]> jfr.im git - irc/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel.git/blob - index.php
Updates for new style of unrealircd-json-rpc:
[irc/unrealircd/unrealircd-webpanel.git] / index.php
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <title>UnrealIRCd Panel</title>
3 <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/img/favicon.ico">
4 <link href="css/unrealircd-admin.css" rel="stylesheet">
5 <body class="body-for-sticky">
6 <div id="headerContainer">
7 <h2><a href="">UnrealIRCd <small>Administration Panel</small></a></h2></div>
8 <script src="js/unrealircd-admin.js" defer></script>
9 <div class="topnav">
10 <a data-tab-target="#overview" class="active" href="#overview">Overview</a>
11 <a data-tab-target="#Users" href="#Users">Users</a>
12 <a data-tab-target="#Channels" href="#Channels">Channels</a>
13 <a data-tab-target="#TKL" href="#TKL">Server Bans</a>
14 <a data-tab-target="#Spamfilter" href="#Spamfilter">Spamfilter</a>
15 <a data-tab-target="#News" href="#News">News</a>
16 </div>
17 <?php
18 define('UPATH', dirname(__FILE__));
19 require_once "config.php";
20 require_once UPATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';
21 require_once "connection.php";
22 require_once "Classes/class-log.php";
23 require_once "Classes/class-message.php";
24 require_once "Classes/class-rpc.php";
26 do_log($_POST);
28 if (!empty($_POST)) {
29 if (!($bantype = $_POST['bantype'])) {
31 } else if (!($users = $_POST["userch"])) {
32 Message::Fail("No user was specified");
33 } else {
34 foreach ($_POST["userch"] as $user) {
35 $user = base64_decode($user);
36 $bantype = (isset($_POST['bantype'])) ? $_POST['bantype'] : NULL;
37 if (!$bantype)
38 {
39 Message::Fail("An error occured");
40 return;
41 }
42 $banlen_w = (isset($_POST['banlen_w'])) ? $_POST['banlen_w'] : NULL;
43 $banlen_d = (isset($_POST['banlen_d'])) ? $_POST['banlen_d'] : NULL;
44 $banlen_h = (isset($_POST['banlen_h'])) ? $_POST['banlen_h'] : NULL;
46 $duration = "";
47 if (!$banlen_d && !$banlen_h && !$banlen_w)
48 $duration .= "0";
50 else
51 {
52 if ($banlen_w)
53 $duration .= $banlen_w;
54 if ($banlen_d)
55 $duration .= $banlen_d;
56 if ($banlen_h)
57 $duration .= $banlen_h;
58 }
60 $nick = $rpc->user()->get($user);
61 if (!$nick)
62 {
63 Message::Fail("Could not find that user. Maybe they disconnected after you clicked this?");
64 return;
65 }
67 $msg_msg = ($duration == "0" || $duration == "0w0d0h") ? "permanently" : "for ".rpc_convert_duration_string($duration);
68 $reason = (isset($_POST['ban_reason'])) ? $_POST['ban_reason'] : "No reason";
69 if ($rpc->serverban()->add($user, $bantype, $duration, $reason))
70 {
71 $c = $nick->client;
72 Message::Success($c->name . " (*@".$c->hostname.") has been $bantype" . "d $msg_msg: $reason");
73 }
74 }
75 }
77 if (!empty($_POST['tklch']))
78 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
79 foreach ($value as $tok) {
80 $tok = explode(",", $tok);
81 $ban = base64_decode($tok[0]);
82 $type = base64_decode($tok[1]);
83 if ($rpc->serverban()->delete($ban, $type))
84 Message::Success("$type has been removed for $ban");
85 else
86 Message::Fail("Unable to remove $type on $ban: $rpc->error");
87 }
88 }
90 if (!empty($_POST['sf']))
91 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
92 foreach ($value as $tok) {
93 $tok = explode(",", $tok);
94 $name = base64_decode($tok[0]);
95 $match_type = base64_decode($tok[1]);
96 $spamfilter_targets = base64_decode($tok[2]);
97 $ban_action = base64_decode($tok[3]);
98 if ($rpc->spamfilter()->delete($name, $match_type, $spamfilter_targets, $ban_action))
99 Message::Success("Spamfilter on $name has been removed");
100 else
101 Message::Fail("Unable to remove spamfilter on $name: $rpc->error");
102 }
103 }
104 }
106 rpc_pop_lists();
107 ?>
109 <div class="tab-content\">
110 <div id="overview" data-tab-content class="active">
111 <table class='unrealircd_overview'>
112 <th>Chat Overview</th><th></th>
