]> jfr.im git - irc/evilnet/x3.git/blame_incremental - tests/test-driver.pl
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[irc/evilnet/x3.git] / tests / test-driver.pl
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1#! /usr/bin/perl -wT
3# If you edit this file, please check carefully that the garbage
4# collection isn't broken. POE is sometimes too clever for our good
5# in finding references to sessions, and keeps running even after we
6# want to stop.
8require 5.006;
10use warnings;
11use strict;
12use vars;
13use constant DELAY => 2;
14use constant EXPECT_TIMEOUT => 15;
15use constant RECONNECT_TIMEOUT => 5;
16use constant THROTTLED_TIMEOUT => 90;
18use FileHandle;
19use POE;
20use POE::Component::IRC;
22# this defines commands that take "zero time" to execute
23# (specifically, those which do not send commands from the issuing
24# client to the server)
25our $zero_time = {
26 expect => 1,
27 sleep => 1,
28 wait => 1,
29 };
31# Create the main session and start POE.
32# All the empty anonymous subs are just to make POE:Session::ASSERT_STATES happy.
33POE::Session->create(inline_states =>
34 {
35 # POE kernel interaction
36 _start => \&drv_start,
37 _child => sub {},
38 _stop => sub {
39 my $heap = $_[HEAP];
40 print "\nThat's all, folks!";
41 print "(exiting at line $heap->{lineno}: $heap->{line})"
42 if $heap->{line};
43 print "\n";
44 },
45 _default => \&drv_default,
46 # generic utilities or miscellaneous functions
47 heartbeat => \&drv_heartbeat,
48 timeout_expect => \&drv_timeout_expect,
49 reconnect => \&drv_reconnect,
50 enable_client => sub { $_[ARG0]->{ready} = 1; },
51 disable_client => sub { $_[ARG0]->{ready} = 0; },
52 die => sub { $_[KERNEL]->signal($_[SESSION], 'TERM'); },
53 # client-based command issuers
54 cmd_expect => \&cmd_expect,
55 cmd_join => \&cmd_generic,
56 cmd_mode => \&cmd_generic,
57 cmd_nick => \&cmd_generic,
58 cmd_notice => \&cmd_message,
59 cmd_part => \&cmd_generic,
60 cmd_privmsg => \&cmd_message,
61 cmd_quit => \&cmd_generic,
62 cmd_raw => \&cmd_raw,
63 cmd_sleep => \&cmd_sleep,
64 cmd_wait => \&cmd_wait,
65 # handlers for messages from IRC
66 irc_001 => \&irc_connected, # Welcome to ...
67 irc_snotice => sub {}, # notice from a server (anonymous/our uplink)
68 irc_notice => \&irc_notice, # NOTICE to self or channel
69 irc_msg => \&irc_msg, # PRIVMSG to self
70 irc_public => \&irc_public, # PRIVMSG to channel
71 irc_connected => sub {},
72 irc_ctcp_action => sub {},
73 irc_ctcp_ping => sub {},
74 irc_ctcp_time => sub {},
75 irc_ctcpreply_ping => sub {},
76 irc_ctcpreply_time => sub {},
77 irc_invite => sub {},
78 irc_join => sub {},
79 irc_kick => sub {},
80 irc_kill => sub {},
81 irc_mode => sub {},
82 irc_nick => sub {},
83 irc_part => sub {},
84 irc_ping => sub {},
85 irc_quit => sub {},
86 irc_topic => sub {},
87 irc_error => \&irc_error,
88 irc_disconnected => \&irc_disconnected,
89 irc_socketerr => \&irc_socketerr,
90 },
91 args => [@ARGV]);
93$| = 1;
97# Core/bookkeeping test driver functions
99sub drv_start {
100 my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP];
102 # initialize heap
103 $heap->{clients} = {}; # session details, indexed by (short) session name
104 $heap->{sessions} = {}; # session details, indexed by session ref
105 $heap->{servers} = {}; # server addresses, indexed by short names
106 $heap->{macros} = {}; # macros
108 # Parse arguments
109 foreach my $arg (@_[ARG0..$#_]) {
110 if ($arg =~ /^-D$/) {
111 $heap->{irc_debug} = 1;
112 } elsif ($arg =~ /^-V$/) {
113 $heap->{verbose} = 1;
114 } else {
115 die "Extra command-line argument $arg\n" if $heap->{script};
116 $heap->{script} = new FileHandle($arg, 'r')
117 or die "Unable to open $arg for reading: $!\n";
