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[irc/anope/website.git] / _posts / 2009-07-30-anope-your-community.md
2layout: post
3title: Anope; your community.
4author: chaz
5category: 2009
6# date: 2009-07-30T10:54:24+00:00
9Anope needs you. - Well, it needs motivated people with time and energy to dedicate to furthering the development and stability of the product and it's ever growing community.
11<b>What kind of people does your community need?</b>
13It needs <b>all</b> kinds of people!
15People doesn't necessarily mean you need to know how to write C/C++, or even know Anope inside out and back to front it just means you enjoy using the product and want to help further its use and refinement within an ever evolving community.
17Your community needs people that want to sit on irc helping other people learn how irc functions, it needs people who spend time on forums again helping people out, and it really needs people to read through the documentation & language translation files, update the old stuff and make it pleasing and acceptable to everyone.
19Your community needs network administrators that use the software to absolute destruction and can feed back on bugs, and help us test pre-release material before it's generally available elsewhere. It's absolutely crucial we build a nice big group of people who want to help test and feed back information/bugs on both the stable and devel branches.
21Of course your community also needs people who can code, people who can look at the existing codebase, make suggestions and contribute for improvements and get stuck in working with our team and the community in helping develop the product you want.
23We're working on lots of community orientated features behind the scenes; a new feature packed Modules Repository linking back to our LDAP System is top of the requests list and we need people with ideas and PHP knowledge to help us make this work as best as possible.
25<b>Still not sure?</b>
27If you're keen and want to help out, the first thing to do is get in touch with me via email chaz@anope.org or on IRC and lets have a chat about what you enjoy doing, what kind of skills you have and whether helping the community out is something you want to do!
29If you're a network administrator wanting to help us by testing prerelease software on both the stable and development branch and help us catch bugs get in touch with details of your network, what version of Anope you're using and rough numbers of your concurrent user connections so we can build a picture of the scalability of the product in the wild and of course, a localised picture of the software in use on your network!
31Finally, if you enjoy talking with like minded people why not drop into our social channel on irc.anope.org #anope-social and have a chat or check out the General Chat section of our Forums.
33I look forward to hearing from you all in the near future and I am confident that working with our Team on your community will be beneficial to us all.