]> jfr.im git - irc/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel.git/blob - plugins/sql_auth/sql_auth.php
some minor cosmetic changes
[irc/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel.git] / plugins / sql_auth / sql_auth.php
1 <?php
3 require_once "SQL/sql.php";
4 require_once "SQL/settings.php";
6 class sql_auth
7 {
8 public $name = "SQLAuth";
9 public $author = "Valware";
10 public $version = "1.0";
11 public $description = "Provides a User Auth and Management Panel with an SQL backend";
12 public $email = "v.a.pond@outlook.com";
14 function __construct()
15 {
16 self::create_tables();
17 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_PRE_HEADER, 'sql_auth::session_start');
18 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_FOOTER, 'sql_auth::add_footer_info');
19 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_USER_LOOKUP, 'sql_auth::get_user');
20 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_ADD, 'sql_auth::add_usermeta');
21 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_DEL, 'sql_auth::del_usermeta');
22 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_USERMETA_GET, 'sql_auth::get_usermeta');
23 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_USER_CREATE, 'sql_auth::user_create');
24 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_GET_USER_LIST, 'sql_auth::get_user_list');
25 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_USER_DELETE, 'sql_auth::user_delete');
26 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_EDIT_USER, 'sql_auth::edit_core');
27 Hook::func(HOOKTYPE_PRE_OVERVIEW_CARD, 'sql_auth::add_pre_overview_card');
28 AuthModLoaded::$status = 1;
30 if (defined('SQL_DEFAULT_USER')) // we've got a default account
31 {
32 $lkup = new PanelUser(SQL_DEFAULT_USER['username']);
34 if (!$lkup->id) // doesn't exist, add it with full privileges
35 {
36 $user = [];
37 $user['user_name'] = SQL_DEFAULT_USER['username'];
38 $user['user_pass'] = SQL_DEFAULT_USER['password'];
39 $user['err'] = "";
40 create_new_user($user);
41 }
42 $lkup = new PanelUser(SQL_DEFAULT_USER['username']);
43 if (!user_can($lkup, PERMISSION_MANAGE_USERS))
44 $lkup->add_permission(PERMISSION_MANAGE_USERS);
45 }
46 }
49 public static function add_footer_info($empty)
50 {
51 if (!($user = unreal_get_current_user()))
52 return;
54 else {
55 echo "<code>Admin Panel v" . WEBPANEL_VERSION . "</code>";
56 }
57 }
59 public static function add_pre_overview_card($empty)
60 {
61 if (defined('SQL_DEFAULT_USER'))
62 Message::Fail("Warning: SQL_DEFAULT_USER is set in config.php. You should remove that item now, as it is only used during installation.");
63 }
65 /* pre-Header hook */
66 public static function session_start($n)
67 {
68 if (!isset($_SESSION))
69 {
70 session_set_cookie_params(3600);
71 session_start();
72 }
73 if (!isset($_SESSION['id']) || empty($_SESSION))
74 {
75 $current_page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
76 $tok = split($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], "/");
77 if ($check = security_check() && $tok[count($tok) - 1] !== "error.php") {
78 header("Location: " . BASE_URL . "plugins/sql_auth/error.php");
79 die();
80 }
81 header("Location: ".BASE_URL."login/?redirect=".urlencode($current_page));
82 die();
83 }
84 else
85 {
86 if (!unreal_get_current_user()) // user no longer exists
87 {
88 session_destroy();
89 header("Location: ".BASE_URL."login");
90 die();
91 }
92 // you'll be automatically logged out after one hour of inactivity
93 }
94 }
96 /**
97 * Create the tables we'll be using in the SQLdb
98 * @return void
99 */
100 public static function create_tables()
101 {
102 $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];
103 if (str_ends_with($script,"setup.php"))
104 return;
105 $conn = sqlnew();
106 $stmt = $conn->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".SQL_PREFIX."%'");
