]> jfr.im git - irc/quakenet/qwebirc.git/blame - static/js/soundmanager2.js
Various about/privacy policy fixes.
[irc/quakenet/qwebirc.git] / static / js / soundmanager2.js
2 SoundManager 2: Javascript Sound for the Web\r
3 --------------------------------------------\r
4 http://schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/\r
6 Copyright (c) 2008, Scott Schiller. All rights reserved.\r
7 Code licensed under the BSD License:\r
8 http://schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/license.txt\r
10 V2.90a.20081028\r
13function SoundManager(smURL,smID) {\r
14 \r
15 this.flashVersion = 8; // version of flash to require, either 8 or 9. Some API features require Flash 9.\r
16 this.debugMode = true; // enable debugging output (div#soundmanager-debug, OR console if available + configured)\r
17 this.useConsole = true; // use firebug/safari console.log()-type debug console if available\r
18 this.consoleOnly = false; // if console is being used, do not create/write to #soundmanager-debug\r
19 this.waitForWindowLoad = false; // force SM2 to wait for window.onload() before trying to call soundManager.onload()\r
20 this.nullURL = 'null.mp3'; // path to "null" (empty) MP3 file, used to unload sounds (Flash 8 only)\r
21 this.allowPolling = true; // allow flash to poll for status update (required for "while playing", peak, sound spectrum functions to work.)\r
22 this.useMovieStar = false; // enable support for Flash 9.0r115+ (codename "MovieStar") MPEG4 audio + video formats (AAC, M4V, FLV, MOV etc.)\r
23 this.useHighPerformance = true; // flash positioning trick, improves JS/flash callback speed, minimizes delay\r
24 this.bgColor = '#ffffff'; // movie (.swf) background color, useful if showing on-screen for video etc.\r
26 this.defaultOptions = {\r
27 'autoLoad': false, // enable automatic loading (otherwise .load() will be called on demand with .play(), the latter being nicer on bandwidth - if you want to .load yourself, you also can)\r
28 'stream': true, // allows playing before entire file has loaded (recommended)\r
29 'autoPlay': false, // enable playing of file as soon as possible (much faster if "stream" is true)\r
30 'onid3': null, // callback function for "ID3 data is added/available"\r
31 'onload': null, // callback function for "load finished"\r
32 'whileloading': null, // callback function for "download progress update" (X of Y bytes received)\r
33 'onplay': null, // callback for "play" start\r
34 'onpause': null, // callback for "pause"\r
35 'onresume': null, // callback for "resume" (pause toggle)\r
36 'whileplaying': null, // callback during play (position update)\r
37 'onstop': null, // callback for "user stop"\r
38 'onfinish': null, // callback function for "sound finished playing"\r
39 'onbeforefinish': null, // callback for "before sound finished playing (at [time])"\r
40 'onbeforefinishtime': 5000, // offset (milliseconds) before end of sound to trigger beforefinish (eg. 1000 msec = 1 second)\r
41 'onbeforefinishcomplete':null, // function to call when said sound finishes playing\r
42 'onjustbeforefinish':null, // callback for [n] msec before end of current sound\r
43 'onjustbeforefinishtime':200, // [n] - if not using, set to 0 (or null handler) and event will not fire.\r
44 'multiShot': true, // let sounds "restart" or layer on top of each other when played multiple times, rather than one-shot/one at a time\r
45 'position': null, // offset (milliseconds) to seek to within loaded sound data.\r
46 'pan': 0, // "pan" settings, left-to-right, -100 to 100\r
47 'volume': 100 // self-explanatory. 0-100, the latter being the max.\r
48 };\r
50 this.flash9Options = { // flash 9-only options, merged into defaultOptions if flash 9 is being used\r
51 'isMovieStar': null, // "MovieStar" MPEG4 audio/video mode. Null (default) = auto detect MP4, AAC etc. based on URL. true = force on, ignore URL\r
52 'usePeakData': false, // enable left/right channel peak (level) data\r
53 'useWaveformData': false, // enable sound spectrum (raw waveform data) - WARNING: CPU-INTENSIVE: may set CPUs on fire.\r
54 'useEQData': false // enable sound EQ (frequency spectrum data) - WARNING: Also CPU-intensive.\r
55 };\r
57 this.movieStarOptions = { // flash 9.0r115+ MPEG4 audio/video options, merged into defaultOptions if flash 9 + movieStar mode is enabled\r
58 'onmetadata': null, // callback for when video width/height etc. are received\r
59 'useVideo': false // if loading movieStar content, whether to show video\r
60 }\r
62 this.flashBlockHelper = {\r
63 'enabled': false, // experimental, removed with >v2.80\r
64 'message': [] // "nag bar" to show when messaging the user, if SM2 fails on firefox etc.\r
65 };\r
67 var _s = this; \r
68 this.version = null;\r
69 this.versionNumber = 'V2.90a.20081028';\r
70 this.movieURL = null;\r
71 this.url = null;\r
72 this.altURL = null;\r
73 this.swfLoaded = false;\r
74 this.enabled = false;\r
75 this.o = null;\r
76 this.id = (smID||'sm2movie');\r
77 this.oMC = null;\r
78 this.sounds = [];\r
79 this.soundIDs = [];\r
80 this.muted = false;\r
81 this.isIE = (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i));\r
82 this.isSafari = (navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i));\r
83 this.isGecko = (navigator.userAgent.match(/gecko/i));\r
84 this.debugID = 'soundmanager-debug';\r
85 this._debugOpen = true;\r
86 this._didAppend = false;\r
87 this._appendSuccess = false;\r
88 this._didInit = false;\r
89 this._disabled = false;\r
90 this._windowLoaded = false;\r
91 this._hasConsole = (typeof console != 'undefined' && typeof console.log != 'undefined');\r
92 this._debugLevels = ['log','info','warn','error'];\r
93 this._defaultFlashVersion = 8;\r
94 this.filePatterns = {\r
95 flash8: /\.(mp3)/i,\r
96 flash9: /\.(mp3)/i\r
97 };\r
98 this.netStreamTypes = ['aac','flv','mov','mp4','m4v','f4v','m4a','mp4v','3gp','3g2']; // Flash v9.0r115+ "moviestar" formats\r
99 this.netStreamPattern = new RegExp('.('+this.netStreamTypes.join('|')+')','i');\r
