]> jfr.im git - irc/evilnet/x3.git/blame - tests/coverage.cmd
Added new event hooks system and started migrating events to new system
[irc/evilnet/x3.git] / tests / coverage.cmd
1# Declarations at first
2define srv1 irc.clan-dk.org:7701
3define srv1name irc.clan-dk.org
4define srv2 irc.clan-dk.org:7711
5define srv2name irc2.clan-dk.org
6define srvx srvx.clan-dk.org
7define domain troilus.org
8# These aren't so likely to change
9define chanserv ChanServ
10define global Global
11define memoserv MemoServ
12define nickserv AuthServ
13define opserv OpServ
14define helpserv CoverageServ
15define helpserv2 C0v3r4g3S3rv
16define opernick test_oper
17define operpass i_r_teh_0p3r
18define testchan #testchan
20# Connect, join testing channel, oper up, log in
21connect cl1 test1 test1 %srv1% :Test Bot 1
22:cl1 join %testchan%1
23:cl1 raw :OPER %opernick% %operpass%
24:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO
25:cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH
26:cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH bogus bogus
27:cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH testest
28:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET test1 EPITHET some damn test bot
29:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO
31# Test common infrastructure things
32:cl1 nick test1_new
33:cl1 nick test1
34:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :REHASH
35:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :REOPEN
36:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :QUERY
37:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :LOG LIMIT 30
38:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :RECONNECT
39:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELP WRITE
40:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WRITE MONDO
41:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WRITEALL
42:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS DATABASES
44# Test global's functionality
45:cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE users Hello world!
46:cl1 privmsg %global% :MESSAGE TARGET users DURATION 1h TEXT Hello world (short duration)!
47connect cl2 test2 test2 %srv1% :Test Bot 2
48connect cl3 test3 test3 %srv1% :Test Bot 3
49:cl2 join %testchan%1
50:cl2 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :REGISTER test2 testest
51:cl2 privmsg %global% :LIST
52:cl3 join %testchan%1
53:cl3 privmsg %global% :MESSAGES
54:cl3 privmsg %global% :VERSION
55:cl1 wait cl2,cl3
56:cl1 privmsg %global% :REMOVE 1
57:cl1 privmsg %global% :MESSAGE SOURCELESS pizza TARGET all TARGET helpers TARGET opers TARGET staff TARGET channels DURATION 5s TEXT Hollow world (very short duration).
58:cl1 privmsg %global% :MESSAGE TARGET all
59:cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT test of announcement code
60:cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE CHANNELS test of channel spamming code (sorry! :)
61:cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE BOGUS
62:cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE DIFFERENTLY BOGUS
63:cl1 privmsg %global% :LIST
64:cl1 privmsg %global% :REMOVE 30
65:cl1 privmsg %global% :MESSAGES
67# Test ChanServ functions
68:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :HELP
69:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :HELP commands
70:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :HELP note types
71:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :VERSION CVS
72:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NETINFO
73:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :STAFF
74:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :GOD ON
75:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%1
76:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%2 test2
77:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :GOD OFF
78:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ADDUSER %testchan%1 OP test2
79:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :GOD ON
80:cl1 privmsg %testchan%1 :\ 1PING\ 1
81:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CREATENOTE url setter all 400
82:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NOTE url http://www.srvx.net/index.php
83:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CREATENOTE url privileged 1 privileged 20
84:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CREATENOTE url channel owner channel_users 20
85:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CREATENOTE url bogus all 20
86:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NOTE
87:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REMOVENOTE url
88:cl2 wait cl1
89:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NOTE
90:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REMOVENOTE bogus
91:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELNOTE bogus
92:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELNOTE url
93:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NOTE url http://www.srvx.net/
94:cl1 wait cl2
95:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REMOVENOTE url FORCE
96:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDUSER OP test2
97:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OP test2
98:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OP test3
99:cl2 wait cl1
100:cl2 mode %testchan%1 -clo test3
101:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MODES +sntlcCDk 500 bah
102:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MODES -lk
103:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET ENFMODES 4
104:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET PROTECT 0
105:cl2 wait cl1
106:cl2 mode %testchan%1 +l 600
107:cl1 wait cl2
108:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET CTCPUSERS 6
109:cl3 wait cl1
110:cl3 privmsg %testchan%1 :\ 1TIME\ 1
111:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :EXPIRE
112:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELETEME a5bfa227
113:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER *test2 USUX
114:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER %testchan%3 USUX2
115:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER #*tch* USUX3
116:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER %testchan%3
117:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER *test2
118:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER *test194
119:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER
120:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2
121:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER
122:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER *test2
123:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2
124:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER %testchan%3
125:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2
126:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER #*tch*
127:cl1 join %testchan%3
128:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%3
129:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2
130:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CHANINFO %testchan%3
131:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 MOVE %testchan%3
132:cl1 join %testchan%3
133:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELBAD %testchan%3
134:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4
135:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%4 test2
136:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 MOVE %testchan%4
137:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELBAD %testchan%4
138:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2
139:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER #pizza
140:cl2 wait cl1
141:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 OPCHAN
142:cl1 wait cl2
143:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 CSUSPEND 1m H8!