118 }
119 }
120 die "No test name specified\n" unless $heap->{script};
122 # hook in to POE
123 $kernel->alias_set('control');
124 $kernel->yield('heartbeat');
127sub drv_heartbeat {
128 my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP];
129 my $script = $heap->{script};
130 my $used = {};
131 my $delay = DELAY;
133 while (1) {
134 my ($line, $lineno);
135 if ($heap->{line}) {
136 $line = delete $heap->{line};
137 } elsif (defined($line = <$script>)) {
138 $heap->{lineno} = $.;
139 print "." unless $heap->{irc_debug};
140 } else {
141 # close all connections
142 foreach my $client (values %{$heap->{clients}}) {
143 $kernel->call($client->{irc}, 'quit', "I fell off the end of my script");
144 $client->{quitting} = 1;
145 }
146 # unalias the control session
147 $kernel->alias_remove('control');
148 # die in a few seconds
149 $kernel->delay_set('die', 5);
150 return;
151 }
153 chomp $line;
154 # ignore comments and blank lines
155 next if $line =~ /^\#/ or $line !~ /\S/;
157 # expand any macros in the line
158 $line =~ s/(?<=[^\\])%(\S+?)%/$heap->{macros}->{$1}
159 or die "Use of undefined macro $1 at $heap->{lineno}\n"/eg;
160 # remove any \-escapes
161 $line =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
162 # figure out the type of line
163 if ($line =~ /^define (\S+) (.+)$/i) {
164 # define a new macro
165 $heap->{macros}->{$1} = $2;
166 } elsif ($line =~ /^undef (\S+)$/i) {
167 # remove the macro
168 delete $heap->{macros}->{$1};
169 } elsif ($line =~ /^connect (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) :(.+)$/i) {
170 # connect a new session (named $1) to server $4
171 my ($name, $nick, $ident, $server, $userinfo, $port) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, 6667);
172 $server = $heap->{servers}->{$server} || $server;
173 if ($server =~ /(.+):(\d+)/) {
174 $server = $1;
175 $port = $2;
176 }
177 die "Client with nick $nick already exists (line $heap->{lineno})" if $heap->{clients}->{$nick};
178 my $alias = "client_$name";
179 POE::Component::IRC->new($alias)
180 or die "Unable to create new user $nick (line $heap->{lineno}): $!";
181 my $client = { name => $name,
182 nick => $nick,
183 ready => 0,
184 expect => [],
185 expect_alarms => [],
186 irc => $kernel->alias_resolve($alias),
187 params => { Nick => $nick,
188 Server => $server,
189 Port => $port,
190 Username => $ident,
191 Ircname => $userinfo,
192 Debug => $heap->{irc_debug},
193 }
194 };
195 $heap->{clients}->{$client->{name}} = $client;
196 $heap->{sessions}->{$client->{irc}} = $client;
197 $kernel->call($client->{irc}, 'register', 'all');
198 $kernel->call($client->{irc}, 'connect', $client->{params});
199 $used->{$name} = 1;
200 } elsif ($line =~ /^sync (.+)$/i) {
201 # do multi-way synchronization between every session named in $1
202 my @synced = split(/,|\s/, $1);
203 # first, check that they exist and are ready
204 foreach my $clnt (@synced) {
205 die "Unknown session name $clnt (line $heap->{lineno})" unless $heap->{clients}->{$clnt};
206 goto REDO unless $heap->{clients}->{$clnt}->{ready};
207 }
208 # next we actually send the synchronization signals
209 foreach my $clnt (@synced) {
210 my $client = $heap->{clients}->{$clnt};
211 $client->{sync_wait} = [map { $_ eq $clnt ? () : $heap->{clients}->{$_}->{nick} } @synced];
212 $kernel->call($client->{irc}, 'notice', $client->{sync_wait}, 'SYNC');
213 $kernel->call($session, 'disable_client', $client);
214 }
215 } elsif ($line =~ /^:(\S+) (\S+)(.*)$/i) {
216 # generic command handler
217 my ($names, $cmd, $args) = ($1, lc($2), $3);
218 my (@avail, @unavail);
219 # figure out whether each listed client is available or not