100 this.filePattern = null;\r
101 this.features = {\r
102 peakData: false,\r
103 waveformData: false,\r
104 eqData: false\r
105 };\r
107 this.sandbox = {\r
108 'type': null,\r
109 'types': {\r
110 'remote': 'remote (domain-based) rules',\r
111 'localWithFile': 'local with file access (no internet access)',\r
112 'localWithNetwork': 'local with network (internet access only, no local access)',\r
113 'localTrusted': 'local, trusted (local + internet access)'\r
114 },\r
115 'description': null,\r
116 'noRemote': null,\r
117 'noLocal': null\r
118 };\r
120 this._setVersionInfo = function() {\r
121 if (_s.flashVersion != 8 && _s.flashVersion != 9) {\r
122 alert('soundManager.flashVersion must be 8 or 9. "'+_s.flashVersion+'" is invalid. Reverting to '+_s._defaultFlashVersion+'.');\r
123 _s.flashVersion = _s._defaultFlashVersion;\r
124 }\r
125 _s.version = _s.versionNumber+(_s.flashVersion==9?' (AS3/Flash 9)':' (AS2/Flash 8)');\r
126 // set up default options\r
127 if (_s.flashVersion > 8) {\r
128 _s.defaultOptions = _s._mergeObjects(_s.defaultOptions,_s.flash9Options);\r
129 }\r
130 if (_s.flashVersion > 8 && _s.useMovieStar) {\r
131 _s.defaultOptions = _s._mergeObjects(_s.defaultOptions,_s.movieStarOptions);\r
132 _s.filePatterns.flash9 = new RegExp('.(mp3|'+_s.netStreamTypes.join('|')+')','i');\r
133 } else {\r
134 _s.useMovieStar = false;\r
135 }\r
136 _s.filePattern = _s.filePatterns[(_s.flashVersion!=8?'flash9':'flash8')];\r
137 _s.movieURL = (_s.flashVersion==8?'soundmanager2.swf':'soundmanager2_flash9.swf');\r
138 _s.features.peakData = _s.features.waveformData = _s.features.eqData = (_s.flashVersion==9);\r
139 }\r
141 this._overHTTP = (document.location?document.location.protocol.match(/http/i):null);\r
142 this._waitingforEI = false;\r
143 this._initPending = false;\r
144 this._tryInitOnFocus = (this.isSafari && typeof document.hasFocus == 'undefined');\r
145 this._isFocused = (typeof document.hasFocus != 'undefined'?document.hasFocus():null);\r
146 this._okToDisable = !this._tryInitOnFocus;\r
148 this.useAltURL = !this._overHTTP; // use altURL if not "online"\r
150 var flashCPLink = 'http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html';\r
152 // --- public methods ---\r
153 \r
154 this.supported = function() {\r
155 return (_s._didInit && !_s._disabled);\r
156 };\r
158 this.getMovie = function(smID) {\r
159 return _s.isIE?window[smID]:(_s.isSafari?document.getElementById(smID)||document[smID]:document.getElementById(smID));\r
160 };\r
162 this.loadFromXML = function(sXmlUrl) {\r
163 try {\r
164 _s.o._loadFromXML(sXmlUrl);\r
165 } catch(e) {\r
166 _s._failSafely();\r
167 return true;\r
168 };\r
169 };\r
171 this.createSound = function(oOptions) {\r
172 if (!_s._didInit) throw new Error('soundManager.createSound(): Not loaded yet - wait for soundManager.onload() before calling sound-related methods');\r
173 if (arguments.length==2) {\r
174 // function overloading in JS! :) ..assume simple createSound(id,url) use case\r
175 var oOptions = {'id':arguments[0],'url':arguments[1]};\r
176 };\r
177 var thisOptions = _s._mergeObjects(oOptions); // inherit SM2 defaults\r
178 var _tO = thisOptions; // alias\r
179 _s._wD('soundManager.createSound(): '+_tO.id+' ('+_tO.url+')',1);\r
180 if (_s._idCheck(_tO.id,true)) {\r
181 _s._wD('soundManager.createSound(): '+_tO.id+' exists',1);\r
182 return _s.sounds[_tO.id];\r
183 };\r
184 if (_s.flashVersion > 8 && _s.useMovieStar) {\r
185 if (_tO.isMovieStar == null) {\r
186 _tO.isMovieStar = (_tO.url.match(_s.netStreamPattern)?true:false);\r
187 }\r
188 if (_tO.isMovieStar) {\r
189 _s._wD('soundManager.createSound(): using MovieStar handling');\r
190 }\r
191 if (_tO.isMovieStar && (_tO.usePeakData || _tO.useWaveformData || _tO.useEQData)) {\r
192 _s._wD('Warning: peak/waveform/eqData features unsupported for non-MP3 formats');\r
193 _tO.usePeakData = false;\r
194 _tO.useWaveformData = false;\r
195 _tO.useEQData = false;\r
196 }\r
197 };\r
198 _s.sounds[_tO.id] = new SMSound(_tO);\r
199 _s.soundIDs[_s.soundIDs.length] = _tO.id;\r
200 // AS2:\r
201 if (_s.flashVersion == 8) {\r
202 _s.o._createSound(_tO.id,_tO.onjustbeforefinishtime);\r
203 } else {\r
204 _s.o._createSound(_tO.id,_tO.url,_tO.onjustbeforefinishtime,_tO.usePeakData,_tO.useWaveformData,_tO.useEQData,_tO.isMovieStar,(_tO.isMovieStar?_tO.useVideo:false));\r
205 };\r
206 if (_tO.autoLoad || _tO.autoPlay) {\r
207 window.setTimeout(function() {\r
208 if (_s.sounds[_tO.id]) {\r
209 _s.sounds[_tO.id].load(_tO);\r
210 }\r
211 },20);\r
212 }\r
213 if (_tO.autoPlay) {\r
214 if (_s.flashVersion == 8) {\r
215 _s.sounds[_tO.id].playState = 1; // we can only assume this sound will be playing soon.\r
216 } else {\r
217 _s.sounds[_tO.id].play(); \r
218 }\r
219 }\r
220 return _s.sounds[_tO.id];\r
221 };\r
223 this.createVideo = function(oOptions) {\r
224 if (arguments.length==2) {\r
225 var oOptions = {'id':arguments[0],'url':arguments[1]};\r
226 };\r
227 if (_s.flashVersion >= 9) {\r
228 oOptions.isMovieStar = true;\r
229 oOptions.useVideo = true;\r
230 } else {\r
231 _s._wD('soundManager.createVideo(): flash 9 required for video. Exiting.',2);\r
232 return false;\r
233 }\r
234 if (!_s.useMovieStar) {\r
235 _s._wD('soundManager.createVideo(): MovieStar mode not enabled. Exiting.',2);\r
236 }\r
237 return _s.createSound(oOptions);\r
238 }\r
240 this.destroySound = function(sID,bFromSound) {\r
241 // explicitly destroy a sound before normal page unload, etc.\r
242 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
243 for (var i=0; i<_s.soundIDs.length; i++) {\r
244 if (_s.soundIDs[i] == sID) {\r
245 _s.soundIDs.splice(i,1);\r
246 continue;\r
247 };\r
248 };\r
249 // conservative option: avoid crash with ze flash 8\r
250 // calling destroySound() within a sound onload() might crash firefox, certain flavours of winXP + flash 8??\r
251 // if (_s.flashVersion != 8) {\r
252 _s.sounds[sID].unload();\r
253 // }\r
254 if (!bFromSound) {\r
255 // ignore if being called from SMSound instance\r
