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14 <H1>[IRCServices] Services Akill ID</H1>
15 <B>Mr. K. Hawkes</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20Services%20Akill%20ID&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] Services Akill ID">k.hawkes at zombies.force9.net
18 </A><BR>
19 <I>Sat May 19 23:03:01 PDT 2001</I>
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34 <PRE>No, I don't think that's too complicated... only time it would fail
35 possibly is if you have 2 opers with similar nicks... e.g. Beast and
36 Beasty_Boy.
38 Unlikely perhaps, but it's still a possibility.
40 You could use the internal date formatting of Services to get the 'DATE'
41 part of it sorted out, as for number of akills added, a simple 'for' loop
42 may help sort that out.
44 Just my opinion...
46 Quinn
48 ----------
49 &gt;<i> From: Michael Smith &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">mike at chat.za.net</A>&gt;
50 </I>&gt;<i> To: <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircservices at ircservices.za.net</A>
51 </I>&gt;<i> Subject: Re: [IRCServices] Services Akill ID
52 </I>&gt;<i> Date: Saturday, May 19, 2001 12:02
53 </I>&gt;<i>
54 </I>&gt;<i>
55 </I>&gt;<i> This sounds like a nice idea :)
56 </I>&gt;<i>
57 </I>&gt;<i> Might be better to have part of the ID as like the first 3 letters of the
58 </I>&gt;<i> opers nick, and the rest, part of the date?
59 </I>&gt;<i>
60 </I>&gt;<i> ie
61 </I>&gt;<i>
62 </I>&gt;<i> Say Beast adds an akill for someone on the 20/05/2001
63 </I>&gt;<i>
64 </I>&gt;<i> Your ID would be - BEA-01-20052001
65 </I>&gt;<i>
66 </I>&gt;<i> Being the first akill that beast added that day?
67 </I>&gt;<i>
68 </I>&gt;<i> OR am I being overly complicated here?
69 </I>&gt;<i>
70 </I>&gt;<i> Mike
71 </I>&gt;<i>
72 </I>&gt;<i> At 08:16 PM 01/05/19 +0100, you wrote:
73 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;Hi,
74 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
75 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;I was wondering if anyone could send me code to paste into ircservices,
76 </I>to
77 &gt;<i> add an Akill ID, my opers are obvioulsy lazy and dont take the time to
78 </I>add
79 &gt;<i> [Akill ID -] at the end of the akill, due to having to ban fast, this
80 </I>would
81 &gt;<i> be great as a Services Issue, and Yusuf, NO, it is not a client OR ircd
82 </I>&gt;<i> issue. Mostly just a random number would be GREAT, with maybe Akill ID-
83 </I>&gt;<i> text beside it.
84 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
85 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;This ends up with me being e-mailed with 20 e-mails a day asking to be
86 </I>&gt;<i> unbanned.. i dont have the persons host , there could be 6 similar ones,
87 </I>so
88 &gt;<i> we use Akill ID's to give people unique akills, which helps a lot.
89 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
90 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
91 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;Kevc978
92 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;NetWork Founder
93 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;Irc.DarkServ.Net
94 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
95 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;&gt;
96 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;HEAD&gt;
97 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;META http-equiv=Content-Type content=&quot;text/html; charset=windows-1252&quot;&gt;
98 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;META content=&quot;MSHTML 5.50.4134.600&quot; name=GENERATOR&gt;&lt;/HEAD&gt;
99 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;BODY bgColor=#ffffff&gt;
100 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT size=2&gt;Hi,&lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;
101 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT size=2&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/DIV&gt;
102 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT size=2&gt;I was wondering if anyone could send me code to paste
103 </I>into
104 &gt;<i> &gt;ircservices, to add an Akill ID, my opers are obvioulsy lazy and dont
105 </I>take the
106 &gt;<i> &gt;time to add [Akill ID -] at the end of the akill, due to having to ban
107 </I>fast,
108 &gt;<i> &gt;this would be great as a Services Issue, and Yusuf, NO, it is not a
109 </I>client OR
110 &gt;<i> &gt;ircd issue.&amp;nbsp; Mostly just a random number would be GREAT, with maybe
111 </I>Akill
112 &gt;<i> &gt;ID- text beside it.&lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;
113 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT size=2&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/DIV&gt;
114 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT size=2&gt;This ends up with me being e-mailed with 20 e-mails a
115 </I>day
116 &gt;<i> &gt;asking to be unbanned.. i dont have the persons host , there could be 6
117 </I>&gt;<i> similar
118 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;ones, so we use Akill ID's to give people unique akills, which helps a
119 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;lot.&lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;
120 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT size=2&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/DIV&gt;
121 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT size=2&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/DIV&gt;
122 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;Kevc978&lt;BR&gt;NetWork Founder&lt;BR&gt;Irc.DarkServ.Net&lt;/DIV&gt;
123 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;&lt;DIV&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/DIV&gt;&lt;/BODY&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt;
124 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
125 </I>&gt;<i> ---
126 </I>&gt;<i> Michael Smith (Warlock on IRC)
127 </I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="http://www.warlock.web.za">http://www.warlock.web.za</A>
128 </I>&gt;<i> &quot;Do you smell something burning or is it me?&quot;
129 </I>&gt;<i> -- Joan of Arc
130 </I>&gt;<i>
131 </I>&gt;<i> -----------------------------------------------------------
132 </I>&gt;<i> To unsubscribe, mail <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircservices-request at ircservices.za.net</A>
133 </I>&gt;<i> with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject of the mail.
134 </I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices</A>
135 </I>
136 </PRE>
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