]> jfr.im git - irc/quakenet/qwebirc.git/blob - js/ui/panes/embed.js
Attempt #2 at not focusing while iframed.
[irc/quakenet/qwebirc.git] / js / ui / panes / embed.js
1 /* NEEDS converting to plain HTML! */
2 qwebirc.ui.EmbedWizardStep = new Class({
3 Implements: [Options, Events],
4 options: {
5 "title": "",
6 "first": "",
7 "hint": "",
8 "middle": null,
9 "premove": null,
10 "example": ""
11 },
12 initialize: function(parent, options) {
13 this.setOptions(options);
14 this.parent = parent;
15 },
16 show: function() {
17 this.parent.title.set("html", this.options.title);
18 this.parent.firstRow.set("html", this.options.first);
19 this.parent.hint.set("html", this.options.hint);
20 this.parent.example.set("text", this.options.example);
22 while(this.parent.middleRow.childNodes.length > 0)
23 this.parent.middleRow.removeChild(this.parent.middleRow.childNodes[0]);
25 if($defined(this.options.middle))
26 this.parent.middleRow.appendChild(this.options.middle);
28 this.fireEvent("show");
29 }
30 });
32 qwebirc.ui.EmbedWizard = new Class({
33 Implements: [Options, Events],
34 options: {
35 uiOptions: null,
36 optionsCallback: null,
37 baseURL: "http://webchat.quakenet.org/"
38 },
39 initialize: function(parent, options) {
40 /* for some unknown reason setOptions doesn't work... */
41 this.options.uiOptions = options.uiOptions;
42 this.options.baseURL = options.baseURL;
43 this.options.optionsCallback = options.optionsCallback;
44 this.create(parent);
45 this.addSteps();
46 },
47 create: function(parent) {
48 this.t = parent;
50 var titleRow = this.newRow();
51 this.title = new Element("h2");
52 this.title.setStyle("margin-top", "0px");
53 this.title.setStyle("margin-bottom", "5px");
54 titleRow.appendChild(this.title);
56 this.firstRow = this.newRow();
57 this.middleRow = this.newRow();
58 var hintRow = this.newRow();
59 this.hint = new Element("div");
60 this.hint.setStyle("font-size", "0.8em");
61 this.hint.setStyle("font-style", "italic");
62 hintRow.appendChild(this.hint);
63 var exampleRow = this.newRow();
64 this.example = new Element("pre");
65 exampleRow.appendChild(this.example);
67 var nextRow = this.newRow();
68 nextRow.addClass("wizardcontrols");
69 var backBtn = new Element("input");
70 backBtn.type = "submit";
71 backBtn.value = "< Back";
72 backBtn.addEvent("click", this.back.bind(this));
73 nextRow.appendChild(backBtn);
75 var nextBtn = new Element("input");
76 nextBtn.type = "submit";
77 nextBtn.value = "Next >";
78 nextRow.appendChild(nextBtn);
79 nextBtn.addEvent("click", this.next.bind(this));
81 this.nextBtn = nextBtn;
82 this.backBtn = backBtn;
83 },
84 newRow: function() {
85 var cell = new Element("div");
86 this.t.appendChild(cell);
87 return cell;
88 },
89 newStep: function(options) {
90 return new qwebirc.ui.EmbedWizardStep(this, options);
91 },
92 newRadio: function(parent, text, name, selected) {
93 var p = new Element("div");
94 parent.appendChild(p);
96 var id = qwebirc.util.generateID();
97 var r = qwebirc.util.createInput("radio", p, name, selected, id);
99 var label = new Element("label", {"for": id});
100 label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
101 p.appendChild(label);
103 return r;
104 },
105 addSteps: function() {
106 var af = function(select) {
107 if(Browser.Engine.trident) {
108 var f = function() {
109 this.focus();
110 if(select)
111 this.select();
112 };
113 f.delay(100, this, []);
114 } else {
115 this.focus();
116 this.select();
117 }
118 };
120 this.welcome = this.newStep({
121 "title": "Add webchat to your website",
122 "first": "This wizard will help you create an embedded client by asking you questions then giving you the code to add to your website.<br/><br/>You can use the <b>Next</b> and <b>Back</b> buttons to navigate through the wizard; click <b>Next</b> to continue."
123 });
125 this.chanBox = new Element("input");
126 this.chanBox.addClass("text");
127 this.chans = this.newStep({
128 "title": "Set channels",
129 "first": "Enter the channels you would like the client to join on startup:",
130 "hint": "You can supply multiple channels by seperating them with a comma, e.g.:",
131 "example": "#rogue,#eu-mage",
132 middle: this.chanBox
133 }).addEvent("show", af.bind(this.chanBox));
135 var customnickDiv = new Element("div");
136 this.customnick = this.newStep({
137 "title": "Choose a nickname mode",
138 "first": "At startup would you like the client to use a random nickname, a preset nickname or a nickname of the users choice?",
139 "hint": "It is recommended that you only use a preset nickname if the client is for your own personal use.",
140 middle: customnickDiv
141 });
143 this.choosenick = this.newRadio(customnickDiv, "Make the user choose a nickname.", "nick", true);
144 this.randnick = this.newRadio(customnickDiv, "Use a random nickname, e.g. qwebirc12883.", "nick");
145 this.presetnick = this.newRadio(customnickDiv, "Use a preset nickname of your choice.", "nick");
147 var promptdiv = new Element("form");
148 this.connectdialog = this.newStep({
149 "title": "Display connect dialog?",
150 "first": "Do you want the user to be shown the connect dialog (with the values you have supplied pre-entered) or just a connect confirmation?",
151 middle: promptdiv,
152 "hint": "You need to display the dialog if you want the user to be able to set their nickname before connecting."