256 _s.sounds[sID].destruct();\r
257 };\r
258 delete _s.sounds[sID];\r
259 };\r
261 this.destroyVideo = this.destroySound;\r
263 this.load = function(sID,oOptions) {\r
264 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
265 _s.sounds[sID].load(oOptions);\r
266 };\r
268 this.unload = function(sID) {\r
269 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
270 _s.sounds[sID].unload();\r
271 };\r
273 this.play = function(sID,oOptions) {\r
274 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) {\r
275 if (typeof oOptions != 'Object') oOptions = {url:oOptions}; // overloading use case: play('mySound','/path/to/some.mp3');\r
276 if (oOptions && oOptions.url) {\r
277 // overloading use case, creation + playing of sound: .play('someID',{url:'/path/to.mp3'});\r
278 _s._wD('soundController.play(): attempting to create "'+sID+'"',1);\r
279 oOptions.id = sID;\r
280 _s.createSound(oOptions);\r
281 } else {\r
282 return false;\r
283 };\r
284 };\r
285 _s.sounds[sID].play(oOptions);\r
286 };\r
288 this.start = this.play; // just for convenience\r
290 this.setPosition = function(sID,nMsecOffset) {\r
291 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
292 nMsecOffset = Math.min((nMsecOffset||0),_s.duration); // don't allow seek past loaded duration\r
293 _s.sounds[sID].setPosition(nMsecOffset);\r
294 };\r
296 this.stop = function(sID) {\r
297 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
298 _s._wD('soundManager.stop('+sID+')',1);\r
299 _s.sounds[sID].stop(); \r
300 };\r
302 this.stopAll = function() {\r
303 _s._wD('soundManager.stopAll()',1);\r
304 for (var oSound in _s.sounds) {\r
305 if (_s.sounds[oSound] instanceof SMSound) _s.sounds[oSound].stop(); // apply only to sound objects\r
306 };\r
307 };\r
309 this.pause = function(sID) {\r
310 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
311 _s.sounds[sID].pause();\r
312 };\r
314 this.pauseAll = function() {\r
315 for (var i=_s.soundIDs.length; i--;) {\r
316 _s.sounds[_s.soundIDs[i]].pause();\r
317 }\r
318 };\r
320 this.resume = function(sID) {\r
321 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
322 _s.sounds[sID].resume();\r
323 };\r
325 this.resumeAll = function() {\r
326 for (var i=_s.soundIDs.length; i--;) {\r
327 _s.sounds[_s.soundIDs[i]].resume();\r
328 }\r
329 };\r
331 this.togglePause = function(sID) {\r
332 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
333 _s.sounds[sID].togglePause();\r
334 };\r
336 this.setPan = function(sID,nPan) {\r
337 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
338 _s.sounds[sID].setPan(nPan);\r
339 };\r
341 this.setVolume = function(sID,nVol) {\r
342 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
343 _s.sounds[sID].setVolume(nVol);\r
344 };\r
346 this.mute = function(sID) {\r
347 if (typeof sID != 'string') sID = null;\r
348 if (!sID) {\r
349 var o = null;\r
350 _s._wD('soundManager.mute(): Muting all sounds');\r
351 for (var i=_s.soundIDs.length; i--;) {\r
352 _s.sounds[_s.soundIDs[i]].mute();\r
353 }\r
354 _s.muted = true;\r
355 } else {\r
356 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
357 _s._wD('soundManager.mute(): Muting "'+sID+'"');\r
358 _s.sounds[sID].mute();\r
359 }\r
360 };\r
362 this.muteAll = function() {\r
363 _s.mute();\r
364 };\r
366 this.unmute = function(sID) {\r
367 if (typeof sID != 'string') sID = null;\r
368 if (!sID) {\r
369 var o = null;\r
370 _s._wD('soundManager.unmute(): Unmuting all sounds');\r
371 for (var i=_s.soundIDs.length; i--;) {\r
372 _s.sounds[_s.soundIDs[i]].unmute();\r
373 }\r
374 _s.muted = false;\r
375 } else {\r
376 if (!_s._idCheck(sID)) return false;\r
377 _s._wD('soundManager.unmute(): Unmuting "'+sID+'"');\r
378 _s.sounds[sID].unmute();\r
379 }\r
380 };\r
382 this.unmuteAll = function() {\r
383 _s.unmute();\r
384 };\r
386 this.setPolling = function(bPolling) {\r
387 if (!_s.o || !_s.allowPolling) return false;\r
388 // _s._wD('soundManager.setPolling('+bPolling+')');\r
389 _s.o._setPolling(bPolling);\r
390 };\r
392 this.disable = function(bUnload) {\r
393 // destroy all functions\r
394 if (_s._disabled) return false;\r
395 _s._disabled = true;\r
396 _s._wD('soundManager.disable(): Disabling all functions - future calls will return false.',1);\r
397 for (var i=_s.soundIDs.length; i--;) {\r
398 _s._disableObject(_s.sounds[_s.soundIDs[i]]);\r
399 };\r
400 _s.initComplete(); // fire "complete", despite fail\r
401 _s._disableObject(_s);\r
402 };\r
404 this.handleFlashBlock = function(bForce) {\r
405 // experimental, removed with >v2.80.\r
406 return false;\r
407 };\r
409 this.canPlayURL = function(sURL) {\r
410 return (sURL?(sURL.match(_s.filePattern)?true:false):null); \r
411 };\r
413 this.getSoundById = function(sID,suppressDebug) {\r
414 if (!sID) throw new Error('SoundManager.getSoundById(): sID is null/undefined');\r
415 var result = _s.sounds[sID];\r
416 if (!result && !suppressDebug) {\r
417 _s._wD('"'+sID+'" is an invalid sound ID.',2);\r
418 // soundManager._wD('trace: '+arguments.callee.caller);\r
419 };\r
420 return result;\r
421 };\r
423 this.onload = function() {\r
424 // window.onload() equivalent for SM2, ready to create sounds etc.\r
425 // this is a stub - you can override this in your own external script, eg. soundManager.onload = function() {}\r
426 soundManager._wD('<em>Warning</em>: soundManager.onload() is undefined.',2);\r
427 };\r
429 this.onerror = function() {\r
430 // stub for user handler, called when SM2 fails to load/init\r
431 };\r
433 // --- "private" methods ---\r
435 this._idCheck = this.getSoundById;\r
437 this._disableObject = function(o) {\r
438 for (var oProp in o) {\r
439 if (typeof o[oProp] == 'function' && typeof o[oProp]._protected == 'undefined') o[oProp] = function(){return false;};\r
440 };\r
441 oProp = null;\r
442 };\r
444 this._failSafely = function() {\r
445 // exception handler for "object doesn't support this property or method" or general failure\r
