]> jfr.im git - irc/evilnet/x3.git/blob - tools/db.php
Couple of srvx updates.
[irc/evilnet/x3.git] / tools / db.php
1 <pre>
2 <?php
3 /*
4 This is a php function & demo util which parses the x3.db and x3.conf files for use in web programs.
6 Written by Jobe:
7 <Jobe> reads in the DB, parses it then print_r's it
8 <Jobe> if it comes across a syntax it doesnt know it stops parsing and puts the remaining data, all of it in ['parserror'] in whatever array its working in
9 */
11 $conf['dbfile'] = "x3.db";
13 $dh = fopen($conf['dbfile'], "r");
15 $contents = fread($dh, filesize($conf['dbfile']));
17 fclose($dh);
19 function parse_data ($data = "") {
20 static $passback = "";
21 $working = $data;
22 $return = array();
23 $loop = true;
25 if ( $data != "" ) {
26 while ( $loop ) {
27 if ( preg_match("/^\s*\/\/([^\n\r]*)[\n\r]*(.*)\$/s", $working, $matches) ) {
28 /* ignore // comments */
29 $working = $matches[2];
30 } else if ( preg_match("/^\s*#([^\n\r]*)[\n\r]*(.*)\$/s", $working, $matches) ) {
31 /* ignore # comments */
32 $working = $matches[2];
33 } else if ( preg_match("/^\s*\/\*(.*?)\*\/\s*(.*)\$/s", $working, $matches) ) {
34 // ignore /* */ comments
35 $working = $matches[2];
36 } else if ( preg_match("/^\s*\}\s*;\s*(.*)\$/s", $working, $matches) ) {
37 /* section end */
38 $passback = $matches[1];
39 $loop = false;
40 } else if ( preg_match("/^\s*((\"(((\\\\\")|[^\"])+)\")|([^\s]+))\s*\{\s*(.*)\$/s", $working, $matches) ) {
41 /* section start (name quoted) */
42 if ( $matches[3] != "" ) {
43 $return[strtolower($matches[3])] = parse_data($matches[7]);
44 } else {
45 $return[strtolower($matches[1])] = parse_data($matches[7]);
46 }
47 $working = $passback;
48 } else if ( preg_match("/^\s*((\"(((\\\\\")|[^\"])+)\")|([^\s]+))\s*\(\s*((((\"(((\\\\\")|[^\"])+)\")|([^\s,]+))\s*(,\s*((\"(((\\\\\")|[^\"])+)\")|([^\s,]+))\s*)*)?)\s*\)\s*;\s*(.*)\$/s", $working, $matches) ) {
49 /* array */
50 $arraycontents = $matches[7];
51 $array = array();
52 while ( preg_match("/[^\s]+/", $arraycontents) ) {
53 preg_match("/^\s*,?\s*((\"(((\\\\\")|[^\"])+)\")|([^\s,]+))\s*(.*)/s", $arraycontents, $arraymatches);
54 if ( $arraymatches[3] != "" ) {
55 $array[] = $arraymatches[3];
56 } else {
57 $array[] = $arraymatches[1];
58 }
59 $arraycontents = $arraymatches[7];
60 }
61 if ( $matches[3] != "" ) {
62 $return[strtolower($matches[3])] = $array;
63 } else {
64 $return[strtolower($matches[1])] = $array;
65 }
66 $working = $matches[22];
67 } else if ( preg_match("/^\s*((\"(((\\\\\")|[^\"])+)\")|([^\s,]+))\s*(((\"(((\\\\\")|[^\"])+)\")|([^\s,]+)))?\s*;\s*(.*)\$/s", $working, $matches) ) {
68 /* name value pair */
69 if ( $matches[3] != "" ) {
70 $key = strtolower($matches[3]);
71 } else {
72 $key = strtolower($matches[1]);
73 }
74 if ( $matches[7] != "" ) {
75 if ( $matches[10] != "" ) {
76 $val = $matches[10];
77 } else {
78 $val = $matches[7];
79 }
80 if ( isset($return[$key]) ) {
81 if ( !is_array($return[$key]) ) {
82 $temp = $return[$key];
83 unset($return[$key]);
84 $return[$key][] = $temp;
85 $return[$key][] = $val;
86 } else {
87 $return[$key][] = $val;
88 }
89 } else {
90 $return[$key] = $val;
91 }
92 } else {
93 $return[$key] = array();
94 }
95 $working = $matches[14];
96 } else {
97 if ( $working != "" ) {
98 $return['parseerror'] = $working;
99 }
100 $passback = "";
101 $loop = false;
102 }
103 }
104 }
106 return $return;
107 }
109 $db = parse_data($contents);
111 print_r($db);
113 ?>
114 </pre>