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14 <H1>[IRCServices] ircservices bugs-cosmetic fixes</H1>
15 <B>Trevor Talbot</B>
16 <A HREF="mailto:ircservices%40ircservices.za.net?Subject=%5BIRCServices%5D%20ircservices%20bugs-cosmetic%20fixes&In-Reply-To="
17 TITLE="[IRCServices] ircservices bugs-cosmetic fixes">quension at softhome.net
18 </A><BR>
19 <I>Mon May 28 10:16:02 PDT 2001</I>
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34 <PRE>From: &quot;Scott Grayban&quot; &lt;<A HREF="http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices">sgrayban at borgdrone.net</A>&gt;
36 &gt;<i> | &gt; 4) When you join a empty channel you registered chanserv only
37 </I>&gt;<i> | &gt; set's mode +q even though you dont get
38 </I>&gt;<i> | &gt; deoped chanserv should still set you +o
39 </I>&gt;<i> |
40 </I>&gt;<i> | In order to register you need op. Obviously you are an operator.
41 </I>&gt;<i> | Why should ChanServ resend an existing mode ?
42 </I>&gt;<i>
43 </I>&gt;<i> only cosmetic suggestion
44 </I>
45 It's a waste of bandwidth, and as a cosmetic issue, isn't going to work
46 with all ircds. Many don't allow setting +o on clients that are already
47 set +o.
49 &gt;<i> | &gt; 5) in the topic when you first join when empty the last
50 </I>&gt;<i> | &gt; person who set the topic is always in it on the end in the ( )
51 </I>&gt;<i> | &gt; *** very anonying since each time a topic is set and you
52 </I>&gt;<i> | &gt; dont remove the last nick that set it keeps
53 </I>&gt;<i> | &gt; adding the nick to the end
54 </I>&gt;<i> |
55 </I>&gt;<i> | Then you should remove that last nick, when changing the topic.
56 </I>&gt;<i> | Or, you might use a script for that. Services does not continuosly
57 </I>&gt;<i> | add the same nick at the end of a topic. It does this only once.
58 </I>&gt;<i> | Therefore, the person who sets a new topic, needs only to remove
59 </I>&gt;<i> | that nickname.
60 </I>&gt;<i>
61 </I>&gt;<i> errr i do believe in every services i have ever used or looked at they
62 </I>never set the nick in the topic who set it last
63 &gt;<i> so why cant this be fixed?
64 </I>
65 It's not a services problem. It's either at the ircd, or client end, I
66 forget which. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to check right
67 now.
69 ChanServ is the one setting the topic, but it also includes the nick of
70 the original person who set the topic as a special parameter in the
71 server&lt;-&gt;server TOPIC message. Either the server or client reformats it
72 in parenthesis at the end of the topic.
74 Try using &quot;/topic &lt;channel&gt;&quot; to see how the current topic is reported
75 after you see ChanServ first set it.
77 -- Quension, using another computer and email client while he waits to
78 fix his own fried system
81 </PRE>
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