446 var fpgssTitle = 'You may need to whitelist this location/domain eg. file:///C:/ or C:/ or mysite.com, or set ALWAYS ALLOW under the Flash Player Global Security Settings page. The latter is probably less-secure.';\r
447 var flashCPL = '<a href="'+flashCPLink+'" title="'+fpgssTitle+'">view/edit</a>';\r
448 var FPGSS = '<a href="'+flashCPLink+'" title="Flash Player Global Security Settings">FPGSS</a>';\r
449 if (!_s._disabled) {\r
450 _s._wD('soundManager: Failed to initialise.',2);\r
451 _s.disable();\r
452 };\r
453 };\r
454 \r
455 this._normalizeMovieURL = function(smURL) {\r
456 if (smURL) {\r
457 if (smURL.match(/\.swf/)) {\r
458 smURL = smURL.substr(0,smURL.lastIndexOf('.swf'));\r
459 }\r
460 if (smURL.lastIndexOf('/') != smURL.length-1) {\r
461 smURL = smURL+'/';\r
462 }\r
463 }\r
464 return(smURL && smURL.lastIndexOf('/')!=-1?smURL.substr(0,smURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1):'./')+_s.movieURL;\r
465 };\r
467 this._getDocument = function() {\r
468 return (document.body?document.body:(document.documentElement?document.documentElement:document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]));\r
469 };\r
471 this._getDocument._protected = true;\r
473 this._createMovie = function(smID,smURL) {\r
474 if (_s._didAppend && _s._appendSuccess) return false; // ignore if already succeeded\r
475 if (window.location.href.indexOf('debug=1')+1) _s.debugMode = true; // allow force of debug mode via URL\r
476 _s._didAppend = true;\r
477 \r
478 // safety check for legacy (change to Flash 9 URL)\r
479 _s._setVersionInfo();\r
480 var remoteURL = (smURL?smURL:_s.url);\r
481 var localURL = (_s.altURL?_s.altURL:remoteURL);\r
482 _s.url = _s._normalizeMovieURL(_s._overHTTP?remoteURL:localURL);\r
483 smURL = _s.url;\r
485 var htmlEmbed = '<embed name="'+smID+'" id="'+smID+'" src="'+smURL+'" width="100%" height="100%" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" quality="high" '+(_s.useHighPerformance && !_s.useMovieStar?'wmode="transparent" ':'')+'bgcolor="'+_s.bgColor+'" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>';\r
486 var htmlObject = '<object id="'+smID+'" data="'+smURL+'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%" height="100%"><param name="movie" value="'+smURL+'" /><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="quality" value="high" />'+(_s.useHighPerformance && !_s.useMovieStar?'<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> ':'')+'<param name="bgcolor" value="'+_s.bgColor+'" /><!-- --></object>';\r
487 var html = (!_s.isIE?htmlEmbed:htmlObject);\r
489 var toggleElement = '<div id="'+_s.debugID+'-toggle" style="position:fixed;_position:absolute;right:0px;bottom:0px;_top:0px;width:1.2em;height:1.2em;line-height:1.2em;margin:2px;padding:0px;text-align:center;border:1px solid #999;cursor:pointer;background:#fff;color:#333;z-index:10001" title="Toggle SM2 debug console" onclick="soundManager._toggleDebug()">-</div>';\r
490 var debugHTML = '<div id="'+_s.debugID+'" style="display:'+(_s.debugMode && ((!_s._hasConsole||!_s.useConsole)||(_s.useConsole && _s._hasConsole && !_s.consoleOnly))?'block':'none')+';opacity:0.85"></div>';\r
491 var appXHTML = 'soundManager._createMovie(): appendChild/innerHTML set failed. May be app/xhtml+xml DOM-related.';\r
493 var oTarget = _s._getDocument();\r
494 if (oTarget) {\r
495 \r
496 _s.oMC = document.getElementById('sm2-container')?document.getElementById('sm2-container'):document.createElement('div');\r
497 if (!_s.oMC.id) {\r
498 _s.oMC.id = 'sm2-container';\r
499 _s.oMC.className = 'movieContainer';\r
500 // "hide" flash movie\r
501 var s = null;\r
502 if (_s.useHighPerformance) {\r
503 s = {\r
504 position: 'fixed',\r
505 width: '8px',\r
506 height: '8px', // must be at least 6px for flash to run fast. odd? yes.\r
507 bottom: '0px',\r
508 left: '0px',\r
509 zIndex:-1 // sit behind everything else\r
510 }\r
511 } else {\r
512 s = {\r
513 position: 'absolute',\r
514 width: '1px',\r
515 height: '1px',\r
516 bottom: '0px',\r
517 left: '0px'\r
518 }\r
519 }\r
520 var x = null;\r
521 for (x in s) {\r
522 _s.oMC.style[x] = s[x];\r
523 }\r
524 try {\r
525 oTarget.appendChild(_s.oMC);\r
526 _s.oMC.innerHTML = html;\r
527 _s._appendSuccess = true;\r
528 } catch(e) {\r
529 throw new Error(appXHTML);\r
530 }\r
531 } else {\r
532 // it's already in the document.\r
533 _s.oMC.innerHTML = html;\r
534 _s._appendSuccess = true;\r
535 }\r
536 if (!document.getElementById(_s.debugID) && ((!_s._hasConsole||!_s.useConsole)||(_s.useConsole && _s._hasConsole && !_s.consoleOnly))) {\r
537 var oDebug = document.createElement('div');\r
538 oDebug.id = _s.debugID;\r
539 oDebug.style.display = (_s.debugMode?'block':'none');\r
540 if (_s.debugMode) {\r
541 try {\r
542 var oD = document.createElement('div');\r
543 oTarget.appendChild(oD);\r
544 oD.innerHTML = toggleElement;\r
545 } catch(e) {\r
546 throw new Error(appXHTML);\r
547 };\r
548 };\r
549 oTarget.appendChild(oDebug);\r
550 };\r
551 oTarget = null;\r
552 };\r
553 _s._wD('-- SoundManager 2 '+_s.version+(_s.useMovieStar?', MovieStar mode':'')+(_s._wD?', high performance mode':'')+' --',1);\r
554 _s._wD('soundManager._createMovie(): Trying to load '+smURL+(!_s._overHTTP && _s.altURL?'(alternate URL)':''),1);\r
555 };\r
557 // aliased to this._wD()\r
558 this._writeDebug = function(sText,sType,bTimestamp) {\r
559 if (!_s.debugMode) return false;\r
560 if (typeof bTimestamp != 'undefined' && bTimestamp) {\r
561 sText = sText + ' | '+new Date().getTime();\r
562 };\r
563 if (_s._hasConsole && _s.useConsole) {\r
564 var sMethod = _s._debugLevels[sType];\r
565 if (typeof console[sMethod] != 'undefined') {\r
566 console[sMethod](sText);\r
567 } else {\r
568 console.log(sText);\r
569 };\r
570 if (_s.useConsoleOnly) return true;\r
571 };\r
572 var sDID = 'soundmanager-debug';\r
573 try {\r
574 var o = document.getElementById(sDID);\r
575 if (!o) return false;\r
576 var oItem = document.createElement('div');\r
577 sText = sText.replace(/\n/g,'<br />');\r
578 if (typeof sType == 'undefined') {\r
