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1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>SNOMASK - Server Notice Masks</title>
4 </head>
5 <body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000 link=#700000 vlink=#404040>
6 <center>
7 <font face="arial">
8 <h2>SNOMASK - Server Notice Masks</h2></font>
9 <font face="arial" size="2">
10 Written by <a href="mailto:foxxe@trms.com">Ghostwolf</a> 18th June 1997<br>
11 Modified with permission by <a href="mailto:loki@undernet.org">loki</a> 12th November 1997
12 </center>
13 <p><hr width="80%" noshade>
15 <blockquote>
16 This document (hopefully) gives a brief explanation of the use of server
17 notice masks new to ircu2.10.00. This mask allows clients to specify which
18 types of server notices they will receive when usermode +s. The mask may
19 optionally be omitted, and reasonable defaults will be used by the server.
20 <p>
21 Note: the descriptions here will be best understood by those with knowledge
22 of C syntax. We do not attempt to explain either this or hexadecimal values
23 in this document, and familiarity with these is assumed of the reader.
24 <p>
25 Usage:
26 </font><kbd><strong>
27 /mode &lt;nick&gt; +s [+/-][mask]</kbd></strong>
28 <font face="arial" size="2">
29 <p>
30 <center>
31 <table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 width=85%>
32 <tr align=center valign=middle>
33 <th align=left><font face="arial" size="2">Mask</th>
34 <th align=left>&nbsp;</th>
35 <th align=left><font face="arial" size="2">Hex value</th>
36 <th align=left><font face="arial" size="2">Description</th>
37 </tr>
38 <tr>
39 <td><font face="arial" size="2">1</td>
40 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_OLDSNO</td>
41 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x1</td>
42 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* unsorted old messages */</td>
43 </tr>
44 <tr>
45 <td><font face="arial" size="2">2</td>
46 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_SERVKILL</td>
47 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x2</td>
48 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* server kills (nick collisions) */</td>
49 </tr>
50 <tr>
51 <td><font face="arial" size="2">4</td>
52 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_OPERKILL</td>
53 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x4</td>
54 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* oper kills */</td>
55 </tr>
56 <tr>
57 <td><font face="arial" size="2">8</td>
58 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_HACK2</td>
59 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x8</td>
60 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* desyncs */</td>
61 </tr>
62 <tr>
63 <td><font face="arial" size="2">16</td>
64 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_HACK3
65 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x10</td>
66 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* temporary desyncs */</td>
67 </tr>
68 <tr>
69 <td><font face="arial" size="2">32</td>
70 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_UNAUTH</td>
71 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x20</td>
72 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* unauthorized connections */</td>
73 </tr>
74 <tr>
75 <td><font face="arial" size="2">64</td>
76 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_TCPCOMMON</td>
77 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x40</td>
78 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* common TCP or socket errors */</td>
79 </tr>
80 <tr>
81 <td><font face="arial" size="2">128</td>
82 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_TOOMANY</td>
83 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x80</td>
84 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* too many connections */</td>
85 </tr>
86 <tr>
87 <td><font face="arial" size="2">256</td>
88 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_HACK4</td>
89 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x100</td>
90 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* Uworld actions on channels */</td>
91 </tr>
92 <tr>
93 <td><font face="arial" size="2">512</td>
94 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_GLINE</td>
95 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x200</td>
96 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* glines */</td>
97 </tr>
98 <tr>
99 <td><font face="arial" size="2">1024</td>
100 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_NETWORK</td>
101 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x400</td>
102 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* net join/break, etc */</td>
103 </tr>
104 <tr>
105 <td><font face="arial" size="2">2048</td>
106 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_IPMISMATCH</td>
107 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x800</td>
108 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* IP mismatches */</td>
109 </tr>
110 <tr>
111 <td><font face="arial" size="2">4096</td>
112 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_THROTTLE</td>
113 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x1000</td>
114 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* host throttle add/remove notices */</td>
115 </tr>
116 <tr>
117 <td><font face="arial" size="2">8192</td>
118 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_OLDREALOP</td>
119 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x2000</td>
120 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* old oper-only messages */</td>
121 </tr>
122 <tr>
123 <td><font face="arial" size="2">16384</td>
124 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_CONNEXIT</td>
125 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x4000</td>
126 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* client connect/exit (ugh) */</td>
127 </tr>
128 <tr>
129 <td><font face="arial" size="2">32768</td>
130 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_AUTO</td>
131 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x8000</td>
132 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* AUTO G-Lines */</td>
133 </tr>
134 <tr>
135 <td><font face="arial" size="2">65536</td>
136 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_DEBUG</td>
137 <td><font face="arial" size="2">0x10000</td>
138 <td><font face="arial" size="2">/* debugging messages (DEBUGMODE only) */</td>
139 </tr>
140 </table>
141 </center>
143 <p>
145 <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5 width=90%>
146 <tr>
147 <td><font face="arial" size="2">standard +s</td>
148 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_DEFAULT (SNO_NETWORK | SNO_OPERKILL | SNO_GLINE)</td>
149 </tr>
150 <tr>
151 <td><font face="arial" size="2">standard +s when +o/O</td>
152 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_DEFAULT | SNO_HACK2 | SNO_HACK4 | SNO_THROTTLE | SNO_OLDSNO)</td>
153 </tr>
154 <tr>
155 <td><font face="arial" size="2">only opers may set</td>
156 <td><font face="arial" size="2">SNO_OPER (SNO_CONNEXIT | SNO_OLDREALOP)</td>
157 </tr>
158 </table>
160 <p><hr width="80%" noshade>
161 <h3 align=center>Examples of Usage</h3>
162 To receive only operkills, use /mode <nick> +s 4<br>
163 To receive operkills and glines, add the values:
164 </font>
165 <blockquote><kbd><strong>
166 /mode &lt;nick&gt; +s 516</kbd></strong><p>
167 <font face="arial" size="2">
168 (512+4=516)
169 </blockquote>
170 <p>
171 If you are already receiving some notices and you wish to add notices of
172 netjoins/breaks use:
173 </font>
174 <blockquote><kbd><strong>
175 /mode Ghostwolf +s +1024</kbd></strong><p>
176 </blockquote>
177 <font face="arial" size="2">
178 <p>
179 If you wish to stop receiving netjoin/break notices, but continue to receive
180 other notices, use:
181 </font>
182 <blockquote><kbd><strong>
183 /mode Ghostwolf +s -1024<br>
184 OR<br>
185 /mode Ghostwolf -s +1024</kbd></strong>
186 </blockquote>
187 <font face="arial" size="2">
188 <p>
189 A user typing <strong>/mode Ghostwolf +s </strong>will receive netsplits/joins, operkills, and g-lines.<p>
191 Opers who are +s will additionally receive HACK notices and anything that
192 was originally in sendto_ops() and wasn't changed. Only opers can choose to
193 receive connect/exit notices and anything that originally was in
194 sendtoreal_ops() and hasn't been changed (connect/exit notices also require
195 a #define in config.h).
196 <p>
197 </font><center>
198 <hr width=80% noshade><font size=-1><strong>
199 If you have further questions about server notices (implementation, etc.),<br>
200 please consult the ircu source code and/or e-mail <a
201 href="mailto:coder-com@undernet.org">coder-com@undernet.org</a>.
202 </strong></font></center>
203 <hr width="80%" noshade><p>
205 <p align="right">
206 <em>
207 <font face="times new roman" font size="-1">
208 Return to <a href="http://www.user-com.undernet.org/documents/" target="nfo">main Documents Project page</a><br>
209 </em>
210 </font>
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213 </html>