]> jfr.im git - irc/evilnet/x3.git/blame - src/chanserv.help
Fix for "whats the color" 8ball question formats
[irc/evilnet/x3.git] / src / chanserv.help
b1bf690d 1"<INDEX>" (
4048352e 2 " Hello there! ",
3 " I'm $C, your handy channel services bot.",
4 " $b$b",
5 " Please select the area you would like ",
6 " help with from the list below. The ",
1d957482 7 " help system uses the format: ",
4048352e 8 " $b/MSG $C HELP <$bsubject$b>$b ",
1d957482 9 " (In help, words in <> represent required",
7cbbd86a 10 " parameters. Words in [] are optional.)",
4048352e 11 " For example: $b/msg $C HELP UBM$b ",
12 " shows help with the Un-Ban Me command. ",
13 "=---------------------------------------=",
1478fd13 14 " GENERAL - How to get and communicate with $C ",
15 " USER - Commands to add and remove",
16 " bans, ops and managers from ",
17 " your channel.",
18 " CHANNEL - Other channel related info",
19 " like setting permanent modes",
20 " and topic.",
21 " INFORMATION - Informative commands.",
22 " OPER - Commands for IRC Operators.",
23 "$b$b",
24 "Also see $b/MSG $N HELP$b for getting",
25 "and maintaining your user account."
d76ed9a9 26);
b1bf690d 27"USER" ("$bUserlist Management Commands:$b",
28 " $bUSERS$b Show the channels userlist.",
29 " $bCLIST$b Show all COOWNERs of a channel.",
30 " $bMLIST$b Show all MANAGERs of a channel.",
31 " $bOLIST$b Show all OPs of a channel.",
55342ce8 32 " $bHLIST$b Show all HALFOPs of a channel.",
2a4ca4f5 33 " $bPLIST$b Show all PALs of a channel.",
8ebec7fc 34 " $bLAMERS$b Show all LAMERs of a channel.",
35 " $bACCESS$b Check someone's access level in a channel.",
36 " $bCLVL$b Change a person's access level in a channel.",
37 " $bUSET$b Set a channel user's options (autos, info).",
38 " $bSEEN$b Find out the last time a user was in a channel.",
39 "$b$b",
2a4ca4f5 40 " $bADDPAL$b Add a user as a PAL in a channel.",
55342ce8 41 " $bADDHOP$b Add a user as an HALFOP in a channel.",
42 " $bADDOP$b Add a user as an OP in a channel.",
43 " $bADDMANAGER$b Add a user as a MANAGER in a channel.",
44 " $bADDCOOWNER$b Add a user as COOWNER in a channel.",
45 " $bADDUSER$b A more advanced way to add users.",
46 " $bADDLAMER$b Add a lamer to the lamers (keep out) list.",
47 " $bADDTIMEDLAMER$b Add a lamer to the lamers list that expires in the specified time.",
48 "$b$b",
49 " $bDELUSER$b Delete a user from the userlist.",
50 " $bMDELCOOWNER$b Mass-delete coowners with accounts matching a mask.",
51 " $bMDELMANAGER$b Mass-delete managers with accounts matching a mask.",
52 " $bMDELOP$b Mass-delete ops with accounts matching a mask.",
55342ce8 53 " $bMDELHOP$b Mass-delete halfops with accounts matching a mask.",
2a4ca4f5 54 " $bMDELPAL$b Mass-delete pals with accounts matching a mask.",
c8273589 55 " $bDELLAMER$b Remove the specified lamer from the lamer list.",
56 " $bWIPEINFO$b Remove a lower-ranked user's infoline.",
57 " $bTRIM$b Delete users who are inactive.",
58 " $bSUSPEND$b Suspend a user's access to a channel.",
59 " $bUNSUSPEND$b Restore a user's access to a channel.",
60 "$b$b",
61 " $bMYACCESS$b Show all channels where you have access.",
62 " $bDELETEME$b Delete YOURSELF from the userlist.",
b1bf690d 63 " $bGIVEOWNERSHIP$b Give away ownership to another user."
d76ed9a9 64);
4048352e 65
b1bf690d 66"CHANNEL" ("$bChannel Commands:$b",
67 " $bSET$b Change various channel settings.",
68 " $bTOPIC$b Set the current topic, or reset it to the default topic.",
69 " $bMODE$b Change a channel mode.",
70 " $bOPEN$b Remove +ilk channel modes and any bans on you from a channel.",
71 "*$bNOTE$b Set a note on a channel.",
72 "*$bDELNOTE$b Remove a note from a channel.",
73 "$b$b",
74 " $bUP$b Give you ops in a channel.",
75 " $bDOWN$b Remove your ops in a channel.",
76 " $bUPALL$b Give you ops in all channels you have access to.",
77 " $bDOWNALL$b Remove your ops in all channels.",
78 " $bOP$b Give ops to the specified user.",
79 " $bDEOP$b Remove ops from the specified user.",
55342ce8 80 " $bHOP$b Give halfops to the specified user.",
81 " $bDEHOP$b Remove halfops from the specified user.",
82 " $bVOICE$b Give voice to the specified user.",
83 " $bDEVOICE$b Remove voice from the specified user.",
e3b2f789 84 " $bRESYNC$b Synchronize (half)ops and voice with the channel userlist.",
85 "$b$b",
86 " $bKICK$b Kick a user from a channel.",
87 " $bBAN$b Ban a user from a channel.",
88 " $bUNBAN$b Remove the specified ban from the channel.",
89 " $bKICKBAN$b Kick and ban a user from a channel.",
90 " $bUNBANME$b Remove a ban matching your hostmask from specified channel.",
91 " $bUNBANALL$b Remove all bans from a channel.",
92 " $bINVITE$b Admit a user to pass through +ib modes in your channel.",
93 "$b$b",
4e49624c 94 " $bINFO$b Show information about a channel.",
b1bf690d 95 " $bEVENTS$b View a list of events relevant to a channel."