579 var sType = 0;\r
580 } else {\r
581 sType = parseInt(sType);\r
582 };\r
583 oItem.innerHTML = sText;\r
584 if (sType) {\r
585 if (sType >= 2) oItem.style.fontWeight = 'bold';\r
586 if (sType == 3) oItem.style.color = '#ff3333';\r
587 };\r
588 // o.appendChild(oItem); // top-to-bottom\r
589 o.insertBefore(oItem,o.firstChild); // bottom-to-top\r
590 } catch(e) {\r
591 // oh well\r
592 };\r
593 o = null;\r
594 };\r
595 this._writeDebug._protected = true;\r
596 this._wD = this._writeDebug;\r
598 this._wDAlert = function(sText) { alert(sText); };\r
600 if (window.location.href.indexOf('debug=alert')+1 && _s.debugMode) {\r
601 _s._wD = _s._wDAlert;\r
602 };\r
604 this._toggleDebug = function() {\r
605 var o = document.getElementById(_s.debugID);\r
606 var oT = document.getElementById(_s.debugID+'-toggle');\r
607 if (!o) return false;\r
608 if (_s._debugOpen) {\r
609 // minimize\r
610 oT.innerHTML = '+';\r
611 o.style.display = 'none';\r
612 } else {\r
613 oT.innerHTML = '-';\r
614 o.style.display = 'block';\r
615 };\r
616 _s._debugOpen = !_s._debugOpen;\r
617 };\r
619 this._toggleDebug._protected = true;\r
621 this._debug = function() {\r
622 _s._wD('--- soundManager._debug(): Current sound objects ---',1);\r
623 for (var i=0,j=_s.soundIDs.length; i<j; i++) {\r
624 _s.sounds[_s.soundIDs[i]]._debug();\r
625 };\r
626 };\r
628 this._mergeObjects = function(oMain,oAdd) {\r
629 // non-destructive merge\r
630 var o1 = {}; // clone o1\r
631 for (var i in oMain) {\r
632 o1[i] = oMain[i];\r
633 }\r
634 var o2 = (typeof oAdd == 'undefined'?_s.defaultOptions:oAdd);\r
635 for (var o in o2) {\r
636 if (typeof o1[o] == 'undefined') o1[o] = o2[o];\r
637 };\r
638 return o1;\r
639 };\r
641 this.createMovie = function(sURL) {\r
642 if (sURL) _s.url = sURL;\r
643 _s._initMovie();\r
644 };\r
646 this.go = this.createMovie; // nice alias\r
648 this._initMovie = function() {\r
649 // attempt to get, or create, movie\r
650 if (_s.o) return false; // pre-init may have fired this function before window.onload(), may already exist\r
651 _s.o = _s.getMovie(_s.id); // try to get flash movie (inline markup)\r
652 if (!_s.o) {\r
653 // try to create\r
654 _s._createMovie(_s.id,_s.url);\r
655 _s.o = _s.getMovie(_s.id);\r
656 };\r
657 if (_s.o) {\r
658 _s._wD('soundManager._initMovie(): Got '+_s.o.nodeName+' element ('+(_s._didAppend?'created via JS':'static HTML')+')',1);\r
659 _s._wD('soundManager._initMovie(): Waiting for ExternalInterface call from Flash..');\r
660 };\r
661 };\r
663 this.waitForExternalInterface = function() {\r
664 if (_s._waitingForEI) return false;\r
665 _s._waitingForEI = true;\r
666 if (_s._tryInitOnFocus && !_s._isFocused) {\r
667 _s._wD('soundManager: Special case: Flash may not have started due to non-focused tab (Safari is lame), and/or focus cannot be detected. Waiting for focus-related event..');\r
668 return false;\r
669 };\r
670 if (!_s._didInit) {\r
671 _s._wD('soundManager: Getting impatient, still waiting for Flash.. ;)');\r
672 };\r
673 setTimeout(function() {\r
674 if (!_s._didInit) {\r
675 _s._wD('soundManager: No Flash response within reasonable time after document load.\nPossible causes: Flash version under 8, no support, or Flash security denying JS-Flash communication.',2);\r
676 if (!_s._overHTTP) {\r
677 _s._wD('soundManager: Loading this page from local/network file system (not over HTTP?) Flash security likely restricting JS-Flash access. Consider adding current URL to "trusted locations" in the Flash player security settings manager at '+flashCPLink+', or simply serve this content over HTTP.',2);\r
678 };\r
679 };\r
680 // if still not initialized and no other options, give up\r
681 if (!_s._didInit && _s._okToDisable) _s._failSafely();\r
682 },750);\r
683 };\r
685 this.handleFocus = function() {\r
686 if (_s._isFocused || !_s._tryInitOnFocus) return true;\r
687 _s._okToDisable = true;\r
688 _s._isFocused = true;\r
689 _s._wD('soundManager.handleFocus()');\r
690 if (_s._tryInitOnFocus) {\r
691 // giant Safari 3.1 hack - assume window in focus if mouse is moving, since document.hasFocus() not currently implemented.\r
692 window.removeEventListener('mousemove',_s.handleFocus,false);\r
693 };\r
694 // allow init to restart\r
695 _s._waitingForEI = false;\r
696 setTimeout(_s.waitForExternalInterface,500);\r
697 // detach event\r
698 if (window.removeEventListener) {\r
699 window.removeEventListener('focus',_s.handleFocus,false);\r
700 } else if (window.detachEvent) {\r
701 window.detachEvent('onfocus',_s.handleFocus);\r
702 };\r
703 };\r
705 this.initComplete = function() {\r
706 if (_s._didInit) return false;\r
707 _s._didInit = true;\r
708 _s._wD('-- SoundManager 2 '+(_s._disabled?'failed to load':'loaded')+' ('+(_s._disabled?'security/load error':'OK')+') --',1);\r
709 if (_s._disabled) {\r
710 _s._wD('soundManager.initComplete(): calling soundManager.onerror()',1);\r
711 _s.onerror.apply(window);\r
712 return false;\r
713 };\r
714 if (_s.waitForWindowLoad && !_s._windowLoaded) {\r
715 _s._wD('soundManager: Waiting for window.onload()');\r
716 if (window.addEventListener) {\r
717 window.addEventListener('load',_s.initUserOnload,false);\r
718 } else if (window.attachEvent) {\r
719 window.attachEvent('onload',_s.initUserOnload);\r
720 };\r
721 return false;\r
722 } else {\r
723 if (_s.waitForWindowLoad && _s._windowLoaded) {\r
724 _s._wD('soundManager: Document already loaded');\r
725 };\r
726 _s.initUserOnload();\r
727 };\r
728 };\r
730 this.initUserOnload = function() {\r
731 _s._wD('soundManager.initComplete(): calling soundManager.onload()',1);\r
732 // call user-defined "onload", scoped to window\r
733 try {\r
734 _s.onload.apply(window);\r
735 } catch(e) {\r
736 // something broke (likely JS error in user function)\r
737 _s._wD('soundManager.onload() threw an exception: '+e.message,2);\r
738 setTimeout(function(){throw new Error(e)},20);\r
739 return false;\r
740 };\r
741 _s._wD('soundManager.onload() complete',1);\r
742 };\r
744 this.init = function() {\r