113 <tr><td><b>Users</b></td><td><?php echo count(RPC_List::$user); ?></td></tr>
114 <tr><td><b>Opers</b></td><td><?php echo RPC_List::$opercount; ?></td></tr>
115 <tr><td><b>Services</b></td><td><?php echo RPC_List::$services_count; ?></td></tr>
116 <tr><td><b>Most popular channel</b></td><td><?php echo RPC_List::$most_populated_channel; ?> (<?php echo RPC_List::$channel_pop_count; ?> users)</td></tr>
117 <tr><td><b>Channels</b></td><td><?php echo count(RPC_List::$channel); ?></td></tr>
118 <tr><td><b>Server bans</b></td><td><?php echo count(RPC_List::$tkl); ?></td></tr>
119 <tr><td><b>Spamfilter entries</b></td><td><?php echo count(RPC_List::$spamfilter); ?></td></tr></th>
120 </table></div></div>
122 <div class="tab-content\">
123 <div id="Users" data-tab-content>
124 <table class='users_filter'>
125 <th class="thuf">Filter by: </th>
126 <th>
127 <form action="" method="post">
128 Nick: <input name="uf_nick" id="uf_nick" type="text">
129 <input class="cute_button2" type="submit" value="Search">
130 </form>
131 </th>
132 <th>
133 <form action="" method="post">
134 Hostname: <input name="uf_host" id="uf_host" type="text">
135 <input class="cute_button2" type="submit" value="Search">
136 </form>
137 </th>
138 <th>
139 <form action="" method="post">
140 IP: <input name="uf_ip" id="uf_ip" type="text">
141 <input class="cute_button2" type="submit" value="Search">
142 </form>
143 </th>
144 <th class="thuffer">
145 <form action="" method="post">
146 Account: <input name="uf_account" id="uf_account" type="text">
147 <input class="cute_button2" type="submit" value="Search">
148 </form>
149 </th>
150 </form>
151 </table>
152 <?php
153 if (isset($_POST['uf_nick']) && strlen($_POST['uf_nick']))
154 Message::Info("Listing users which match nick: \"" . $_POST['uf_nick'] . "\"");
156 if (isset($_POST['uf_ip']) && strlen($_POST['uf_ip']))
157 Message::Info("Listing users which match IP: \"" . $_POST['uf_ip'] . "\"");
159 if (isset($_POST['uf_host']) && strlen($_POST['uf_host']))
160 Message::Info("Listing users which match hostmask: \"" . $_POST['uf_host'] . "\"");
162 if (isset($_POST['uf_account']) && strlen($_POST['uf_account']))
163 Message::Info("Listing users which match account: \"" . $_POST['uf_account'] . "\"");
165 ?>
166 <table class='users_overview'>
167 <th><input type="checkbox" label='selectall' onClick="toggle_user(this)" />Select all</th>
168 <th>Nick</th>
169 <th>UID</th>
170 <th>Host / IP</th>
171 <th>Account</th>
172 <th>Usermodes<a href="https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/User_modes" target="_blank">ℹ️</a></th>
173 <th>Oper</th>
174 <th>Secure</th>
175 <th>Connected to</th>
176 <th>Reputation <a href="https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Reputation_score" target="_blank">ℹ️</a></th>
178 <form action="" method="post">
179 <?php
180 foreach(RPC_List::$user as $user)
181 {
183 /* Some basic filtering for NICK */
184 if (isset($_POST['uf_nick']) && strlen($_POST['uf_nick']) &&
185 strpos(strtolower($user->name), strtolower($_POST['uf_nick'])) !== 0 &&
186 strpos(strtolower($user->name), strtolower($_POST['uf_nick'])) == false)
187 continue;
189 /* Some basic filtering for HOST */
190 if (isset($_POST['uf_host']) && strlen($_POST['uf_host']) &&
191 strpos(strtolower($user->hostname), strtolower($_POST['uf_host'])) !== 0 &&
192 strpos(strtolower($user->hostname), strtolower($_POST['uf_host'])) == false)
193 continue;
195 /* Some basic filtering for IP */
196 if (isset($_POST['uf_ip']) && strlen($_POST['uf_ip']) &&
197 strpos(strtolower($user->ip), strtolower($_POST['uf_ip'])) !== 0 &&
198 strpos(strtolower($user->ip), strtolower($_POST['uf_ip'])) == false)
199 continue;
201 /* Some basic filtering for ACCOUNT */
202 if (isset($_POST['uf_account']) && strlen($_POST['uf_account']) &&
203 strpos(strtolower($user->user->account), strtolower($_POST['uf_account'])) !== 0 &&
204 strpos(strtolower($user->user->account), strtolower($_POST['uf_account'])) == false)
