]> jfr.im git - irc/anope/website.git/blob - _config.yml
Convert the 2023 news posts to proper Markdown.
[irc/anope/website.git] / _config.yml
1 category_layout: news.html
2 category_path: /news/
3 excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
4 paginate: 9999 # we dont use this but the category pages ext does
5 permalink: /news/:year/:title:output_ext
7 navigation:
8 - Home: /
9 About: /about.html
10 News: /news/
11 Downloads: https://github.com/anope/anope/releases
12 Team: /team.html
13 Contact: /contact.html
15 - Forum: https://forum.anope.org
16 Modules: https://modules.anope.org
17 Wiki: https://wiki.anope.org
18 FAQ: https://wiki.anope.org/index.php/2.0/FAQ
19 Bug Tracker: https://github.com/anope/anope/issues
20 Feature Requests: https://forum.anope.org/?board=9.0
21 Paste Bin: https://pastebin.anope.org
23 - GitWeb: https://github.com/anope/anope
24 Development API: '#'
26 plugins:
27 - jekyll-category-pages
28 - jekyll-feed
29 - jekyll-paginate
30 - jekyll-redirect-from
31 - jekyll-sitemap
33 releases:
34 devel: null
35 stable:
36 version: 2.0.13
37 date: 2023-06-01
38 news: /news/2023/anope-2013-release.html
39 source: https://github.com/anope/anope/archive/refs/tags/2.0.13.tar.gz
40 windows: https://github.com/anope/anope/releases/download/2.0.13/anope-2.0.13.exe