]> jfr.im git - irssi-scripts.git/blob - dim_nicks.pl
smshi - also send for PMs which use nick
[irssi-scripts.git] / dim_nicks.pl
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
4 our $VERSION = '0.4.8'; # baf75f08d3d32c9
5 our %IRSSI = (
6 authors => 'Nei',
7 contact => 'Nei @ anti@conference.jabber.teamidiot.de',
8 url => "http://anti.teamidiot.de/",
9 name => 'dim_nicks',
10 description => 'Dims nicks that are not in channel anymore.',
11 license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later',
12 );
14 # Usage
15 # =====
16 # Once loaded, this script will record the nicks of each new
17 # message. If the user leaves the room, the messages will be rewritten
18 # with the nick in another colour/style.
19 #
20 # Depending on your theme, tweaking the forms settings may be
21 # necessary. With the default irssi theme, this script should just
22 # work.
24 # Options
25 # =======
26 # /set dim_nicks_color <colour>
27 # * the colour code to use for dimming the nick, or a string of format
28 # codes with the special token $* in place of the nick (e.g. %I$*%I
29 # for italic)
30 #
31 # /set dim_nicks_history_lines <num>
32 # * only this many lines of messages are remembered/rewritten (per
33 # window)
34 #
35 # /set dim_nicks_ignore_hilights <ON|OFF>
36 # * ignore lines with hilight when dimming
37 #
38 # /set dim_nicks_forms_skip <num>
39 # /set dim_nicks_forms_search_max <num>
40 # * these two settings limit the range where to search for the
41 # nick.
42 # It sets how many forms (blocks of irssi format codes or
43 # non-letters) to skip at the beginning of line before starting to
44 # search for the nick, and from then on how many forms to search
45 # before stopping.
46 # You should set this to the appropriate values to avoid (a) dimming
47 # your timestamp (b) dimming message content instead of the nick.
48 # To check your settings, you can use the command
49 # /script exec Irssi::Script::dim_nicks::debug_forms
52 no warnings 'redefine';
53 use constant IN_IRSSI => __PACKAGE__ ne 'main' || $ENV{IRSSI_MOCK};
54 use Irssi 20140701;
55 use Irssi::TextUI;
56 use Encode;
59 sub setc () {
60 $IRSSI{name}
61 }
63 sub set ($) {
64 setc . '_' . $_[0]
65 }
67 my $history_lines = 100;
68 my $skip_forms = 1;
69 my $search_forms_max = 5;
70 my $ignore_hilights = 1;
71 my $color_letter = 'K';
73 # nick object cache, chan object cache, line id cache, line id -> window map, -> channel, -> nick, -> nickname, channel -> line ids, channel->nickname->departure time, channel->nickname->{parts of line}
74 my (%nick_reg, %chan_reg, %history_w, %history_c, %history_n, %history_nn, %history_st, %lost_nicks, %lost_nicks_fs, %lost_nicks_fc, %lost_nicks_bc, %lost_nicks_bs);
76 our ($dest, $chanref, $nickref);
79 sub msg_line_tag {
80 my ($srv, $msg, $nick, $addr, $targ) = @_;
81 local $chanref = $srv->channel_find($targ);
82 local $nickref = ref $chanref ? $chanref->nick_find($nick) : undef;
83 &Irssi::signal_continue;
84 }
86 my @color_code;
88 sub color_to_code {
89 my $win = Irssi::active_win;
90 my $view = $win->view;
91 my $cl = $color_letter;
92 if (-1 == index $cl, '$*') {
93 $cl = "%$cl\$*";
94 }
95 $win->print_after(undef, MSGLEVEL_NEVER, "$cl ");
96 my $lp = $win->last_line_insert;
97 my $color_code = $lp->get_text(1);
98 $color_code =~ s/ $//;
99 $view->remove_line($lp);
100 @color_code = split /\$\*/, $color_code, 2;
101 }
103 sub setup_changed {
104 $history_lines = Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'history_lines' );
105 $skip_forms = Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'forms_skip' );
106 $search_forms_max = Irssi::settings_get_int( set 'forms_search_max' );
107 $ignore_hilights = Irssi::settings_get_bool( set 'ignore_hilights' );
