]> jfr.im git - irc/rizon/bncbot.git/blob - strings.en.properties
Merge branch 'bncbot-memo-ssl' into 'master'
[irc/rizon/bncbot.git] / strings.en.properties
1 # =======================
2 # IRC Strings
3 # =======================
4 # Quit message. :/
5 quitMessage = Ping timeout: 9001 seconds
6 # Generic error. :\
7 genericError = An error occurred while processing your request.
8 # Generic error with explanation.
9 genericErrorReason = An error occurred while processing your request: %1$s
11 # =======================
12 # ABOUT
13 # =======================
14 about = RizonBNC - Rizon's automated BNC management bot. Project managed by Nol888. Build %s
16 # =======================
17 # ERROR
18 # =======================
19 # Bot error - BNC configuration update failed.
20 errorConfigFail = Updating BNC configuration failed.
21 # Bot error - Response from server not quick enough.
22 errorResponseTimedout = Server did not return a reply within the timeout period.
23 # Bot error - No client connected.
24 errorNotConnected = No clients are connected to the given user.
25 # Bot error - No such user.
26 errorNoSuchUser = No such user exists with the given username.
27 # Bot error - Not connected to BNC.
28 errorBncNotConnected = Connection with the BNC server has been disrupted. The BNC may be offline, or otherwise unavailable. Please try again later.
29 errorBncNotConnectedSpecific = Connection with the BNC server '%s' has been disrupted. The BNC may be offline, or otherwise unavailable. Please try again later.
30 # Bot error - SQL server unavailable.
31 errorSQLUnavailable = Connection with the SQL server has been disrupted. Please try again later.
32 # Bot error - IP log no match.
33 errorIPLogNoMatch = No entries were found that matched the given ID, username, or IP.
35 # Admin error - Command requires a reason.
36 adminErrorReasonRequired = This command requires a reason to be given after the username.
37 # Admin error - Resolving nick to main nick failed.
38 adminErrorNickResolution = Attempting to resolve the given nickname to the main nickname failed.
39 # Admin error - Suspension only works on approved users.
40 adminErrorSuspensionMismatch = You can only suspend users whose BNC accounts are approved and active.
41 # Admin error - Unsuspension only works on suspended users.
42 adminErrorUnsuspensionMismatch = You can only unsuspend users whose BNC accounts are suspended.
43 # Admin error - An override code exists already.
44 adminErrorOverrideCodeExists = An override code exists already. The existing override code is '%s'.
45 # Admin error - Statistics gathering failed.
46 adminErrorStatsUnavailable = Statistics were unavailable for server '%1$s': %2$s
47 # Admin error - Suspension expiration invalid.
48 adminErrorSuspensionExpiry = Expiration time was not a valid integer. Please express time in whole minutes.
49 # Admin error - User already exists.
50 adminErrorUserExists = The given username already exists in the database.
51 # Admin error - Invalid BNC username.
52 adminErrorInvalidUsername = The given username is invalid. Usernames must start with a letter, and consist of a digit, letter, and the following special characters: @.-_
54 # User error - Not regged long enough.
55 userErrorTime = The main nick of your group must be registered for at least 7 days before requesting a BNC.
56 # User error - Error looking up info.
57 userErrorInfo = Unable to look up your details. Please try again later.
58 # User error - Not identified.
59 userErrorIdentify = Please identify to your nick before using this bot.
60 # User error - Must be accepted to use this command.
61 userErrorStatusMismatch = Your BNC application must be existing and accepted before using this command.
62 # User error - Invalid bnc username.
63 userErrorInvalidUsername = Your main nick is an invalid BNC username. Main nicks must start with a letter, and consist of a digit, letter, and the following special characters: @.-_
64 # User error - Invalid bnc server.
65 userErrorInvalidServer = You specified an invalid server abbreviation. Valid servers are: %s
67 # =======================
68 # Admin Strings
69 # =======================
70 # Message template for processing an admin approval/rejection.