d76ed9a9 96);
b1bf690d 97"INFORMATION" ("$bInformative Commands:$b",
240a3274 98 " $bMYACCESS$b Show all the channels you have access to.",
99 " $bVERSION$b Check the current running version of $C.",
100 " $bNETINFO$b Check current network-wide information.",
101 " $bSTAFF$b Get a list of all the current staff.",
102 " $bIRCOPS$b Get a list of all the current IRC operators.",
103 " $bHELPERS$b Get a list of all the current support helpers.",
104 " $bPEEK$b Reveal information on a channel's modes, topic and ops.",
105 " $bCOMMAND$b Display some information about a command.",
106 " $bINFO$b Gets channel information about a channel.",
107 " $bEVENTS$b View a list of events relevant to a channel.",
108 " $b$b ",
109 " $bUSERS$b Show the channels userlist.",
110 " $bCLIST$b Show all COOWNERs of a channel.",
111 " $bMLIST$b Show all MANAGERs of a channel.",
112 " $bOLIST$b Show all OPs of a channel.",
113 " $bHLIST$b Show all HALFOPs of a channel.",
2a4ca4f5 114 " $bPLIST$b Show all PALs of a channel.",
8ebec7fc 115 " $bLAMERS$b Show all LAMERs of a channel.",
4e49624c 116 " $bACCESS$b Check someone's access level in a channel.",
d76ed9a9 117);
b1bf690d 118"OPER" ("$bHelper/IRC Operator commands:$b",
119 " $bGOD$b Turn security override on/off.",
120 " $bOPCHAN$b Force $C to op itself in a channel.",
121 "$b$b",
122 " $bSEARCH$b Find registered channel matching criteria.",
123 " $bREGISTER$b Register a new channel with $C.",
124 " $bNOREGISTER$b Add a channel to the do-not-register list.",
125 " $bALLOWREGISTER$b Remove a channel from the do-not-register list.",
1136f709 126 " $bDNRSEARCH$b Search the do-not-register list.",
127 " $bUNREGISTER$b Remove $C from a registered channel.",
128 " $bMOVE$b Transition one channel's registration to a new channel name.",
129 " $bMERGE$b Merges a source and target channels' registration, ",
130 " users, bans, and other data into the target channel.",
131 " $bUNVISITED$b List all channels that have not been visited in specified duration.",
132 " $bEXPIRE$b Automatically unregister old channels.",
133 "$b$b",
134 " $bADDOWNER$b Add a new owner to a channel.",
135 " $bDELOWNER$b Remove a current owner from a channel.",
136 " $bMDELOWNER$b Remove multiple owners by account mask from a channel.",
137 " $bCSUSPEND$b Remove $C from a channel (preserving user data).",
138 " $bCUNSUSPEND$b Restore $C to a channel that was suspended.",
139 "$b$b",
140 " $bCREATENOTE$b Create a new note type.",
141 " $bREMOVENOTE$b Remove an existing note type.",
142 "*$bSAY$b Have $C say a message in a channel.",
b1bf690d 143 "*$bEMOTE$b Equivalent to $C doing a /me in a channel."
d76ed9a9 144);
4048352e 145
b1bf690d 146"GENERAL" (
147 "$b-$N Accounts$b-",
148 " Before using $C or being added to ",
149 " channel userlists, you and your users ",
150 " must register an account with $b$N$b. ",
151 " $b/MSG $N help$b to learn how. ",
cad0ab4b 152 "$b$b",
1478fd13 153 "$b-Talking to $C-$b",
154 " $C uses a standard interface for each ",
155 " command in its command list. Commands ",
156 " can be issued either in /MSG format or ",
157 " in a channel which $C is in. These two ",
158 " ways are demonstrated below:",
159 " $b/MSG $C OP #chatzone Locke$b",
7a278540 160 " $b$!OP #chatzone locke$b",
161 "$b$b",
162 " If a command is given in a channel, and ",
163 " the channel parameter is not given, the ",
164 " channel that the command was issued in ",
165 " will be used:",
7a278540 166 " $b$!OP locke$b",
4048352e 167 "$b$b",
317ffe36 168 " Some commands, such as $bNETINFO$b ",
169 " don't require a channel. If one is ",
170 " supplied it will be ignored.",
171 "$b$b",
4048352e 172 " If a command takes additional parameters",
8ebec7fc 173 " aside from channel, they will be ",
174 " expected as well. ",
175 " See $b/msg $C HELP <COMMAND>$b for the ",
176 " exact syntax of each command. ",
b1bf690d 177 "=---------- For more info see: ---------=",
178 " http://www.afternet.org/help ",
179 " http://www.afternet.org/help/irc/x3_help"
d76ed9a9 180);
4048352e 181
b1bf690d 182"LOGIN" (
183 " Please login using:",
184 " /MSG $N AUTH <account> <password>",
185 " or the shortcut:",
186 " /AUTH <account> <password>"
187 );
c9bf23fe 188"LEVELS" ("/msg $S LEVELS",
8ebec7fc 189 "Lists the numerical level equivalents for channel access levels.",
c9bf23fe 190 "$b$b",
2a4ca4f5 191 "$S can use either the names (OWNER, COOWNER, MANAGER, OP, HALFOP, and PAL) or numerical values from 1 to 500 to indicate channel access levels. The LEVELS command prints out all the levels and their numerical ranges.",
192 "Advanced users can change their style with $N's set style command to view the numerical version in commands like USERS, and may use numbers instead of names for fine-tuning access.",
193 "$uSee Also:$u ($N) set style, access, myaccess, adduser");
d0cb2fb6 194
195"MYACCESS" ("/msg $S MYACCESS [<nick|*account>]",
196 "Lists channels where you have access and infolines in each.",
197 "Network staff may specify a nickname or *account to view the list for another user.",
198 "Your access level in the channel may be followed by a comma and one of the following characters:",
199 " s Your access in the channel has been suspended.",
200 " o AutoOp is active.",
201 " v AutoVoice is active.",
202 " i AutoInvite is active.",
cd25f2e9 203 " j AutoJoin is active.",
204 "$uSee Also:$u access, users, levels");
206"ACCESS" ("/msg $S ACCESS <#channel> [<nick|*account>]",
207 "Reports various pieces of information about a channel user, including channel and network access level, and the user's info line. If no nick or account is provided, $S returns your own information.",
208 "$uSee Also:$u myaccess, users, levels");
210"ADDLAMER" ("/msg $C ADDLAMER <#channel> <mask|nick> [Reason]",
211 "Adds a lamer to the channels lamer list, remaining in effect until removed with the DELLAMER command. ",
212 "Lamers are nick!user@host masks which $C watches for, and keeps out of your channel.",
213 "If it exactly matches an existing lamer already in the list, the reason will be updated. If the existing lamer was a timed lamer, it will be extended into a permanent lamer.",
95a73185 214 "$uSee Also:$u llist, dellamer, mdellamer");
fd20b142 215
216"ADDUSER" ("/msg $C ADDUSER <#channel> <nick|*account> <level> [duration]",
d76ed9a9 217 "This command adds someone to the channel user list with the specified access level. (You may only add users to levels less than your own.)",
2a4ca4f5 218 "The level may be one of $bpal$b, $bop$b, $bmanager$b, $bcoowner$b, $bowner$b, or a number between 1 and 500. Only network staff may add level 500 users (owners).",
fd20b142 219 "An optional duration can be specified, if specified then the after the given duration has expired the person will be automatically removed from the channel.",
220 "$uSee Also:$u deluser, users, levels, durations");
317ffe36 221
222"ADDPAL" ("/msg $C ADDPAL <#channel> <nick|*account> [duration]",
223 "This command adds someone to the channel user list with hPAL access level. (You may only add users to levels less than your own.)",
fd20b142 224 "An optional duration can be specified, if specified then the after the given duration has expired the person will be automatically removed from the channel.",
225 "$uSee Also:$u adduser, deluser, users, durations");
317ffe36 226
fd20b142 227"ADDOP" ("/msg $C ADDOP <#channel> <nick|*account> [duration]",
