]> jfr.im git - irc/weechat/weechat.git/blob - Contributing.adoc
Version 3.7.1
[irc/weechat/weechat.git] / Contributing.adoc
1 = Contributing to WeeChat
2 :author: Sébastien Helleu
3 :email: flashcode@flashtux.org
4 :lang: en
7 == Reporting bugs
9 First, some basic things:
11 * Use only English to communicate with developers.
12 * Search in issues if the same problem or feature request has already been
13 reported (a duplicate is waste of time for you and the developers!).
14 * If you can, please check if the problem has been fixed in development version
15 (if you are using a stable release or old version).
16 * Report only one bug or feature request per issue.
18 === Security reports
20 Please *DO NOT* file a GitHub issue for security related problems, but send an
21 email to <security@weechat.org> instead.
23 === Required info
25 When reporting https://github.com/weechat/weechat/issues[issues] on GitHub,
26 please include:
28 * Your *WeeChat version*: the output of `/v` in WeeChat, for example:
29 _WeeChat 1.7-dev (git: v1.6-6-g997f47f)_. +
30 If WeeChat does not start at all, please include the version displayed by
31 `weechat --help` (or the version installed with your package manager).
32 * Your *operating system*: its name and version (examples: Linux Debian Bullseye,
33 FreeBSD 13.0, Windows/Cygwin 64-bit, Windows/Ubuntu 64-bit...).
34 * The *steps to reproduce*: if possible, please include a reproducible example:
35 explain the steps which led you to the problem. +
36 It's even better if you can reproduce the problem with a new config (and no
37 scripts loaded): try `weechat --dir /tmp/weechat` and check if you have the
38 problem here.
39 * The *gdb's backtrace* (only for a crash): if you can reproduce the crash
40 (or if you have a core file), please include the backtrace from gdb (look at
41 https://weechat.org/doc/user/#report_crashes[User's guide] for more info).
42 * The *actual result*.
43 * The *expected result*: the correct result you are expecting.
46 Most of times, the WeeChat crash log file (_weechat_crash_YYYYMMDD_xxx.log_) is
47 *NOT USEFUL* to fix the bug, so please report this file *ONLY* if a developer
48 asked you to send it (and be extremely careful, this file can contain personal
49 data like passwords and contents of your chats).
51 === Scripts related issues
53 If you are using scripts, they can cause problems/crashes. To check if the
54 problem is related to one script, try to unload them one by one (using
55 command `/script unload <name>`).
57 Many issues reported are in fact related to bugs in scripts, so please first
58 check that before reporting any issue on WeeChat itself.
60 If you think the problem comes from a specific script, please report the issue
61 in the https://github.com/weechat/scripts/issues[scripts git repository]
62 instead.
64 == Translations
66 Pull requests on GitHub for fixes or new translations are welcome at any
67 time, for https://github.com/weechat/weechat[WeeChat] and the website
68 https://github.com/weechat/weechat.org[weechat.org].
70 To start a translation in a new language (not yet supported), please look at
71 https://weechat.org/doc/dev/#translations[translations]
72 in Developer's guide.
74 == Feature requests
76 WeeChat is under active development, so your idea may already have been
77 implemented, or scheduled for a future version (you can check in
78 https://weechat.org/dev/[roadmap] or
79 https://github.com/weechat/weechat/milestones[milestones] on GitHub.
81 Pull requests on GitHub are welcome for minor new features.
83 For major new features, it's better to discuss about it in IRC
84 (server: _irc.libera.chat_, channel _#weechat_).
86 Before submitting any pull request, be sure you have read the
87 https://weechat.org/doc/dev/#coding_rules[coding rules]
88 in Developer's guide, which contains info about styles used, naming convention
89 and other useful info.