108 my $new_color = Irssi::settings_get_str( set 'color' );
109 if ($new_color ne $color_letter) {
110 $color_letter = $new_color;
111 color_to_code();
112 }
113 }
115 sub init_dim_nicks {
116 setup_changed();
117 }
119 sub prt_text_issue {
120 my ($ld) = @_;
121 local $dest = $ld;
122 &Irssi::signal_continue;
123 }
125 sub expire_hist {
126 for my $ch (keys %history_st) {
127 if (@{$history_st{$ch}} > 2 * $history_lines) {
128 my @del = splice @{$history_st{$ch}}, 0, $history_lines;
129 delete @history_w{ @del };
130 delete @history_c{ @del };
131 delete @history_n{ @del };
132 delete @history_nn{ @del };
133 }
134 }
135 }
137 sub prt_text_ref {
138 return unless $nickref;
139 return unless $dest && defined $dest->{target};
140 return unless $dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC;
141 return if $ignore_hilights && $dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_HILIGHT;
143 my ($win) = @_;
144 my $view = $win->view;
145 my $line_id = $view->{buffer}{_irssi} .','. $view->{buffer}{cur_line}{_irssi};
146 $chan_reg{ $chanref->{_irssi} } = $chanref;
147 $nick_reg{ $nickref->{_irssi} } = $nickref;
148 if (exists $history_w{ $line_id }) {
149 }
150 $history_w{ $line_id } = $win->{_irssi};
151 $history_c{ $line_id } = $chanref->{_irssi};
152 $history_n{ $line_id } = $nickref->{_irssi};
153 $history_nn{ $line_id } = $nickref->{nick};
154 push @{$history_st{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}, $line_id;
155 expire_hist();
156 my @lost_forever = grep { $view->{buffer}{first_line}{info}{time} > $lost_nicks{ $chanref->{_irssi} }{ $_ } }
157 keys %{$lost_nicks{ $chanref->{_irssi} }};
158 delete @{$lost_nicks{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
159 delete @{$lost_nicks_fs{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
160 delete @{$lost_nicks_fc{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
161 delete @{$lost_nicks_bc{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
162 delete @{$lost_nicks_bs{ $chanref->{_irssi} }}{ @lost_forever };
163 return;
164 }
166 sub win_del {
167 my ($win) = @_;
168 for my $ch (keys %history_st) {
169 @{$history_st{$ch}} = grep { exists $history_w{ $_ } &&
170 $history_w{ $_ } != $win->{_irssi} } @{$history_st{$ch}};
171 }
172 my @del = grep { $history_w{ $_ } == $win->{_irssi} } keys %history_w;
173 delete @history_w{ @del };
174 delete @history_c{ @del };
175 delete @history_n{ @del };
176 delete @history_nn{ @del };
177 return;
178 }
180 sub _alter_lines {
181 my ($chan, $check_lr, $ad) = @_;
182 my $win = $chan->window;
183 return unless ref $win;
184 my $view = $win->view;
185 my $count = $history_lines;
186 my $buffer_id = $view->{buffer}{_irssi} .',';
187 my $lp = $view->{buffer}{cur_line};
188 my %check_lr = map { $_ => undef } @$check_lr;
189 my $redraw;
190 my $bottom = $view->{bottom};
191 while ($lp && $count) {
192 my $line_id = $buffer_id . $lp->{_irssi};
193 if (exists $check_lr{ $line_id }) {
194 $lp = _alter_line($buffer_id, $line_id, $win, $view, $lp, $chan->{_irssi}, $ad);
195 unless ($lp) {
196 last;
197 }
198 $redraw = 1;
199 }
200 } continue {
201 --$count;
202 $lp = $lp->prev;
203 }
204 if ($redraw) {
205 $win->command('^scrollback end') if $bottom && !$win->view->{bottom};
206 $view->redraw;
207 }
208 }
210 my $irssi_mumbo = qr/\cD[`-i]|\cD[&-@\xff]./;
211 my $irssi_mumbo_no_partial = qr/(?<!\cD)(?<!\cD[&-@\xff])/;
212 my $irssi_skip_form_re = qr/((?:$irssi_mumbo|[.,*@%+&!#$()=~'";:?\/><]+(?=$irssi_mumbo|\s))+|\s+)/;
214 sub debug_forms {
215 my $win = Irssi::active_win;
216 my $view = $win->view;
217 my $lp = $view->{buffer}{cur_line};
218 my $count = $history_lines;