4048352e 228 "This command adds someone to the channel user list with OP access level. (You may only add users to levels less than your own.)",
fd20b142 229 "An optional duration can be specified, if specified then the after the given duration has expired the person will be automatically removed from the channel.",
230 "$uSee Also:$u adduser, deluser, users, durations");
317ffe36 231
fd20b142 232"ADDHOP" ("/msg $C ADDHOP <#channel> <nick|*account> [duration]",
55342ce8 233 "This command adds someone to the channel user list with HALFOP access level. (You may only add users to levels less than your own.)",
fd20b142 234 "An optional duration can be specified, if specified then the after the given duration has expired the person will be automatically removed from the channel.",
235 "$uSee Also:$u adduser, deluser, users, durations");
317ffe36 236
fd20b142 237"ADDMANAGER" ("/msg $C ADDMANAGER <#channel> <nick|*account> [duration]",
317ffe36 238 "This command adds someone to the channel user list with MANAGER access level. (You may only add users to levels less than your own.)",
fd20b142 239 "An optional duration can be specified, if specified then the after the given duration has expired the person will be automatically removed from the channel.",
240 "$uSee Also:$u adduser, deluser, users, durations");
317ffe36 241
fd20b142 242"ADDCOOWNER" ("/msg $C ADDCOOWNER <#channel> <nick|*account> [duration]",
317ffe36 243 "This command adds someone to the channel user list with COOWNER access level. (You may only add users to levels less than your own.)",
fd20b142 244 "An optional duration can be specified, if specified then the after the given duration has expired the person will be automatically removed from the channel.",
245 "$uSee Also:$u adduser, deluser, users, durations");
317ffe36 246
247"ADDTIMEDLAMER" ("/msg $C ADDTIMEDLAMER <#channel> <mask|nick> <Duration> [Reason]",
248 "Adds an automatically expiring lamer to the channel lamer list.",
95a73185 249 "This command behaves in the exact same fashion as $bADDLAMER$b with the exception that the lamers are automatically removed after the user-supplied duration. ",
250 "If it exactly matches an existing lamer already in the list, the reason will be updated. If the existing lamer was a timed lamer, it will be extended. Timed lamers can be removed with the $bDELLAMER$b command, as with permanent lamers.",
251 "$uSee Also:$u addlamer, lamers, dellamer, durations");
252"ALLOWREGISTER" ("/msg $C ALLOWREGISTER <#channel|*Account>",
253 "Removes the named channel (or channel mask) from the do-not-register list.",
1136f709 254 "$uSee Also:$u register, noregister, dnrsearch, unregister");
255"BAN" ("/msg $C BAN <#channel> <mask|nick>",
256 "This command will temporarily add a ban for the user specified as the parameter. Masks are to be supplied in the format <Nick>!<Ident>@<Host> and usually contain wildcards. If a nick is specified, a mask is automatically generated (though not completely foolproof). This ban is removed either by removing it from the channel ban list using any irc client, or sending the UNBAN or UNBANALL commands. If you are banned with this method, the UNBANME command can be used.",
d8cf9c21 257 "$uFor assistance, please join #Help$u",
258 "Example: *!*serv@*.afternet.org would ban anyone with ident 'serv' and an afternet.org hostname from joining the channel.",
d76ed9a9 259 "$uSee Also:$u unban, unbanall, unbanme");
0f6fe38c 260"LAMERS" ("/msg $C LAMERS <#channel> [mask]",
261 "This command lists all permanent and timed lamers in the channel matching an optional mask.",
262 "Lamers are nick!user@host masks which $C watches for, and keeps out of your channel.",
1136f709 263 "If a nickname is specified, lists any bans that visibly match that user.",
264 "If a hostmask with no wildcards is specified, lists any bans that match that hostmask.",
265 "If a hostmask with wildcards is specified, lists any bans included in that mask.",
c8273589 266 "$uSee Also:$u addlamer, dellamer, addtimedlamer");
d8cf9c21 267"CALC" ("/msg $C CALC <expression>",
8ebec7fc 268 "CALC calculates a mathematical expression and returns the answer. It",
d8cf9c21 269 "supports +, -, *, /, ^, and () and many other math operations, such as",
270 "sqrt[], tan[], etc.",
271 "For example: CALC sqrt [5 + .43 * (tan[75])] / 2",
272 "If you do not have access in the channel, the answer may be reported",
273 "to you privately (via MSG or NOTICE) instead of in the channel.",
d8cf9c21 274 "$uSee Also:$u dice, 8ball");
275"8BALL" ("/msg $C 8BALL [yes/no question|what color is..|how many..|where is..]?",
276 "8BALL answers yes or no questions, color questions, numerical questions, and location questions.",
277 "If you do not have access in the channel, the answer may be reported to you privately instead of in the channel.",
278 "$uSee Also:$u dice, calc");
8deb31d3 279"ROULETTE" ("/msg $C ROULETTE",
8ebec7fc 280 "ROULETTE loads the gun for a game of Russian roulette. Use FIRE to shoot it",
281 "$uSee Also:$u fire, spin");
282"FIRE" ("/msg $C FIRE",
283 "FIRE the gun (after you load it with ROULETTE). WARNING: this may kill you.",
284 "$uSee Also:$u roulette, spin");
285"SPIN" ("/msg $C SPIN",
8ebec7fc 286 "This plays a game of Wheel-Of-Misfortune. WARNING: this will result in serious injury or death. Do not play this game if you are faint of heart!",
8deb31d3 287 "$uSee Also:$u roulette");
288"CLIST" ("/msg $C CLIST <#channel> [mask]",
289 "This command lists all users of level $bCoowner$b on a channel's userlist. If a mask is supplied, only coowners matching the mask will be shown.",
290 "$uSee Also:$u addcoowner, delcoowner, mdelcoowner, users");
dfaa28a4 291"CLVL" ("/msg $C CLVL <#channel> <nick|*account> <level> [duration]",
292 "Modifies a channel user's access level. You cannot give users access greater than or equal to your own.",
293 "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes $C use the name of a account directly (useful if the user is not online).",
847f5770 294 "An optional duration can be specified, if specified then the after the given duration has expired the person will be automatically reverted back to their previous access level.",
dfaa28a4 295 "$uSee Also:$u access, users, giveownership, durations");
296"CREATENOTE" ("/msg $S CREATENOTE <typename> <set-access> [access-arg] <view-access> <max-length>",
297 "Defines a new note type. $btypename$b is the name of the note type. $bset-access$b is one of:",
298 " $bPRIVILEGED$b with required $baccess-arg$b being the minimum OpServ level to set",
299 " $bCHANNEL $b with required $baccess-arg$b being the channel access level to set",
300 " $bSETTER $b (with no access-arg) to allow anyone who can !set to set",
301 "$bview-access$b is one of $bPRIVILEGED$b, $bCHANNEL_USERS$b, or $bALL$b, that determines who can see the note (if it is set).",
302 "$bmax-length$b is the maximum length for this kind of note.",
303 "If the note type already exists, it is modified with the new values you specify.",
304 "$uSee Also:$u removenote");
305"GIVEOWNERSHIP" ("/msg $C GIVEOWNERSHIP <#channel> <nick|*account>",
306 "Transfer ownership of the channel from you to another user on the channel's userlist. You are demoted to co-owner, and he or she is promoted to owner.",
307 "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes $C use the name of a account directly (useful if the user is not online).",