144:cl2 wait cl1
145:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 UNREGISTER 1234a2ec
146:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 OPCHAN
147:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNREGISTER
148:cl1 wait cl2
149:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 CUNSUSPEND
150:cl2 wait cl1
151:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 UNREGISTER
152:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 OPCHAN
153:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 UNREGISTER 1234a2ec
154:cl1 join %testchan%4
155:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%4 UNREGISTER
156:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%2 MOVE %testchan%4
157:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%4 MERGE %testchan%1
158:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OPCHAN
159:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 CLVL test2 bogus
160:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 CLVL test2 COOWNER
161:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELUSER COOWNER test2
162:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 MDELOP *
163:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 TRIM BANS 1w
164:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 TRIM USERS 1w
165:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DOWN
166:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UP
167:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :UPALL
168:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :DOWNALL
169:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OP test1
170:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OP test2
171:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DEOP test2
172:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 VOICE test2
173:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DEVOICE test2
174:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDTIMEDBAN test2 30s WEH8U
175:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 BANS
176:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNBAN test3
177:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELBAN test2
178:cl1 mode %testchan%1 +bbb abcdef!ghijkl@123456789012345678901234567890mnopqr.stuvwx.yz ghijkl!mnopqr@123456789012345678901234567890stuvwx.yzabcd.ef mnopqr!stuvwx@123456789012345678901234567890yzabcd.efghij.kl
179:cl1 mode %testchan%1 +bbb stuvwx!yzabcd@123456789012345678901234567890efghij.klmnop.qr yzabcd!efghij@123456789012345678901234567890klmnop.qrstuv.wx efghij!klmnop@123456789012345678901234567890qrstuv.wxyzab.cd
180:cl1 mode %testchan%1 +bbb klmnop!qrstuv@123456789012345678901234567890wxyzab.cdefgh.ij qrstuv!wxyzab@123456789012345678901234567890cdefgh.ijklmn.op wxyzab!cdefgh@123456789012345678901234567890ijklmn.opqrst.uv
181:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDTIMEDBAN a!b@c.om 15s
182:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNBANALL
183:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OPEN
184:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ACCESS test2
185:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ACCESS test1
186:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 USERS
187:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 CSUSPEND 1w WEH8URCHAN
188:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 INFO
189:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 CUNSUSPEND
190:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 PEEK
191:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SETINFO Wraa!
192:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDUSER MASTER test2
193:cl2 wait cl1
194:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SETINFO Arrr!
195:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 WIPEINFO test2
196:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SEEN test2
197:cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NAMES
198:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 EVENTS
199:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SAY Hi
200:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 EMOTE burps.
201:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CSEARCH PRINT LIMIT 20
202:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :UNVISITED
203:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET DEFAULTTOPIC foo bar baz
204:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET TOPICMASK foo * baz
205:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET ENFTOPIC 5
206:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GREETING Hello non-user!
207:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET USERGREETING Hello user!
208:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET PUBCMD 6
209:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET STRICTOP 5
210:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET AUTOOP 4
211:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET PROTECT 0
212:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET TOYS 0
213:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET SETTERS 2
214:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET TOPICREFRESH 1
215:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET VOICE OFF
216:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET USERINFO ON
217:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET DYNLIMIT ON
218:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET TOPICSNARF OFF
219:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET PEONINVITE OFF
220:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET NODELETE ON
221:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET DYNLIMIT OFF
222:cl1 raw :CLEARMODE %testchan%1
223:cl1 raw :OPMODE %testchan%1 +oo %chanserv% test1
224:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNREGISTER
225:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 TOPIC blah blah blah
226:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DEOP %chanserv%
227:cl1 raw :KICK %testchan%1 test2
228:cl1 raw :TOPIC %testchan%1 :Topic set by test1
229:cl1 privmsg %testchan%1 :goodbye
231# Test raw protocol functionality
232:cl1 raw :STATS u %srvx%
233:cl1 raw :STATS c %srvx%
234:cl1 raw :VERSION %srvx%
235:cl1 raw :ADMIN %srvx%
236:cl1 raw :WHOIS %nickserv% %nickserv%
237:cl1 join 0
238:cl1 raw :AWAY :doing stuff
239:cl1 raw :AWAY
240:cl1 raw :MODE test1 +iwsdh
241:cl1 raw :KILL test3 :die, foo
242:cl1 raw :MODE test1 -oiwsdh
244# Test gline functions
245:cl1 raw :OPER %opernick% %operpass%
246:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gline a@b.com 1h Test gline 1
247:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gline b@c.com 1m Test gline 2
248:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gline b@c.com 1h Test gline 2 (updated)
249:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gline a@a.com 10 Very short gline
250:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :refreshg %srv1name%
251:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :refreshg
252:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :stats glines
253:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gtrace print mask *@* limit 5 issuer test1 reason *
254:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gtrace count mask *@* limit 5 issuer test1 reason *
255:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gtrace ungline mask *@b.com
256:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gtrace break mask *@b.com
257:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :trace print ip mask *!*@* limit 5
258:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :trace print ip 66.*
259:cl1 mode %testchan%1 +b abc!def@ghi.com
260:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :%testchan%1 BAN def
261:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :%testchan%1 BAN *!*@def.ghi.com
263# Test modcmd functions
264:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1
265:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TIMECMD BIND %opserv% gumbo *modcmd.bind %opserv% $1- $$
266:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELP gumbo
267:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gumbo gumbo gumbo
268:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo FLAGS gumbo
269:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo FLAGS +gumbo
270:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo FLAGS +disabled,-oper CHANNEL_LEVEL none
271:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo OPER_LEVEL 1001
272:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo ACCOUNT_FLAGS +g WEIGHT 0
273:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo bogus options
274:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNBIND %opserv% gumbo
275:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TIMECMD BIND %opserv% gumbo %opserv%.bind %opserv% $1-
276:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNBIND %opserv% gumbo
277:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS
278:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS MODULES
279:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS MODULES MODCMD
280:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS SERVICES
281:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS SERVICES %opserv%
282:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :READHELP OpServ
283:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :SHOWCOMMANDS
284:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPFILES %opserv%
285:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :COMMAND REGISTER
287# Test HelpServ functions
288connect cl3 test3 test3 %srv1% :Test Bot 3
289:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV REGISTER %helpserv% %testchan%1 test1
290:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :huh?
291:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :ADDHELPER test2
292:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :CLVL test2 pizzaboy
293:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :DELUSER test2
294:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :DELUSER testy
295:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET PAGETARGET %testchan%1
296:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET PAGETYPE NOTICE
297:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET ALERTPAGETARGET %testchan%1
298:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET ALERTPAGETYPE PRIVMSG
299:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET STATUSPAGETARGET %testchan%1
300:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET STATUSPAGETYPE ONOTICE
301:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET GREETING Hello Earthling! Please talk to me!
302:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQOPENED Your request has been accepted!
303:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQASSIGNED Your request has been assigned to a helper!
304:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQCLOSED Goodbye and leave us alone next time!
305:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET IDLEDELAY 5m
306:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET WHINEDELAY 3m
307:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET WHINEINTERVAL 3m
308:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET EMPTYINTERVAL 3m
309:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET STALEDELAY 5m
310:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQPERSIST PART
311:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET HELPERPERSIST CLOSE
312:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET NOTIFICATION ACCOUNTCHANGES
313:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQMAXLEN 5
314:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET IDWRAP 10
315:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQONJOIN ON
316:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET AUTOVOICE ON
317:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET AUTODEVOICE ON
318:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET
319:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ALL
320:cl3 wait cl1
321:cl3 join %testchan%1
322:cl3 privmsg %helpserv% :eye kant auth 2 my acount test2 plz 2 help!