219 my $buffer_id = $view->{buffer}{_irssi} .',';
220 while ($lp && $count) {
221 my $line_id = $buffer_id . $lp->{_irssi};
222 if (exists $history_w{ $line_id }) {
223 my $line_nick = $history_nn{ $line_id };
224 my $text = $lp->get_text(1);
225 pos $text = 0;
226 my $from = 0;
227 for (my $i = 0; $i < $skip_forms; ++$i) {
228 last unless
229 scalar $text =~ /$irssi_skip_form_re/g;
230 $from = pos $text;
231 }
232 my $to = $from;
233 for (my $i = 0; $i < $search_forms_max; ++$i) {
234 last unless
235 scalar $text =~ /$irssi_skip_form_re/g;
236 $to = pos $text;
237 }
238 my $pre = substr $text, 0, $from;
239 my $search = substr $text, $from, $to-$from;
240 my $post = substr $text, $to;
241 unless ($to > $from) {
242 } else {
243 my @nick_reg;
244 unshift @nick_reg, quotemeta substr $line_nick, 0, $_ for 1 .. length $line_nick;
245 no warnings 'uninitialized';
246 for my $nick_reg (@nick_reg) {
247 last if $search
248 =~ s/(\Q$color_code[0]\E\s*)?((?:$irssi_mumbo)+)?$irssi_mumbo_no_partial($nick_reg)((?:$irssi_mumbo)+)?(\s*\Q$color_code[0]\E)?/<match>$1$2<nick>$3<\/nick>$4$5<\/match>/;
249 last if $search
250 =~ s/(?:\Q$color_code[0]\E)?(?:(?:$irssi_mumbo)+?)?$irssi_mumbo_no_partial($nick_reg)(?:(?:$irssi_mumbo)+?)?(?:\Q$color_code[1]\E)?/<nick>$1<\/nick>/;
251 }
252 }
253 my $msg = "$pre<search>$search</search>$post";
254 #$msg =~ s/([^[:print:]])/sprintf '\\x%02x', ord $1/ge;
255 $msg =~ s/\cDe/%|/g; $msg =~ s/%/%%/g;
256 $win->print(setc." form debug: [$msg]", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
257 return;
258 }
259 } continue {
260 --$count;
261 $lp = $lp->prev;
262 }
263 $win->print(setc." form debug: no usable line found", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP);
264 }
266 sub _alter_line {
267 my ($buffer_id, $lrp, $win, $view, $lp, $cid, $ad) = @_;
268 my $line_nick = $history_nn{ $lrp };
269 my $text = $lp->get_text(1);
270 pos $text = 0;
271 my $from = 0;
272 for (my $i = 0; $i < $skip_forms; ++$i) {
273 last unless
274 scalar $text =~ /$irssi_skip_form_re/g;
275 $from = pos $text;
276 }
277 my $to = $from;
278 for (my $i = 0; $i < $search_forms_max; ++$i) {
279 last unless
280 scalar $text =~ /$irssi_skip_form_re/g;
281 $to = pos $text;
282 }
283 return $lp unless $to > $from;
284 my @nick_reg;
285 unshift @nick_reg, quotemeta substr $line_nick, 0, $_ for 1 .. length $line_nick;
286 { no warnings 'uninitialized';
287 if ($ad) {
288 if (exists $lost_nicks_fs{ $cid }{ $line_nick }) {
289 my ($fs, $fc, $bc, $bs) = ($lost_nicks_fs{ $cid }{ $line_nick }, $lost_nicks_fc{ $cid }{ $line_nick }, $lost_nicks_bc{ $cid }{ $line_nick }, $lost_nicks_bs{ $cid }{ $line_nick });
290 my $sen = length $bs ? $color_code[0] : '';
291 for my $nick_reg (@nick_reg) {
292 last if
293 (substr $text, $from, $to-$from)
294 =~ s/(?:\Q$color_code[0]\E)?(?:(?:$irssi_mumbo)+?)?$irssi_mumbo_no_partial($nick_reg)(?:(?:$irssi_mumbo)+?)?(?:\Q$color_code[1]\E)?/$fc$1$bc$sen/;
295 }
296 }
297 }
298 else {
299 for my $nick_reg (@nick_reg) {
300 if (
301 (substr $text, $from, $to-$from)
302 =~ s/(\Q$color_code[0]\E\s*)?((?:$irssi_mumbo)+)?$irssi_mumbo_no_partial($nick_reg)((?:$irssi_mumbo)+)?(\s*\Q$color_code[0]\E)?/$1$2$color_code[0]$3$color_code[1]$4$5/) {
303 $lost_nicks_fs{ $cid }{ $line_nick } = $1;
304 $lost_nicks_fc{ $cid }{ $line_nick } = $2;
305 $lost_nicks_bc{ $cid }{ $line_nick } = $4;
306 $lost_nicks_bs{ $cid }{ $line_nick } = $5;
307 last;
308 }
309 }
310 } }
311 $win->gui_printtext_after($lp->prev, $lp->{info}{level} | MSGLEVEL_NEVER, "$text\n", $lp->{info}{time});
312 my $ll = $win->last_line_insert;
313 my $line_id = $buffer_id . $ll->{_irssi};
314 if (exists $history_w{ $line_id }) {
315 }
316 grep { $_ eq $lrp and $_ = $line_id } @{$history_st{ $cid }};