308 "$uSee Also:$u clvl, access, users");
309"CSUSPEND" ("/msg $C CSUSPEND <#channel> [!]<duration> <reason>",
310 "This command will temporarily remove $b$C$b from a channel and suspend its registration.",
311 "The duration may be \"0\" to make it never expire; otherwise, $C will automatically unsuspend the channel after $uduration$u.",
312 "If you wish to modify a currently existing suspension, add a ! before the duration.",
313 "$uSee Also:$u unregister, cunsuspend, durations");
314"CUNSUSPEND" ("/msg $C CUNSUSPEND <#channel>",
315 "Restores a channel's $b$C$b registration.",
316 "$uSee Also:$u csuspend, unregister");
c8273589 317"DELLAMER" ("/msg $C DELLAMER <#channel> <mask|nick>",
5cfcc64a 318 "Deletes one or more lamers from the channel lamer list. This command works for both permanent and timed lamers alike. You can use wildcards (* and ?) in the mask, and all matching lamers will be removed.",
c8273589 319 "$uSee Also:$u addlamer, addtimedlamer, lamers");
320"DELNOTE" ("/msg $C DELNOTE <#channel> <note-name>",
321 "Deletes a note from the channel. To do this, you must be able to set the note.",
322 "$uSee Also:$u note, note types");
323"DELUSER" ("/msg $C DELUSER <#channel> <nick|*account>",
324 "Deletes a user from the channel user list.",
325 "You may use *Account instead of Nick as the name argument; the * makes $C use the name of a account directly (useful if the user is not online).",
326 "$uSee Also:$u adduser, deleteme, users");
327"DELETEME" ("/msg $C DELETEME <#channel> [<secret>]",
328 "If you have less than owner access in a channel, $bdeleteme$b removes your access from the channel. $bIf you do this by mistake, you must find a higher-ranked user to re-add you.$b",
329 "The secret value changes for each channel and each user. If you do not include the secret value, $C will tell you what it should be.",
330 "$uSee Also:$u adduser, deluser, giveownership, users");
331"DEOP" ("/msg $C DEOP <#channel> <nick> [nick]...",
332 "Deops the specified user[s].",
333 "$uSee Also:$u down, op");
55342ce8 334"DEHOP" ("/msg $C DEHOP <#channel> <nick> [nick]...",
335 "Dehalfops the specified user[s].",
336 "$uSee Also:$u down, hop");
337"DEVOICE" ("/msg $C DEVOICE <#channel> <nick> [nick]...",
338 "This command will make $C devoice the selected user[s].",
2a4ca4f5 339 "$uSee Also:$u addpal, delpal, deop, voice");
1136f709 340"DNRSEARCH" ("/msg $C DNRSEARCH <action> <criteria> <value> [<criteria> <value> ...]",
8ebec7fc 341 "Searches through the current do-not-register list for those matching the specified criteria and applies the specified action to them. A list of actions can be found in $bhelp dnrsearch action$b and a list of criteria in $bhelp dnrsearch criteria$b.",
1136f709 342 "$uSee Also:$u allowregister, dnrsearch action, dnrsearch criteria, noregister");
344 "Options for the action in $bdnrsearch$b are:",
345 "$bPRINT: $b Display the do-not-register entry.",
346 "$bREMOVE:$b Remove the do-not-register entry.",
347 "$bCOUNT: $b Count the number of matching do-not-register entries.",
348 "$uSee Also:$u dnrsearch, dnrsearch criteria");
350 "Options for the criteria in $bdnrsearch$b are:",
351 "$bCHANNEL:$b Channel name, channel mask, or \*account (note the backslash).",
352 "$bSETTER: $b Staff member who issued the do-not-register.",
353 "$bREASON: $b Mask for the do-not-register reason or note.",
354 "$bLIMIT: $b Maximum entries to operate upon (default 50).",
355 "$bSET: $b Age limit for entry (defaults to minimum age).",
356 "$bEXPIRES:$b Expiration limit for entry (defaults to minimum time).",
357 "Note: If you use the $blimit$b criteria, the full count of matching do-not-register entries will be shown at the end of the $bdnrsearch$b output, but only the first $blimit$b entries will be affected by the action.",
358 "$uSee Also:$u dnrsearch, dnrsearch action");
d76ed9a9 359"DOWN" ("/msg $C DOWN <#channel>",
55342ce8 360 "This command will devoice/dehalfop/deop you in the selected channel.",
361 "$uSee Also:$u downall, up, upall");
362"DOWNALL" ("/msg $C DOWNALL",
363 "Executes the $bdown$b command for each channel you have access to.",
364 "$uSee Also:$u down, up, upall");
366 "This is the syntax used for commands that require time durations. A time duration is made up of numbers and units. Multiple units may be used in a row.",
367 "The valid unit letters are:",
368 "$by$b - years (365 days)",
369 "$bM$b - months (30 days)",
370 "$bw$b - weeks (7 days)",
371 "$bd$b - days (24 hours)",
372 "$bh$b - hours (60 minutes)",
373 "$bm$b - minutes (60 seconds)",
374 "$bs$b - seconds",
24d557ea 375 "If the unit letter is not given, seconds are assumed.",
376 "$b$b",
377 "$uExamples$u:",
378 "$b5d$b is 5 days.",
379 "$b1y2M$b is 1 year and 2 months (425 days.)",
380 "$b1d1h$b is 1 day and 1 hour (25 hours.)",
381 "$b1h25m30s$b is 1 hour, 25 minutes and 30 seconds."
382 );
1136f709 383"EMOTE" ("/msg $C EMOTE <#channel|nick|*account> <text>",
384 "Makes $b$C$b send a CTCP ACTION message to the specified channel/nick or all users on the account.",
385 "$uSee Also:$u say");
386"EVENTS" ("/msg $C EVENTS <#channel> [limit [pattern]]",
387 "Allows channel coowners to view a list of events related to their channel. If a pattern is provided, only events with a matching description will be displayed.",
30f7b947 388 "$bNote:$b You must specify a limit if you want to use a pattern to match against.");
389"EXPIRE" ("/msg $C EXPIRE",
390 "Expires any channels that have not been visited within the configured duration. Channel registrations are automatically expired, so you only need to use this command if the duration has been changed.",
391 "$uSee Also:$u unvisited");
392"HELPERS" ("/msg $C HELPERS",
393 "Lists all the helpers currently online. Nicknames enclosed in parentheses are away, and likely unavailable.",
394 "$uSee Also:$u staff");
55342ce8 395"HLIST" ("/msg $C HLIST <#channel> [mask]",
396 "This command lists all users of level $bHalfop$b on a channel's userlist. If a mask is supplied, only halfops matching the mask will be shown.",
397 "$uSee Also:$u addhop, delhop, mdelhop, users");
398"HOP" ("/msg $C HOP <#channel> <nick> [nick]...",
399 "This command makes $C halfop the specified user.",
400 "$uSee Also:$u addhop, delhop, dehop");
401"INFO" ("/msg $C INFO <#channel>",
402 "This command responds with various pieces of information about a channel's users, status, and registration.");
403"INVITE" ("/msg $C INVITE <#channel> [nick [reason]]",
4048352e 404 "Invites a user into the channel, sending them a reason if one is provided. However, unless you have at least $bmanager$b access, you can only invite yourself with this command. If no nick is provided, the user issuing the command will be invited.");
405"INVITEME" ("/msg $S INVITEME <#channel>",
406 "Invites you into the channel.");
407"IRCOPS" ("/msg $C IRCOPS",
408 "Lists all the IRC operators currently online. Nicknames enclosed in parentheses are away, and likely unavailable.",
409 "$uSee Also:$u staff");
410"KICK" ("/msg $C KICK <#channel> <mask|nick> [reason]",
411 "Kicks the users matching the given nick or mask with the specified reason. If no reason is provided, a default will be used.",
412 "$uSee Also:$u kickban");
413"KICKBAN" ("/msg $C KICKBAN <#channel> <mask|nick> [reason]",
