]> jfr.im git - irc/freenode/web-7.0.git/blame - content/news/2009-03-09-20082009-fundraiser-campaign-update.md
[irc/freenode/web-7.0.git] / content / news / 2009-03-09-20082009-fundraiser-campaign-update.md
1author: JonathanD
2date: 2009-03-09 15:32:07+00:00
3slug: 20082009-fundraiser-campaign-update
4title: 2008/2009 fundraiser campaign update
6- freenode
7- infrastructure
8- pdpc
849bdd6f 10**[UPDATE]**
34876803 11
849bdd6f 12** **We are down to only £241.60 needed after matching!  Thank you for your generosity!
34876803 13
849bdd6f 14**[END UPDATE] **
34876803 15
16So close, yet so far away...
17As you are probably aware, we are coming up on the end of our 2008/2009 fundraising campaign.  First, let us thank all of you who have already donated. We appreciate every one of you!  While we are very close to our goals, we just wanted to take a moment to update everyone on just how close, and what exactly it means.
34876803 18
849bdd6f 19While the goal of £5,000.00 seems rather arbitrary, the reality is quite different.  Our current target will enable us to keep the charity status we've had in the past, which among other things enables our sponsers to realize certain tax benefits.  This helps cover the costs they pay in providing us the servers which are of course vital to freenode.  While the graph on the freenode.net homepage indicates that we have £2300 to go, this does not include the potential £1700 of matched donations from Canonical -- which means that the actual amount we need you to help us raise totals only £600!  At present, we have just a few weeks left to raise this but we are so very close, so if you would like to be generous now is the time.
34876803 20
849bdd6f 21Now, while the number is imposed by the charity requirement, our needs are not.  Quite a few users have made it known they would like to know more about what we will do with any funds not used directly for current pdpc costs.  Among other things, we are looking at hosting live conference events in Europe and the US, as well as some efforts to extend the sort of services we offer to the projects currently using our facilities. In addition to this, we would like to look at ways of improving the reliability of the freenode network by hosting a few of our own hubs and backup services systems.
34876803 22
849bdd6f 23As a reminder, all donations received at this time (up to £1700) are being matched by Canonical, so every donation you send is doubled!  We are hugely grateful for their help and generosity in our efforts, and would like to thank Mark and Canonical, and the entire Ubuntu community once again.
34876803 24
849bdd6f 25As always, thanks to each and every one of you for using freenode.