107 if ($stmt->rowCount() < 5)
108 header("Location: ".BASE_URL."plugins/sql_auth/setup.php");
109 }
111 /* We convert $u with a full user as an object ;D*/
112 public static function get_user(&$u)
113 {
114 $id = $u['id'];
115 $name = $u['name'];
116 $conn = sqlnew();
118 if ($id)
119 {
120 $prep = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id = :id LIMIT 1");
121 $prep->execute(["id" => strtolower($id)]);
122 }
123 elseif ($name)
124 {
125 $prep = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users WHERE LOWER(user_name) = :name LIMIT 1");
126 $prep->execute(["name" => strtolower($name)]);
127 }
128 $data = NULL;
129 $obj = (object) [];
130 if ($prep)
131 $data = $prep->fetchAll();
132 if (isset($data[0]) && $data = $data[0])
133 {
134 $obj->id = $data['user_id'];
135 $obj->username = $data['user_name'];
136 $obj->passhash = $data['user_pass'];
137 $obj->first_name = $data['user_fname'] ?? NULL;
138 $obj->last_name = $data['user_lname'] ?? NULL;
139 $obj->created = $data['created'];
140 $obj->bio = $data['user_bio'];
141 $obj->email = $data['user_email'];
142 $obj->user_meta = (new PanelUser_Meta($obj->id))->list;
143 }
144 $u['object'] = $obj;
145 }
147 public static function get_usermeta(&$u)
148 {
149 $list = &$u['meta'];
150 $id = $u['id'];
151 $conn = sqlnew();
152 if (isset($id))
153 {
154 $prep = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta WHERE user_id = :id");
155 $prep->execute(["id" => $id]);
156 }
157 foreach ($prep->fetchAll() as $row)
158 {
159 $list[$row['meta_key']] = $row['meta_value'];
160 }
161 }
163 public static function add_usermeta(&$meta)
164 {
165 $meta = $meta['meta'];
166 $conn = sqlnew();
167 /* check if it exists first, update it if it does */
168 $query = "SELECT * FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta WHERE user_id = :id AND meta_key = :key";
169 $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
170 $stmt->execute(["id" => $meta['id'], "key" => $meta['key']]);
171 if ($stmt->rowCount()) // it exists, update instead of insert
172 {
173 $query = "UPDATE " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta SET meta_value = :value WHERE user_id = :id AND meta_key = :key";
174 $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
175 $stmt->execute($meta);
176 if ($stmt->rowCount())
177 return true;
178 return false;
179 }
181 else
182 {
183 $query = "INSERT INTO " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (:id, :key, :value)";
184 $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
185 $stmt->execute($meta);
186 if ($stmt->rowCount())
187 return true;
188 return false;
189 }
190 }
191 public static function del_usermeta(&$u)
192 {
193 $conn = sqlnew();
194 $query = "DELETE FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "user_meta WHERE user_id = :id AND meta_key = :key";
195 $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
196 $stmt->execute($u['meta']);
197 if ($stmt->rowCount())
198 return true;
199 return false;
200 }
201 public static function user_create(&$u)
202 {
203 $username = $u['user_name'];
204 $first_name = $u['fname'] ?? NULL;
205 $last_name = $u['lname'] ?? NULL;
206 $password = $u['user_pass'] ?? NULL;
207 $user_bio = $u['user_bio'] ?? NULL;
208 $user_email = $u['user_email'] ?? NULL;
209 $conn = sqlnew();
210 $prep = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO " . SQL_PREFIX . "users (user_name, user_pass, user_fname, user_lname, user_bio, user_email, created) VALUES (:name, :pass, :fname, :lname, :user_bio, :user_email, :created)");
211 $prep->execute(["name" => $username, "pass" => $password, "fname" => $first_name, "lname" => $last_name, "user_bio" => $user_bio, "user_email" => $user_email, "created" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]);
212 if ($prep->rowCount())
213 $u['success'] = true;