414 "Kicks and bans with the specified reason any users with a matching nick or hostmask. If no reason is provided, a default one will be used.",
415 "$uSee Also:$u addban, kick");
416"MDELCOOWNER" ("/msg $C MDELCOOWNER <#channel> <pattern>",
417 "Deletes all coowners with accounts matching the given pattern from the channel user list.",
418 "$uSee Also:$u clist, delcoowner");
55342ce8 419"MDELHOP" ("/msg $C MDELHOP <#channel> <pattern>",
420 "Deletes all halfops with accounts matching the given pattern from the channel user list.");
421"MDELMANAGER" ("/msg $C MDELMANAGER <#channel> <pattern>",
422 "Deletes all managers with accounts matching the given pattern from the channel user list.",
2a4ca4f5 423 "$uSee Also:$u mdelban, mdelcoowner, mdelop, mdelowner, mdelpal");
d76ed9a9 424"MDELOP" ("/msg $C MDELOP <#channel> <pattern>",
425 "Deletes all ops with accounts matching the given pattern from the channel user list.",
426 "$uSee Also:$u addop, mdelowner, mdelcoowner, mdelmanager");
427"MDELOWNER" ("/msg $C MDELOWNER <#channel> <pattern>",
428 "Deletes all owners with accounts matching the given pattern from the channel user list.",
429 "$uSee Also:$u addowner, mdelcoowner, mdelmanager, mdelop, mdelpal");
430"MDELPAL" ("/msg $C MDELPAL <#channel> <pattern>",
431 "Deletes all pals with accounts matching the given pattern from the channel user list.",
432 "$uSee Also:$u addpal, mdelcoowner, mdelmanager, mdelop");
b45fd7d7 433"MERGE" ("/msg $C MERGE <#channel> <destination> <nodelete>",
434 "Merges the source channel's registration, users, lamers, and other data into the target channel. Users with access to both the source and target channels will retain the higher access level; if the access levels are the same, the more recent seen time is kept. Lamers are also merged, with lamers expiring later taking precedence. If nodelete is added then the #channel wont be deleted after the merge.",
435 "$uSee Also:$u register, move, unregister");
436"MLIST" ("/msg $C MLIST <#channel> [mask]",
437 "This command lists all users of level $bManager$b on a channel's userlist. If a mask is supplied, only managers matching the mask will be shown.",
438 "$uSee Also:$u addmanager, delmanager, mdelmanager, users");
439"MODE" ("/msg $C MODE <#channel>",
440 "Resets the modes in the channel to their default.",
441 "$uSee Also:$u open, set");
442"MOVE" ("/msg $C MOVE <#channel> <destination>",
443 "Transfers a channel's registration to a different channel along with the settings and user/ban lists. All the restrictions that apply for the $bregister$b command apply to $bmove$b.",
444 "$uSee Also:$u register, merge, unregister");
445"NETINFO" ("/msg $C NETINFO",
446 "Displays some assorted pieces of information about network-wide $b$C$b statistics.",
447 "$uSee Also:$u info, staff");
1136f709 448"NOREGISTER" ("/msg $C NOREGISTER <#channel|*Account> <duration> <reason>",
449 "With no arguments, lists the current do-not-register channels.",
450 "With arguments, adds a do-not-register channel (or account) with the specified reason. In this case, the channel name may include * or ? wildcards.",
1136f709 451 "The duration may be \"0\" to make it never expire; otherwise, the do-not-register entry will be automatically removed after $uduration$u.",
452 "$uSee Also:$u allowregister, register, dnrsearch, unregister");
453"NOTE" ("/msg $C NOTE <#channel> [<type> [new-note-text]]",
454 "With no arguments, lists all visible notes on the specified channel.",
455 "With one argument, lists the note type you name (if it is visible to you).",
456 "With two arguments, sets the note type (if you can set it).",
457 "$uSee Also:$u delnote, note types");
459 "${notes}",
460 "$uSee Also:$u note, delnote");
461"OLIST" ("/msg $C OLIST <#channel> [mask]",
462 "This command lists all users of level $bOp$b on a channel's userlist. If a mask is supplied, only ops matching the mask will be shown.",
317ffe36 463 "$uSee Also:$u addop, deluser, mdelop, users");
464"OP" ("/msg $C OP <#channel> <nick> [nick]...",
465 "This command makes $C op the specified user.",
317ffe36 466 "$uSee Also:$u addop, deluser, deop");
467"OPCHAN" ("/msg $C OPCHAN <#channel>",
468 "This command makes $C op itself in the specified channel.");
469"OPEN" ("/msg $C OPEN <#channel>",
8ebec7fc 470 "This command will make $C remove all modes preventing a user from the specified channel and remove all bans matching the users hostmask.",
471 "$uSee Also:$u unbanme");
472"PEEK" ("/msg $C PEEK <#channel>",
473 "Displays the current topic, modes, and ops of the specified channel. Unlike $binfo$b, $bpeek$b displays channel information unrelated to $b$C$b.",
474 "$uSee Also:$u info");
475"PLIST" ("/msg $C PLIST <#channel>",
476 "This command lists all users of level $bpal$b on a channel's userlist. If a mask is supplied, only pals matching the mask will be shown.",
477 "$uSee Also:$u addpal, delpal, mdelpal, users");
480 "/msg $C REGISTER <#channel>",
8ebec7fc 481 "Registers a channel to you with $b$C$b. X3 will protect your channel, preserve your ownership of the channel and provide handy features such as userlists & stats.",
482 "If the channel exists, you must have ops (+o) and there is a limit to the number of channels you may have at once.",
483 "Network staff see /MSG $C HELP STAFF REGISTER",
484 "$uSee Also:$u unregister, giveownership");
487 "/msg $C REGISTER <#channel> [user|*account] [force]",
488 "Registers a channel to the given user with $b$C$b.",
489 "If staff provides the third argument, $bforce$b, it will allow the registration even if it is a do-not-register channel or their register limit will be exceeded.",
490 "$uSee Also:$u addowner, noregister, register, unregister");
492"REMOVENOTE" ("/msg $S REMOVENOTE <typename> [FORCE]",
493 "Permanently deletes a note type. Without the argument $bFORCE$b, it will only delete an unused note type. With the argument $bFORCE$b, it will delete the note from all channels and then delete the note type.",
494 "$uSee Also:$u createnote");
e3b2f789 495
d76ed9a9 496"RESYNC" ("/msg $S RESYNC <#channel>",
497 "Synchronizes users in the channel with the userlist, according to the SET AUTOMODE setting.",
498 "It will give and take ops, halfops, and voice modes to users to make the channel match the userlist and automode setting.",
499 "$uSee Also:$u set automode, up, op, hop, voice");
1136f709 501"SAY" ("/msg $C SAY <#channel|nick|*account> <text>",
502 "Makes $b$C$b send a message to the specified channel/nick or all users on the account.",
503 "$uSee Also:$u emote");
505 "The following criteria may be used:",
506 " NAME Channels whose names match the given mask",
507 " REGISTRAR Channels whose registrar's account matches the given mask",
508 " UNVISITED Channels that have not been visited in at least the given duration",
509 " REGISTERED Channels that have been registered for less than the given duration",
510 " FLAGS Matches channels with the specified flag set",
511 " LIMIT Limit the number of channels returned by the search",
1136f709 512 "Flags that can be matched against are: nodelete, suspended and unreviewed.",
513 "$uSee Also:$u search, search actions");
515 "The following are valid $bsearch$b actions:",
516 " PRINT Prints matching channels",
517 " COUNT Prints the number of matching channels",
518 "$uSee Also:$u search, search criteria");
519"SEARCH" ("/msg $C SEARCH <action> <criteria> <value> [<criteria> <value>]...",
