
1091 * and are dlined.
1092 */
1093 dline_with_reason = yes;
1095 /* kline delay: delay the checking of klines until a specified time.
1096 * Useful if large kline lists are applied often to prevent the
1097 * server eating CPU.
1098 */
1099 kline_delay = 0 seconds;
1101 /* kline reason: show the user the reason why they are k/dlined
1102 * on exit. may give away who set k/dline when set via tcm.
1103 */
1104 kline_with_reason = yes;
1106 /* kline reason: make the users quit message on channels this
1107 * reason instead of the oper's reason.
1108 */
1109 kline_reason = "Connection closed";
1111 /* identify to services via server password
1112 * if auth{} block had no password but the user specified a
1113 * server password anyway, send a PRIVMSG to <identify_service>
1114 * with as text <identify_command> <password>.
1115 */
1116 identify_service = "NickServ@services.int";
1117 identify_command = "IDENTIFY";
1119 /* non redundant klines: flag and ignore redundant klines */
1120 non_redundant_klines = yes;
1122 /* warn no nline: warn opers about servers that try to connect but
1123 * we dont have a connect {} block for. Twits with misconfigured
1124 * servers can get really annoying with this enabled.
1125 */
1126 warn_no_nline = yes;
1128 /* use propagated bans: KLINE, XLINE and RESV set fully propagated bans.
1129 * That means the bans are part of the netburst and restarted/split
1130 * servers will get them, but they will not apply to 3.2 and older
1131 * servers at all.
1132 */
1133 use_propagated_bans = yes;
1135 /* stats e disabled: disable stats e. useful if server ips are
1136 * exempted and you dont want them listing on irc.
1137 */
1138 stats_e_disabled = no;
1140 /* stats c oper only: make stats c (connect {}) oper only */
1141 stats_c_oper_only=no;
1143 /* stats h oper only: make stats h (hub_mask/leaf_mask) oper only */
1144 stats_h_oper_only=no;
1146 /* stats y oper only: make stats y (class {}) oper only */
1147 stats_y_oper_only=no;
1149 /* stats o oper only: make stats o (opers) oper only */
1150 stats_o_oper_only=yes;
1152 /* stats P oper only: make stats P (ports) oper only
1153 * NOTE: users doing stats P will never be given the ips that the
1154 * server listens on, simply the ports.
1155 */
1156 stats_P_oper_only=no;
1158 /* stats i oper only: make stats i (auth {}) oper only. set to:
1159 * yes: show users no auth blocks, made oper only.
1160 * masked: show users first matching auth block
1161 * no: show users all auth blocks.
1162 */
1163 stats_i_oper_only=masked;
1165 /* stats k/K oper only: make stats k/K (klines) oper only. set to:
1166 * yes: show users no auth blocks, made oper only
1167 * masked: show users first matching auth block
1168 * no: show users all auth blocks.
1169 */
1170 stats_k_oper_only=masked;
1172 /* map oper only: make /map oper only */
1173 map_oper_only = no;
1175 /* operspy admin only: make operspy notices to +Z admin only */
1176 operspy_admin_only = no;
1178 /* operspy dont care user info: treat /who mask as if there was
1179 * an '!' always; do not log or server notice about operspy
1180 * /who mask, /masktrace and /scan. channel information is still
1181 * protected. */
1182 operspy_dont_care_user_info = no;
1184 /* caller id wait: time between notifying a +g user that somebody
1185 * is messaging them.
1186 */
1187 caller_id_wait = 1 minute;
1189 /* pace wait simple: time between use of less intensive commands
1190 * (HELP, remote WHOIS, WHOWAS)
1191 */
1192 pace_wait_simple = 1 second;
1194 /* pace wait: time between more intensive commands
1196 */
1197 pace_wait = 10 seconds;
1199 /* short motd: send clients a notice telling them to read the motd
1200 * instead of forcing a motd to clients who may simply ignore it.
1201 */
1202 short_motd = no;
1204 /* ping cookies: require clients to respond exactly to a ping command,
1205 * can help block certain types of drones and FTP PASV mode spoofing.
1206 */
1207 ping_cookie = no;
1209 /* connect timeout: sets how long we should wait for a connection
1210 * request to succeed
1211 */
1212 connect_timeout = 30 seconds;
1214 /* ident timeout: Amount of time (in seconds) that the IRCd will
1215 * wait for a user to respond to an ident request.
1216 */
1217 default_ident_timeout = 5;
1219 /* disable auth: disables identd checking */
1220 disable_auth = no;
1222 /* no oper flood: increase flood limits for opers. */
1223 no_oper_flood = yes;
1225 /* REMOVE ME. The following line checks you've been reading. */
1226 havent_read_conf = yes;
1228 /* max targets: the maximum amount of targets in a single
1229 * PRIVMSG/NOTICE. set to 999 NOT 0 for unlimited.