745 _s._wD('-- soundManager.init() --');\r
746 // called after onload()\r
747 _s._initMovie();\r
748 if (_s._didInit) {\r
749 _s._wD('soundManager.init(): Already called?');\r
750 return false;\r
751 };\r
752 // event cleanup\r
753 if (window.removeEventListener) {\r
754 window.removeEventListener('load',_s.beginDelayedInit,false);\r
755 } else if (window.detachEvent) {\r
756 window.detachEvent('onload',_s.beginDelayedInit);\r
757 };\r
758 try {\r
759 _s._wD('Attempting to call JS -&gt; Flash..');\r
760 _s.o._externalInterfaceTest(false); // attempt to talk to Flash\r
761 // _s._wD('Flash ExternalInterface call (JS-Flash) OK',1);\r
762 if (!_s.allowPolling) {\r
763 _s._wD('Polling (whileloading/whileplaying support) is disabled.',1);\r
764 }\r
765 _s.setPolling(true);\r
766 if (!_s.debugMode) _s.o._disableDebug();\r
767 _s.enabled = true;\r
768 } catch(e) {\r
769 _s._failSafely();\r
770 _s.initComplete();\r
771 return false;\r
772 };\r
773 _s.initComplete();\r
774 };\r
776 this.beginDelayedInit = function() {\r
777 _s._wD('soundManager.beginDelayedInit(): Document loaded');\r
778 _s._windowLoaded = true;\r
779 setTimeout(_s.waitForExternalInterface,500);\r
780 setTimeout(_s.beginInit,20);\r
781 };\r
783 this.beginInit = function() {\r
784 if (_s._initPending) return false;\r
785 _s.createMovie(); // ensure creation if not already done\r
786 _s._initMovie();\r
787 _s._initPending = true;\r
788 return true;\r
789 };\r
791 this.domContentLoaded = function() {\r
792 _s._wD('soundManager.domContentLoaded()');\r
793 if (document.removeEventListener) document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',_s.domContentLoaded,false);\r
794 _s.go();\r
795 };\r
797 this._externalInterfaceOK = function() {\r
798 // callback from flash for confirming that movie loaded, EI is working etc.\r
799 if (_s.swfLoaded) return false;\r
800 _s._wD('soundManager._externalInterfaceOK()');\r
801 _s.swfLoaded = true;\r
802 _s._tryInitOnFocus = false;\r
803 if (_s.isIE) {\r
804 // IE needs a timeout OR delay until window.onload - may need TODO: investigating\r
805 setTimeout(_s.init,100);\r
806 } else {\r
807 _s.init();\r
808 };\r
809 };\r
811 this._setSandboxType = function(sandboxType) {\r
812 var sb = _s.sandbox;\r
813 sb.type = sandboxType;\r
814 sb.description = sb.types[(typeof sb.types[sandboxType] != 'undefined'?sandboxType:'unknown')];\r
815 _s._wD('Flash security sandbox type: '+sb.type);\r
816 if (sb.type == 'localWithFile') {\r
817 sb.noRemote = true;\r
818 sb.noLocal = false;\r
819 _s._wD('Flash security note: Network/internet URLs will not load due to security restrictions. Access can be configured via Flash Player Global Security Settings Page: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html',2);\r
820 } else if (sb.type == 'localWithNetwork') {\r
821 sb.noRemote = false;\r
822 sb.noLocal = true;\r
823 } else if (sb.type == 'localTrusted') {\r
824 sb.noRemote = false;\r
825 sb.noLocal = false;\r
826 };\r
827 };\r
829 this.destruct = function() {\r
830 _s._wD('soundManager.destruct()');\r
831 _s.disable(true);\r
832 };\r
833 \r
834 // SMSound (sound object)\r
835 \r
836 function SMSound(oOptions) {\r
837 var _t = this;\r
838 this.sID = oOptions.id;\r
839 this.url = oOptions.url;\r
840 this.options = _s._mergeObjects(oOptions);\r
841 this.instanceOptions = this.options; // per-play-instance-specific options\r
842 this._iO = this.instanceOptions; // short alias\r
844 this._debug = function() {\r
845 if (_s.debugMode) {\r
846 var stuff = null;\r
847 var msg = [];\r
848 var sF = null;\r
849 var sfBracket = null;\r
850 var maxLength = 64; // # of characters of function code to show before truncating\r
851 for (stuff in _t.options) {\r
852 if (_t.options[stuff] != null) {\r
853 if (_t.options[stuff] instanceof Function) {\r
854 // handle functions specially\r
855 sF = _t.options[stuff].toString();\r
856 sF = sF.replace(/\s\s+/g,' '); // normalize spaces\r
857 sfBracket = sF.indexOf('{');\r
858 msg[msg.length] = ' '+stuff+': {'+sF.substr(sfBracket+1,(Math.min(Math.max(sF.indexOf('\n')-1,maxLength),maxLength))).replace(/\n/g,'')+'... }';\r
859 } else {\r
860 msg[msg.length] = ' '+stuff+': '+_t.options[stuff];\r
861 };\r
862 };\r
863 };\r
864 _s._wD('SMSound() merged options: {\n'+msg.join(', \n')+'\n}');\r
865 };\r
866 };\r
868 this._debug();\r
870 this.id3 = {\r
871 /* \r
872 Name/value pairs set via Flash when available - see reference for names:\r
873 http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flash/8/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00001567.html\r
874 (eg., this.id3.songname or this.id3['songname'])\r
875 */\r
876 };\r
878 this.resetProperties = function(bLoaded) {\r
879 _t.bytesLoaded = null;\r
880 _t.bytesTotal = null;\r
881 _t.position = null;\r
882 _t.duration = null;\r
883 _t.durationEstimate = null;\r
884 _t.loaded = false;\r
885 _t.playState = 0;\r
886 _t.paused = false;\r
887 _t.readyState = 0; // 0 = uninitialised, 1 = loading, 2 = failed/error, 3 = loaded/success\r
888 _t.muted = false;\r
889 _t.didBeforeFinish = false;\r
890 _t.didJustBeforeFinish = false;\r
891 _t.instanceOptions = {};\r
892 _t.instanceCount = 0;\r
893 _t.peakData = {\r
894 left: 0,\r
895 right: 0\r
896 };\r
897 _t.waveformData = [];\r
898 _t.eqData = [];\r
899 };\r
901 _t.resetProperties();\r
903 // --- public methods ---\r
905 this.load = function(oOptions) {\r
906 if (typeof oOptions != 'undefined') {\r
907 _t._iO = _s._mergeObjects(oOptions);\r
908 _t.instanceOptions = _t._iO;\r
909 } else {\r
910 var oOptions = _t.options;\r
911 _t._iO = oOptions;\r
912 _t.instanceOptions = _t._iO;\r
913 } \r
914 if (typeof _t._iO.url == 'undefined') _t._iO.url = _t.url;\r
915 _s._wD('soundManager.load(): '+_t._iO.url,1);\r
916 if (_t._iO.url == _t.url && _t.readyState != 0 && _t.readyState != 2) {\r
917 _s._wD('soundManager.load(): current URL already assigned.',1);\r
918 return false;\r
919 }\r
920 _t.loaded = false;\r
921 _t.readyState = 1;\r