205 continue;
207 echo "<tr>";
208 echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" value='" . base64_encode($user->id)."' name=\"userch[]\"></td>";
209 $isBot = (strpos($user->user->modes, "B") !== false) ? ' <span class="label">Bot</span>' : "";
210 echo "<td>".$user->name.$isBot.'</td>';
211 echo "<td>".$user->id."</td>";
212 echo "<td>".$user->hostname." (".$user->ip.")</td>";
213 $account = (isset($user->user->account)) ? '<span class="label">'.$user->user->account.'</span>' : '<span class="label noaccount">None</span>';
214 echo "<td>".$account."</td>";
215 $modes = (isset($user->user->modes)) ? "+" . $user->user->modes : "<none>";
216 echo "<td>".$modes."</td>";
217 $oper = (isset($user->user->operlogin)) ? '<span class="label">'.$user->user->operlogin."</span> <span class=\"label operclass-label\">".$user->user->operclass."</span>" : "";
218 if (!strlen($oper))
219 $oper = (strpos($user->user->modes, "S") !== false) ? '<span class="label secure-connection">Service</span>' : "";
220 echo "<td>".$oper."</td>";
221 $secure = (isset($user->tls)) ? "<span class=\"label secure-connection\">Secure</span>" : "<span class=\"label noaccount\">Insecure</span>";
222 echo "<td>".$secure."</td>";
223 echo "<td>".$user->user->servername."</td>";
224 echo "<td>".$user->user->reputation."</td>";
225 }
226 ?></table>
227 <label for="bantype">Apply action: </label><br>
228 <select name="bantype" id="bantype">
229 <option value=""></option>
230 <optgroup label="Bans">
231 <option value="gline">GLine</option>
232 <option value="gzline">GZLine</option>
233 </optgroup>
234 </select>
235 <br>
236 <label for="banlen_w">Duration: </label><br>
237 <select name="banlen_w" id="banlen_w">
238 <?php
239 for ($i = 0; $i <= 56; $i++)
240 {
241 if (!$i)
242 echo "<option value=\"0w\"></option>";
243 else
244 {
245 $w = ($i == 1) ? "week" : "weeks";
246 echo "<option value=\"$i" . "w\">$i $w" . "</option>";
247 }
248 }
249 ?>
250 </select>
251 <select name="banlen_d" id="banlen_d">
252 <?php
253 for ($i = 0; $i <= 31; $i++)
254 {
255 if (!$i)
256 echo "<option value=\"0d\"></option>";
257 else
258 {
259 $d = ($i == 1) ? "day" : "days";
260 echo "<option value=\"$i" . "d\">$i $d" . "</option>";
261 }
262 }
263 ?>
264 </select>
265 <select name="banlen_h" id="banlen_h">
266 <?php
267 for ($i = 0; $i <= 24; $i++)
268 {
269 if (!$i)
270 echo "<option value=\"0d\"></option>";
271 else
272 {
273 $h = ($i == 1) ? "hour" : "hours";
274 echo "<option value=\"$i" . "h\">$i $h" . "</option>";
275 }
276 }
277 ?>
278 </select>
279 <br><label for="ban_reason">Reason:<br></label>
280 <textarea name="ban_reason" id="ban_reason">No reason</textarea><br>
281 <input class="cute_button" type="submit" value="Apply">
282 </form>
284 </div></div>
286 <div class="tab-content\">
287 <div id="Channels" data-tab-content>
288 <p></p>
289 <table class='users_overview'>
290 <th>Name</th>
291 <th>Created</th>
292 <th>User count</th>
293 <th>Topic</th>
294 <th>Topic Set</th>
295 <th>Modes</th>
297 <?php
298 foreach(RPC_List::$channel as $channel)
299 {
300 echo "<tr>";
301 echo "<td>".$channel->name."</td>";
302 echo "<td>".$channel->creation_time."</td>";
303 echo "<td>".$channel->num_users."</td>";
304 $topic = (isset($channel->topic)) ? $channel->topic : "";
305 echo "<td>".$topic."</td>";
306 $setby = (isset($channel->topic)) ? "By ".$channel->topic_set_by .", at ".$channel->topic_set_at : "";
307 echo "<td>".$setby."</td>";
308 $modes = (isset($channel->modes)) ? "+" . $channel->modes : "<none>";
309 echo "<td>".$modes."</td>";
310 }
311 ?></table></div></div>
314 <div class="tab-content\">
315 <div id="TKL" data-tab-content>
317 <table class='users_overview'>
318 <form action="" method="post">
319 <th><input type="checkbox" label='selectall' onClick="toggle_tkl(this)" />Select all</th>
320 <th>Mask</th>
321 <th>Type</th>
322 <th>Set By</th>
323 <th>Set On</th>
324 <th>Expires</th>
