]> jfr.im git - irc/quakenet/newserv.git/blob - chanserv/usercmds/commandlist.c
[irc/quakenet/newserv.git] / chanserv / usercmds / commandlist.c
1 /* Automatically generated by mkcommandlist.pl, do not edit. */
3 #include "../chanserv.h"
5 /* Prototypes */
6 int csa_doaccounthistory(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
7 int csu_docleanupdb(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
8 int csu_dodeluser(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
9 int csu_dodomainmode(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
10 int csu_doinfo(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
11 int csu_dolanguage(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
12 int csu_dolistflags(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
13 int csu_domaillock(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
14 int csa_dorollbackaccount(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
15 int csu_dospewdb(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
16 int csu_dospewdomain(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
17 int csu_dospewemail(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
18 int csu_dospewpass(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
19 int csu_dosuspenduser(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
20 int csu_dosuspenduserlist(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
21 int csu_dounsuspenduser(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
22 int csu_dousercomment(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
23 int csu_douserflags(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
24 int csu_dowhoami(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
25 int csu_dowhois(void *source, int cargc, char **cargv);
27 void _init() {
28 chanservaddcommand("accounthistory", QCMD_OPER, 1, csa_doaccounthistory, "View password/email history for an account.", "Usage: accounthistory <account>\nShows password/email history for the specified account.\n");
29 chanservaddcommand("cleanupdb", QCMD_DEV, 0, csu_docleanupdb, "Clean up database.", "Usage: cleanupdb\nRemoves unused and never used accounts that exceed the idleness\nthresholds.\n");
30 chanservaddcommand("deluser", QCMD_OPER, 2, csu_dodeluser, "Removes a user from the bot.", "Usage: deluser <username>\nRemoves the specified username from the bot.\n");
31 chanservaddcommand("domainmode", QCMD_OPER, 4, csu_dodomainmode, "Set/Unset Mail Domain Modes", "Syntax: domainmode <domain> [<flags>]\nViews or modifies the domainmode flags for specified domain.\nFlags consist of:\n +b don't allow email addresses from this domain.\n +u <limit> don't allow more than <limit> accounts to share\n email addresses on this domain.\n +l <limit> don't allow more than <limit> accounts with\n email addresses on this domain.\nNote that domains are hierarchical, so setting +b on org will\nprevent operations from quakenet.org, fish.quakenet.org, etc.\n");
32 chanservaddcommand("info", QCMD_OPER | QCMD_AUTHED, 2, csu_doinfo, "Shows or changes info line.", "Usage: INFO [<channel>] [<info line>]\nShows or updates your current info line, which can be configured to be displayed\nwhen you join a channel. Where:\nchannel - channel to set info line on. If no channel is specified, your default\n info line will be used. If a channel is specified you must be known\n (+k) on the channel.\ninfo line - new info line to set. If not specified, the current info line will be\n displayed. If \"none\" is specified, the info line will be cleared.\n");
33 chanservaddcommand("language", QCMD_AUTHED | QCMD_OPER, 1, csu_dolanguage, "Shows or changes your current language.", "");
34 chanservaddcommand("listflags", QCMD_OPER, 1, csu_dolistflags, "List users with the specified user flags.", "");
35 chanservaddcommand("maillock", QCMD_OPER, 3, csu_domaillock, "Set/unset/list mail lock patterns", "Usage: maillock <-list|-add|-del> <pattern> [<reason>]\nManipulates the list of mail lock patterns.\nAny email address matching the pattern will be refused in HELLO/EMAIL.\nA reason is optional for -list, but recommended.\n");
36 chanservaddcommand("rollbackaccount", QCMD_OPER, 2, csa_dorollbackaccount, "Roll back password/email changes on an account.", "");
37 chanservaddcommand("spewdb", QCMD_OPER, 1, csu_dospewdb, "Search for a user in the database.", "");
38 chanservaddcommand("spewdomain", QCMD_OPER, 1, csu_dospewdomain, "Spew Mail Domains.", "");
39 chanservaddcommand("spewemail", QCMD_OPER, 1, csu_dospewemail, "Search for an e-mail in the database.", "");
40 chanservaddcommand("spewpass", QCMD_OPER, 1, csu_dospewpass, "Search for a password in the database.", "");
41 chanservaddcommand("suspenduser", QCMD_OPER, 1, csu_dosuspenduser, "Suspend/Delay GLINE/Instantly GLINE a user.", "");
42 chanservaddcommand("suspenduserlist", QCMD_HELPER, 1, csu_dosuspenduserlist, "Lists suspended/locked users.", "");
43 chanservaddcommand("unsuspenduser", QCMD_OPER, 1, csu_dounsuspenduser, "Unsuspend a user.", "");
44 chanservaddcommand("usercomment", QCMD_OPER, 2, csu_dousercomment, "Shows or changes staff comment for a user.", "");
45 chanservaddcommand("userflags", QCMD_AUTHED, 2, csu_douserflags, "Shows or changes user flags.", "Usage: USERFLAGS <flags>\nChanges your current user flags, where:\nflags - changes to apply, in the usual flag letters preceded by +/- format.\nValid user flags are:\n +n NOTICE - causes the bot to sent you NOTICEs. If this flag is not set the\n bot will communicate using PRIVMSG.\n");
46 chanservaddcommand("whoami", QCMD_AUTHED, 0, csu_dowhoami, "Displays information about you", "Usage: WHOAMI\nDisplays various information about your account.\n");
47 chanservaddcommand("whois", QCMD_AUTHED, 1, csu_dowhois, "Displays information about a user.", "Usage: WHOIS <user>\nDisplays information about a user, where:\nuser - user to request information for, either the nickname of an active user on\n the network or #accountname.\n");
48 }
50 void _fini() {
51 chanservremovecommand("accounthistory", csa_doaccounthistory);
52 chanservremovecommand("cleanupdb", csu_docleanupdb);
53 chanservremovecommand("deluser", csu_dodeluser);
54 chanservremovecommand("domainmode", csu_dodomainmode);
55 chanservremovecommand("info", csu_doinfo);
56 chanservremovecommand("language", csu_dolanguage);
57 chanservremovecommand("listflags", csu_dolistflags);
58 chanservremovecommand("maillock", csu_domaillock);
59 chanservremovecommand("rollbackaccount", csa_dorollbackaccount);
60 chanservremovecommand("spewdb", csu_dospewdb);
61 chanservremovecommand("spewdomain", csu_dospewdomain);
62 chanservremovecommand("spewemail", csu_dospewemail);
63 chanservremovecommand("spewpass", csu_dospewpass);
64 chanservremovecommand("suspenduser", csu_dosuspenduser);
65 chanservremovecommand("suspenduserlist", csu_dosuspenduserlist);
66 chanservremovecommand("unsuspenduser", csu_dounsuspenduser);
67 chanservremovecommand("usercomment", csu_dousercomment);
68 chanservremovecommand("userflags", csu_douserflags);
69 chanservremovecommand("whoami", csu_dowhoami);
70 chanservremovecommand("whois", csu_dowhois);
71 }