317 $history_w{ $line_id } = delete $history_w{ $lrp };
318 $history_c{ $line_id } = delete $history_c{ $lrp };
319 $history_n{ $line_id } = delete $history_n{ $lrp };
320 $history_nn{ $line_id } = delete $history_nn{ $lrp };
321 $view->remove_line($lp);
322 $ll;
323 }
325 sub nick_add {
326 my ($chan, $nick) = @_;
327 if (delete $lost_nicks{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} }) {
328 my @check_lr = grep { $history_c{ $_ } == $chan->{_irssi} &&
329 $history_n{ $_ } eq $nick->{nick} } keys %history_w;
330 if (@check_lr) {
331 $nick_reg{ $nick->{_irssi} } = $nick;
332 for my $li (@check_lr) {
333 $history_n{ $li } = $nick->{_irssi};
334 }
335 _alter_lines($chan, \@check_lr, 1);
336 }
337 }
338 delete $lost_nicks_fs{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} };
339 delete $lost_nicks_fc{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} };
340 delete $lost_nicks_bc{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} };
341 delete $lost_nicks_bs{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} };
342 return;
343 }
345 sub nick_del {
346 my ($chan, $nick) = @_;
347 my @check_lr = grep { $history_n{ $_ } eq $nick->{_irssi} } keys %history_w;
348 for my $li (@check_lr) {
349 $history_n{ $li } = $nick->{nick};
350 }
351 if (@check_lr) {
352 $lost_nicks{ $chan->{_irssi} }{ $nick->{nick} } = time;
353 _alter_lines($chan, \@check_lr, 0);
354 }
355 delete $nick_reg{ $nick->{_irssi} };
356 return;
357 }
359 sub nick_change {
360 my ($chan, $nick, $oldnick) = @_;
361 nick_add($chan, $nick);
362 }
364 sub chan_del {
365 my ($chan) = @_;
366 if (my $del = delete $history_st{ $chan->{_irssi} }) {
367 delete @history_w{ @$del };
368 delete @history_c{ @$del };
369 delete @history_n{ @$del };
370 delete @history_nn{ @$del };
371 }
372 delete $chan_reg{ $chan->{_irssi} };
373 delete $lost_nicks{$chan->{_irssi}};
374 delete $lost_nicks_fs{$chan->{_irssi}};
375 delete $lost_nicks_fc{$chan->{_irssi}};
376 delete $lost_nicks_bc{$chan->{_irssi}};
377 delete $lost_nicks_bs{$chan->{_irssi}};
378 return;
379 }
381 Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'history_lines', $history_lines);
382 Irssi::settings_add_bool( setc, set 'ignore_hilights', $ignore_hilights);
383 Irssi::signal_add_last({
384 'setup changed' => 'setup_changed',
385 });
386 Irssi::signal_add({
387 'print text' => 'prt_text_issue',
388 'gui print text finished' => 'prt_text_ref',
389 'nicklist new' => 'nick_add',
390 'nicklist changed' => 'nick_change',
391 'nicklist remove' => 'nick_del',
392 'window destroyed' => 'win_del',
393 'message public' => 'msg_line_tag',
394 'channel destroyed' => 'chan_del',
395 });
397 sub dumphist {
398 my $win = Irssi::active_win;
399 my $view = $win->view;
400 my $buffer_id = $view->{buffer}{_irssi} .',';
401 for (my $lp = $view->{buffer}{first_line}; $lp; $lp = $lp->next) {
402 my $line_id = $buffer_id . $lp->{_irssi};
403 if (exists $history_w{ $line_id }) {
404 my $k = $history_c{ $line_id };
405 my $kn = $history_n{ $line_id };
406 if (exists $chan_reg{ $k }) {
407 }
408 if (exists $nick_reg{ $kn }) {
409 }
410 if (exists $lost_nicks{ $k } && exists $lost_nicks{ $k }{ $kn }) {
411 }
412 }
413 }
414 }
415 Irssi::settings_add_str( setc, set 'color', $color_letter);
416 Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'forms_skip', $skip_forms);
417 Irssi::settings_add_int( setc, set 'forms_search_max', $search_forms_max);
419 init_dim_nicks();
421 { package Irssi::Nick }
423 # Changelog
424 # =========
425 # 0.4.8
426 # - optionally ignore hilighted lines
427 # 0.4.7
428 # - fix useless re-reading of settings colour
429 # 0.4.6
430 # - fix crash on some lines reported by pierrot