153 });
155 var changeOptions = new Element("div");
156 this.currentLF = this.newRadio(changeOptions, "Use the current look and feel (", "lookandfeel", true);
158 var alterButton = new Element("input");
159 alterButton.type = "submit";
160 alterButton.value = "alter";
161 alterButton.addEvent("click", this.options.optionsCallback);
162 changeOptions.firstChild.appendChild(alterButton);
163 changeOptions.firstChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode(")."));
165 this.defaultLF = this.newRadio(changeOptions, "Use the default look and feel.", "lookandfeel");
167 this.lookandfeel = this.newStep({
168 "title": "Configure look and feel",
169 "first": "The look and feel will be copied from the current settings.",
170 middle: changeOptions
171 });
173 var autoconnect = this.newRadio(promptdiv, "Connect without displaying the dialog.", "prompt", true);
174 this.connectdialogr = this.newRadio(promptdiv, "Show the connect dialog.", "prompt");
176 this.nicknameBox = new Element("input");
177 this.nicknameBox.addClass("text");
178 this.nickname = this.newStep({
179 "title": "Set nickname",
180 "first": "Enter the nickname you would like the client to use by default:",
181 "premove": function() {
182 if(this.nicknameBox.value == "") {
183 alert("You must supply a nickname.");
184 this.nicknameBox.focus();
185 return false;
186 }
187 return true;
188 }.bind(this),
189 middle: this.nicknameBox,
190 hint: "If you use a . (dot/period) then it will be substituted with a random number."
191 }).addEvent("show", af.bind(this.nicknameBox));
193 var codeDiv = new Element("div");
194 this.finish = this.newStep({
195 "title": "Finished!",
196 "first": "Your custom link is:",
197 middle: codeDiv
198 }).addEvent("show", function() {
199 var alink = new Element("a");
200 var abox = new Element("input");
201 abox.addClass("iframetext");
202 var url = this.generateURL(false);
204 alink.href = url;
205 alink.target = "new";
206 alink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(url));
207 abox.value = "<iframe src=\"" + url + "\" width=\"647\" height=\"400\"></iframe>";
209 var mBox = [
210 alink,
211 new Element("br"), new Element("br"),
212 document.createTextNode("You can embed this into your page with the following code:"),
213 new Element("br"),
214 abox
215 ];
217 while(codeDiv.childNodes.length > 0)
218 codeDiv.removeChild(codeDiv.childNodes[0]);
220 mBox.forEach(function(x) {
221 codeDiv.appendChild(x);
222 });
224 af.bind(abox)(true);
225 abox.addEvent("click", function() {
226 this.select();
227 }.bind(abox));
228 }.bind(this));
230 this.updateSteps();
231 this.step = 0;
233 this.showStep();
234 },
235 updateSteps: function() {
236 this.steps = [this.welcome, this.customnick];
238 if(this.presetnick.checked)
239 this.steps.push(this.nickname);
241 this.steps.push(this.chans);
243 if(this.chanBox.value != "" && !this.choosenick.checked)
244 this.steps.push(this.connectdialog);
246 this.steps.push(this.lookandfeel);
247 this.steps.push(this.finish);
248 },
249 showStep: function() {
250 this.backBtn.disabled = !(this.step > 0);
252 this.nextBtn.value = (this.step >= this.steps.length - 1)?"Close":"Next >";
254 this.steps[this.step].show();
255 },
256 next: function() {
257 var pm = this.steps[this.step].options.premove;
259 if(pm && !pm())
260 return;
262 this.updateSteps();
263 if(this.step >= this.steps.length - 1) {
264 this.close();
265 return;
266 }
267 this.step = this.step + 1;
268 this.showStep();
269 },
270 close: function() {
271 this.fireEvent("close");
272 },
273 back: function() {
274 if(this.step <= 0)
275 return;
277 this.step = this.step - 1;
278 this.showStep();
279 },
280 generateURL: function() {
281 var chans = this.chanBox.value;
282 var nick = this.nicknameBox.value;
283 var connectdialog = this.connectdialogr.checked && chans != "" && !this.choosenick.checked;
285 var URL = [];
286 if(this.presetnick.checked) {
287 URL.push("nick=" + escape(nick));
288 } else if(!this.choosenick.checked) {
289 URL.push("randomnick=1");
290 }
292 if(chans) {
293 var d = chans.split(",");
294 var d2 = [];
296 d.forEach(function(x) {
297 if(x.charAt(0) == '#')
298 x = x.substring(1);
300 d2.push(x);
301 });
303 URL.push("channels=" + escape(d2.join(",")));
304 }
306 if(connectdialog)
307 URL.push("prompt=1");
309 if(this.currentLF.checked) {
310 var uioptions = this.options.uiOptions.serialise();
311 if(uioptions != "")
312 URL.push("uio=" + uioptions);
313 }
315 return this.options.baseURL + (URL.length>0?"?":"") + URL.join("&");
316 }
317 });