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14 <H1>[IRCServices] mildly off topic?</H1>
15 <B>Dylan v.d Merwe</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20mildly%20off%20topic%3F&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] mildly off topic?">dylanvdm at icon.co.za
18 </A><BR>
19 <I>Tue Nov 26 11:39:00 PST 2002</I>
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34 <PRE>Unreal is a very well coded ircd. It provides a whole host of features that
35 make your user's session more interesting. The one thing that many people
36 forget is that it is a professional ircd meant for experienced users. Sure
37 it may come in a Windows flavor as well, which is great for experimenting
38 and learning for beginners, but running it on *nix as well on a production
39 network without learning everything about it is bound to cause hassles. I
40 personally feel that nobody should run an ircd if they don't know what
41 they're doing. That statement could cause a few ripples but let me explain.
42 For most newbies wanting to run an ircd it's for the power. They don't care
43 about their users, they *use* their users. By this I mean they go about
44 getting as many users they can just so they can become popular or show off
45 their powers. This is especially why most newbies opt for Unreal as they
46 gain a huge range of powers as an ircop. I have been running Unreal for a
47 long period of time and I find it extremely stable. Mainly because I know
48 what I'm doing. Then again I'm not saying that you shouldn't try and ask
49 questions. If you're really interested in running an ircd with better
50 motives than one's specified above, as well as willing to put in the effort
51 in learning what needs to be learnt then having your network come online
52 will be a positive addition to the irc world. I just don't like spoon
53 feeding answers to people which I know can be found if they put a little bit
54 of effort into it. Not forgetting experience makes a big difference.
56 Got a bit off course there... Unreal would be quite a big jump from
57 Dreamforge. Dreamforge was a great ircd but is looking awfully dated
58 compared to newer ircds around. Bahamut would probably be your best choice
59 as it branched off from Dreamforge and is similar in a few ways. Bahamut,
60 may I add, is also a brilliantly coded ircd.
62 You just need to think about what you require in your network. Unreal (gasp)
63 is stable believe it or not if you know what you're doing. I have found them
64 both to work 100% with ircservices. Also don't forget other ircds available
65 which are supported by ircservices. Give them a try as well. This is one of
66 those times I'm not going to list the ircds supported because it's mentioned
67 on the ircservices website.
69 Just my two cents...
71 :<i>-)
72 </I>
73 Dylan.
75 Network Administrator
76 The Omega IRC Network
77 irc.omega.org.za
78 www.omega.org.za
81 ----- Original Message -----
82 From: &quot;nick martini&quot; &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">nick at devaluate.com</A>&gt;
83 To: &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircservices at ircservices.za.net</A>&gt;
84 Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 9:30 PM
85 Subject: Re: [IRCServices] mildly off topic?
88 &gt;<i> im on all the unreal lists, as well as ircservices and epona. and while
89 </I>&gt;<i> you are correct in saying that a lot of posts are from people having
90 </I>&gt;<i> problems, there are different reasons.
91 </I>&gt;<i> for one thing, unreal has a very large feature set. there are a lot of
92 </I>&gt;<i> commands new and/or inexperienced people should not be using, but they
93 </I>&gt;<i> try anyway. they subsequently break something and post to the lists
94 </I>&gt;<i> asking for help.
95 </I>&gt;<i> another is due to pure inexperience. ive been on a few networks running
96 </I>&gt;<i> unreal (i shant name them, but im sure we've all had this experience)
97 </I>&gt;<i> where the admins are just totally clueless.
98 </I>&gt;<i>
99 </I>&gt;<i> i run unreal beta, and it runs perfectly fine. aside from the whole
100 </I>&gt;<i> syntax error (re: typos) in the config file causes the ircd to go down,
101 </I>&gt;<i> its damn stable.
102 </I>&gt;<i>
103 </I>&gt;<i> ircservices works splendidly with it as well.
104 </I>&gt;<i>
105 </I>&gt;<i> theres my 2 cents :)
106 </I>&gt;<i>
107 </I>&gt;<i> nk
108 </I>&gt;<i>
109 </I>&gt;<i> On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 09:34:44AM -0500, Ballsy wrote:
110 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; From: Ballsy &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ballsy at mystical.net</A>&gt;
111 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; To: <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircservices at ircservices.za.net</A>
112 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; Subject: Re: [IRCServices] mildly off topic?
113 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; Message-ID: &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">Pine.LNX.4.44.0211250909440.5041-100000 at david.mail.net</A>&gt;
114 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; Reply-To: <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">ircservices at ircservices.za.net</A>
115 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 09:34:44 -0500 (EST)
116 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt;
117 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; While this is somewhat like asking &quot;What's the best operating
118 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; system for my desktop&quot; (in that the responses will vary, as everyone
119 </I>has
120 &gt;<i> |&gt; their favourites), many folks on the list seem to use bahamut (1.4.30
121 </I>or
122 &gt;<i> |&gt; later), including myself, and it seems to get along with IRC Services
123 </I>just
124 &gt;<i> |&gt; fine.
125 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; While I have absolutely no personal experience running Unreal
126 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; IRCd, dare I say that it seems to be responsible for the majority of
127 </I>the
128 &gt;<i> |&gt; &quot;I have a problem&quot; posts to this list. I think these relate to
129 </I>specific
130 &gt;<i> |&gt; versions of Unreal though, as others apparently work just fine.
131 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; It really depends on what you want from your IRCd though. If
132 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; you've been using Dreamforge until now, moving to bahamut may be the
133 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; easiest transition. Bahamut is designed for large networks though, in
134 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; that it is not near as feature-rich as some other daemons, but can
135 </I>handle
136 &gt;<i> |&gt; an incredible client load (there are servers on DALnet with 40K+
137 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; concurrent users).
138 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; The best way to go, I imagine, would be to check out the IRC
139 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; Services docs to see what IRCds are supported, then look at those IRCds
140 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; individually to see if they have what you want/need.
141 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt;
142 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; David
143 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt;
144 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt;
145 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; Quoth Chuck on Nov 25 at 06:56,
146 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt;
147 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; It has been years since we have explored the software available in
148 </I>irc
149 &gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; and now we want to upgrade our server software and services. Of
150 </I>course,
151 &gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; what services to get is easy:).
152 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt;
153 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; My question is, what is the best open source server software
154 </I>available
155 &gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; now that is 100% compatible with services?
156 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt;
157 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; We want it to 'run itself' once it is properly configured. We have
158 </I>not
159 &gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; had to touch the old dreamforge software in the past 3 years at all,
160 </I>in
161 &gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; fact forgot it was even running.
162 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt;
163 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; This will be a private, stand-a-lone server.
164 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt;
165 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; Suggestions and &quot;problem warnings&quot; will be most appreciated.
166 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt;
167 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; Chuck
168 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt;
169 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------
170 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
171 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt; <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices</A>
172 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; &gt;
173 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt;
174 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------
175 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
176 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt; <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices</A>
177 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt;
178 </I>&gt;<i> |&gt;
179 </I>&gt;<i>
180 </I>&gt;<i> --
181 </I>&gt;<i> ill try to be less cynical when you try to be less stupid.
182 </I>&gt;<i> ------------------------------------------------------------------
183 </I>&gt;<i> To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
184 </I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices</A>
185 </I>
188 </PRE>
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