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14 <H1>[IRCServices Coding] operserv / akill</H1>
15 <B>Dylan v.d Merwe</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices-coding%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%20Coding%5D%20operserv%20/%20akill&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices Coding] operserv / akill">dylanvdm at icon.co.za
18 </A><BR>
19 <I>Fri Oct 25 16:27:19 PDT 2002</I>
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34 <PRE>Didn't I just comment about this type of response, or am I mistaken?
36 As far as I know many networks are perfectly happy with Ultimate. Heck even
37 I like Ultimate! If you didn't realise, it's also in its Alpha phase. Which
38 means very early testing phase. As for applying patches for Unreal, it's
39 very very simple. A few lines of code actually. Oh and services do work on
40 Unreal, I know, I have tested them. If you don't like the way mIRC handles
41 things, then either modify it yourself or don't use it. A better method
42 would be to approach Khaled Mardam-Bey. If you have a problem with other
43 packages, then I really recommend you approaching the coders of that
44 package.
46 I'm sorry, but I am on the coders side. I do not appreciate this type of
47 comment as it helps nobody.
49 Dylan.
51 Network Administrator / EB Member
52 The Omega IRC Network
53 www.omega.org.za
54 irc.omega.org.za
56 ----- Original Message -----
57 From: &quot;CyberDems&quot; &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">cyberdems at wwirc.za.org</A>&gt;
58 To: &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net</A>&gt;
59 Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 1:01 AM
60 Subject: Re: [IRCServices Coding] operserv / akill
63 &gt;<i> I will have to interfere here.
64 </I>&gt;<i> UltimateIRCD is crap. no offence. It is CRAP. I'll give you an example
65 </I>why.
66 &gt;<i> try doing a /lusers request. You will get BOLD in certain areas, and
67 </I>&gt;<i> underlined text, etc. Many IRC Clients (old ones especially) do not
68 </I>support
69 &gt;<i> colour, bold, underlined, inversed, etc text formats.
70 </I>&gt;<i> UnrealIRCD and UltimateIRCD both have too many usermodes. such as *, %,
71 </I>etc.
72 &gt;<i> in clients such as mIRC, if you do a /whois on a user with one of those
73 </I>&gt;<i> usermodes, you can't simply go over the channel name with your cursor and
74 </I>&gt;<i> double-click it, because mIRC was not designed for such &quot;addons&quot;.
75 </I>&gt;<i> UnrealIRCD has changed so many things, that half the services in the world
76 </I>&gt;<i> do not work correctly with the newer versions, such as the Selene
77 </I>versions.
78 &gt;<i> Have you ever tried installing BOPM (blitzed open proxy monitor) on an
79 </I>&gt;<i> Unreal IRCD server - it's mission impossible, all those patches?
80 </I>&gt;<i> Yes, the coders have worked extra hard to get these extra un-necessary
81 </I>&gt;<i> addons into the ircds, but think of it this way, how many IRCDs are there,
82 </I>&gt;<i> and how many CLIENTS are there? The client coders have to do research on
83 </I>the
84 &gt;<i> IRCDs and then edit the clients to suite them. This is un-necessary, in my
85 </I>&gt;<i> opinion. But like you said, Dylan, each to his own. So those of you
86 </I>enjoying
87 &gt;<i> your 200 users on that little UnrealIRCD slow network(s), keep going - I
88 </I>&gt;<i> wish you many netsplits in the near future ;)
89 </I>&gt;<i>
90 </I>&gt;<i> --CyberDems
91 </I>&gt;<i> irc.wwirc.za.org
92 </I>&gt;<i>
93 </I>&gt;<i> ----- Original Message -----
94 </I>&gt;<i> From: &quot;Dylan v.d Merwe&quot; &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">dylanvdm at icon.co.za</A>&gt;
95 </I>&gt;<i> To: &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net</A>&gt;
96 </I>&gt;<i> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 5:42 PM
97 </I>&gt;<i> Subject: Re: [IRCServices Coding] operserv / akill
98 </I>&gt;<i>
99 </I>&gt;<i>
100 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; Going back to the Unreal ircd issue. I personally think everybody looks
101 </I>&gt;<i> for
102 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; different things to suit their own networks. I prefer Unreal over
103 </I>Bahamut
104 &gt;<i> &gt; for example because it has more features, yet Bahamut is known to be
105 </I>very
106 &gt;<i> &gt; good with large amounts of users. In my humble opinion the three main
107 </I>&gt;<i> ircds
108 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; are very good for different situations and needs. Unreal is a very good
109 </I>&gt;<i> ircd
110 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; and has many unique features and suits my network.
111 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; Unreal, Bahamut and Ultimate ircds are each good in their own right, and
112 </I>&gt;<i> if
113 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; there is a problem then why not discuss it on the coders mailing list?
114 </I>I'm
115 &gt;<i> &gt; not looking to be hammered by other people, as discussed while back in
116 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; other topics, I'm just sharing my opinion. The coders have taken a great
117 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; deal of time and effort to develop something for us to use. It's the
118 </I>same
119 &gt;<i> as
120 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; services. Other packages are around but we choose ircservices because
121 </I>they
122 &gt;<i> &gt; suit us. Others may not think so.
123 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
124 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; I congratulate each and every coder that makes something for us because
125 </I>I
126 &gt;<i> &gt; appreciate their effort. The Unreal, Bahamut and Ultimate coders (and
127 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; others) plus Andrew and other services coders deserve an applause for
128 </I>&gt;<i> doing
129 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; all they have done for us. Without them our networks wouldn't be the
130 </I>same.
131 &gt;<i> &gt; So instead of us giving criticism, lets help make them better by giving
132 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; constructive comments. Everyone appreciates a pat on the back once in a
133 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; while.
134 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
135 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; :-)
136 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
137 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; Dylan.
138 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
139 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; Network Administrator / EB Member
140 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; The Omega IRC Network
141 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; www.omega.org.za
142 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; irc.omega.org.za
143 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
144 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
145 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
146 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; ----- Original Message -----
147 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; From: &quot;Noam M.&quot; &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">noam_m at bezeqint.net</A>&gt;
148 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; To: &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net</A>&gt;
149 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 12:21 AM
150 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; Subject: Re: [IRCServices Coding] operserv / akill
151 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
152 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
153 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; are you suggesting a self respecting 3000+ user network would use
154 </I>unreal
155 &gt;<i> &gt; as
156 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; an ircd?
157 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;
158 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;
159 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------
160 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
161 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding</A>
162 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
163 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
164 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------
165 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
166 </I>&gt;<i> &gt; <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding</A>
167 </I>&gt;<i> &gt;
168 </I>&gt;<i>
169 </I>&gt;<i>
170 </I>&gt;<i> ------------------------------------------------------------------
171 </I>&gt;<i> To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
172 </I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding</A>
173 </I>
176 </PRE>
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