922 _t.playState = (oOptions.autoPlay?1:0); // if autoPlay, assume "playing" is true (no way to detect when it actually starts in Flash unless onPlay is watched?)\r
923 try {\r
924 if (_s.flashVersion==8) {\r
925 _s.o._load(_t.sID,_t._iO.url,_t._iO.stream,_t._iO.autoPlay,(_t._iO.whileloading?1:0));\r
926 } else {\r
927 _s.o._load(_t.sID,_t._iO.url,_t._iO.stream?true:false,_t._iO.autoPlay?true:false); // ,(_tO.whileloading?true:false)\r
928 if (_t._iO.isMovieStar && _t._iO.autoLoad && !_t._iO.autoPlay) {\r
929 // special case: MPEG4 content must start playing to load, then pause to prevent playing.\r
930 _t.pause();\r
931 }\r
932 };\r
933 } catch(e) {\r
934 _s._wD('SMSound.load(): Exception: JS-Flash communication failed, or JS error.',2);\r
935 _s.onerror();\r
936 _s.disable();\r
937 };\r
938 };\r
940 this.unload = function() {\r
941 // Flash 8/AS2 can't "close" a stream - fake it by loading an empty MP3\r
942 // Flash 9/AS3: Close stream, preventing further load\r
943 if (_t.readyState != 0) {\r
944 _s._wD('SMSound.unload(): "'+_t.sID+'"');\r
945 if (_t.readyState != 2) { // reset if not error\r
946 _t.setPosition(0); // reset current sound positioning\r
947 }\r
948 _s.o._unload(_t.sID,_s.nullURL);\r
949 // reset load/status flags\r
950 _t.resetProperties();\r
951 }\r
952 };\r
954 this.destruct = function() {\r
955 // kill sound within Flash\r
956 _s._wD('SMSound.destruct(): "'+_t.sID+'"');\r
957 _s.o._destroySound(_t.sID);\r
958 _s.destroySound(_t.sID,true); // ensure deletion from controller\r
959 }\r
961 this.play = function(oOptions) {\r
962 if (!oOptions) oOptions = {};\r
963 _t._iO = _s._mergeObjects(oOptions,_t._iO);\r
964 _t._iO = _s._mergeObjects(_t._iO,_t.options);\r
965 _t.instanceOptions = _t._iO;\r
966 if (_t.playState == 1) {\r
967 var allowMulti = _t._iO.multiShot;\r
968 if (!allowMulti) {\r
969 _s._wD('SMSound.play(): "'+_t.sID+'" already playing (one-shot)',1);\r
970 return false;\r
971 } else {\r
972 _s._wD('SMSound.play(): "'+_t.sID+'" already playing (multi-shot)',1);\r
973 };\r
974 };\r
975 if (!_t.loaded) {\r
976 if (_t.readyState == 0) {\r
977 _s._wD('SMSound.play(): Attempting to load "'+_t.sID+'"',1);\r
978 // try to get this sound playing ASAP\r
979 _t._iO.stream = true;\r
980 _t._iO.autoPlay = true;\r
981 // TODO: need to investigate when false, double-playing\r
982 // if (typeof oOptions.autoPlay=='undefined') _tO.autoPlay = true; // only set autoPlay if unspecified here\r
983 _t.load(_t._iO); // try to get this sound playing ASAP\r
984 } else if (_t.readyState == 2) {\r
985 _s._wD('SMSound.play(): Could not load "'+_t.sID+'" - exiting',2);\r
986 return false;\r
987 } else {\r
988 _s._wD('SMSound.play(): "'+_t.sID+'" is loading - attempting to play..',1);\r
989 };\r
990 } else {\r
991 _s._wD('SMSound.play(): "'+_t.sID+'"');\r
992 };\r
993 if (_t.paused) {\r
994 _t.resume();\r
995 } else {\r
996 _t.playState = 1;\r
997 if (!_t.instanceCount || _s.flashVersion == 9) _t.instanceCount++;\r
998 _t.position = (typeof _t._iO.position != 'undefined' && !isNaN(_t._iO.position)?_t._iO.position:0);\r
999 if (_t._iO.onplay) _t._iO.onplay.apply(_t);\r
1000 _t.setVolume(_t._iO.volume);\r
1001 _t.setPan(_t._iO.pan);\r
1002 _s.o._start(_t.sID,_t._iO.loop||1,(_s.flashVersion==9?_t.position:_t.position/1000));\r
1003 };\r
1004 };\r
1006 this.start = this.play; // just for convenience\r
1008 this.stop = function(bAll) {\r
1009 if (_t.playState == 1) {\r
1010 _t.playState = 0;\r
1011 _t.paused = false;\r
1012 // if (_s.defaultOptions.onstop) _s.defaultOptions.onstop.apply(_s);\r
1013 if (_t._iO.onstop) _t._iO.onstop.apply(_t);\r
1014 _s.o._stop(_t.sID,bAll);\r
1015 _t.instanceCount = 0;\r
1016 _t._iO = {};\r
1017 // _t.instanceOptions = _t._iO;\r
1018 };\r
1019 };\r
1021 this.setPosition = function(nMsecOffset) {\r
1022 _t._iO.position = nMsecOffset;\r
1023 _s._wD('SMSound.setPosition('+nMsecOffset+')');\r
1024 _s.o._setPosition(_t.sID,(_s.flashVersion==9?_t._iO.position:_t._iO.position/1000),(_t.paused||!_t.playState)); // if paused or not playing, will not resume (by playing)\r
1025 };\r
1027 this.pause = function() {\r
1028 if (_t.paused || _t.playState == 0) return false;\r
1029 _s._wD('SMSound.pause()');\r
1030 _t.paused = true;\r
1031 _s.o._pause(_t.sID);\r
1032 if (_t._iO.onpause) _t._iO.onpause.apply(_t);\r
1033 };\r
1035 this.resume = function() {\r
1036 if (!_t.paused || _t.playState == 0) return false;\r
1037 _s._wD('SMSound.resume()');\r
1038 _t.paused = false;\r
1039 _s.o._pause(_t.sID); // flash method is toggle-based (pause/resume)\r
1040 if (_t._iO.onresume) _t._iO.onresume.apply(_t);\r
1041 };\r
1043 this.togglePause = function() {\r
1044 _s._wD('SMSound.togglePause()');\r
1045 if (!_t.playState) {\r
1046 _t.play({position:(_s.flashVersion==9?_t.position:_t.position/1000)});\r
1047 return false;\r
1048 };\r
1049 if (_t.paused) {\r
1050 _t.resume();\r
1051 } else {\r
1052 _t.pause();\r
1053 };\r
1054 };\r
1056 this.setPan = function(nPan) {\r
1057 if (typeof nPan == 'undefined') nPan = 0;\r
1058 _s.o._setPan(_t.sID,nPan);\r
1059 _t._iO.pan = nPan;\r
1060 };\r
1062 this.setVolume = function(nVol) {\r
1063 if (typeof nVol == 'undefined') nVol = 100;\r
1064 _s.o._setVolume(_t.sID,(_s.muted&&!_t.muted)||_t.muted?0:nVol);\r
1065 _t._iO.volume = nVol;\r
1066 };\r
1068 this.mute = function() {\r
1069 _t.muted = true;\r
1070 _s.o._setVolume(_t.sID,0);\r
1071 };\r
1073 this.unmute = function() {\r
1074 _t.muted = false;\r
1075 _s.o._setVolume(_t.sID,typeof _t._iO.volume != 'undefined'?_t._iO.volume:_t.options.volume);\r
1076 };\r
1078 // --- "private" methods called by Flash ---\r
1080 this._whileloading = function(nBytesLoaded,nBytesTotal,nDuration) {\r
1081 if (!_t._iO.isMovieStar) {\r
1082 _t.bytesLoaded = nBytesLoaded;\r
1083 _t.bytesTotal = nBytesTotal;\r
1084 _t.duration = Math.floor(nDuration);\r
1085 _t.durationEstimate = parseInt((_t.bytesTotal/_t.bytesLoaded)*_t.duration); // estimate total time (will only be accurate with CBR MP3s.)\r