214 else
215 $u['errmsg'][] = "Could not add user";
216 }
218 public static function get_user_list(&$list)
219 {
220 $conn = sqlnew();
221 $result = $conn->query("SELECT user_id FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users");
222 if (!$result) // impossible
223 {
224 die("Something went wrong.");
225 }
226 $userlist = [];
227 while($row = $result->fetch())
228 {
229 $userlist[] = new PanelUser(NULL, $row['user_id']);
230 }
231 if (!empty($userlist))
232 $list = $userlist;
234 }
235 public static function user_delete(&$u)
236 {
237 $user = $u['user'];
238 $query = "DELETE FROM " . SQL_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id = :id";
239 $conn = sqlnew();
240 $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
241 $stmt->execute(["id" => $user->id]);
242 $deleted = $stmt->rowCount();
243 if ($deleted)
244 {
245 $u['info'][] = "Successfully deleted user \"$user->username\"";
246 $u['boolint'] = 1;
247 } else {
248 $u['info'][] = "Unknown error";
249 $u['boolint'] = 0;
250 }
251 }
253 public static function edit_core($arr)
254 {
255 $conn = sqlnew();
256 $user = $arr['user'];
257 $info = $arr['info'];
258 foreach($info as $key => $val)
259 {
260 $value = NULL;
261 if (!$val || !strlen($val) || BadPtr($val))
262 continue;
263 if (!strcmp($key,"update_fname") && $val != $user->first_name)
264 {
265 $value = "user_fname";
266 $valuestr = "first name";
267 }
268 elseif (!strcmp($key,"update_lname") && $val != $user->last_name)
269 {
270 $value = "user_lname";
271 $valuestr = "last name";
272 }
273 elseif (!strcmp($key,"update_bio") && $val != $user->bio)
274 {
275 $value = "user_bio";
276 $valuestr = "bio";
277 }
278 elseif (!strcmp($key,"update_pass") || !strcmp($key,"update_pass_conf"))
279 {
280 $value = "user_pass";
281 $valuestr = "password";
282 }
283 elseif(!strcmp($key,"update_email") && $val != $user->email)
284 {
285 $value = "user_email";
286 $valuestr = "email address";
287 }
289 if (!$value)
290 continue;
291 $query = "UPDATE " . SQL_PREFIX . "users SET $value=:value WHERE user_id = :id";
292 $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
293 $stmt->execute(["value" => $val, "id" => $user->id]);
295 if (!$stmt->rowCount() && $stmt->errorInfo()[0] != "00000")
296 Message::Fail("Could not update $valuestr for $user->username: ".$stmt->errorInfo()[0]." (CODE: ".$stmt->errorCode().")");
298 else
299 Message::Success("Successfully updated the $valuestr for $user->username");
300 }
301 }
302 }
305 function security_check()
306 {
307 $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
308 if (dnsbl_check($ip))
309 return true;
311 else if (fail2ban_check($ip))
312 {
314 }
315 }
317 function dnsbl_check($ip)
318 {
320 if (!defined('DNSBL'))
321 return;
322 $dnsbl_lookup = DNSBL;
324 // clear variable just in case
325 $listed = NULL;
327 // if the IP was not given because you're an idiot, stop processing
328 if (!$ip) { return; }
330 // get the first two segments of the IPv4
331 $because = split($ip, "."); // why you
332 $you = $because[1]; // gotta play
333 $want = $because[2]; // that song
334 $to = $you.".".$want."."; // so loud?
336 // exempt local connections because sometimes they get a false positive
337 if ($to == "192.168." || $to == "127.0.") { return NULL; }
339 // you spin my IP right round, right round, to check the records baby, right round-round-round
340 $reverse_ip = glue(array_reverse(split($ip, ".")), ".");
342 // checkem
343 foreach ($dnsbl_lookup as $host) {
345 //if it was listed
346 if (checkdnsrr($reverse_ip . "." . $host . ".", "A")) {
348 //take note
349 $listed = $host;
350 }
351 }
353 // if it was safe, return NOTHING
354 if (!$listed) {
355 return NULL;
356 }
358 // else, you guessed it, return where it was listed
359 else {
360 return $listed;
361 }
362 }
364 function fail2ban_check($ip)
365 {
367 }