]> jfr.im git - irc/freenode/web-7.0.git/blame - content/news/2007-02-15-bringing-people-together.md
Update the people page (#521)
[irc/freenode/web-7.0.git] / content / news / 2007-02-15-bringing-people-together.md
c5293e15 1---
2author: christel
3date: 2007-02-15 02:12:17+00:00
4slug: bringing-people-together
5title: Bringing people together?
6category: community
7category: fosscon
8category: freenode
df8e5765 9imported: yes
3406dcfa 10robots: noindex
849bdd6f 11---
849bdd6f 12When I first came on board as [freenode](http://www.freenode.net) staff I had no idea what a incredible experience I was in for.
34876803 13
849bdd6f 14Over the past few years I've gotten to know some amazing people, both online and in person, become involved with some exciting projects, learned a lot about cool new stuff.. and it's all thanks to the community surrounding the network.
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849bdd6f 16Here I am now, starting to find my confidence and getting comfortable in my role as Head of Staff for [freenode](http://www.freenode.net), and as a director for the PDPC.
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849bdd6f 18I am psyched about the fact that the network continues to grow, we've just hit 36,000 users a few weeks back. I'm excited and geared about new projects we're taking on like [FOSSCON](http://www.fosscon.org), the Free and Open Source Software Conference we are arranging in San Diego later this year.
34876803 19
849bdd6f 20I am proud to be working with such an amazing team of volunteers, the entire [freenode](http://www.freenode.net) staff is made up from people who share a drive and passion.
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849bdd6f 22"If freenode didn't exist, someone would have to invent it. That's how you know that it's not only an essential idea, but something you can't imagine not being there." Those were the words used by a gentleman I met this weekend at [Southern California Linux Expo](http://www.socallinuxexpo.com), and it filled me with this feeling of warmth.
34876803 23
849bdd6f 24We matter, we matter to the projects that use us. Alex Ionescu of [ReactOS](http://www.reactos.org) went as far as to thank freenode for playing such a large part in the success of the ReactOS project, stating that without freenode the project wouldn't exist now.
34876803 25
26That feels nice, having people come up and say "We appreciate what you do," people thanking us for the time we put down working on this. And more so, it encourages us to continue working on making improvements and offering a even better service.
27freenode may not have the ambition to be "the best network IN the world". But we do strive to become "the best network FOR the community."
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849bdd6f 29freenode is a value-based network, driven by a curiosity to find and develop new strategies for communicating, learning and collaborating.
34876803 30
31We realize that the times we live in demand creative and innovative thinkers and actors with insight, courage and determination. And I believe that these are exactly the sort of people we have on freenode, both my staff and many of the people involved in the wider community.
32We aim to provide other projects with a safe space for creative thinking and discussion, a communication platform where you can collaborate and turn small ideas into big explosions.
34876803 33
849bdd6f 34We are about _bringing people together!_
34876803 35
849bdd6f 36I am going to blog soon about some of the changes that are happening with the network and how we communicate with and look for feedback from our users. I am going to let myself bare a bit and tell you how the last few months, following Rob "lilo" Levin's death has affected us, and how it has changed us.
34876803 37
849bdd6f 38But for now I am going to simply thank you for using freenode, for helping us make this into what it is, wish you a happy Valentines Day and leave you with a few wise words by my friend Albert.
34876803 39
40"A human being is part of the whole, called by us "universe",
41a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our
42thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest.
43A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a
44kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and
45to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
34876803 46
47Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by
48widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living
49creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty... We shall
50require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to
51survive." -- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)