71 # - First argument is either "approved", "rejected", "deleted"
72 # - Second argument (if applicable) is the ID (when approving multi-users.)
73 adminBncAction = The BNC application has been %1$s and the user notified.
74 adminBncActionDetail = BNC application ID <%2$s> has been %1$s and the user notified.
75 adminBncActionSilent = The BNC application has been %1$s.
76 adminApproved = approved
77 adminRejected = rejected
78 adminDeleted = deleted
79 adminSuspended = suspended
80 adminUnsuspended = unsuspended
81 adminMoved = moved
82 adminNoteSet = Note has been set.
83 adminNoteDel = Note has been deleted.
84 # Message template for an already processed request.
85 adminAlreadyProcessed = That application has already been processed.
86 adminAlreadyProcessedDetail = Application ID <%1$s> has already been processed.
87 adminUseUnsuspend = To unsuspend a suspended account, use the .bncunsuspend command.
88 # Message template for no match.
89 adminNoMatch = No application matching the given ID or nickname has been found.
90 adminNoMatchDetail = No application matching ID or nick <%1$s> has been found.
91 # Newly submitted request notification.
92 # - First argument is the nick that requested.
93 # - Second argument is the main nick of the group.
94 # - Third argument is hostmask of requestor.
95 # - Fourth argument is ID of request.
96 adminNew = [\u0002REQUEST\u0002] %1$s!%3$s (Main: %2$s; %5$s) -- ID %4$s
97 # Info lines.
98 adminInfo1 = Information for request ID %1$s (%2$s):
99 adminInfo2 = Main nick: %1$s
100 adminInfo3 = Requested: On %1$s, by %2$s
101 adminInfo4 = Current state: %1$s
102 adminInfo4Approved = Approved
103 adminInfo4Rejected = Rejected (Reason: '%1$s')
104 adminInfo4Suspended = Suspended (Reason: '%1$s')
105 adminInfo4Unprocessed = Unprocessed
106 adminInfo5 = Last action: %1$s by %2$s (%3$s) at %4$s
107 adminInfo5None = Last action: none
108 adminInfo6Active = Last seen: currently attached
109 adminInfo6Detached = Last seen: detached at %1$s (%2$s days ago)%3$s
110 adminInfo6Never = Last seen: never
111 adminInfo7 = Note by %1$s
112 # Search info line
113 adminQueryMatch = %1$s users matched your query string '%2$s':
114 # Real IP line
115 # - First argument is the nick that was looked up.
116 # - Second argument is the number of clients connected.
117 # - Third argument is the plural specifier (if needed); in English this is "s".
118 # - Fourth argument is the list of IPs.
119 adminRealIP = %1$s is actually %2$s client%3$s: %4$s
120 # Autoreject notice line.
121 # - First argument is the nick that requested.
122 # - Second argument is the main nick of the group.
123 # - Third argument is hostmask of requestor.
124 # - Fourth argument is reason for autorejection.
125 adminAutoReject = [\u0002\u000305AUTO-REJECT\u000F] %1$s!%3$s (Main: %2$s) -- Reason: %4$s
126 # Admin warning - Heuristic returned positive.
127 adminHeuristicWarn = [\u0002\u000308WARN\u000F] The following heuristic returned a positive result: %s
128 # Override code info line.
129 adminOverrideCode = A new BNC prerequisite override code has been generated. The new code is '%s'.
130 # Override code cleared.
131 adminOverrideCodeCleared = The existing BNC prerequisite override code has been cleared.
132 # Users matching IP
133 adminUsersMatching = The following user(s) have client IPs matching your specified IP (server: %s):
134 # Blacklist add success
135 # - First argument one of the following.
136 adminBlacklistSuccess = The usermask has been successfully %s the blacklist.
137 adminAdded = added to
138 adminRemoved = removed from
139 # User stats per server and global.