520 "Searches for channels which match the specified criteria. For a list of search actions, see $bsearch actions$b. For a list of the criteria, see $bsearch criteria$b.",
521 "$uSee Also:$u search actions, search criteria");
522"SEEN" ("/msg $C SEEN <#channel> <account>",
523 "This command will tell you if the selected user is in the channel, or when was the last time the user was seen in the channel.",
524 "$uSee Also:$u access, users");
525"SET" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> [<parameter> [setting]]",
526 "This command will set various channel options. With no arguments, it will show the current values of all channel options.",
527 "DEFAULTTOPIC: The channel's default topic.",
528 "TOPICMASK: A pattern that topics must match.",
529 "GREETING: A greeting message for visitors to the channel.",
530 "USERGREETING: A greeting message for users on the channel's userlist.",
531 "MODES: The channel's default modes.",
532 "PUBCMD: Restrictions to use commands in public.",
cd25f2e9 533 "INVITEME: Minimum level for users to use INVITEME, AUTOINVITE or AUTOJOIN.",
d76ed9a9 534 "USERINFO: Minimum level for users to show an infoline on join.",
535 "ENFOPS: Who can op users.",
536 "ENFHALFOPS: Who can half-op users.",
537 "ENFMODES: Who can change the channel modes.",
5f6a98a7 538 "ENFTOPIC: Who can change the topic.",
b75e24a3 539 "TOPICSNARF: Manual topics changes (by /TOPIC) from users this level and above will change the default $b$C$b topic.",
d76ed9a9 540 "SETTERS: Who may change channel settings (using $bSET$b).",
88c7cb10 541 "CTCPREACTION: What happens when a CTCP is sent to the channel.",
4b6129c0 542 "AUTOMODE: Who should be auto-voice/hop/oped in the channel.",
42ab13d2 543 "BANTIMEOUT: Removes old bans.",
544 "PROTECT: The protection level $b$C$b provides.",
545 "TOYS: Toggles how $b$C$b will respond to toy commands (!8ball etc).",
546 "TOPICREFRESH: Controls if (and how often) $b$C$b will reset the topic.",
7637f48f 547 "RESYNC: Controls if (and how often) $b$C$b will reset the userlist.",
d76ed9a9 548 "DYNLIMIT: Adjusts user limit (+l channel mode) to prevent join floods.",
8b9e7d45 549 "MAXSETINFO: Maximum amount of characters in a SETINFO line.",
550 "$bIRCOP ONLY$b:",
551 "NODELETE: Prevents channel deletion.",
1136f709 552 "UNREVIEWED: Indicates channels that have not been manually reviewed.",
d76ed9a9 553 "If you wish to reset your channel to the default settings, you can use the $bSET DEFAULTS$b command.",
8b9e7d45 554 "$uSee Also:$u set pubcmd, set enfops, set enfhalfops, set enfmodes, set enftopic, set protect, set toys, set setters, set topicrefresh, set resync, set ctcpreaction, set maxsetinfo, set defaults");
4b6129c0 555
556"SET DEFAULTTOPIC" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> DEFAULTTOPIC <New default topic>",
557 "This changes the default topic for the channel. $C will set the IRC topic to this value when the $btopic$b command is used with no arguments, when the topic refresh happens (if you have $bset topicrefresh$b), or when an unauthorized user changes the topic to something else.",
558 "$uSee Also:$u set, set topicrefresh, set enftopic, set topicmask");
4b6129c0 559
d76ed9a9 560"SET TOPICMASK" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> TOPICMASK <Topic mask with * and ?>",
561 "This sets a pattern that $C forces all topics to match. A $b*$b will match any number of characters (including 0); a $b?$b will match any single character -- the same as with IRC hostmasks.",
562 "For example, $b!set topicmask Hello *$b allows the topic to be set to $bHello world$b, but not $bGoodbye world$b.",
d76ed9a9 563 "You may \"escape\" those characters by putting a \\ before them in the topic mask; for example, $b!set topicmask Whassup\\?$b would only allow the topic to be $bWhassup?$b, while leaving out the \\ would allow the topic to be $bWhassup!$b (among other things).",
564 "If the TopicMask has only one * and no ?, then using:",
565 " $btopic something$b",
566 "will replace the * with the text $bsomething$b.",
d76ed9a9 567 "$uSee Also:$u set, set topic, set enftopic");
4b6129c0 568
d76ed9a9 569"SET TOYS" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> TOYS <value>",
b75e24a3 570 "This setting changes how $C will respond to commands like 8ball, or whether it responds at all. Valid settings are:",
571 "$b0$b Toys are completely disabled.",
572 "$b1$b Toys will only reply privately.",
573 "$b2$b Toys will reply publicly.",
574 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 575
576"SET PUBCMD" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> PUBCMD <value>",
577 "This setting restricts the access necessary to use in-channel commands. It is a numeric user level, or 501 to mean no one may use public commands.",
578 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 579
d76ed9a9 580"SET ENFOPS" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> ENFOPS <value>",
2a4ca4f5 581 "This setting restricts who may op users who are not at least ops on the userlist. If $C sees someone with access below the specified access op someone not on the userlist (or who is a pal), it will deop the second user. It is a numeric user level, or 501 to mean no one may op unrecognized users.",
d76ed9a9 582 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 583
55342ce8 584"SET ENFHALFOPS" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> ENFHALFOPS <value>",
2a4ca4f5 585 "This setting restricts who may halfop users who are not at least halfops on the userlist. If $C sees someone with access below the specified access halfop someone not on the userlist (or who is a pal), it will dehalfop the second user. It is a numeric user level, or 501 to mean no one may op unrecognized users.",
55342ce8 586 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 587
588"SET ENFMODES" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> ENFMODES <value>",
589 "This setting restricts the minimum access someone must have to change the channel modes from what is specified in the channel settings. It is a numeric user level, or 501 to mean no one may override the default modes.",
590 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 591
592"SET ENFTOPIC" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> ENFTOPIC <value>",
593 "This setting restricts the minimum access someone must have to change the channel topic. It is a numeric user level, or 501 to mean no one may override the default topic.",
594 "If a topic mask is set, then a person may change the topic as long as it matches that mask $bor$b they have the above access.",
595 "If no topic mask is set, then a person must have the above access to change the topic from the default.",
596 "$uSee Also:$u set, set topic, set topicmask");
4b6129c0 597
50ca1f0c 598"SET MAXSETINFO" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> MAXSETINFO <value>",
8b9e7d45 599 "This setting restricts the length of user info lines.",
600 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 602"SET AUTOMODE" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> AUTOMODE <value>",
603 "This setting configures who $C gives different channel modes to on join or RESYNC. ",
604 "Valid settings are:",
605 " $b0$b Noone will be automatically oped, half-oped, or voiced.",
2a4ca4f5 606 " $b1$b Give voice to pals, half-op to halfops, and op to ops.",