220 foreach my $c (split ',', $names) {
221 my $client = $heap->{clients}->{$c};
222 if (not $client) {
223 print "ERROR: Unknown session name $c (line $heap->{lineno}; ignoring)\n";
224 } elsif (($used->{$c} and not $zero_time->{$cmd}) or not $client->{ready}) {
225 push @unavail, $c;
226 } else {
227 push @avail, $c;
228 }
229 }
230 # redo command with unavailable clients
231 if (@unavail) {
232 # This will break if the command can cause a redo for
233 # available clients.. this should be fixed sometime
234 $line = ':'.join(',', @unavail).' '.$cmd.$args;
235 $heap->{redo} = 1;
236 }
237 # do command with available clients
238 if (@avail) {
239 # split up the argument part of the line
240 $args =~ /^((?:(?: [^:])|[^ ])+)?(?: :(.+))?$/;
241 $args = [($1 ? split(' ', $1) : ()), ($2 ? $2 : ())];
242 # find the client and figure out if we need to wait
243 foreach my $c (@avail) {
244 my $client = $heap->{clients}->{$c};
245 die "Client $c used twice as source (line $heap->{lineno})" if $used->{c} and not $zero_time->{$cmd};
246 $kernel->call($session, 'cmd_'.$cmd, $client, $args);
247 $used->{$c} = 1 unless $zero_time->{$cmd};
248 }
249 }
250 } else {
251 die "Unrecognized input line $heap->{lineno}: $line";
252 }
253 if ($heap->{redo}) {
254 REDO:
255 delete $heap->{redo};
256 $heap->{line} = $line;
257 last;
258 }
259 }
260 # issue new heartbeat with appropriate delay
261 $kernel->delay_set('heartbeat', $delay);
264sub drv_timeout_expect {
265 my ($kernel, $session, $client) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, ARG0];
266 print "ERROR: Dropping timed-out expectation by $client->{name}: ".join(',', @{$client->{expect}->[0]})."\n";
267 $client->{expect_alarms}->[0] = undef;
268 unexpect($kernel, $session, $client);
271sub drv_reconnect {
272 my ($kernel, $session, $client) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, ARG0];
273 $kernel->call($client->{irc}, 'connect', $client->{params});
276sub drv_default {
277 my ($kernel, $heap, $sender, $session, $state, $args) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SENDER, SESSION, ARG0, ARG1];
278 if ($state =~ /^irc_(\d\d\d)$/) {
279 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
280 if (@{$client->{expect}}
281 and $args->[0] eq $client->{expect}->[0]->[0]
282 and $client->{expect}->[0]->[1] eq "$1") {
283 my $expect = $client->{expect}->[0];
284 my $mismatch;
285 for (my $x=2; ($x<=$#$expect) and ($x<=$#$args) and not $mismatch; $x++) {
286 $mismatch = 1 unless $args->[$x] =~ /$expect->[$x]/i;
287 }
288 unexpect($kernel, $session, $client) unless $mismatch;
289 }
290 return undef;
291 }
292 print "ERROR: Unexpected event $state to test driver (from ".$sender->ID.")\n";
293 return undef;
296# client-based command issuers
298sub cmd_message {
299 my ($kernel, $heap, $event, $client, $args) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, STATE, ARG0, ARG1];
300 die "Missing arguments" unless $#$args >= 1;
301 # translate each target as appropriate (e.g. *sessionname)
302 my @targets = split(/,/, $args->[0]);
303 foreach my $target (@targets) {
304 if ($target =~ /^\*(.+)$/) {
305 my $other = $heap->{clients}->{$1} or die "Unknown session name $1 (line $heap->{lineno})\n";
306 $target = $other->{nick};
307 }
308 }
309 $kernel->call($client->{irc}, substr($event, 4), \@targets, $args->[1]);
312sub cmd_generic {
313 my ($kernel, $heap, $event, $client, $args) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, STATE, ARG0, ARG1];
314 $event =~ s/^cmd_//;
315 $kernel->call($client->{irc}, $event, @$args);
318sub cmd_raw {
319 my ($kernel, $heap, $client, $args) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
320 die "Missing argument" unless $#$args >= 0;
