]> jfr.im git - irc/quakenet/snircd.git/blob - tools/autodoc.py
merge 07 in
[irc/quakenet/snircd.git] / tools / autodoc.py
1 #
2 # Structure AutoDocumentator for ircu.
3 # 26/02/2000 --Gte
4 #
5 # Creates a 'structs.html', containing HTML Table definitions
6 # for all structures encountered in *.h in the current directory.
7 #
8 # $Id: autodoc.py,v 1.1 2000/03/18 05:20:30 bleep Exp $
10 import string, fnmatch, os
12 def parse(filename):
13 OutFile = open('structs.html', 'a')
14 OutFile.write("<B><H2>"+filename+"</H2>")
15 stage = 1
16 try:
17 IncFile = open(filename, 'r')
18 line = IncFile.readline()
20 while line != "":
21 line = string.replace(line,"\n","") # Stript out LF's.
22 splitline = string.split(line, " ")
23 try:
24 if ((stage == 2) & (splitline[0] == "};")):
25 OutFile.write("</TABLE><P>"+"\n")
26 stage = 1
27 if (stage == 2):
28 # Begin reading member information.
29 declr = string.split(string.strip(line), ";", 1)
30 comment = string.replace(declr[1], "*", "")
31 comment = string.replace(comment, "/", "")
33 OutFile.write("<tr>\n")
34 OutFile.write("<td WIDTH=\"22%\">"+string.strip(declr[0])+"</td>\n")
35 if (declr[1][-1] == "/"):
36 OutFile.write("<td WIDTH=\"78%\">"+string.strip(comment)+"</td>\n")
37 else:
38 # Loop until end of comment string.
39 while (declr[-1] != "/"):
40 line = IncFile.readline()
41 line = string.replace(line,"\n","") # Stript out LF's.
42 declr = string.strip(line)
43 comment = comment + line
44 comment = string.replace(comment, "*", "")
45 comment = string.replace(comment, "/", "")
46 OutFile.write("<td WIDTH=\"78%\">"+string.strip(comment)+"</td>\n")
47 OutFile.write("</tr>\n")
49 if ((splitline[0] == "struct") & (splitline[2] == "{") & (stage == 1)):
50 # We've found a "Standard" structure definition.
51 OutFile.write("Structure table for: \"<B>"+splitline[1]+"</B>\"<P>\n")
52 OutFile.write("<table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 WIDTH=\"100%\" ><tr><td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=\"22%\"><b>Variable</b></td><td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=\"78%\"><b>Description</b></td></tr>")
53 # Now, carry on until we encounter a "};".
54 stage = 2
55 except IndexError:
56 pass
57 line = IncFile.readline()
59 IncFile.close
60 OutFile.write("<HR>")
62 except IOError:
63 print("** Error, File does not exist.")
64 OutFile.close
66 files = os.listdir(".")
67 files.sort()
68 for file in files:
69 if (fnmatch.fnmatch(file, "*.h")):
70 parse(file)