607 " $b2$b #1 Plus Give voice to everyone.",
608 " $b3$b #1 Plus give halfops to everyone.",
609 " $b4$b #1 Plus give ops to everyone (not advised.)",
2a4ca4f5 610 " $b5$b Give half-op to halfops, and op to ops only, but pals do not get voice. ",
e2db4353 611 " $b6$b Just voice everyone with access. ",
e3b2f789 612 "$uSee Also:$u set, up, uset autoop, resync");
4b6129c0 613
614"SET BANTIMEOUT" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> BANTIMEOUT <value>",
615 "This setting configures $C to automatically remove bans older than the set age. It is useful for avoiding buildup of old bans, eventually running out of ban slots.",
616 "Valid settings are:",
617 " $b0$b Does not remove bans",
618 " $b1$b Bans will be removed after 10 minutes",
619 " $b2$b Bans will be removed after 2 hours",
620 " $b3$b Bans will be removed after 4 hours",
621 " $b4$b Bans will be removed after 24 hours",
622 " $b5$b Bans will be removed after 1 week",
8ebec7fc 623 "It should be noted that this setting expires channel bans (mode +b) NOT permanently banned \"LAMERs\", although it will expire the individual host-bans $C sets on those who match LAMER entries.",
624 "$uSee Also:$u unban, addlamer, addtimedlamer");
626"SET PROTECT" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> PROTECT <value>",
627 "This setting restricts the protection that $C enforces. Valid settings are:",
628 "$b0$b Non-users and users will be protected from those of equal or lower access",
629 "$b1$b Users will be protected from those of equal or lower access.",
630 "$b2$b Users will be protected from those of lower access.",
631 "$b3$b No users will be protected.",
632 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 633
634"SET SETTERS" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> SETTERS <value>",
635 "Users with at least this user level can use the $bset$b command for $C.",
636 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 637
638"SET TOPICREFRESH" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> TOPICREFRESH <value>",
639 "This setting controls if (and how often) $C refreshes the topic to the default value. Valid settings are:",
640 "$b0$b Never refresh topic.",
641 "$b1$b Refresh every 3 hours.",
642 "$b2$b Refresh every 6 hours.",
643 "$b3$b Refresh every 12 hours.",
644 "$b4$b Refresh every 24 hours.",
645 "$uSee Also:$u set, set topic");
4b6129c0 646
7637f48f 647"SET RESYNC" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> RESYNC <value>",
648 "This setting controls if (and how often) $C refreshes the userlist to the current list. Valid settings are:",
649 "$b0$b Never refresh userlist.",
650 "$b1$b Refresh every 3 hours.",
651 "$b2$b Refresh every 6 hours.",
652 "$b3$b Refresh every 12 hours.",
653 "$b4$b Refresh every 24 hours.",
654 "$uSee Also:$u set");
656"SET CTCPREACTION" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> CTCPREACTION <value>",
657 "This setting controls what happens to those who send disallowed CTCPs to the channel:",
658 "$b0$b CTCPs are allowed. Do nothing.",
659 "$b1$b Kick on disallowed CTCPs.",
660 "$b2$b Kickban on disallowed CTCPs.",
661 "$b3$b Short timed ban (defaults to 3 minutes) on disallowed CTCPs.",
662 "$b4$b Long timed ban (defaults to 1 hour) on disallowed CTCPs.",
317ffe36 663 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 664
665"SET DEFAULTS" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> DEFAULTS [<confirmation>]",
666 "With the proper confirmation string, resets all the options for the channel to their default values.",
667 "With no confirmation string, displays the appropriate confirmation string.",
668 "$uSee Also:$u set");
4b6129c0 669
670"SET GREETING" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> GREETING <message>",
671 "Sets a message X3 will send to everyone who joins your channel, unless they are on your userlist.",
672 "This feature should be used sparingly, as many people find it annoying.",
673 "Another set command, SET USERGREETING, is shown to people who ARE on your userlist.",
3a6b01d5 674 "$uSee Also:$u set usergreeting");
676"SET USERGREETING" ("/msg $C SET <#channel> USERGREETING <message>",
2a4ca4f5 677 "Sets a message X3 will send to your users (PALs, OPs, etc) when they join your channel.",
678 "This feature should be used sparingly, as many people find it annoying.",
679 "Another set command, SET GREETING, is shown to people who are NOT on your userlist.",
3a6b01d5 680 "$uSee Also:$u set greeting");
b3052f71 681
682"STAFF" ("/msg $C STAFF",
683 "Lists all the IRC operators and helpers currently online. Nicknames enclosed in parentheses are away, and likely unavailable.",
684 "$uSee Also:$u helpers, ircops, netinfo");
4b6129c0 685
b10abdb2 686"SUSPEND" ("/msg $C SUSPEND <#channel> <nick|*account> <duration>",
d76ed9a9 687 "This disables the target's access to the channel. That access can be restored using the unsuspend command.",
b10abdb2 688 "The duration may be \"0\" to make it never expire; otherwise, $C will automatically unsuspend the user after the duration",
689 "$uSee Also:$u durations, unsuspend, deluser");
4b6129c0 690
691"TOPIC" ("/msg $C TOPIC <#channel> [topic]",
692 "Sets the current topic for the specified channel. If no topic is specified, then set the current topic to the default topic.");
4b6129c0 693
2f61d1d7 694"TRIM" ("/msg $C TRIM <#channel> <target> <duration> [vacation]",
95a73185 695 "The trim command removes target objects inactive for more than a certain duration from a channel. The target must be a channel access level, a range of access levels (for example, \"300-399\"), \"users\" or \"lamers\". The duration argument specifies the amount of time the target has been inactive for to be removed.",
8ebec7fc 696 "If the vacation argument is given for the users target, users who are on vacation will be trimmed. By default, they are skipped.",
d76ed9a9 697 "$uSee Also:$u durations");
4b6129c0 698
699"UNBAN" ("/msg $C UNBAN <#channel> <mask|nick>",
700 "Unbans the specified nick or hostmask. If a nick is given, $b$C$b determines what hostmask(s) to unban.",
701 "$uSee Also:$u ban, kick, kickban");
4b6129c0 702
703"UNBANALL" ("/msg $C UNBANALL <#channel>",
704 "Clears the specified channel's banlist. If the channel is omitted, then $bunbanall$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.",
705 "$uSee Also:$u ban, unban, unbanme");
706"UNBANME" ("/msg $C UNBANME <#channel>",
707 "Unbans your hostmask from the specified channel.",
708 "$uSee Also:$u ban, unban");
709"UNREGISTER" ("/msg $C UNREGISTER <#channel> [<confirmation>]",
710 "Unregisters a channel that is registered with $b$C$b. $bIMPORTANT$b: Once the channel is unregistered, the userlist $bcannot$b be recovered.",
8ebec7fc 711 "If you are not network staff, you must add a confirmation string to the end of your line to confirm the unregistration. If you leave it out, $C will show the proper confirmation string.",
712 "$uSee Also:$u register");
713"UNSUSPEND" ("/msg $C UNSUSPEND <#channel> <nick|*account>",
714 "This restores the target's access to the channel (after it has been suspended).",
715 "$uSee Also:$u suspend, deluser");
716"UNVISITED" ("/msg $C UNVISITED [duration] [limit]",
717 "Displays up to a certain limit, all channels registered with $b$C$b that have not been visited within a certain duration. If a duration is not provided, a default will be used.",