323:cl1 wait cl3
324:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST
325:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ASSIGNED
326:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :STATS
327:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :STATS test1
328:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :NEXT
329:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :NEXT
330:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :PICKUP test3
331:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ASSIGNED
332:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST UNASSIGNED
333:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ALL
334:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST PIZZA
335:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test5
336:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test2
337:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3
338:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test2
339:cl3 wait cl1
340:cl3 nick test4
341:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH test2 tested
342:cl3 nick test3
343:cl1 wait cl3
344:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test2
345:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :REASSIGN test3 test1
346:cl3 wait cl1
347:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH test2 testest
348:cl3 privmsg %helpserv% :THX IT WORX NOW!!
349:cl1 wait cl3
350:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ME
351:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :ADDNOTE george this guy is a tool
352:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :ADDNOTE test2 this should be the first note that works
353:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :ADDNOTE *test2 this guy is a tool
354:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :CLOSE 2
355:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SHOW 1
356:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :CLOSE test3
357:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :RECONNECT
358:cl1 sleep 20
359:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELP
360:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELP COMMANDS
361:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELP BOTS
362:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :BOTS
363:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SET BOGUS
364:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SET STYLE DEF
365:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELPERS
366:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SET STYLE ZOOT
367:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELPERS
368:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :VERSION CVS
369:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :PAGE and i-----i'm calling all you angels
370:cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :STATSREPORT
371:cl1 part %testchan%1
372:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV
373:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV BOGUS
374:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV PICKUP
375:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV READHELP
376:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV BOTS
377:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV STATS %helpserv%
378:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV STATS %helpserv% test1
379:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV MOVE %helpserv% %helpserv2%
380:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV UNREGISTER %helpserv2%
382# Test NickServ functions
383:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :STATUS
384:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :VERSION
385:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :HELP COMMANDS
386:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ADDMASK
387:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ADDMASK *!**foo@**.bar.com
388:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ADDMASK **foo@**.bar.com
389:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OADDMASK test1 *!**foo@**.bar.com
390:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ODELMASK test1 *!**foo@**.bar.com
391:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :DELMASK **foo@**.bar.com
392:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :DELMASK *@*.%domain%
393:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SEARCH PRINT HOSTMASK
394:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SEARCH PRINT HOSTMASK EXACT *foo@*.bar.com LIMIT 5 REGISTERED >=1m
395# cannot test with email since it breaks profiling.. argh
396:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :REGISTER test3 bleh
397:cl1 wait cl3
398:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OUNREGISTER *bleh
399:cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :OREGISTER test4 bleh *@* test3
400:cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :OREGISTER test4 bleh test3@bar
401:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO test3
402:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO test3bcd
403:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :USERINFO test3
404:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :NICKINFO test3
405:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET test3
406:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET jobaba
407:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET test3 BOGUS
408:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET test3 FLAGS +f
409:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :RENAME test4 test3
410:cl3 wait cl1
411:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :REGISTER test3 bleh
412:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH bleh
413:cl1 wait cl3
414:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test2
415:cl3 wait cl1
416:cl3 nick test4
417:cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :REGNICK
418:cl3 nick test3
419:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :REGISTER test3 bleh
420:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH bleh
421:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :PASS bleh blargh
422:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :ADDMASK *@foo.%domain%
423:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :DELMASK *@foo.%domain%
424:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :SET
425:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :SET MAXLOGINS 1
426:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :RECLAIM test3
427:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :UNREGNICK test3
428:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :UNREGISTER bleach
429:cl1 wait cl3
430:cl3 quit
431:cl1 sleep 5
432:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :RENAME *test4 test3
433:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 INFO hi hi hi!
434:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 WIDTH 1
435:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 WIDTH 80
436:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 WIDTH 1000
437:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 TABLEWIDTH 1
438:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 TABLEWIDTH 80
439:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 TABLEWIDTH 1000
440:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 COLOR OFF
441:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 COLOR ON
442:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 COLOR TV
443:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 PRIVMSG ON
444:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 PRIVMSG OFF
445:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 PRIVMSG IGNORED
446:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ON
447:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 ANNOUNCEMENTS OFF
448:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ?
449:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE NOT SPAM
450:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 PASSWORD whocares?
451:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO *test3
452:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 INFO *
453:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGISTER test4 bleh *@*
454:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGISTER test4@bogus bleh *@*
455:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGNICK *test3 test3a
456:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGNICK *test3 test3b
457:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGNICK *test3 test3c
458:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OUNREGNICK test3c
459:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OUNREGNICK test3b
460:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OUNREGNICK test3a
461:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%2 *test2
462:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 *test3
463:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%2 ADDUSER COOWNER *test3
464:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 ADDUSER COOWNER *test2
465:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDUSER COOWNER *test3
466:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDUSER COOWNER *test2
467:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :MERGE *test3 *test2
468:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SET STYLE DEF
469:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 USERS
470:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%2 USERS
471:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 USERS
472:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO *test2
473:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test2 MAXLOGINS 100
474:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test2 MAXLOGINS 1
475:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test2 LEVEL 999
476:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test2 LEVEL 998
477connect cl3 test3 test3 %srv1% :Test Bot 3
478:cl1 sleep 6
479:cl3 wait cl1
480:cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH test2 testest
481:cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :VACATION
482:cl2 wait cl3
483:cl2 privmsg %nickserv% :GHOST test3
484:cl3 sleep 3
485:cl3 quit
487# Test OpServ functions
488:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ACCESS
489:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ACCESS *
490:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CHANINFO %testchan%1
491:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WHOIS test1
492:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :INVITEME
493:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JOIN %testchan%1
494:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :PART %testchan%1
495:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS BAD
496:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS GLINES
497:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS LINKS
498:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS MAX
499:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS NETWORK
500:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS NETWORK2
501:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS RESERVED
502:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS TRUSTED
503:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS UPLINK
504:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS UPTIME
505:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS ALERTS
506:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS GAGS
507:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS TIMEQ
508:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS WARN
509:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :VERSION
510:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELP COMMANDS
511:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELP USER
512:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TRACE DOMAINS DEPTH 2
513:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TRACE COUNT LIMIT 3
514:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TRACE HULA-HOOP LIMIT 3
515:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CSEARCH PRINT NAME * TOPIC * USERS <3 TIMESTAMP >0 LIMIT 5
516:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CSEARCH COUNT NAME * TOPIC * USERS <3 TIMESTAMP >0 LIMIT 5
517:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WARN %testchan%4 quiche eaters live here
518:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS WARN
519:cl1 join %testchan%4
520:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNWARN %testchan%4
521:cl1 mode %testchan%4 +bbbsnt a!b@c.com b!c@a.org c!a.b.net
522:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLEARBANS %testchan%4
523:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLEARMODES %testchan%4
524:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DEOP %testchan%4 test1
525:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :OP %testchan%4 test1
526:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DEOPALL %testchan%4
527:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :VOICEALL %testchan%4
528:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :OPALL %testchan%4
529:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JUPE crap.tacular.net 4095 Craptacular Jupe Server
530:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNJUPE crap.tacular.net
531:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JUMP clan-dk
532:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GLINE pizza 1y Pizza is not allowed on this network
533:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GLINE *@* 1w GO AWAY I HATE THE WORLD
534:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GLINE pizza@thehut.com 0 Fat-laden freak
535:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GLINE foo@bar.com 1m Testing G-line removal
536:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNGLINE foo@bar.com 1m Testing G-line removal
537:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNGLINE foo@bar.com 1m Testing G-line removal
538:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :REFRESHG pizza.thehut.com
539:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GSYNC %srv1name%.illegal
540:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GSYNC
541:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WHOIS test1
542:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JOIN pizza.thehut.com
543:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JOIN %testchan%4
544:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JOIN %testchan%4
545:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :KICK %testchan%4 test1
546:cl1 join %testchan%4
547:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :KICKALL %testchan%4
548:cl1 join %testchan%4
549:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :KICKBAN %testchan%4 test1
550:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :PART %testchan%4 hahah u r banned
551:cl1 join %testchan%4
552:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODE %testchan%4 +snti
553:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :NICKBAN %testchan%4 test1
554:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNBAN %testchan%4 *!*@*.%domain%
555:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :KICKBANALL %testchan%4
556:cl1 part %testchan%4
557:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :COLLIDE test3 foo bar.com nick jupe
558:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNRESERVE test3
559:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :RESERVE test3 foo bar.com nick jupe 2
560:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNRESERVE test3
561:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4abc
562:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4
563:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4abc EXCEPT
564:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4abc EXCEPT %testchan%4ab
565:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDEXEMPT %testchan%4ab
566:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELEXEMPT %testchan%4ab
567:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDTRUST 0 1w We like incrementing numbers
568:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDTRUST foo@ 0 1w We like incrementing numbers
569:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDTRUST 0 1w We like incrementing numbers
570:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELTRUST
571:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE ADD test3 joe.bar.com nick jupe 3
572:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE ADD test3 joe@bar.com nick jupe 3
573:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE REMOVE gobbledygook
574:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE REMOVE %chanserv%
575:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE bogus test3
576:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE JOIN test3 %testchan%1
577:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE OP test3 %testchan%1
578:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE SAY test3 %testchan%1
579:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE SAY test3 %testchan%1 HAHA H4X
580:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE JOIN test3 %testchan%1abc
581:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE PART test3 %testchan%1
582:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE REMOVE test3
583:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GAG test3!*@*.%domain% 1w Clones sux
584connect cl3 test3 test3 %srv2% :Test Bot 3
585:cl1 wait cl3
586:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDALERT test3 kill NICK test3
587:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELALERT test3 kill NICK test3
588:cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :HELP
589:cl3 nick test4
590:cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :HELP
591:cl3 nick test3
592:cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :HELP
593:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNGAG test3!*@*.%domain%
594:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :SET server/max_users 128
595:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :SETTIME *
597# Test MemoServ functions
598:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND gobble,dy HELLO?
599:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND test2 HELLO?
600:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SET NOTIFY ON
601:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SET AUTHNOTIFY ON
602:cl2 wait cl1
603:cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SET NOTIFY OFF
604:cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SET AUTHNOTIFY OFF
605:cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :LIST
606:cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND test1 HELLO!
607:cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :DELETE 0
608:cl1 wait cl2
609:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SET PRIVATE ON
610:cl2 wait cl1
611:cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND test1 DO YOU STILL LIKE ME?
612:cl1 wait cl2
613:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELUSER test2
614:cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :RENAME test2 testy
615:cl2 wait cl1
616:cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND test1 DO YOU STILL LIKE ME?
617:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :LIST
618:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :READ 1
619:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :READ 10
620:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :DELETE 10
621:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :DELETE ALL
622:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :DELETE ALL CONFIRM
623:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :EXPIRE
624:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :EXPIRY
625:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :VERSION
626:cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :STATUS
628# Test ServerSpy functions
629:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DISCONNECT
630:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DISCONNECT
631:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS SERVERSPY
632:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CONNECT
633:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CONNECT
634:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELMOD hl bogus
635:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELMOD hl cstrike
636:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELMOD bogus cstrike
637:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELGAME hl
638:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELGAME hl
639:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDGAME hl Half Life
640:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDGAME hl Half Life
641:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDMOD hl cstrike Counter-Strike
642:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDMOD hl cstrike Counter-Strike
643:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDMOD bogus cstrike Counter-Strike
644:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :HELP SERVERSPY
645:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY GAME hl
646:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME Jose
647:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME Jose GAME bogus
648:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME Jose GAME hl MOD bogus
649:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME Jose GAME hl MOD cstrike
650:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME *p* GAME hl MOD cstrike
651:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY SERVER *?p* GAME hl MOD cstrike
652:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GAME
653:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GAME bogus
654:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GAME hl
655:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GAME
656:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MOD
657:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MOD bogus
658:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MOD cstrike
659:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MOD
660:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET CLANTAG [D]
661:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET CLANTAG [D*
662:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET CLANTAG
663:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET SERVERTAG [D]
664:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET SERVERTAG [D*
665:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET SERVERTAG
666:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SERVERSPY NAME *p*
667:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 LOCATECLAN
668:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 LOCATESERVER
669:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS SERVERSPY
671# Test proxy checker code
672:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HOSTSCAN
673:cl1 sleep 10
674:cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLEARHOST
676# Clean up test channel
677:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET NODELETE OFF
678:cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNREGISTER
680# exit all clients
681:cl2 wait cl1
682:cl2 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :UNREGISTER MY SHIZNIT
683:cl2 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :UNREGISTER testest
684:cl1 wait cl2
685:cl1 quit
686:cl2 quit
687:cl3 quit