140 adminUserStatsServer = User Statistics for '%1$s': %2$s/%3$s connected/total; %4$s client connections
141 adminUserStatsAll = User Statistics for All Servers: %1$s/%2$s connected/total; %3$s client connections
142 # Log grep
143 adminLogGrepHeader = Displaying results %1$s-%2$s of %3$s for '%4$s':
144 adminLogGrepEntry = \u0002%1$s\u0002: %2$s
145 # Suspension auto-expire
146 adminExpire = [\u0002AUTO-EXPIRE\u0002] User '%1$s' (ID %2$s) -- Reason: %3$s
147 # BNC creation.
148 adminCreate = BNC application <%1$s> created and approved for '%2$s', password '%3$s'.
149 # BNC module call return.
150 adminAdminModReturned = Command sent to ZNC. ZNC returned: %1$s
151 # BNC server disconnect notification.
152 adminBncServerReconnecting = BNC '%1$s' disconnect detected, attempting reconnection.
153 # BNC server connection success.
154 adminBncServerReconnected = Successfully connected to BNC server '%1$s'.
156 # =======================
157 # Admin list stuff
158 # =======================
159 blacklistHeader = \u0002--== RizonBNC Blacklist ==--\u0002
160 blacklistEntry = %s: %s
161 blacklistFooter = --== END OF BLACKLIST [\u0002%1$s\u0002 entries displayed] ==--
162 suspendHeader = \u0002--== RizonBNC Suspended Users ==--\u0002
163 suspendEntry = %s: %s by %s on %s (expires in %s)
164 suspendFooter = --== END OF SUSPEND LIST [\u0002%1$s\u0002 entries displayed] ==--
165 ipLogHeader = --== IP Activity [\u0002%1$s\u0002] ==--
166 ipLogAttachEntry = [%s] \u000303ATTACH\u0003 - %s
167 ipLogDetachEntry = [%s] \u000305DETACH\u0003 - %s
168 ipLogFooter = --== END OF CONNECT LIST [\u0002%1$s\u0002 entries displayed] ==--
170 # =======================
171 # Admin AR Reasons
172 # =======================
173 # Not registered for long enough.
174 arTime = Minimum nickname registration time not passed.
175 # Illegal characters in main nickname.
176 arIllegalNick = Main nick contains illegal characters.
177 # Already approved.
178 arAlreadyApproved = A BNC request is pre-existing and has been approved.
179 # Already rejected.
180 arAlreadyRejected = A BNC request is pre-existing and has been rejected.
181 # Been disabled.
182 arAccountSuspended = A BNC request is pre-existing and has been suspended.
183 # Been blacklisted.
184 arBlacklisted = The user's host matches blacklist entry ID %s.
186 # =======================
187 # User Strings
188 # =======================
189 # Please wait!
190 userPleaseWait = Please wait...looking up your details...
191 # Rejection appeal message.
192 userAppeal = If you have previously been granted a BNC, it may have been deleted by an administrator. If you feel this decision is in error, contact a channel halfop (%) or op (@) in #RizonBNC.
193 # Something about errornous decisions.
194 userDecisionInError = If you feel this decision is in error, contact a channel halfop (%) or op (@) in #RizonBNC.
195 # Already approved message.
196 # - First argument is the nick of the approving user.
197 # - Second argument is the hostmask (ident@host) of the approving user.
198 # - Third argument is the time of approval.
199 userAlreadyApproved = You already have an approved BNC. It was approved by %1$s (%2$s) at %3$s.
200 # Already rejected message.
201 # - First argument is the reason of rejection.
202 userAlreadyRejected = Your previous BNC request has been rejected. The reason given was: '%1$s'
203 userAlreadySuspended = Your previous BNC request has been suspended. The reason for suspension is: '%1$s'
204 # Request already pending
205 userPending = You already have a pending BNC request. Be patient as a staff member reviews your request. You will receive a memo when your request has been processed.
206 # Blacklisted.
207 userBlacklisted = You have been blacklisted from using the BNC system. This may occur for any number of reasons, but usually from abuse of the system.
208 # Submitted messages.
209 # - First argument is the request ID.
210 userSubmitted1 = Your request has been entered into the system and is now pending review by a staff member. Your request ID is %1$s, and you have been assigned server %2$s. If you require assistance from staff, give them this ID.