1086 if (_t.readyState != 3 && _t._iO.whileloading) _t._iO.whileloading.apply(_t);\r
1087 } else {\r
1088 _t.bytesLoaded = nBytesLoaded;\r
1089 _t.bytesTotal = nBytesTotal;\r
1090 _t.duration = Math.floor(nDuration);\r
1091 _t.durationEstimate = _t.duration;\r
1092 if (_t.readyState != 3 && _t._iO.whileloading) _t._iO.whileloading.apply(_t);\r
1093 }\r
1094 };\r
1096 this._onid3 = function(oID3PropNames,oID3Data) {\r
1097 // oID3PropNames: string array (names)\r
1098 // ID3Data: string array (data)\r
1099 _s._wD('SMSound._onid3(): "'+this.sID+'" ID3 data received.');\r
1100 var oData = [];\r
1101 for (var i=0,j=oID3PropNames.length; i<j; i++) {\r
1102 oData[oID3PropNames[i]] = oID3Data[i];\r
1103 // _s._wD(oID3PropNames[i]+': '+oID3Data[i]);\r
1104 };\r
1105 _t.id3 = _s._mergeObjects(_t.id3,oData);\r
1106 if (_t._iO.onid3) _t._iO.onid3.apply(_t);\r
1107 };\r
1109 this._whileplaying = function(nPosition,oPeakData,oWaveformData,oEQData) {\r
1110 if (isNaN(nPosition) || nPosition == null) return false; // Flash may return NaN at times\r
1111 _t.position = nPosition;\r
1112 if (_t._iO.usePeakData && typeof oPeakData != 'undefined' && oPeakData) {\r
1113 _t.peakData = {\r
1114 left: oPeakData.leftPeak,\r
1115 right: oPeakData.rightPeak\r
1116 };\r
1117 };\r
1118 if (_t._iO.useWaveformData && typeof oWaveformData != 'undefined' && oWaveformData) {\r
1119 _t.waveformData = oWaveformData;\r
1120 /*\r
1121 _t.spectrumData = {\r
1122 left: oSpectrumData.left.split(','),\r
1123 right: oSpectrumData.right.split(',')\r
1124 }\r
1125 */\r
1126 };\r
1127 if (_t._iO.useEQData && typeof oEQData != 'undefined' && oEQData) {\r
1128 _t.eqData = oEQData;\r
1129 };\r
1130 if (_t.playState == 1) {\r
1131 if (_t._iO.whileplaying) {\r
1132 _t._iO.whileplaying.apply(_t); // flash may call after actual finish\r
1133 };\r
1134 if (_t.loaded && _t._iO.onbeforefinish && _t._iO.onbeforefinishtime && !_t.didBeforeFinish && _t.duration-_t.position <= _t._iO.onbeforefinishtime) {\r
1135 _s._wD('duration-position &lt;= onbeforefinishtime: '+_t.duration+' - '+_t.position+' &lt= '+_t._iO.onbeforefinishtime+' ('+(_t.duration-_t.position)+')');\r
1136 _t._onbeforefinish();\r
1137 };\r
1138 };\r
1139 };\r
1141 this._onload = function(bSuccess) {\r
1142 bSuccess = (bSuccess==1?true:false);\r
1143 _s._wD('SMSound._onload(): "'+_t.sID+'"'+(bSuccess?' loaded.':' failed to load? - '+_t.url));\r
1144 if (!bSuccess) {\r
1145 if (_s.sandbox.noRemote == true) {\r
1146 _s._wD('SMSound._onload(): Reminder: Flash security is denying network/internet access',1);\r
1147 };\r
1148 if (_s.sandbox.noLocal == true) {\r
1149 _s._wD('SMSound._onload(): Reminder: Flash security is denying local access',1);\r
1150 };\r
1151 };\r
1152 _t.loaded = bSuccess;\r
1153 _t.readyState = bSuccess?3:2;\r
1154 if (_t._iO.onload) {\r
1155 _t._iO.onload.apply(_t);\r
1156 };\r
1157 };\r
1159 this._onbeforefinish = function() {\r
1160 if (!_t.didBeforeFinish) {\r
1161 _t.didBeforeFinish = true;\r
1162 if (_t._iO.onbeforefinish) {\r
1163 _s._wD('SMSound._onbeforefinish(): "'+_t.sID+'"');\r
1164 _t._iO.onbeforefinish.apply(_t);\r
1165 }\r
1166 };\r
1167 };\r
1169 this._onjustbeforefinish = function(msOffset) {\r
1170 // msOffset: "end of sound" delay actual value (eg. 200 msec, value at event fire time was 187)\r
1171 if (!_t.didJustBeforeFinish) {\r
1172 _t.didJustBeforeFinish = true;\r
1173 if (_t._iO.onjustbeforefinish) {\r
1174 _s._wD('SMSound._onjustbeforefinish(): "'+_t.sID+'"');\r
1175 _t._iO.onjustbeforefinish.apply(_t);\r
1176 }\r
1177 };\r
1178 };\r
1180 this._onfinish = function() {\r
1181 // sound has finished playing\r
1182 _t.playState = 0;\r
1183 _t.paused = false;\r
1184 if (_t._iO.onfinish) {\r
1185 _s._wD('SMSound._onfinish(): "'+_t.sID+'"');\r
1186 _t._iO.onfinish.apply(_t);\r
1187 }\r
1188 if (_t._iO.onbeforefinishcomplete) _t._iO.onbeforefinishcomplete.apply(_t);\r
1189 // reset some state items\r
1190 _t.setPosition(0);\r
1191 _t.didBeforeFinish = false;\r
1192 _t.didJustBeforeFinish = false;\r
1193 if (_t.instanceCount) {\r
1194 _t.instanceCount--;\r
1195 if (!_t.instanceCount) {\r
1196 // reset instance options\r
1197 _t.instanceCount = 0;\r
1198 _t.instanceOptions = {};\r
1199 }\r
1200 }\r
1201 };\r
1203 this._onmetadata = function(oMetaData) {\r
1204 // movieStar mode only\r
1205 _s._wD('SMSound.onmetadata()');\r
1206 // Contains a subset of metadata. Note that files may have their own unique metadata.\r
1207 // http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00000267.html\r
1208 if (!oMetaData.width && !oMetaData.height) {\r
1209 _s._wD('No width/height given, assuming defaults');\r
1210 oMetaData.width = 320;\r
1211 oMetaData.height = 240;\r
1212 };\r
1213 _t.metadata = oMetaData; // potentially-large object from flash\r
1214 _t.width = oMetaData.width;\r
1215 _t.height = oMetaData.height;\r
1216 if (_t._iO.onmetadata) {\r
1217 _s._wD('SMSound._onmetadata(): "'+_t.sID+'"');\r
1218 _t._iO.onmetadata.apply(_t);\r
1219 }\r
1220 _s.wD('SMSound.onmetadata() complete');\r
1221 };\r
1223 }; // SMSound()\r
1225 // register a few event handlers\r
1226 if (window.addEventListener) {\r
1227 window.addEventListener('focus',_s.handleFocus,false);\r
1228 window.addEventListener('load',_s.beginDelayedInit,false);\r
1229 window.addEventListener('unload',_s.destruct,false);\r
1230 if (_s._tryInitOnFocus) window.addEventListener('mousemove',_s.handleFocus,false); // massive Safari focus hack\r
1231 } else if (window.attachEvent) {\r
1232 window.attachEvent('onfocus',_s.handleFocus);\r
1233 window.attachEvent('onload',_s.beginDelayedInit);\r
1234 window.attachEvent('unload',_s.destruct);\r
1235 } else {\r
1236 // no add/attachevent support - safe to assume no JS -> Flash either.\r
1237 soundManager.onerror();\r
1238 soundManager.disable();\r
1239 };\r
1241 if (document.addEventListener) document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',_s.domContentLoaded,false);\r
1243}; // SoundManager()\r
1245var soundManager = new SoundManager();\r