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14 <H1>[IRCServices] Kick war with ChanServ, for the 135175631861th time..</H1>
15 <B>Andrew Church</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20Kick%20war%20with%20ChanServ%2C%0A%09for%20the%20135175631861th%20time..&In-Reply-To=b19eae4e0801051447y583c72f3kc2bd5c2bae773b65%40mail.gmail.com"
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] Kick war with ChanServ, for the 135175631861th time..">achurch at achurch.org
18 </A><BR>
19 <I>Sun Jan 6 08:28:16 PST 2008</I>
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34 <PRE>I don't recall what the conclusion (if any) was last time, but I'll need
35 more than this to look into the problem; as always, a debug log from
36 Services startup to the occurrence of the bug would be most useful, but
37 without at least a method to reproduce it there's not much I can do.
39 --Andrew Church
40 <A HREF="http://lists.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">achurch at achurch.org</A>
41 <A HREF="http://achurch.org/">http://achurch.org/</A>
43 &gt;<i>Ok, so I just got in another kick war with ChanServ (again).
44 </I>&gt;<i>
45 </I>&gt;<i>This bug has been reported before with no conclusion, but it obviously
46 </I>&gt;<i>*does* exist.
47 </I>&gt;<i>
48 </I>&gt;<i>[22:43:57] -ChanServ- Information for channel #helpers:
49 </I>&gt;<i>[22:43:57] -ChanServ- Founder: ol
50 </I>&gt;<i>[22:43:57] -ChanServ- Description: helpers meeting channel
51 </I>&gt;<i>[22:43:57] -ChanServ- Registered: Jan 13 14:11:53 2004 GMT
52 </I>&gt;<i>[22:43:57] -ChanServ- Last used: Jan 05 22:43:37 2008 GMT
53 </I>&gt;<i>[22:43:57] -ChanServ- Options: Topic Retention, Secure Ops,
54 </I>&gt;<i>Restricted Access, Secure, Enforce
55 </I>&gt;<i>[22:43:57] -ChanServ- Mode lock: +nstKCS-ipkV
56 </I>&gt;<i>
57 </I>&gt;<i>Fair enough.
58 </I>&gt;<i>
59 </I>&gt;<i>I joined whilest not being identified, and was booted out. Also okay.
60 </I>&gt;<i>
61 </I>&gt;<i>What wasn't ok was services not setting a ban on my host for some
62 </I>&gt;<i>reason (perhaps assuming it'd be smart and get in a kick war with me
63 </I>&gt;<i>instead? I don't know.)
64 </I>&gt;<i>
65 </I>&gt;<i>Anyway, so thanks to autorejoin and autoconnect, I then spammed with
66 </I>&gt;<i>kicks and reconnects for the next 3 minutes until I managed to
67 </I>&gt;<i>reconnect a second client and ban myself manually.
68 </I>&gt;<i>
69 </I>&gt;<i>Can this be looked into again? Because it really seems like something
70 </I>&gt;<i>isn't right. I can't reproduce it, but I have seen it happen various
71 </I>&gt;<i>times, and it's happened to me a few times.
72 </I>&gt;<i>
73 </I>&gt;<i>Thanks Andrew,
74 </I>&gt;<i>Robin
75 </I>&gt;<i>------------------------------------------------------------------
76 </I>&gt;<i>To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
77 </I>&gt;<i><A HREF="http://lists.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">http://lists.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices</A>
78 </I></PRE>
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