]> jfr.im git - irc/rqf/shadowircd.git/blob - libratbox/include/rb_patricia.h
dlink -> rb_dlink
[irc/rqf/shadowircd.git] / libratbox / include / rb_patricia.h
1 /*
2 * $Id: patricia.h 23020 2006-09-01 18:20:19Z androsyn $
3 * Dave Plonka <plonka@doit.wisc.edu>
4 *
5 * This product includes software developed by the University of Michigan,
6 * Merit Network, Inc., and their contributors.
7 *
8 * This file had been called "radix.h" in the MRT sources.
9 *
10 * I renamed it to "patricia.h" since it's not an implementation of a general
11 * radix trie. Also, pulled in various requirements from "mrt.h" and added
12 * some other things it could be used as a standalone API.
13 */
15 #ifndef _RB_PATRICIA_H
16 #define _RB_PATRICIA_H
18 #ifndef FALSE
19 #define FALSE 0
20 #endif
21 #ifndef TRUE
22 #define TRUE !(FALSE)
23 #endif
25 #define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN 46
26 #endif
28 /* typedef unsigned int u_int; */
29 typedef void (*void_fn_t) ();
30 #define rb_prefix_touchar(prefix) ((unsigned char *)&(prefix)->add.sin)
31 #define MAXLINE 1024
32 #define BIT_TEST(f, b) ((f) & (b))
34 typedef struct _rb_prefix_t
35 {
36 unsigned short family; /* AF_INET | AF_INET6 */
37 unsigned short bitlen; /* same as mask? */
38 int ref_count; /* reference count */
39 union
40 {
41 struct in_addr sin;
42 #ifdef RB_IPV6
43 struct in6_addr sin6;
44 #endif /* RB_IPV6 */
45 }
46 add;
47 }
48 rb_prefix_t;
51 typedef struct _rb_patricia_node_t
52 {
53 unsigned int bit; /* flag if this node used */
54 rb_prefix_t *prefix; /* who we are in patricia tree */
55 struct _rb_patricia_node_t *l, *r; /* left and right children */
56 struct _rb_patricia_node_t *parent; /* may be used */
57 void *data;
58 }
59 rb_patricia_node_t;
61 typedef struct _rb_patricia_tree_t
62 {
63 rb_patricia_node_t *head;
64 unsigned int maxbits; /* for IP, 32 bit addresses */
65 int num_active_node; /* for debug purpose */
66 }
67 rb_patricia_tree_t;
70 rb_patricia_node_t *rb_match_ip(rb_patricia_tree_t * tree, struct sockaddr *ip);
71 rb_patricia_node_t *rb_match_ip_exact(rb_patricia_tree_t * tree, struct sockaddr *ip, unsigned int len);
72 rb_patricia_node_t *rb_match_string(rb_patricia_tree_t * tree, const char *string);
73 rb_patricia_node_t *rb_match_exact_string(rb_patricia_tree_t * tree, const char *string);
74 rb_patricia_node_t *rb_patricia_search_exact(rb_patricia_tree_t * patricia, rb_prefix_t * prefix);
75 rb_patricia_node_t *rb_patricia_search_best(rb_patricia_tree_t * patricia, rb_prefix_t * prefix);
76 rb_patricia_node_t *rb_patricia_search_best2(rb_patricia_tree_t * patricia,
77 rb_prefix_t * prefix, int inclusive);
78 rb_patricia_node_t *rb_patricia_lookup(rb_patricia_tree_t * patricia, rb_prefix_t * prefix);
80 void rb_patricia_remove(rb_patricia_tree_t * patricia, rb_patricia_node_t * node);
81 rb_patricia_tree_t *rb_new_patricia(int maxbits);
82 void rb_clear_patricia(rb_patricia_tree_t * patricia, void_fn_t func);
83 void rb_destroy_patricia(rb_patricia_tree_t * patricia, void_fn_t func);
84 void rb_patricia_process(rb_patricia_tree_t * patricia, void_fn_t func);
85 void rb_init_patricia(void);
88 #if 0
89 rb_prefix_t *ascii2prefix(int family, char *string);
90 #endif
91 rb_patricia_node_t *make_and_lookup(rb_patricia_tree_t * tree, const char *string);
92 rb_patricia_node_t *make_and_lookup_ip(rb_patricia_tree_t * tree, struct sockaddr *, int bitlen);
95 #define RB_PATRICIA_MAXBITS 128
96 #define RB_PATRICIA_NBIT(x) (0x80 >> ((x) & 0x7f))
97 #define RB_PATRICIA_NBYTE(x) ((x) >> 3)
99 #define RB_PATRICIA_DATA_GET(node, type) (type *)((node)->data)
100 #define RB_PATRICIA_DATA_SET(node, value) ((node)->data = (void *)(value))
102 #define RB_PATRICIA_WALK(Xhead, Xnode) \
103 do { \
104 rb_patricia_node_t *Xstack[RB_PATRICIA_MAXBITS+1]; \
105 rb_patricia_node_t **Xsp = Xstack; \
106 rb_patricia_node_t *Xrn = (Xhead); \
107 while ((Xnode = Xrn)) { \
108 if (Xnode->prefix)
110 #define RB_PATRICIA_WALK_ALL(Xhead, Xnode) \
111 do { \
112 rb_patricia_node_t *Xstack[RB_PATRICIA_MAXBITS+1]; \
113 rb_patricia_node_t **Xsp = Xstack; \
114 rb_patricia_node_t *Xrn = (Xhead); \
115 while ((Xnode = Xrn)) { \
116 if (1)
118 #define RB_PATRICIA_WALK_BREAK { \
119 if (Xsp != Xstack) { \
120 Xrn = *(--Xsp); \
121 } else { \
122 Xrn = (rb_patricia_node_t *) 0; \
123 } \
124 continue; }
126 #define RB_PATRICIA_WALK_END \
127 if (Xrn->l) { \
128 if (Xrn->r) { \
129 *Xsp++ = Xrn->r; \
130 } \
131 Xrn = Xrn->l; \
132 } else if (Xrn->r) { \
133 Xrn = Xrn->r; \
134 } else if (Xsp != Xstack) { \
135 Xrn = *(--Xsp); \
136 } else { \
137 Xrn = (rb_patricia_node_t *) 0; \
138 } \
139 } \
140 } while (0)
142 #endif /* _RB_PATRICIA_H */