211 userSubmitted2 = Note that we cannot offer a time estimate, and this review period may take anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days. You will receive a memo once your request has been processed.
212 # Status response first line.
213 # - First argument is one of the following three strings.
214 userStatus1 = Your current BNC request %1$s
215 userStatusApproved = has been approved.
216 userStatusRejected = has been rejected.
217 userStatusSuspended = has been suspended.
218 userStatusPending = is still pending.
219 # Status response second line. Only shown if not still pending.
220 # - First argument is either approved/rejected.
221 # - Second argument is nick who applied the action.
222 # - Third argument is hostmask of nick.
223 # - Fourth argument is time.
224 userStatus2 = It was %1$s by %2$s (%3$s) at %4$s.
225 # Status response third line. Only shown if the request was rejected/suspended.
226 userStatus3 = The reason specified was: '%1$s'
227 # Status response for no request.
228 # - First argument is bot nick.
229 userStatusNone = You have not yet requested a BNC account. To request a BNC account, type /msg %1$s request
230 # User password change success
231 userPassChangeSuccess = Your password has been successfully changed!
232 # User default BNC server notification
233 userDefaultServer = You did not specify a server preference and have been assigned '%s'.
235 # =======================
236 # Memos
237 # =======================
238 # Approval memo
239 # - First argument is the BNC address.
240 # - Second argument is the BNC username.
241 # - Third argument is the BNC password.
242 approvalMemo = It is with great pleasure that we inform you that your BNC application has been APPROVED. To log on to your BNC, connect to %1$s on port 12345 using SSL with the server password '%2$s:%3$s'. Thank you for flying Rizon!
243 # Rejection memo
244 # - First argument is a string containing the reason.
245 # - Second argument is the rejection appeal notice above.
246 rejectionMemo = Regretfully, we must inform you that your BNC application has been DENIED. The reason given was: '%1$s'. %2$s
247 # Server move memo
248 # - First argument is a string containing the new server address.
249 # - Second argument is a string containing BNC username.
250 # - Third argument is a string containing the BNC password.
251 moveMemo = This is an automated message concerning your request to switch BNC servers. Your account is now located at hostname %1$s, using port 12345 with SSL. \u0002Your new password\u0002 is '%3$s'; specify '%2$s:%3$s' as server password upon connect. Thank you for flying Rizon!
252 # Creation memo
253 # - Used only for when an admin manually creates a BNC.
254 # - Arguments are the same as the approval memo.
255 creationMemo = A RizonBNC administrator has manually created a BNC account for you. To log on to your BNC, connect to %1$s on port 12345 with SSL with the server password '%2$s:%3$s'. Thank you for flying Rizon!
256 # =======================
257 # Help menu
258 # =======================
259 # This section will have no comments, as it is very straightforward.
260 helpHeader = BNC Quick Help
261 helpFAQ = For frequently asked questions: http://s.rizon.net/bnc
262 helpRequest = To request a BNC, type /msg %1$s request
263 helpStatus = To check the status of your request, type /msg %1$s status
264 helpChangePass = To change your password, type /msg %1$s changepass [newpass]
265 helpAppeal = Rejection info: %1$s
266 helpServers = Valid BNC server abbreviations: %1$s
267 helpHelp = To show this quick help, type /msg %1$s help
269 dotHelpHeader = \u0002--== RizonBNC Quick Help ==--\u0002
270 dotHelpNote1 = Commands starting with a dot are room commands, ones that don't are PM.
271 dotHelpNote2 = Key: [] indicates an optional field, <> indicates user input. Everything else is as is.
272 dotHelpCategoryHeader = \u0002--== %1$s ==--\u0002
273 dotHelpCommand = \u0002%1$s %2$s\u0002 / %3$s
274 dotHelpMore = For more information: http://s.rizon.net/bncbot
275 dotHelpEnd = --== END OF HELP [\u0002%1$s\u0002 commands displayed] ==--