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101 1. Document Purpose
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106 2. Network Administration Structure
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111 3. Code of Conduct
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117 4. Making Changes
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121 4. Making Changes
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130 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#request-for-discussion-rfd">4.1
131 Request For Discussion (RFD)
132 </a>
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134 <li class="md-nav__item">
135 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#call-for-vote-cfv">4.2
136 Call For Vote (CFV)
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140 <li class="md-nav__item">
141 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#changes-to-undernet-charter-uc">4.2.1
142 Changes to Undernet Charter (UC)
143 </a>
144 </li>
145 <li class="md-nav__item">
146 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#all-other-cfvs">4.2.2
147 All other CFVs
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154 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#seconds">4.3
155 Seconds
156 </a>
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159 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#objections">4.4
160 Objections
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164 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#suspensions">4.5
165 Suspensions
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173 5. Network Services
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178 6. Network Committees (NCs)
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183 7. Server Operators (SOs)
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188 8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
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193 9. *world Acceptable use Policy
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198 10. Glossary of Terms
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203 11. Appendix
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221 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#request-for-discussion-rfd">4.1
222 Request For Discussion (RFD)
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226 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#call-for-vote-cfv">4.2
227 Call For Vote (CFV)
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232 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#changes-to-undernet-charter-uc">4.2.1
233 Changes to Undernet Charter (UC)
234 </a>
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237 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#all-other-cfvs">4.2.2
238 All other CFVs
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245 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#seconds">4.3
246 Seconds
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250 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#objections">4.4
251 Objections
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255 <a class="md-nav__link" href="#suspensions">4.5
256 Suspensions
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266 <h1 id="making-changes"><span class="enumerate-headings-plugin enumerate-heading-plugin">4.</span> Making Changes<a class="headerlink" href="#making-changes" title="Permanent link">#</a></h1>
267 <p>Changes to the network can only be achieved through mandatory
268 discussion, optionally formalised by Request For Discussion (RFD), and
269 subsequent Call For Vote (CFV).</p>
270 <p>All AB members are subscribed to the Undernet Admins mailing list and
271 may take part in any and all discussions and submit formal Request For
272 Discussion (RFDs) and Call For Vote (CFVs).</p>
273 <h2 id="request-for-discussion-rfd"><span class="enumerate-headings-plugin enumerate-heading-plugin">4.1</span> Request For Discussion (RFD)<a class="headerlink" href="#request-for-discussion-rfd" title="Permanent link">#</a></h2>
274 <p>All motions for change that lead to a CFV must first have a prior
275 discussion amongst members of the AB. This discussion can be
276 formalised by raising an RFD with the AS.</p>
277 <p>RFDs are submitted to the AS whereby an RFD reference will be assigned
278 and formally presented to the AB for discussion. RFD content will
279 always be attributed to the submitting author to avoid anonymous
280 complaints that cannot reasonably be responded to. In the event that
281 the author did not provide their name in the RFD content, the AS will
282 append this to the resulting RFD when issued to the AB for discussion.</p>
283 <p>The RFD period allows for positions heard and discussed will differ
284 depending on the motion at hand. The AS may specify a time limit for
285 the RFD period at their discretion and may also extend this if it is
286 deemed that discussion has not completed when the original limit
287 expires.</p>
288 <p>If an AB member wishes for an RFD to proceed to CFV and the AS
289 determines that sufficient discussion has completed, they will issue a
290 CFV to the AB for administrators with voting privileges to cast their
291 ballot.</p>
292 <h2 id="call-for-vote-cfv"><span class="enumerate-headings-plugin enumerate-heading-plugin">4.2</span> Call For Vote (CFV)<a class="headerlink" href="#call-for-vote-cfv" title="Permanent link">#</a></h2>
293 <p>After discussion on a topic settles with no substantial new
294 contributions being made, a member of the AB may propose a Call For
295 Vote (CFV).</p>
296 <p>When a CFV is issued by the AS, instructions will be provided for
297 administrators with voting privilege on how to submit their votes and