718 "$uSee Also:$u expire, search, durations");
719"UP" ("/msg $C UP <#channel>",
2a4ca4f5 720 "Grants you your normal channel privileges. Ops for OPs, HalfOps for HALFOPs, and Voice for PALs.");
721"UPALL" ("/msg $C UPALL",
722 "Executes the $bup$b command for each channel you have access in.",
723 "$uSee Also:$u up, down, downall");
724"USET" ("/msg $C USET <#channel> [<option> [<setting>]]",
725 "The $buset$b command allows you to toggle various channel user settings. With no arguments, it will print the current values of all channel user options.",
726 "$bOptions:$b",
727 "INFO: Sets the infoline that $C sends when you join the channel.",
c8ca69a0 728 "AUTOOP: Enable or disable $C automatically opping you upon joining or authenticating.",
d76ed9a9 729 "AUTOINVITE: $C will invite you to this channel if you have access to and are not in when you authenticate if this setting is on.",
dd019452 730 "AUTOJOIN: $C will forcibly join you into this channel if you have access to and are not in it when you authenticate if this setting is on.",
731 "$uSee Also:$u set");
732"USET INFO" ("/msg $C USET <#channel> INFO <info>",
733 "This command will set a user defined information message to be displayed when you join the channel. Set to '*' to clear the message.",
734 "Note: to keep from being annoying, your info message only shows when you have been offline for more than a few minutes.",
735 "$uSee Also:$u access");
736"USERS" ("/msg $C USERS <#channel> [mask]",
737 "Displays the userlist for the specified channel. If a mask is supplied, only users matching the mask will be shown.",
738 "$uSee Also:$u clist, mlist, olist, plist, wlist");
739"VOICE" ("/msg $C VOICE <#channel> <nick> [nick]...",
740 "Voices the specified nick in the specified channel. If the channel is omitted, then $bvoice$b will be done in the channel where the command was given.",
741 "$uSee Also:$u devoice");
742"WIPEINFO" ("/msg $C WIPEINFO <#channel> <nick|*account>",
743 "Removes the named user's infoline in the channel.");
744"WLIST" ("/msg $C WLIST <#channel> [mask]",
745 "This command lists all users of level $bOwner$b on a channel's userlist. If a mask is supplied, only owners matching the mask will be shown.",
746 "$uSee Also:$u addcoowner, delcoowner, mdelcoowner, users");
4048352e 748"ME" "I am at your service. /msg $C help command, or /join #help ";
317ffe36 749
8ebec7fc 750"thanks" ("AfterNET's own X3 is based on the hard work of the original srvx developers. They would like to thank the following people for their help in making the original srvx:",
4048352e 751 " $bGameSurge IRC Network$b - All the users and staff there bear with our shortcomings and bugs and let us know what needs to be fixed.",
8ebec7fc 752 " $bIC5 Networks$b (and JohnM in particular) - Never afraid to critique things, even if we are the 800-pound gorilla.",
753 " $bMeeko, eraser, hock(ey), KilledInAction, MadEwokHerd, Milon and Shoat$b - Hardcore beta testing and bug finding on the testnet.",
754 " $bCrips and feigling$b - Reading through all the boring messages and finding ways to make them clearer.",
ceafd592 755 "Futher, the X3 team would like to thank:",
4048352e 756 " $breed$b - who tirelessly nagged us to upgrade our services",
43115bd6 757 "$bAfterNET Users and Opers$b - who fought both for and against the change, for the better of Afternet.");
759"MODES" (
760 "/msg $C HELP MODES <option>",
761 "This command will return information for either:",
762 "CHANNEL: Channel mode(s).",
763 "USER: User mode(s).",
764 "$b$b",
765 "See MODES USER, and MODES CHANNEL for the meaning of modes.",
766 "$uSee also:$u set",
767 );
770 "*a - IRC administrator.",
771 " d - Deaf mode. All #channel messages are ignored.",
772 "*f - Fake host mode. ($bInvisible mode, will not be visibly set. Can only be set by a U:lined service.$b)",
773 " g - Allows you to see desynch wallops.",
774 "*h - Sethost mode. ($bInvisible mode, will not be visibly set.$b)",
775 " i - Invisible. A user will not be able to see you in /names or /who list(s). They $bmust$b know your exact nick.",
776 " k - Network service. You cannot be deopped, kicked or killed.",
777 "*n - Channels will not be shown in a user(s) /whois reply.",
778 " o - Global IRC operator.",
779 " r - Registered user. ($bInvisible mode, will not be visibly set. Can only be set by a U:lined service.$b)",
780 " s - Server notices.",
781 " w - See wallops and wallusers messages.",
782 " x - Real host will be obfuscated if authed to $N. ($bFixed mode, cannot be unset.$b)",
783 "*B - User is a bot.",
784 "*I - Idle time will not be shown in a user(s) /whois reply.",
785 "*O - Local IRC operator. ($bDeprecated and disabled. *ALL* IRC operators are global.$b)",
786 "*R - Only registered user(s) are allowed to message you.",
787 "*W - /whois paranoia. IRC operators are informed of a /whois taking place on them. ($bDisabled.$b)",
788 "*X - Extra oper. Gives extra abilities and privileges to IRC operators.",
789 "$b$b",
790 "$bNote:$b * indicates that the mode is only available on some networks."
791 );
794 "*a - IRC administrators only. ($bCan only be set by IRC administrators/operators. Can be overridden by /invite.$b)",
795 " b - Bans a user from a channel. ($bCan be overridden by /invite.$b)",
796 "*c - Incoming colour messages to the channel are blocked.",
797 "*e - Excludes a user from being banned from a channel. If they're +b'd and +e'd, they will still be able to join.",
798 "*h - Gives a user hop status. ($b%%$b)",
799 " i - Invite only. A user must be /invite'd to the channel in order to join.",
800 " k - Channel requires a key in order to join. ($bCan be overridden by /invite.$b)",
801 " l - Limit. Only a certain number of user(s) are allowed to join the channel. ($bCan be overridden by /invite.$b)",
802 " m - Moderated. Nobody other than hops ($b%%$b), ops ($b@$b) or voices ($b+$b) can talk.",
803 " n - All external messages will be blocked. ($bMust be in the channel in order to talk.$b)",
804 " o - Gives a user op status. ($b@$b)",
805 " p - Private. The channel will not appear in /list but will appear in /whois replies.",
8ebec7fc 806 " r - A user must be registered in order to join the channel. ($bCan be overridden by /invite.$b)",
807 " s - Secret. The channel will not appear in /list and /whois replies.",
808 " t - Only op(s) can change the topic.",
809 " v - Gives a user voice status. ($b+$b)",
8ebec7fc 810 "*z - Persistent channel. Once the last user has left, the channel will not be destroyed. ($bDisabled.$b)",
811 "*C - /ctcp messages to the channel are blocked.",
812 "*L - Mode(s) will not be displayed in /list.",
813 "*M - Only registered user(s) are allowed to talk in a channel. (Excludes hops ($b%%$b), ops ($b@$b) and voices. ($b+$b))",
814 "*N - /notices to the channel are blocked.",
8ebec7fc 815 "*O - IRC operators only. ($bCan only be set by either $C or IRC administrators/operators. Can be overridden by /invite.$b)",
816 "*Q - Part and quit messages will not be displayed in a channel.",
817 "*S - Bold, colour, reverse and underline code(s) are stripped from incoming messages.",
818 "*T - /amsgs to the channel are blocked.",
819 "*Z - SSL user(s) only. ($bCan only be set by either $C or those on an SSL connection.$b)",
820 "$b$b",
821 "$bNote:$b * indicates that the mode is only available on some networks."
822 );