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14 <H1>[IRCServices] ircservices with hybrid</H1>
15 <B>Nessun</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20ircservices%20with%20hybrid&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] ircservices with hybrid">Nessun at rizon.net
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19 <I>Mon May 5 22:44:39 PDT 2003</I>
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35 <PRE>hi i run a net about 4000-5000 users and plan to expand as soon as I can change ircd as the one im using is eatcing up excess bandwidth. My plans are to change to hybrid which since epona(our current services) doesnt support hybrid this obviously brings up an issue. I am looking for 1 of 2 options.
37 1st would be the best u could help me by knowing someone who has ircservices working with hybrid or would be willing to assist us with it and we could convert our database to ircservices
39 2. we continue our efforts to mod epona and hybrid to link up with one another.
41 3 is going ok but at this rate taking much too long than needed. Our servers are using about 1 months worth of bandwidth in 20 days so we are forced to either shut them off or pay serious overages. So the decision we make must be expediant.
43 Any assist u can give me with this will be very very appreciated. I ask that u please email me back even if its to say you dont have the time i will understand but prefer to hear that then wait for ever on nothing.
45 Thank you in advance
47 Irc.Rizon.Net
48 Net Admin
49 Nessun
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