298 the time frame afforded to do so (incl. timezone). The length of a CFV
299 will not be less than 5 calendar days.</p>
300 <p>The AS may, at their discretion, extend a voting period by a maximum
301 of 48 hours by notifying the list. This allows for delays such as
302 those caused by email delivery issues.</p>
303 <p>If the AS suspects that email delivery issues may have resulted in
304 votes being lost, they will notify the list and declare the vote void,
305 issuing a revote.</p>
306 <p>The individual votes cast by a voting administrator are known only to
307 the AS and not published.</p>
308 <p>When a CFV period ends the AS will tally the votes and report results
309 to both the Administrative Body and Server Operators via their
310 respective mailing lists. Vote counts and the outcome will also be
311 published on the DB website
312 <a href="https://db.undernet.org/">https://db.undernet.org/</a></p>
313 <p>In order for CFV results to be considered, 60% of eligible voting
314 members must cast a vote. These members include all non-suspended
315 administrators with vote privilege (including voting HAs). Aside from
316 elections for positions, an eligible vote can be <em>Yes</em>, <em>No</em>, or
317 <em>Abstain</em>. If this quorum is not met, the CFV is resubmitted until
318 quorum is reached. Suspensions for failing to vote apply between each
319 CFV.</p>
320 <p>Once a quorum is met, a CFV is considered valid once a majority is
321 met. There are two majority requirements for CFVs in different
322 circumstances:</p>
323 <h3 id="changes-to-undernet-charter-uc"><span class="enumerate-headings-plugin enumerate-heading-plugin">4.2.1</span> Changes to Undernet Charter (UC)<a class="headerlink" href="#changes-to-undernet-charter-uc" title="Permanent link">#</a></h3>
324 <p>These are considered significant changes to the foundations of the
325 network or its administrative structure. Any change to the UC requires
326 a 75% <em>super majority</em>, with AOB members ineligible to vote on those
327 particular CFVs.</p>
328 <h3 id="all-other-cfvs"><span class="enumerate-headings-plugin enumerate-heading-plugin">4.2.2</span> All other CFVs<a class="headerlink" href="#all-other-cfvs" title="Permanent link">#</a></h3>
329 <p>Votes that do not change the Undernet Charter such as server
330 links/delinks or committee or position changes require a 50% <em>simple
331 majority</em> to be met. AOB members are permitted to cast votes if they
332 hold such privilege through other roles.</p>
333 <p>In the case of a tied vote (where the required majority is not met),
334 the CFV is considered void. Subsequent CFVs can be raised at the
335 discretion of the AS, provided further discussion occurred, or the
336 eligible voting members changed since the prior CFV.</p>
337 <h2 id="seconds"><span class="enumerate-headings-plugin enumerate-heading-plugin">4.3</span> Seconds<a class="headerlink" href="#seconds" title="Permanent link">#</a></h2>
338 <p>All motions for change that do not result in a CFV (except when proposing
339 new SOs) must be confirmed by at least two voting administrators through
340 e-mail to the Undernet Admins mailing list, known as "seconds". If a
341 server has an SA and an Admin-Rep, only one can count toward these
342 'seconds' for a given motion.</p>
343 <h2 id="objections"><span class="enumerate-headings-plugin enumerate-heading-plugin">4.4</span> Objections<a class="headerlink" href="#objections" title="Permanent link">#</a></h2>
344 <p>Many motions for change may not warrant a formal CFV. Such changes can
345 be suggested by e-mail to the AB via the Undernet Admins mailing list,
346 allowing for a period for objections by any other AB member.</p>
347 <p>Motions for change without CFV may include but not be limited to:</p>
348 <ul>
349 <li>DNSBLs</li>
350 <li>server admins</li>
351 <li>committee coordinators</li>
352 <li>service maintainers</li>
353 <li>Undernet AUP</li>
354 </ul>
355 <p>An objection may be raised as a simple request to bring the motion to
356 CFV.</p>
357 <p>Objections may be raised by any non-suspended AB member (incl.
358 honoraries) provided they are reasonably substantiated, thereby
359 ensuring the objection can be sufficiently responded to. A
360 non-substantiated objection may be deemed invalid at the discretion of
361 the AS.</p>
362 <p>Unless otherwise defined, the period for possible objections is 5
363 calendar days from when the motion was put forward. If objections are
364 not withdrawn after this period, the original motion may either:</p>
365 <blockquote>
366 <p>a. <strong>be withdrawn:</strong> the original motion is retracted and no further
367 action is required; <em>or</em></p>
368 <p>b. <strong>move to CFV:</strong> ordinary CFV process is followed as defined in
369 <strong>Section #4.2</strong></p>
370 </blockquote>
371 <h2 id="suspensions"><span class="enumerate-headings-plugin enumerate-heading-plugin">4.5</span> Suspensions<a class="headerlink" href="#suspensions" title="Permanent link">#</a></h2>
372 <p>SAs and voting HAs should maintain active vote activity. Unless a
373 voting member has provided prior advice to the AS about leave (i.e.,
374 vacation), any voting member who has missed 2 x consecutive CFVs will
375 have their vote privilege suspended indefinitely by the AS, until
376 requested to return (but not before another CFV is cast following this
377 request).</p>
378 <p>An HA who has had voting rights suspended for 12 consecutive months
379 will be removed as an Honorary Admin.</p>
380 <p>Any vote privilege suspension or resumption will be notified to the AB
381 by the AS via e-mail to the Undernet Admins mailing list.</p>
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