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14 <H1>[IRCServices] /notice??</H1>
15 <B>Strider</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20/notice%3F%3F&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] /notice??">strider at chatcircuit.com
18 </A><BR>
19 <I>Wed May 9 03:25:01 PDT 2001</I>
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34 <PRE>Ohhh excuse my ignorance...I've had some trouble with programming so my
35 brain is fried. Next time I will try to read more thoroughly before
36 responding so quickly, heh.
38 Beau (Strider) Steward
39 chatcircuit administrator and 6bit band member
40 <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">strider at chatcircuit.com</A> www.chatcircuit.com
41 <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircadmin at chatcircuit.com</A> irc.chatcircuit.com
42 <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">strider at 6bit.net</A> www.6bit.net
43 ----- Original Message -----
44 From: &quot;Countersync&quot; &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">countersync at hotmail.com</A>&gt;
45 To: &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircservices at ircservices.za.net</A>&gt;
46 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 8:02 PM
47 Subject: Re: [IRCServices] /notice??
50 &gt;<i> I think that what Adam was referring to is something similar to how you
51 </I>can
52 &gt;<i> link nicknames together so that you can attain the privileges that have
53 </I>been
54 &gt;<i> attached to any of them through any in the linkage set. However this
55 </I>would
56 &gt;<i> be different in that it would be limited to that session instead of a
57 </I>&gt;<i> permanent linkage. Or more simply put, identify to nickserv as being a
58 </I>user
59 &gt;<i> without actually holding that nickname. In fact the second description is
60 </I>&gt;<i> better because it doesn't necessarily mean that the nickname your using
61 </I>&gt;<i> needs to be registered or otherwise documented anywhere else within
62 </I>&gt;<i> services. Quite a handy method for escaping private message floods or
63 </I>just
64 &gt;<i> anyone who wants to talk with you.
65 </I>&gt;<i>
66 </I>&gt;<i> Though there would then be issues with memoserv. Perhaps modifying the
67 </I>&gt;<i> memoserv format (or allowing only one of two formats) to be used which
68 </I>would
69 &gt;<i> include a 'from' token as well as a to token. The memoserv feature alone
70 </I>&gt;<i> would be a good idea as it could be VERY useful to send messages from a
71 </I>&gt;<i> nickname without necessarily being that nickname, only linked to it.
72 </I>&gt;<i>
73 </I>&gt;<i> (For example if a user has a robot programmed to do something and they
74 </I>trust
75 &gt;<i> it; the bot could be linked to their nickname and send messages through
76 </I>that
77 &gt;<i> nickname. Or another example which would be more common; the user has
78 </I>many
79 &gt;<i> nicknames and is using one in one channel when they receive a memo.
80 </I>Without
81 &gt;<i> having to change their name to respond they could use the more familiar
82 </I>&gt;<i> nickname to send a reply back.)
83 </I>&gt;<i>
84 </I>&gt;<i> A second thought occurs though that services may only keep track of
85 </I>&gt;<i> registered names and otherwise operate in a way that would hinder the
86 </I>first
87 &gt;<i> idea. I don't know enough C/C++ to even think of reading the source to
88 </I>know
89 &gt;<i> for sure, but just the concept design seems like this might be difficult
90 </I>to
91 &gt;<i> pull off.
92 </I>&gt;<i> ----- Original Message -----
93 </I>&gt;<i> From: &quot;Strider&quot; &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">strider at chatcircuit.com</A>&gt;
94 </I>&gt;<i> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 23:27
95 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; This is something that has to be scripted into your client or programmed
96 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; into the ircd. This has nothing to do with services. UnrealIRCd comes
97 </I>with
98 &gt;<i> &gt; this features, and my irc script, well the one i use to use also had a
99 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; feature that redirected /nickserv to /msg nickserv. These 2 methods are
100 </I>&gt;<i> very
101 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; different however.
102 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
103 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; Beau (Strider) Steward
104 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; ----- Original Message -----
105 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; From: &quot;Adam&quot; &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">korn_fan at dingoblue.net.au</A>&gt;
106 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 6:09 PM
107 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; Hey, i know its slightly off topic.. but why cant i use /nickserv
108 </I>&gt;<i> identify
109 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; &lt;nick&gt; &lt;password&gt;
110 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;
111 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; i think this is a very usefull feature and should be included. :-)
112 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;
113 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; Adam
114 </I>&gt;<i> -----------------------------------------------------------
115 </I>&gt;<i> To unsubscribe, mail <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircservices-request at ircservices.za.net</A>
116 </I>&gt;<i> with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject of the mail.
117 </I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices</A>
118 </I>&gt;<i>
119 </I>
121 </PRE>
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