325 <th>Duration</th>
326 <th>Reason</th>
328 <?php
329 foreach(RPC_List::$tkl as $tkl)
330 {
331 echo "<tr>";
332 echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" value='" . base64_encode($tkl->name).",".base64_encode($tkl->type) . "' name=\"tklch[]\"></td>";
333 echo "<td>".$tkl->name."</td>";
334 echo "<td>".$tkl->type_string."</td>";
335 echo "<td>".$tkl->set_by."</td>";
336 echo "<td>".$tkl->set_at_string."</td>";
337 echo "<td>".$tkl->expire_at_string."</td>";
338 echo "<td>".$tkl->duration_string."</td>";
339 echo "<td>".$tkl->reason."</td>";
340 }
341 ?></table><p><input class="cute_button" type="submit" value="Delete selected"></p></form></div></div>
344 <div class="tab-content\">
345 <div id="Spamfilter" data-tab-content>
346 <p></p>
347 <table class='users_overview'>
348 <form action="" method="post">
349 <th><input type="checkbox" label='selectall' onClick="toggle_sf(this)" />Select all</th>
350 <th>Mask</th>
351 <th>Type</th>
352 <th>Set By</th>
353 <th>Set On</th>
354 <th>Expires</th>
355 <th>Duration</th>
356 <th>Match Type</th>
357 <th>Action</th>
358 <th>Action Duration</th>
359 <th>Target</th>
360 <th>Reason</th>
362 <?php
363 foreach(RPC_List::$spamfilter as $sf)
364 {
365 echo "<tr>";
366 echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" value='" . base64_encode($sf->name).",".base64_encode($sf->match_type).",".base64_encode($sf->spamfilter_targets).",".base64_encode($sf->ban_action) . "' name=\"sf[]\"></td>";
367 echo "<td>".$sf->name."</td>";
368 echo "<td>".$sf->type_string."</td>";
369 echo "<td>".$sf->set_by."</td>";
370 echo "<td>".$sf->set_at_string."</td>";
371 echo "<td>".$sf->expire_at_string."</td>";
372 echo "<td>".$sf->duration_string."</td>";
373 echo "<td>".$sf->match_type."</td>";
374 echo "<td>".$sf->ban_action."</td>";
375 echo "<td>".$sf->ban_duration_string."</td>";
376 for ($i = 0, $targs = ""; $i < strlen($sf->spamfilter_targets); $i++)
377 {
378 $c = $sf->spamfilter_targets[$i];
379 if ($c == "c")
380 $targs .= "Channel, ";
381 else if ($c == "p")
382 $targs .= "Private,";
383 else if ($c == "n")
384 $targs .= "Notice, ";
385 else if ($c == "N")
386 $targs .= "Channel notice, ";
387 else if ($c == "P")
388 $targs .= "Part message, ";
389 else if ($c == "q")
390 $targs .= "Quit message, ";
391 else if ($c == "d")
392 $targs .= "DCC filename, ";
393 else if ($c == "a")
394 $targs .= "Away message, ";
395 else if ($c == "t")
396 $targs .= "Channel topic, ";
397 else if ($c == "T")
398 $targs .= "MessageTag, ";
399 else if ($c == "u")
400 $targs .= "Usermask, ";
401 }
402 $targs = rtrim($targs,", ");
403 echo "<td>".$targs."</td>";
404 echo "<td>".$sf->reason."</td>";
406 }
407 ?></table><p><input class="cute_button" type="submit" value="Delete selected"></p></form></div></div>
411 <div class="tab-content\">
412 <div id="News" data-tab-content>
413 <iframe style="border:none;" height="1000" width="600" data-tweet-url="https://twitter.com/Unreal_IRCd" src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3Ca%20class%3D%22twitter-timeline%22%20href%3D%22https%3A//twitter.com/Unreal_IRCd%3Fref_src%3Dtwsrc%255Etfw%22%3ETweets%20by%20Unreal_IRCd%3C/a%3E%0A%3Cscript%20async%20src%3D%22https%3A//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js%22%20charset%3D%22utf-8%22%3E%3C/script%3E%0A%3Cstyle%3Ehtml%7Boverflow%3Ahidden%20%21important%3B%7D%3C/style%3E"></iframe>
414 <iframe style="border:none;" height="1000" width="600" data-tweet-url="https://twitter.com/irc_stats" src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3Ca%20class%3D%22twitter-timeline%22%20href%3D%22https%3A//twitter.com/irc_stats%3Fref_src%3Dtwsrc%255Etfw%22%3ETweets%20by%20IRC%20Stats%3C/a%3E%0A%3Cscript%20async%20src%3D%22https%3A//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js%22%20charset%3D%22utf-8%22%3E%3C/script%3E%0A%3Cstyle%3Ehtml%7Boverflow%3Ahidden%20%21important%3B%7D%3C/style%3E"></iframe>
415 </div></div>
417 </body>