321 $kernel->call($client->{irc}, 'sl', $args->[0]);
324sub cmd_sleep {
325 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $client, $args) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
326 die "Missing argument" unless $#$args >= 0;
327 $kernel->call($session, 'disable_client', $client);
328 $kernel->delay_set('enable_client', $args->[0], $client);
331sub cmd_wait {
332 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $client, $args) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
333 die "Missing argument" unless $#$args >= 0;
334 # if argument was comma-delimited, split it up (space-delimited is split by generic parser)
335 $args = [split(/,/, $args->[0])] if $args->[0] =~ /,/;
336 # make sure we only wait if all the other clients are ready
337 foreach my $other (@$args) {
338 if (not $heap->{clients}->{$other}->{ready}) {
339 $heap->{redo} = 1;
340 return;
341 }
342 }
343 # disable this client, make the others send SYNC to it
344 $kernel->call($session, 'disable_client', $client);
345 $client->{sync_wait} = [map { $heap->{clients}->{$_}->{nick} } @$args];
346 foreach my $other (@$args) {
347 die "Cannot wait on self" if $other eq $client->{name};
348 $kernel->call($heap->{clients}->{$other}->{irc}, 'notice', $client->{nick}, 'SYNC');
349 }
352sub cmd_expect {
353 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $client, $args) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
354 die "Missing argument" unless $#$args >= 0;
355 push @{$client->{expect}}, $args;
356 push @{$client->{expect_alarms}}, $kernel->delay_set('timeout_expect', EXPECT_TIMEOUT, $client);
357 $kernel->call($session, 'disable_client', $client);
360# handlers for messages from IRC
362sub unexpect {
363 my ($kernel, $session, $client) = @_;
364 shift @{$client->{expect}};
365 my $alarm_id = shift @{$client->{expect_alarms}};
366 $kernel->alarm_remove($alarm_id) if $alarm_id;
367 $kernel->call($session, 'enable_client', $client) unless @{$client->{expect}};
370sub check_expect {
371 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $poe_sender, $sender, $text) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0, ARG1];
372 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$poe_sender};
373 my $expected = $client->{expect}->[0];
375 # check sender
376 if ($expected->[0] =~ /\*(.+)/) {
377 # we expect *sessionname, so look up session's current nick
378 my $exp = $1;
379 $sender =~ /^(.+)!/;
380 return 0 if lc($heap->{clients}->{$exp}->{nick}) ne lc($1);
381 } elsif ($expected->[0] =~ /^:?(.+!.+)/) {
382 # expect :nick!user@host, so compare whole thing
383 return 0 if lc($1) ne lc($sender);
384 } else {
385 # we only expect :nick, so compare that part
386 $sender =~ /^:?(.+)!/;
387 return 0 if lc($expected->[0]) ne lc($1);
388 }
390 # compare text
391 return 0 if lc($text) !~ /$expected->[2]/i;
393 # drop expectation of event
394 unexpect($kernel, $session, $client);
397sub irc_connected {
398 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $sender) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, SENDER];
399 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
400 print "Client $client->{name} connected to server $_[ARG0]\n" if $heap->{verbose};
401 $kernel->call($session, 'enable_client', $client);
404sub irc_disconnected {
405 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $sender, $server) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0];
406 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
407 print "Client $client->{name} disconnected from server $_[ARG0]\n" if $heap->{verbose};
408 if ($client->{quitting}) {
409 $kernel->call($sender, 'unregister', 'all');