1230 */
1231 max_targets = 4;
1233 /* use_whois_actually: send clients requesting a whois a numeric
1234 * giving the real IP of non-spoofed clients to prevent DNS abuse.
1235 */
1236 use_whois_actually = yes;
1238 /* usermodes configurable: a list of usermodes for the options below
1239 *
1240 * +g - callerid - Server Side Ignore
1241 * +D - deaf - Don't see channel messages
1242 * +i - invisible - Not shown in NAMES or WHO unless you share a
1243 * a channel
1244 * +l - locops - See LOCOPS messages
1245 * +Q - noforward - Unaffected by channel forwarding
1246 * +R - regonlymsg - No messages from unindentified
1247 * +s - servnotice - See server notices
1248 * +w - wallop - See oper and server generated WALLOPS
1249 * +z - operwall - See operwalls
1250 */
1252 /* oper only umodes: usermodes only opers may set */
1253 oper_only_umodes = operwall, locops, servnotice;
1255 /* oper umodes: default usermodes opers get when they /oper */
1256 oper_umodes = locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;
1258 /* oper snomask: default snomask opers get when they /oper,
1259 * provided they have umode +s set */
1260 oper_snomask = "+s";
1262 /* compression level: level of compression for compressed links between
1263 * servers.
1264 *
1265 * values are between: 1 (least compression, fastest)
1266 * and: 9 (most compression, slowest).
1267 */
1268 #compression_level = 6;
1270 /* burst_away: This enables bursting away messages to servers.
1271 * With this disabled, we will only propogate AWAY messages
1272 * as users send them, but never burst them. Be warned though
1273 * enabling this could increase the size of a burst significantly
1274 * for a large network, like EFnet.
1275 */
1276 burst_away = yes;
1278 /* nick delay: This locks nicks of split clients for the given time
1279 * or until a remote client uses the nick. This significantly
1280 * reduces nick collisions on short splits but it can be annoying.
1281 * To make things as fair as possible, this should be the same on
1282 * all servers. If you enable this, the suggested value is 15 minutes.
1283 */
1284 nick_delay = 0 seconds;
1286 /* reject time: the amount of rejections through klines/dlines etc
1287 * allowed in the given time before the rejection is cached and
1288 * a pseudo temp dline is placed
1289 */
1290 reject_ban_time = 1 minute;
1291 reject_after_count = 3;
1293 /* reject duration: the amount of time to cache the rejection */
1294 reject_duration = 5 minutes;
1296 /* throttle_duration: Amount of time that throttling will be applied to an IP
1297 * address.
1298 */
1299 throttle_duration = 60;
1301 /* throttle_count: Number of connections within throttle_duration that it takes
1302 * for throttling to take effect */
1303 throttle_count = 4;
1305 /* client flood_max_lines: maximum number of lines in a clients queue before
1306 * they are dropped for flooding.
1307 */
1308 client_flood_max_lines = 20;
1310 /* Flood control settings. DO NOT CHANGE THESE without extensive discussion
1311 * and testing by someone who knows exactly what they do.
1312 *
1313 * These settings replicate charybdis-3.3 behaviour.
1314 */
1315 client_flood_burst_rate = 40;
1316 client_flood_burst_max = 5;
1317 client_flood_message_time = 1;
1318 client_flood_message_num = 2;
1320 /* max_ratelimit_tokens: the maximum number of ratelimit tokens that one
1321 * user can accumulate. This attempts to limit the amount of outbound
1322 * bandwidth one user can consume. Do not change unless you know what
1323 * you're doing.
1324 */
1325 max_ratelimit_tokens = 30;
1327 /* away_interval: the minimum interval between AWAY commands. One
1328 * additional AWAY command is allowed, and only marking as away
1329 * counts.
1330 */
1331 away_interval = 30;
1333 /* certfp_method: the method that should be used for computing certificate fingerprints.
1334 * Acceptable options are sha1, sha256 and sha512. Networks running versions of charybdis
1335 * prior to charybdis 3.5 MUST use sha1 for certfp_method.
1336 */
1337 certfp_method = sha1;
1338 };
1340 modules {
1341 /* module path: paths to search for modules specified below and
1342 * in /modload.
1343 */
1344 path = "/usr/local/ircd/modules";
1345 path = "/usr/local/ircd/modules/autoload";
1347 /* module: the name of a module to load on startup/rehash */
1348 #module = "some_module.la";
1349 };