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2Title: Celebrating Fedora 25 with freenode
3Author: Justin W. Flory (jflory7)
4Date: 2016-12-17T14:49-05:00
5Slug: celebrating-fedora-freenode
58634e37 8![Celebrating Fedora 25 with freenode](https://i.imgur.com/yMLgxZp.png)
10On November 22nd, 2016, the [Fedora
11Project](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Overview) released Fedora 25,
12the latest and greatest version of our
13[Linux-based](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel) operating
14system. For [over thirteen
16the Fedora community has worked to bring the leading edge of open source
17development to the world. Fedora's focus is guided by its [Four
18Foundations](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Foundations): *Freedom,
19Friends, Features, First*. *Freedom* is representative of Fedora's
20commitment to championing free and open source software and contributing
21back to upstream projects for the benefit of the open source community.
22*Features* stands for Fedora's commitment to driving some of the newest
23features *First* before anyone else. Some of these examples include the
24[Wayland display
26[systemd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd), and [GNOME
273](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME#GNOME_3). Perhaps most
28importantly, *Friends* are for the friendships made by contributors from
29around the world who help make every release of Fedora possible. Part of
30why *Friends* is an important part of the Four Foundations is
31communication. Fedora community members come from all over the planet,
32including six out of seven continents. The tools we use to communicate
33help us collaborate, solve problems, and build friendships. IRC and
34freenode are an important part of how we communicate. Fedora registered
35our first channel on freenode on December 29, 2002. As we celebrate
36thirteen years of open source collaboration and the newest release of
37Fedora 25, the Fedora community wanted to reflect on our longstanding
38relationship with freenode.
40How Fedora uses freenode
43As a large open source project, there are many different teams and
44sub-projects in Fedora that help move us toward a new release. Just like
45there are many parts to a car's engine, there are many parts to Fedora's
46engine. Some of these groups are officially recognized sub-projects like
47the [Design team](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design), [Community
48Operations](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps), or [Docs
49team](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project). Other times, they
50are informal [Special Interest
51Groups](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:SIGs) (SIGs) that bring
52contributors together to focus on specific topics like programming
53languages or desktop environments, like the [Python
54SIG](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Python) or [KDE
55SIG](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE). Usually, each of these
56groups or teams will have their own IRC channel to coordinate in. The
57Design team uses `#fedora-design`, the Python SIG uses `#fedora-python`…
58and so on. In total, Fedora has over 175 registered channels to its
59name. Frequently, teams will hold public meetings in the freenode
60channels to work through tickets, plan ahead on upcoming tasks, or
61discuss important topics for their team. There are a series of special
62meeting channels used for this purpose. Using the
63[MeetBot](http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html) plugin, Fedora uses our
64own [zodbot](https://github.com/fedora-infra/supybot-fedora) to help run
65meetings, mark up links or important ideas, and create a pretty HTML
66summary at the end of the meeting. All of these summaries and full logs
67are found at
70Tips to using IRC effectively
73There are countless different workflows, IRC clients, and handy plugins
74available to customize the IRC experience. In the spirit of the
75*Friends* Foundation and the Code of Conduct, Fedora contributors are
76encouraged to [always be excellent to one
77another](https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct). It's important to
78follow good manners in any IRC channel, Fedora or any other. Having good
79manners in IRC are as important as it is in real life. Be courteous to
80others, and if in doubt, it's good to assume the best intentions by
81others. IRC is important for Fedora, and many contributors have put
82together guides of our own as well. You can read more tips from the
83Fedora team in our [IRC Beginner's
84Guide](https://fedoramagazine.org/beginners-guide-irc/) on the [Fedora
87What's next for Fedora?
90As 2016 comes to an end, we're wrapping up on our own new release of
91Fedora 25. The Fedora community is looking forward to helping drive open
92source innovation and contributing to the Linux community for many years
93to come. Feodra currently has more than 2,000 contributors, and in the
94tenth percentile of active contributors, 65% of them are from the
95community ([State of Fedora, Flock
97The Fedora steam engine is chugging ahead, and we're excited to see
98where it takes us next. We're happy to be able to have shared past,
99current, and future milestones together with the freenode community.
100Keep an eye out for Fedora Ambassadors in Europe during
101[DevConf](https://devconf.cz/) and [FOSDEM](https://fosdem.org/2017/).
102You can also find us in North America at [BrickHack
1032017](https://brickhack.io/). And there will be more events all through
104the year you can keep an eye out for us at!