410 delete $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
411 delete $heap->{clients}->{$client->{name}};
412 } else {
413 if ($client->{disconnect_expected}) {
414 delete $client->{disconnect_expected};
415 } else {
416 print "Got unexpected disconnect for $client->{name} (nick $client->{nick})\n";
417 }
418 $kernel->call($session, 'disable_client', $client);
419 $kernel->delay_set('reconnect', $client->{throttled} ? THROTTLED_TIMEOUT : RECONNECT_TIMEOUT, $client);
420 delete $client->{throttled};
421 }
424sub irc_socketerr {
425 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $sender, $msg) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0];
426 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
427 print "Client $client->{name} (re-)connect error: $_[ARG0]\n";
428 if ($client->{quitting}) {
429 $kernel->call($sender, 'unregister', 'all');
430 delete $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
431 delete $heap->{clients}->{$client->{name}};
432 } else {
433 if ($client->{disconnect_expected}) {
434 delete $client->{disconnect_expected};
435 } else {
436 print "Got unexpected disconnect for $client->{name} (nick $client->{nick})\n";
437 }
438 $kernel->call($session, 'disable_client', $client);
439 $kernel->delay_set('reconnect', $client->{throttled} ? THROTTLED_TIMEOUT : RECONNECT_TIMEOUT, $client);
440 delete $client->{throttled};
441 }
444sub irc_notice {
445 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $sender, $from, $to, $text) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
446 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
447 if ($client->{sync_wait} and $text eq 'SYNC') {
448 $from =~ s/!.+$//;
449 my $x;
450 # find who sent it..
451 for ($x=0; $x<=$#{$client->{sync_wait}}; $x++) {
452 last if $from eq $client->{sync_wait}->[$x];
453 }
454 # exit if we don't expect them
455 if ($x>$#{$client->{sync_wait}}) {
456 print "Got unexpected SYNC from $from to $client->{name} ($client->{nick})\n";
457 return;
458 }
459 # remove from the list of people we're waiting for
460 splice @{$client->{sync_wait}}, $x, 1;
461 # re-enable client if we're done waiting
462 if ($#{$client->{sync_wait}} == -1) {
463 delete $client->{sync_wait};
464 $kernel->call($session, 'enable_client', $client);
465 }
466 } elsif (@{$client->{expect}}
467 and $client->{expect}->[0]->[1] =~ /notice/i) {
468 check_expect(@_[0..ARG0], $text);
469 }
472sub irc_msg {
473 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $sender, $from, $to, $text) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
474 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
475 if (@{$client->{expect}}
476 and $client->{expect}->[0]->[1] =~ /msg/i) {
477 check_expect(@_[0..ARG0], $text);
478 }
481sub irc_public {
482 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $sender, $from, $to, $text) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
483 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
484 if (@{$client->{expect}}
485 and $client->{expect}->[0]->[1] =~ /public/i
486 and grep($client->{expect}->[0]->[2], @$to)) {
487 splice @{$client->{expect}->[0]}, 2, 1;
488 check_expect(@_[0..ARG0], $text);
489 }
492sub irc_error {
493 my ($kernel, $session, $heap, $sender, $what) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0];
494 my $client = $heap->{sessions}->{$sender};
495 if (@{$client->{expect}}
496 and $client->{expect}->[0]->[1] =~ /error/i) {
497 splice @{$client->{expect}->[0]}, 2, 1;
498 unexpect($kernel, $session, $client);
499 $client->{disconnect_expected} = 1;
500 } else {
501 print "ERROR: From server to $client->{name}: $what\n";
502 }
503 $client->{throttled} = 1 if $what =~ /throttled/i;